2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 2(4).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 2(4)The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1.Learn some useful words and expressions:however, tired, active, mile, fresh, instead, instead of, build, build up, bee, coach, feeling2. Review the Simple Present Tense and the Simple Future Tense.3. Teach the students how to exercise and keep healthy. Teaching aids教具图片/幻灯片/多媒体图片/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1Review第一步复习(时间:5分钟)1. (让几个同学说出他们最喜欢的篮球运动员。)T: Please talk about your favorite basketball player. S1:My favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan. He is from America.S2: My favorite basketball player is Ye Li. She isS3:My favorite basketball player is different from S1s and S2s 2. (让几个同学介绍一下他们通常是怎样锻炼身体的。)T: Ill ask several students to introduce how they usually exercise. S4:I usually do morning exercises.S5:I often run in the morning.S6:I usually 3. (做调查。)T: How many students in our class like running?(连锁练习,问和答“Do you like running?”)S7: Do you like running, S8?S8: Yes, I like it very much. Do you like running, S9?S9:No, I dont like it at all. Do you like running, S10?S10: Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:15分钟)1.(导入新课。)T: Today, were going to share a 15-year-old boys experience. Now, open your books, boys and girls.(自读课文,回答下面的问题。)T: Read 1a by yourselves, and answer the following questions.(板书)(1)Why did the boy start his running?(2) What kind of food does he eat now instead of chocolate?(3) How does he feel now?T: While youre reading, draw a line under the new words. Then work in pairs, you can look up the new words in the dictionary or the word list.(学生回答完问题之后,老师适当解释重难点。)(重点词汇及短语板书。)however, instead of, build up, have great fun doing sth.2.T: Go through the text again and underline the key words, then discuss your answers in pairs.(再通读全文,读时划出关键词。读完后,两人一组讨论答案。)(全班对一下答案。)S1: Because he saw some young men running in the park. They looked so fit and active.S2: He drinks milk and eats fresh fruit and vegetables.S3: He feels well and looks fit.(关键词板书于小黑板。)15-year-old boy, healthy, one year ago, fat, chips and chocolate, tired easily, one morning, fit and active, sonow, 2.5-mile run, drink, instead of, help to build up, have great fun running, look fit, running, has bee, ask a coach, I want to beStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:10分钟)1.(让学生们完成1b。)T: Finish 1b in one minute by yourself.(老师与学生核对答案。)2.(根据划出的关键词让学生复述1a,老师给予适当的鼓励和智力支持。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:10分钟)1. (听2,听后核对答案,也可听两遍后核对。)T: Now, please look at 2. Listen to the tape carefully and fill in the correct numbers in the brackets.(学生跟读。)T: Listen again and read after the tape.2. T: Go through the Grammar focus and review how to make requests and responses.Practice in pairs using requests and responses.S1: Would you mind sitting beside me?S2: OK. Ill do it now. Would you mind giving me your books?S1: OK. Ill give it to you. Would you mind lending me your ruler?S2: (叫一名同学做动作,大家提问,他/她回答。)S3:(洗脸的动作。)S4:Would you mind washing your face?S3: OK. Ill do it soon.S3:(浇花的动作。)S5:Would you mind watering the flowers?S3: OK. Ill do it right now.S3:(关门的动作。)S6:Would you mind?S3:3. (在一张纸上写下一组句子,然后交换纸,要同学们检查另一组的句子,找出错误的地方。)T: Go through the useful expressions. Then make a sentence by using each useful expression.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:5分钟)1. (参照,P13 1a, 以“.s Sports Life”为题,对其他同学作一次采访。)S1: Would you mind saying something about your sports life?S2:2. T: Write down the information you get from the interview. I will choose one or two students to give a report in front of the class.3. Homework: (让学生课下找资料完成4。)


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