2019-2020年八年级英语上册《Unit 2 School Life》重点难点讲解 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit 2 School Life重点难点讲解 牛津版Language Points 重点难点讲解 1. School life学校生活life作“生活(状态)”“生计”解释时,既可以作可数名词,又可以作不可数名词。如: We are living a happier life now. 我们现在过着更幸福的生活。 They lived a hard in the past. 过去他们过着艰苦的生活。life作“生命”解释时,作不可数名词。如: Do you know how life began? 你知道生命是怎样起源的吗? They were signs of life in the forest. 森林中有过生命的迹象。life作“性命”解释时,作可数名词。如: Many lives were lost in the fire. 许多人在火灾中丧了命。 They gave their lives to the freedom of their people. 他们为人民的自由献出了生命。life作“生物”“活的东西”解释时,作不可数名词。如:Is there any life on the moon? 月球上有生命吗?2. Whats is school like? 上学是什么样的?Its like watching TV. 上学就像看电视。其中的like为介词,意为“像”。如: Whats a tornado like? 龙卷风是什么样的? Whats an earthquake like? 地震是什么样的? Its like being on a boat. 这就像在船上一样。【注】like作动词,意为“喜欢”,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或动词-ing形式作宾语。请比较: I like watching TV. 我喜欢看电视. School is like watching TV. 上学就像看电视。3. Its like watching TV, but there are fewer advertisements.上学就像看电视,但是广告较少。此句是存在句,主语是advertisements, fewer是few的比较级,意为“更少的”,修饰可数名词复数,不能修饰不可数名词。如: I have fewer friends than he. 我的朋友比他的朋友少。 There are fewer books in your library than in ours. 你们图书馆的书比我们图书馆的书少.【注】不可数名词前用little修饰,其比较级为less。如: You spend less time on Chinese than I. 你在语文上花的时间比我少。 We have and less rain this year than last year. 今年的雨水比去年少。4. Telling people about your ideal school. 与人们谈谈你理想的学校。ideal是形容词作school的定语,意为“理想的”。ideal作形容词,意为“理想的”“完美的”“很合适的”“空想的”。如: This is an ideal place for picnic. 这是一个野餐的理想场所。 This picture book is ideal for young children. 这本图画书很适合小孩阅读。ideal作名词,意为“理想”“典范”。如: Ill try to realize my ideals. 我将努力实现我的理想。 Charlie Chaplin is the ideal of many actors. 查理卓别林是许多演员的典范。【注】注意与idea的区别。idea也作名词,意为“概念”“思想”“想法”“信念”。如: Whats the main idea of the passage? 文章的大意是什么? He came up with a bright idea. 他想出一个好主意。5. He asks the Class 1, Grade 8 students to match the words on the left with the words on the right. 他叫八年级一班的学生将左边的单词与右边的单词配对。其中状语on the left和on the right是介词短语,分别意为“在左边”“在右边”,在句中作定语。on表示“在上”,表示与物体表面有接触。如:on the table在桌子上 on the ground 在地上on the road在路上on the wall 在墙上 on the river 在水面上【注】有时on也可表示在某一范围里面。如:on the bus/train/plane在汽车/火车/飞机上in意为“在里”,表示空间。如:in the desk 在课桌里in the lake在湖水里in the wall在墙里in the world在世界范围内at表示“在一个较小的地点”。如:at the bus stop在公交车站at the airport在飞机场at the school gate在校门口at 105 Beijing Road在北京路105号【注】用in和at表达的含义不同。如:Ill wait for you in the post office. 我将在邮局里等你。Ill wait for you at the post office. 我将在邮局那儿等你。6. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. 我在伦敦附近的伍德兰德学校读八年级。 Year 8意为“八年级”,是美国英语的表达,相当于英国英语中的Grade 8,其中基数词表达序数词的概念。用序数词表达为the Eighth Year或the English Grade。由此可见用基数词表达时不用冠词,用序数词表达要用定冠词,用基数词表达时数字在后,用序数词表达时序数词在前。又如:Unit the school unit第二单元World War the Second World War第二次世界大战Page 5the fifth page第五页【注】在专有名词中一般采用名词加基数词的形式。