2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 5 I am watching TV 教案(1) 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Unit 5 I am watching TV 教案(1) 北师大版(The 1st period Section A 1a2c)Teaching aims: Learning to talk about what people are doing.Language points:1. To learn the following sentences:-What are you doing?-Im watching TV.-Is Nancy doing homework?-Yes, she is . / No, she isnt.2. To learn the following words and phrases:read, clean, happy, apartment, TV show ,do homework, talk on the phoneTeaching emphases and difficulties: 1.现在进行时态的呈现2现在分词 dodoing readreading cleancleaning .Teaching steps:1. Warming up and revision Watch VCD which is connected with the present progressive tense.(1)Revision.T: What time do you go to school?S1: .T: When does your father watch TV in the evening?S2: .T: Do you play basketball after school?S3: .T: When do you do your homework?S4: .T :Do you like?S5: .T : Can you guess : what do I like?Ss: Do you like?T: No, I dont.2. Presentation (1). The teacher shows a yo-yo and says: look, I like playing yo-yo. Im playing yo-yo now. T: Im writing English on the blackboard.T: Now Im running.(2). The teacher asks a student to do an action and present the following sentences:T: What are you doing?S1 Im doing homework. T: What are you doing?S2: Im playing the guitar.T: What are you doing?S3: Im eating breakfast.3. Practice Let Ss ask and answer in pairs like this:A: What are you doing? B: Im drawing. What are you doing?A: Im playing volleyball.4. PresentationShow some pictures to the Ss and present the sentences:A: What is he doing? B: He is playing basketball.A: What is she doing? B: She is singing.A: What are they doing? B: They are watching TV.5. Practice Let Ss look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs. The teacher shows the pictures one by one.S1: What is he doing?S2: He is S3: What is she doing?S4: She is S5: What are they doing?S6: They are6.PresentionShow some pictures and present the new words.T: Look at the picture. What is he doing?S1:He is reading a bookT: What is he doing?S2: He is cleaning the room. T: What is she doing?S3: She is talking on the phone.7.Match the words with the activities Show the picture in 1a to the students.T: This is a happy apartment. There are many rooms in it. Look! Many people are in different rooms. They are doing different things. What are they doing? Please look carefully, match the words with the activities.T: Now lets check the answers.Answer: 1,d 2,a 3, b 4,c 5, f 6, e8.Work on 1b .9. Pairwork T: Now, lets look at the picture in 1a. Please work in pairs , ask and answer like this: A: What is he doing? B: He is talking on the phone.10.Enjoy a chant. What are you doing?Im reading books.What is he doing?He is watching TV.What is she doing?She is doing homework.What are they doing?They are eating dinner.11.Listening prehension. The teacher shows the picture and says: Steve and Jack are talking on the phone, now please listen to their conversation and answer the questions in 2a. Then check the answers: 1. He is watching TV. 2. Yes, he does.T: Now lets listen to the tape again. Put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation.Then check the answers:3 2 1 4T: Now lets listen to the tape again and repeat the sentences. Ask Ss to read the sentences loudly.T: Make a new conversation like these with your partner.12.Homework:(1). Copy the words and phrases in 1a, one line each.(2). Listen to the tape of 2b, read and recite it.(3). Make up a conversation about your family members: “what are they doing?”The 2nd period section A(2c4)Teaching aimsGo on learning to talk about what people are doing.Language points1.To learn the following sentences. Is Nancy doing homework ? Yes, she is ./No, she isnt .She is writing a letter. Do you want to go to the movies? Yes ,I do . When do you want to go? Lets go at six oclock.2.To learn the following words and phrases: adjective: sure verb phrases: wait for , talk about , talk to sb.Teaching difficulties:present participle: run-running , write-writingPresent progressive tense: Subject +be+doing +Teaching steps1. Warming-up and revisionWatch