2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 6 Natural disasters Period Two.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 6 Natural disasters Period Two Reading (I) Teaching Aims: 1. To infer meaning from keywords and context 2. To sequence information to follow the gist of a story Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Free talk: Talk about the weather. Review some words, such as: rainstorm,snowstorm, thunder and lightning, typhoon. Then bring the students to the reading step by step. Ask them to read the reading by themselves and try to answer the questions with their partners. 1. Where was Timmy? 2. What happened in the shopping centre? 3. What happened to the buildings? 4. How did people react? 5. What did Timmy do? 6. Where was Timmy when the shaking stopped? 7. How did Timmy feel? Step2. Some important new words 1. slight ( gentle or softly) (adj) slightly (adv.) I heard a_whisper from upstairs. He waved his hands_. 2. shake (v ) shaking ( n) Everything _when an earthquake happens. I felt a slight _through my body. 3.direction ( n ) in all directions_ 4.wild (adj ) wildly (adj) - 反义 The wind blows my hair_. 5. calm ( adj )(not excited) 平静的 (v.) 使平静,镇定 calm down_ calm ones down_ At the news, he is quite still, but not_. You must _when you make a decision. 6. trap (n.) 陷阱 set a trap_ The police _for the bad eggs. v. 设陷阱捕捉,困住 (trapped) be trapped_ We _in the fire. Step 3. Explain the languages points: 1. At first, I felt a slight shaking through my body. through 1. 从头到尾,整个的。 travel _the country. through the ages 古往今来 2 穿过,自始自终 ( 1 )走过森林 _ ( 2 )走过门 _ ( 3 )透过窗子 _ across 走过街 _ 2. Then I heard a big noise like thunder. hear hear from_ 我仔细听你讲,但什么也没听见。 _ noise (adj)- (adv)- 3. People look at each other in fear. in fear 害怕地 They shouted _,but no help came. in danger_ in trouble_ in surprise_ in a hurry_ 4. Then the real noise came, like bombs below the ground. below My brother is in the class below me._. real (really) 指具体的,真实的东西,即事实。 a real gold watch_ true (truly, truth) 抽象的真实。 What he said is true. 5. They did not know where to go . Please tell me what I can do now.=Please tell me what_. He asked me how he could get to the cinema.=He asked me _. 6 Some people ran out of the shopping centre. Run out of_ pullout of_ Pickout of_ walkout of_ 7. end (v) 主语通是物 finish 主语是人 The discussion_ in failure. They_the discussion in failure. School _at 4:30 yesterday. end (n) at the end of_ in the end_ the end of the story_ be over_ Class is over._ School is over._ think it over_ a bridge over a river_ Step4. Homework 反馈,作业本第二教时 教后感

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