如:Room 105 105房间Flight 2218 2218次航班7. It is a mixed school. 这是一所男女混合的学校。其中mixed是mix的过去分词,作school的前置定语。 mix作及物或不及物动词,意为“搀和”“混合”“搅拌”等。如: Oil and water will not mix. 油和水不能相融。 She does not mix freely with people. 她不随便和人来往。 Mix this oil with the paint. 把这油和漆搀在一起。mixed可作前置定语,意为“混合的”。如:mixed school男女混合的学校mixed doubles混合双打mixed feelings复杂的感情【注】mix其他用法可参见第一单元中mix的讲解。8. I like learning how to cook and sew. 我喜欢学习烹饪和做针线活。Like作为动词,意思是“喜欢”“中意”“爱好”等,通常用作及物动词,有时也用作不及物动词。like用作及物动词时,其后面的宾语可以是名词、代词、动词-ing形式,也可以是动词不定式短语。如: Do you like the book? 你喜欢那本书吗? He doesnt like it at all. 他根本就不喜欢它。like用作不及物动词时,意思是“喜欢”“想要”。如: You may e whenever you like. 你想来就来。 May one eat chocolate whenever he or she likes? 一个人可以想什么时候吃巧克力就什么时候吃吗?【注】like除了上述用法之外,还有“想(要)”的意思。如: We dont like to trouble you at all, actually. 其实,我们一点儿也不愿麻烦你。 Who likes to go by himself in the evening? 今天晚上谁想单独去?9. I did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. 在上这个学校之前我不知道怎样独立做事。for myself意为“我亲自”“为我自己”“我独自”,在句中作状语。如: You may go and see for yourself you dont believe me. 如果你不相信我的话,你可以亲自去看看。 Dont easily follow others. Youd better think for yourself. 别轻易学他人的样,你自己最好考虑一下。by oneself意为“单独地”;to oneself意为“独用地”;of oneself意为“自动地”。如: The old man lives by himself. 那老汉一个人生活。 The door opens of itself. 门自动开。10. Now, I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals. 现在我知道如何做健康美味的饭菜了。句中的形容词tasty由taste去e加y构成,意为“美味的”,作定语或表语。如:The cake is tasty. The cake tastes good.The cake has a good taste.这蛋糕很好吃。The restaurant serves tasty food.The restaurant serves food good to eat.The restaurant serves food with a good taste.这家饭店供应美味的食物。【注】taste也可作系动词或及物动词,作系动词时,意为“尝起来”,作及物动词时,意为“尝”,后接物价宾语。如: The apple tastes sour. 这苹果尝起来是酸的。 The cook tasted the dish and found it a bit salty. 厨师尝了那盘菜,发现有点儿咸。11. We can even bring in books and magazines from home but we have to tell our English teacher what we are reading. 我们能把家里的书和杂志带来,但我们得告诉我们的英语老师我们读的内容。句中的bring in意为“带到学校里来”,其中in是副词。bring in在不同的句子里含有不同的意思。如: The farmers are bringing in rice. 那些农民正在收获稻子。 The business brings in several thousand yuan. 那笔生意赚了几千块钱。what we are reading是一个名词性从句,作tell的宾语,属宾语从句,what引导宾语从句并在从句中作are reading的宾语。如: Please tell me what you want. 请告诉我你需要什么。 Can you tell me what you name is? 你能告诉我你叫什么名字吗?【注】名词性从句中应用陈述句语序,不用疑问句语序。如:错误:He asked me where does Tom live. 正确:He asked me where Tom lives. 他问我汤姆住在哪。12. The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends books as well. 阅读周总是太短因为我们也想读朋友们的书。句中的as well用在句尾意为“也”,等于too,通常只用于肯定句。如:They learn English and German, too.They learn English and German as well. 他们学英语也学德语。as well as意为“不但而且”“除也”,相当于besides。如: She cleaned her own room as well as/besides mine. 她除了打扫了我的房间也打扫了她自己的房间。 He speaks Spanish as well as English. 他不但会讲英语,也会讲西班牙语。【注】当as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式根据as well as前面的那个主语决定。如:He as well as his parents is going to spend a holiday at the seaside.