2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module4 Unit3 Language in use教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module4 Unit3 Language in use教学设计 外研版教学目标一、 知识目标1、 能够正确使用since和for时间状语以及how long 自己写出现在完成时的句子.重点强调动词的过去分词的写法和since ,for的用法区别。能在具体语境中灵活运用现在完成时。2、 掌握现在完成时与一般过去式的区别。3、 能够正确表达数字。4、 掌握目标语言。(1) 单词:nearly,luckily,point,health,care(2) 句型:How long have you studied Chinese?For a year.How long have you lived here?Since xx.Shes studied it for a year. Since 1989 Project Hope has builtschools all over China.二、 情感态度目标通过对希望工程的介绍,了解中国重视教育的举措,培养相互之间的关爱之情。三、 学习策略1、 自学策略:能够根据自己的情况预习教材并进行拓展2、 合作学习策略:制作希望工程招贴画时能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作教学过程TeachersActivityStudentsActivity 一、Warming-up1.Ask Ss “what have you leart in this Module?”2.Let everyone write a present perfect sentence. 1.Answer the question 2.Write a present perfect sentence. 二、Practice1.Let Ss work in groups of six,finsh activity 12.Ask Ss to finsh activity2 and activity3,ask them to check answers with their partners.3.Let Ss write a short conversation(activity4)4.Play the video and ask Ss to do activity75.Finsh activity8 together. 1.Answer the questions2.finsh the task,check the task with your partners,3.Make a short conversation4.Do activity 7and then check the answers in class5Think about ,Remerber三、Out put1. Make a list of three things Project Hope can do with your money.Make a list of three things Project Hope has done2. Let Ss write 50 words for a leaflet about the Hope Schools.3. Think of a title and make a picture,Put these leaflets somewhere for everyone see.1. Finsh the task2. Make a picture.四、Summing-up1. since 和for 区别since+时间点 for +时间段Since 用来说明动作起始时间,for用来说明动作延续时间长度。She went to beijing since three years ago(她三年前去过北京) 时间点She have gone to beijing for three years(她去北京三年了) 时间段2. 一般过去式和现在完成时区别。一般过去时,表示过去某个时间发生的动作,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如 yesterday two days ago, last week 现在完成时时过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果。说出本节课的疑点五、Homework1. Activity 5 and activity62运用各种方式找到一个关于希望工程的实例。Traslate Around the word教学反思:本节课是一节复习课,主要是对前两单元内容的巩固与复习,答题思路都是按照课本顺序来的,个别细节进行了调整,把几个简单的练习题作为了课下作业,对于Around the word 也作为课下作业,自己先学习。最后对since 和for,以及一般过去时和现在完成时的区别进行了总结达标题一、 根据据以和所给的首字母提示完成单词1、-which is your favorite l_? -English.2、In China Project Hope has r_ a lot of money to help the children in rural areas.3、The story s _ interesting ,All the children like listening to it.4、Is everyone here today? Lingling isnt here ,p_she is ill.5、Now many peple regard dogs and cats as their p_.6、Its n_eight oclock.Lets hurry up.7、What I _do you speak in your country? Russian.8、How long have you worked in this factory? S_xx.9、What do you think of the country music? Its _beautiful. I like it very much.10、They are s_ working there though it is taining.二、根据括号内所给词的适当形式填空1、Jim_(make)Chinese friends since xx.2、Now Project Hope _(raise) a lot of money and is very helpful.3、We have known each other since we _(e)here.4、They _(buid)the Hope School a few years ago.5、Everyong knows him because he _(live) here for five years.6、They have been on TV lots of _(time)7、Have you ever _(be )to France? No,never,but I_(be)to England.8、Its Sunday today, Lets do some _(shop)9、He is already done most of his _(job)10、Her father usually _(water)the plants in the morning.答案:一、1.language 2 raised 3.sounds 4.Perhaps 5.pets 6.nearly7. language 8.Since 9.sounds 10.still二、1. has made2. has raised 3.came 4.built 5.has lived 6.times 7.been,been 8.shopping 9.jobs 10.watersModule4检测题一、 单项选择1. After class ,I like playing puter games and chatting_my friends_the Internet.A.for,in B.to,by C.about,through D.with,on2. Must I clean the sitting room now?No,you _.You can do it tomorrowA.mustnt B.neednt C.need D.must3. What a nice dog!How long have you had it?