2019-2020年八上仁爱版英Unit 4 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs Section C教学案例.doc

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2019-2020年八上仁爱版英Unit 4 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs Section C教学案例.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八上仁爱版英Unit 4 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs Section C教学案例The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: example, for example, spend on, download, dictionary, look up, pay attention to, begin with, write to2. Go on learning to express certainty and uncertainty: Im (not) sure of that.3. Talk about modern science and technology: (1)We can go shopping without leaving our houses. (2)We can use the Internet for finding jobs.(3)But we shouldnt spend too much time on the Internet.(4)The Internet can help us find the way.4. Learn how to look up new words in an English dictionary: (1)You asked me how to use an English-Chinese dictionary. (2)The words in dictionaries are in alphabetical order. (3)When you look up a word in the dictionary, you must pay attention to the first letter of the word. Teaching aids 教具录音机/英汉字典/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (检查作业:表演对话或演讲,谈论有关外星人和UFO的话题,复习be sure结构。) T: You have searched some information about aliens and UFOs. Now please talk about them with your partner or give a speech.2. (通过讨论导入新课。)T: Where did you get the information about UFOs?S1:I got it on the Internet.T:Well done!T:We can do many things on the Internet. For example, we can study on the Internet. What else can we do on the Internet?(板书)for exampleS2:We can play games on it.S3:We can listen to the music on it.S4:We can watch movies on it.S5: We can write an e-mail on it.(让学生尽可能多地说。)T: Yes. Thats very good. And I often use the Internet for downloading useful information.(板书)download use for (通过对话接龙形式来练习use for这一句型。)T:What do you often use the Internet for?S6: I use the Internet for playing games.S6:What do you often use the Internet for?S7:I use the Internet for watching movies.S7:S8:. T:The Internet is very useful, but we shouldnt spend too much time on the Internet. Do you think so?(板书)spend on Ss: Yes, we think so.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (读1a,整体感知。)T: The Internet is very useful and wonderful. OK, I think most of you make a good use of the Internet, so what can we do on the Internet? Read the passage in 1a and find out the answer to this question.(板书)What can we do on the Internet?(2分钟后核对答案。)T: OK. Now please give me your answers. From S1 please, say it one by one.S1:We can go shopping without leaving our houses .S2:We can study on the Internet.S3:We can use the Internet for finding jobs.S4:We can find the way to a new place on the Internet.S5:We can find lots of songs, movies and games on the Internet.2. (再读1a,完成1b。) T: Read 1a again. Look at the pictures and plete the sentences.3. (学生跟读1a,模仿语音和语调,并画出关键词句。) T: OK. Now please listen to the tape and follow. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. And write down the key words and sentences.(板书)Internet, wonderful, make, nicer, easier and more colorful, for example, help, go, without, study, use for, a new place, songs, movies, games, interesting, spend onStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (学生根据关键词复述课文。)T: OK. Boys and girls, please stop. According to the key words on the blackboard, please retell the text to your deskmate. After two minutes, I will ask someone to retell it in the front.(2分钟后,挑几名学生复述课文。)2. (学生独立完成1b。) T: OK. Now lets move to 1b. First look at the pictures and plete the sentences with the words in 1a. I will ask four students to write down the answers on the blackboard. (核对答案。)3. (做调查完成1c。)T: Now lets move to 1c. Please answer the questions in 1c. (根据调查结果,小组讨论,然后各组选一名代表在全班学生面前汇报调查结果。)T: OK. After you finished your answers, please discuss your results in groups. Then report it to the class. I will give you an example of the report on the blackboard. You can begin like this:(板书)The Internet is popular among the students. Most students often use the Internet. They often(让学生汇报调查结果,然后进行辩论。辩论时学生分为正反方两大组。) T: OK, thats great. Every group gives us a good report. Now lets have a debate about this topic. Is it good or bad to spend too much time on the Internet? Please give your opinions. G1:Spending too much time on the Internet is good for us. Because it is very useful and helpful. For example, we can study on the Internet, we can look up some new information we dont know, we can listen to music, see movies or play video games if we want to relax. G2:Spending too much time on the Internet is bad for us. Because it is bad for our eyes and our bodies. If we spend too much time on it, we may be sleepy, tired and indulge ourselves in the puter games. We will not want to study hard.(教师总结。)T: Internet is wonderful. There are lots of useful things on the Internet, so it can help us a lot. But we should not spend too much time on it.(教师引导学生尽量多说一些,使学生认识到合理使用网络的重要性。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师拿出一本英汉字典。)T: Whats this?Ss: Its a dictionary. (引导学生回答。)T:Yeah, its an English-Chinese dictionary.(板书)dictionary an English-Chinese dictionaryT: Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?Ss:Yes, we do.T:If you meet a new word while you are reading, what will you do?Ss:Ill look it up in the dictionary.T:You are right! Do you know how to look up the words in the dictionary? Read 2a by yourselves, and then find out the answer to this question.(学生自己朗读3分钟,用铅笔画出重点句子。)(板书)Pay attention to the first letter of the word.You have to look at the second letter to find the word. Look at the third one and so on.(鼓励学生总结如何查字典,为下一步活动打下基础。)T: Excellent!2. (跟读2a并模仿语音语调。)T: Listen to 2a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3. (学生自己朗读2a,2分钟后,让学生根据黑板上的关键句编对话。)T: According to the key sentences on the blackboard, please make a dialog.Example:S1:Could you tell me how to use an English-Chinese dictionary?S2:Certainly. When you look up a word in the dictionary, pay attention to the first letter of the word. When two words begin with the same letter, you have to look at the second letter to find the word. If both the first and the second letters are the same, look at the third one and so on.S1:Thank you.(然后挑几组学生进行表演。)T: Im pleased with your dialog. I hope everyone can know how to look up a word in a dictionary. Now Ill give you a word “music”. Can you find where it is?(教师巡视,看谁先找到这个单词。)(教师讲解如何查找生词,并做示范。)T: Im going to look up the word “music” in the dictionary. First I pay attention to the first letter “m”. Second, I have to look at the second letter “u”. Then I look at the third letter “s” and so on. Now look, here is the word “music”.2. (学生根据刚才所学的查字典的方法,完成2b。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)1. (将班级学生分成几个小组,让学生讨论小黑板上的问题。)(1) What do you think of the Internet?(2) What can we do on the Internet?(3) Are all the things on the Internet good for us?(4) Is spending too much time on the Internet good or bad for us ? T: When you finish the discussion, please write a report about it.2. Homework: (1)Choose the best answer. (选择最佳选项。) Robots can do many kinds of . A. a jobB. jobsC. a workD. works We can go shopping without our house. A. leaveB. to leave C. leavingD. leaves We shouldnt spend too much time it. A. look for itB. onC. forD. about If you dont know the word, you may in a dictionary. A. look for itB. look it forC. look up itD. look it up People use robots for . A. do boring jobB. do boring jobs C. doing boring jobD. doing boring jobs.(2)(预习Section D并在字典中查找Section D中出现的生词)。板书设计:I am sure there are no UFOs.Section Cuse forWe can go shopping without leaving our houses on the Internet.spend on We can use the Internet for finding jobs.in alphabetical orderBut we shouldnt spend too much time on the Internet.look upThe Internet can help us find the way.pay attention toIm (not) sure of that.

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