他还有他的父母将去海边度假。as well as意为“与同样好”。如:She cooks as well as her mother does. 她烧菜烧得跟她母亲一样好。 13. Now, he drives me to school every day. 现在他天天开车送我上学。句中的drive(过去式drove,过去分词driven)意为“驾车”“开车”,可作及物或不及物动词。drive作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“驾驶”“开车,作及物动词时可接交通工作作宾语。如: They drove to the station. 他们开车到车站去。 Who taught you to drive a car? 谁教你开汽车的?“drive sb.+副/介词短语”意为“驾车载某人到某处”。如:Can you drive me to the station?你开车送我云车站好吗?drive还可表示“驱逐”“逼迫”等。如: Let me drive you to work. 我开车送你上班。 I drove her out of my home. 我把她赶出了我家。14. I spend a lot of time practicing. 我花很多时间练习。句中practice作动词,名词也为practice,在英国英语中,practise作动词。practice作不可数名词,意为“实践”“练习”。如: Theory es from practice. 理论来源于实践。 He had much practice in playing tennis. 他在打网球上有过许多练习。当practice意为“惯例”“习俗”时,作可数名词。如:Taking a walk after supper is one of his usual practices.晚饭后散步是他的一个习惯性做法。practise可作及物或不及物动词,意为“练习”。如: They often practice/practice speaking English among themselves. 他们经常相互间练习讲英语。 You should practice more. 你应该多练习。15. I enjoy this a lot. 我非常喜欢这个。enjoy作“喜爱”“欣赏”解,为及物动词,其后可跟名词、代词或动名词。如: I enjoyed the movie. 我欣赏这部电影。 I enjoy my job. 我喜爱我的工作。enjoy oneselfhave a good time,意为“玩得愉快”“玩得高兴”。如: Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会上玩得愉快吗? “Goodbye, mother! I must be off!” “Enjoy yourself!” “再见,妈妈!我得走了!”“祝你玩得高兴!”16. She helps me learn all about my new school. 她帮助我了解我的新学校的一切。learn all about意为“对全面了解”。all根据需要可换用其他不定代词。learn nothing about意为“对一无所知”。如:I learn nothing about him except that he is an American. 我对他一无所知只知道他是个美国人。learn little about意为“对了解很少”。如:He learned little about China before he came to China. 在来中国之前他对中国了解很少。learn less about意为“对了解更少”。如:I learn less about the school than Lily. 我对该校了解得比莉莉少。learn a little/something about意为“对有所了解”。如:They learned a little/something about the accident. 他们对事故有些了解。learn much about意为“对了解很多”。如:The foreigner learns much about Beijing. 那个外国人对北京了解得很多。learn everything about意为“对了如指掌”。如:We are good friends and we learn everything about each other.我们是好朋友,我们互相之间什么都清楚。learn most about意为“对了解得最多”。如:He learns most about Suzhou in our class. 在我们班他对苏州了解得最多。 17. Julie is my hero. 朱莉是我的偶像。句中的hero作可数名词,复数形式为heroes,它指“英雄”“(故事、电影、小说中的)主人翁,男主角”。如: Who is the hero of the story? 谁是故事的男主人翁? Tell me something about the hero of the film. 告诉我一些有关电影中男主人翁的情况。【注】女英雄,女主角为heroine。18. During lunching, I meet my friends and we always have a great time talking to each other. 在午饭时我和朋友见面,我们总是在一起谈得很开心。句中的have a great time talking意为“在交谈中过得很快乐”。have atime + doing意为“在干某事中过得”。如: We had a wonderful time staying with you. 和你在一起我们过得非常快乐。 Mr and Mrs Brown had a hard/difficult time bringing up the four children. 把四个孩子抚养大,布朗夫妇日子过得很艰难。19. Sometimes, we go to shopping malls after school. 有时我们放学后到购物中心去。sometimes是副词,意为“有时”,通常用于非正式场合,既可用于现在时态的句子中,也可用于过去时态的句子中。如: Sometimes, we work at weekends. 有时候我们周天也要工作。 Sometimes he walks to work. 