_two years.A.In B.A C.For D.Since4. If you travel around big cities,you need _a map with you.A.to take B.takes C.taking D.took5. He can _English .Let him _it in English.A.say,say B.spesk,speak C.speak,say D.say,speak6.English names are different _ Chinese names.A.of B.on C.to D.from7.They _ the child all day and night,A.took care of B.looked after C.cared for D.A,BorC8.How many people will watch the football match on the playground?Its hard to say ._people,I think.A.Two thousand of B.Thousands of C.Two thousands of D.Thousand of 9.Last week, a_boy lost his way.A.5-years-old B.5 years old C.5-year-old D.5 year old10.Bob said they would have _holiday.A.a two month B.two months C.two-months D.two months二、完形填空 Oce a great boxer(拳击家),Tom Brown,went to a restaurant for _1_.He put his bag near the door ,but he was afraid that someone would _2_it,_3 he got_4_a pen and a piece of paper and wrote _5_it.“The great boxer, Tom Brown left his bag.Hell e back _6_a few minutes.”He put the paper on his bag and went to _7_his dinner._8_he came back, his bag wasnt_9_.But he found a piece of paper on the ground.It said,“A great runner took away your bag and,he is _10_going to e back.1.A.dinner B.a coat C.a pen D.a film2.A.bring B.carry C.take D.get3.A.if B.because C.but D.so4.A.away B.near C.out D.in5.A.to B.on C.at D.for6.A.before B.after C.at D.in7.A.have B.has C.had D.having8.A.Before B.If C.When D.So9.A.here B.there C.home D.door10.A.no B.be C.not D.not any三、阅读理解 People municate(交际)with words.But do you think you can municate without words?A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.Tears(泪水)in your eyes tell others that you are sad. You shake(摇动)your head, and people know you are saying“yes”.Other things can also carry messages.F or example,a sign at the bus stop helps you to knoe which bus to take.A sign on the door tells you where to fo in or out.Have you ever noticed(注意)that there are a lot of signs around you and that you get messages from them all the time? People can municate in many other ways.An artist can use his drawingsto tell about brautiful mountains,about the blue sea and many other things.Books are written to tell about things in the world and zlso about peple and their ideas.Books,TV,radios will help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.1. Using words is_for people to municate.A.a bad way B.a difficult way C.an only way D.an important way2.People can shouw their _by putting signs on something.A.heads B.smiles C.messages D.tears3.What does the underlined word “them”here refer to(指)? Its refers to_.A.bus stop B.messages C.doors D.signs4.Which of the following isnt mentioned (提到) in the passage?A.TV B.Radios. C.Films D.Drawings5.Whats the best title for this passage?A.Messages and World B.Waus of municationC.Ways of Speaking D.Radios Carry Messages四、根据句意及首字母完成单词1.Chinese is very d_,so I can not soeak it well.2.China has b_many schools for poor children.3.Project Hope has raised money from people; at home and a _.4.The teachers took c_of these children.5.The child had to look a_his sick mother .五、用适当的介词填空1.Because_Project Hope ,thousands_children have better lives.2.Most people in China have heard _Project Hope and have given money.3.Now they can go to school _the help of Project Hope.4.Its important_him to work on their farm because there are sefen people in Lius family and they are very poor.5.Her father wants her tp drop out _school.六、根据括号内所给适当动词的适当形式填空1_you _(have)your milk?Yes,I havej2. The Greens _(gto visit the city if it _(not rain)tomorrow.3. Dont forget _(close)the window when you leave room.4. That boy tired _(climb)the tree,but he failed.5. Many girls are good at _(make) things.七、书面表达下面是希望工程在xx年在西部某一省区所的成就。请你根据集中所给的提示写一篇短文,词数在50词左右,要求行文连贯、通顺、正确,表达清楚What Project Hope has done in a province inxxMoney Project Hope has raised 28,593,346yuanStudents it has helped15,036Schools it has built162Books it has bought53,452,141Clothes it has given15,000People who have taken part2,367,403答案一 单项选择1D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C10.D二完形填空1A 2.C 3.3.D4.D 5. B6. D7. A8 .C 9.A 10.C三阅读理解1 C2. C 3.D 4. C5. B四句意及首字母完成单词1. difficult; 2.built 4.care 5.after五、用适当的介词填空1. of of 2.from 3.by 4.for 5.of 六、根据括号内所给适当动词的适当形式填空1.have had 2.will go ,doesnt rain 3.to 4.to 5. making


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