有时候他走着去上班。sometime是副词,意为“曾经”“改日”,指一个不确定的时间,通常用于过去时态或将来时态的句子中,但不适用于现在时态。如: He visited us sometime in xx. 他曾在二三年的某一天来看过我们。 Well go to see you sometime this autumn. 今年秋天,我们将抽时间去看您。some time是个词组,意为“一段时间”,其中some为形容词,time为名词。Some time只能和延续性动词搭配使用。如: Please give me some time to look for it. 请给我点儿时间找找它。 We will stay here for some time. 我们会在这儿待一段时间。some time意为“几次”,其中time不表示“时间”,而是指“次数”。如:I called you some times yesterday, but there was no reply.昨天我给你打了几次电话,但是都没有接。20. It means someone you admire very much. 这意思是指某个你非常崇拜的人。句中的admire作及物动词,意为“钦佩”“赞美”。如: Visitors to England usually admire our policeman.来英国的游客通常都钦佩我们的警察。 He drove the car and admired the beauty of nature. 他开车去观赏大自然的美。admiration是admire的名词,通常作不可数名词。如: He speaks English so well that his friends are filled with admiration. 他英语说得好极了,他的朋友对他充满了钦佩。 My admiration for your good memory is great. 我对你非凡的记忆力非常钦佩。21. Students must not talk in class during the reading week. 在阅读周学生们课上决不准谈话。Must作情态动词,must not意为“绝不可以”“不准”。must意为“必须”,表示主观上认为需要干某事。如: I must study a foreign language well. 我必须学好一门外语。 One must do ones bit for ones country. 一个人必须为国家尽自己的一份力。【注】对must引导的疑问句的否定回答应该用neednt或dont have to。【注】must有时意为“偏偏”,表示讲话者不满的情结。如: Must you make so much noise? 你偏要弄出这么多的噪音吗?must not或mustnt意为“绝不可以”“不准”,表示讲话者不允许对方干某事。如: You must not e home late again. 你绝不可以再晚回家。 He must not copy others exercises. 他绝不可以抄别人的作业。must用于肯定句,表示肯定推测。如: He must be a teacher. 他肯定是个老师。 This must be your pen. 这肯定是你的钢笔。Unit 2 School life(2)课文讲解一、Language points 重点难点讲1Daniel wants to learn more about the subjects that British students study. 丹尼尔想了解更多有关英国学生所学的课程的情况。句中的study为及物动词,它的宾语是引导定语从句的关系代词that.study作及物动词或不及物动词,意为“学习”“研究”。如: All of then study hard.他们大家都努力学习。 They are studying the beginning of life.他们正研究生命的起源。 study 也可作名词,意为“研究”“学习”“书房”。如: They are making a study of UFO.他们正在对不明飞行物进行研究。 How are you getting on with your studies ?你的学习情况如何?learn 作“学习”解时,一般指学习、学会较简单的东西,后接动词不定式作宾语。作“明白”解时,可接从句作宾语。Learn of /about 意为“了解”“听说”。如: They are learning some new words. 他们在学一些新单词。 We are learning to drive/how to drive. 我们在学开车。听到他逝世的消息我们很伤心。注在表示“学习科目”的两词可换用。如:He learns /studies English. 他学英语。2John wrote back and attached some pictures to his e-mail.约翰回复了并把一些照片粘贴到了电子邮件上。attach 作及物或不及物动词,意为“附上”“加上”“贴上”,常与介词to连用。如: The man attached labels to the case. 那人将标签贴在箱子上。 Ha attached a photo to the letter .他随信附上了一张照片。 attach 也可表示“参加”“加入”,相当于join.如: I got lost so I attached myself to another party of tourists.我迷路了,所以只好加入另一个旅行团。 be attached to 意为“深爱”“依恋于”。如: He is greatly attached to his teaching work.他深爱他的教学工作。3 Millie has more flowers than Amy.米莉比艾米的花多。morethan用于比较数量,意为“比多”。More是many或much的比较级,后可接可数名词复数或不可数名词。如:Tom studies more subjects than Peter 汤姆学的科目比彼得多。 we join more clubs than Tom and Hank. 我们加入的俱乐部经汤姆和汉克多。4Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.丹尼尔的CD没有凯蒂的多其中fewer是few的比较级,修饰可数名词复数。 few意为“很少”“不多”。如:she has few friends .她没有几个朋友。There are so few that I can, t give you one. 没有多少,我不能给你一个。 a few 意为“几个”。如:she bought a few eggs and a little milk.她买了几个鸡蛋和一些牛奶。5、Daniel wants to pare his school life with Nancy, s and john,s.丹尼尔想把他的学校生活和南希和约翰的学校生活作一下比较。 parewith意为“和比较”。如:We pare our school life with theirs.我们将我们的学习生活和他们的学校生活作比较。it is sometimes quite necessary to pare Chinese with English.有时候很有必要比较一下汉语和英语。6、Any scored the most points.艾米得分最多。名中的the most +可数名词复数表示“在三者或三者以上中最多”。如:He has many books. I have more books. She has the most books.他有许多书,我有更多的书,她的书最多。the fewest +可数名词复数,意为“在中最少”。如:I scored few points . Amy scored fewer points. Tom scored the fewest points.我得的分数很少,艾米得的分数更少,汤姆得的分数最少。注形容词的最高级前面必须用定冠词。在有上下文情境的情况下,比较的对象和范围有时可省。如:I study few subjects. Daniel studies fewer subjects(than I ),Nancy studies the fewest subjects (among us).7、we use the mostfor the largest amount and the fewest/the leastfor the smallest amount. 我们用the most表示最大量,用the fewest /the least表示最小量。短语a small/large amount of 后接不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如: There is a large amount of rain in the mouth every year.每年南方的降雨量很大。A large amount of money is lost. 大量的钱丢了。 in large /small amounts 意为“大量/少量”,在句中通常作状语。如:they buy fresh milk in large amounts. 他们大量买进鲜牛奶。10、My uniform is the same as Simon,s uniform. 我的校服和西蒙的校服一样。the same as 意为“与一模一样”,相像的程度大于similar,like 和alike.如:Her skirt is the same as mine. 她的裙子和我的一模一样。My trousers are the same as Tina,s 我的裤子和蒂娜一模一样。11、My uniform is different from john,s uniform. 我的校服与约翰的校服不一样。 be different from 是the same as 的反议词,意为“与不同”,相当于not the same as.如: his school life is different from(=not the same as )our school life.他的学校生活和我们的学校生活不一样。 He is quite different from(=not the same as )his brother in temper.他和他的弟弟脾气不同。 如果修饰行为动词应用副词differently from.如: people in south china eat differently from people in North China.华南的人吃的东西与华北的人不一样。 different 修饰复数名词。如:He has different qualities from his brother,s=He doesn,t have the same qualities as his brother.他与他弟弟品质不同。12、uniform,clothes和clothinguniform用于指不同职业的人穿的上衣裤子甚至鞋子成套的“制服”。如:here es a policeman in uniform.过来了一位穿着制服的警察。a school uniform 校服、a police uniform警服、clothes 指衣服的总称,它总是用复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,不能与具体数字连用,但可以与many,few,a few,a lot of 连用;表示一件衣服时用a piece of clothes.如:He cares more for new clothes than anything else.他喜欢新衣服胜过任何东西。clothing 也是作“服装”解释,但它还包括鞋帽袜子等,作不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,表示一件衣服时用an article of clothing.如:He pays too much attention to his clothing.他穿衣太讲究。she bought two articles of clothing yesterday.她昨天买了两件衣服。综合技能和发音1. Sandy is helping him collect information on the Internet.桑蒂正在帮他在网上收集信息 句中的collect指有目的地,精心地去“收集”“采集”.如: We are collecting money for Hope Project.我们正在为希望工程筹款. His brother is interested in collecting stamps.他弟弟对集邮感兴趣. collect的名词不达意为collection,意为“收藏品”.如: I need one more stamp before I plete my collection.我还需要一张邮票才能把这套邮票收集完整. He has a large collection of old coins. 他收藏了大量的古硬币.2. Chinese students have fewer weeks off in the summertime than British students.中国学生夏天休假的时间比英国学生少几个星期. haveoff 意为“放假”.如: He had two weeks off because of his mother,s illness.因为母亲有病他请了两周假。 Why did you have the morning off ?你上午为什么请假?注其中have 可用take 替换。如:She took a week off last month.上个月她请了一星期的假。 如果准某人请假用give sboff表达。如: his boss gave her three days off so that she could look after her sick daughter.老板准她三天假照顾生病的女儿。3British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.英国学生做家庭作业花的时间比中国学生少。人作主语时,表示“花时间做某事”用spend time (in) doing sth. 或It takes sb. Time to do sth.这两种结构。如: He spent two hours doing his homework. 他花两小时做作业。=It took him two hours to do his homework.做作业花去他两小时。注spend 后也可接钱作宾语,而take一般不用钱作宾语。如:I spent 15 dollars buying the book/on the book.我花十五美元买了这本书。=I paid 15 dollars for the book.= The book cost me 15 dollars. 这本书花去我十五美元。4What if it rains or snows? 如果下雨或下雪怎么办?此句为省略句,What 是主句,if it rains or snows 是条件状语从句,完整的句子应为:What will you do if it rains or snow?省略部分要根据上下文来理解。如: What if we won,take your advice?=What will happen if we won,t take your advice?如果我们没听你的劝告会发生什么? What if he can,t e?=What should we do if he can,t e?如果他来不了我们该怎么办?5It doesn,t snow very often here, and I don,t mind the rain.这不经常下雪,并且我不在乎下雨。句中的mind 作及物动词,意为“介意”“在乎”,后接名词、动名词或if 引导的条件状语从句。如: Do you mind going to the meeting instead of me? 你愿意代我去开会吗? Do you mind if I borrow your car?我可以借用一下你的汽车吗?注表示“同意/不反对”用No , not at all/of course not /No, go ahead; 表示“不同意/反对”用I am afraid.。如:“Do you mind lending your bike to me ?”“No , not at all. /I am afraid I,II use it myself.”“把你的自行车借给我好吗?”“好的。/恐怕我自己要用。”6It is important that we make our voice rise and fall correctly when we speak English .讲英语时用正确的升降调很重要。 It is important that 这是一个以it 作形式主语,主语从句后置的句式。为了句子的平衡,习惯上用it 作形式语,真正的主语从句放在表语之后。It 和that 在流语中都没有意义。如:It,s important that we should study English.我们学英语很重要。It,s true that we have more free time than you. 确实,我们的空闲时间比你们的多。7句子的升降调升调:一般疑问句:表示惊奇的省略句;选择问句第一个选择部分;并列结构中除最后一部分以外的所有并列部分; 降调:陈述句;特殊疑问句;选择问句最后一个部分;并列结构的最后一个部分如:I am 13 years old . ()Are you a student? ()Are you a doctor ( )or a teacher ? ()What,s your father? ()We study math (), English( )and Chinese. ()Mr Li is going to be on TV tonight. ()Mr Li () I,m going to sell my house. () Sell What? ()8.She won,t be able to play basketball for three months.她将三个月不能打篮球。Be able to do sth . 意为“能做某事”,指事实上能做成某事,相当于manage to do sth. 如: The fire spread quickly through the building but the people were able to run out of it .火在大楼里蔓延得很快,但人们还是都逃了出来。 He fell into the river but he was able to swim to the bank.他掉到河里了,但他设法游到了岸边。注can 一般指人“现有的做事的能力”,表示最终的结果。如: I can drive a car. 我会开汽车。Man can make tools. 人会制造工具。


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