VCD which is connected with the present progressive tense.RevisionThe teacher asks Ss to do some actions, ask and answer one by one (chain work)T: What are you doing?S1: I am reading an English book. What are you doing ?S2: I am writing .What are you doing ?S3: I am playing the guitar. What are you doing?S4: I am eating dinner.Show some pictures, point to them and ask.T: Look at picture 1! What is he /she doing ?S1: He/She is talking on the phone.T: Look at picture 2! What are they doing?S2: They are singing and dancing.T: Look at picture3. What is he doing?S3: He is swimming.2. PresentationThe teacher asks one student to e to the blackboard and do an action. T: Are you playing soccer? S: No, Im not. T: Are you playing basketball? S : Yes, I am. T: What about you? Are you.? Ask more students like this.3. PracticeHave students make a similar dialogue like this S1: Are you reading a book?S2: No, I am not.S1: Are you reading a newspaper ? S2: Yes ,I am.4.Presentation.The teacher use the pictures to ask students.T: Is he playing the puter?S1: Yes, he is .T: Is he playing the piano?S2: No, he isnt.T: Is she watching TV?S3: Yes, she is.T: Is he swimming?S4: No, he isnt.5. Guessing gamesThe teacher uses pictures to ask the students. Cover one part of the picture and then uncover it little by little.T: What is he doing ?S1: Is he playing the puter?T: No, he isnt .S2: Is he playing the guitar?T: Yes, he is.(show another picture)T: What is she doing? What are they doing? Teacher continues to ask students and shows them more pictures.6. Pairwork(work on 2c)T: lets look at the pictures and guess what the people are doing. Please practise in pairs.A: Is Nancy writing a letter?B: No, she isnt. She is writing a letter. Then check the answers.7. work on 3aT: Look at the pictures and make conversations. Please write the correct number of the pictures next to the conversations below. Then check the answer. Conversation A=3 Conversation B=2 The teacher reads the conversation before the class, and the Ss repeat the sentences. Ss practice the conversation in pairs and act out the conversation.8. Pairwork(work on 4)(1)Show a picture and teach the new phase“wait for a bus”.(2)Look at the pictures and answer the questions below. Ask Ss ask and answer like this.S1: Where is he?S2: He is in the store/ the supermarket.S1: What is he taking?S2: He is taking a bottle of juice.S1: What is he waiting for?S2: He is waiting for a bus.(3)T: Please look at the pictures again and talk about the four pictures.9. Grammar Focus.T: 这两天我们学习了现在进行时,当我们询问某人正在干某事时,我们应该说What are you doing? What is he/she doing?回答时应说 I am watching TV. He is doing homework.一般疑问句:Is he/she doing? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isnt/Are they doing? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.T: 请大家注意现在进行时态的构成. 主语be现在分词T: 现在分词在动词下面加“ing”, 如playplayingwaitwaiting10. Homework(1)Read and recite 3a.(2)Write the story about the four pictures on page 27. Part 4.The 3rd period (Section B 1a -2c)Teaching aims 1. 询问别人正在哪里干某事.2. 继续学习某人正在干某事.Teaching points 1. To learn the following sentences.Where do people play basketball?At school.Where is he swimming?He is swimming at the pool.2. To learn the following vocabularies: toy, shopping, mall, pool.Teaching steps 1. Warming-up. chant and revision 1) Chant What are you doing?Im reading books.What is he doing?He is watching TV.What is she doing?She is doing homework.What are they doing?They are eating dinner.2) Revision Ask a student to do an action and ask T: Are you eating breakfast?S1: No, Im not .T: Are you singing?S2: Yes, I am .T: Is he writing a letter?S3: No, he isnt .T: What is she doing?S4: She is singing .T: Are you reading a newspaper? (To another student)S5: No, Im not .T: What are you doing?S6: I am reading an English book .T: Is he reading a Chinese book?S7: No, he isnt .T: Is she reading an English book?S8:Yes, she is .2. Presentation Show some pictures and present the new vocabularies . T: What is he doing? S1: He is swimming .T: Where is he swimming? S2: He is swimming in the river . T: No, he isnt swimming in the river. He is swimming at the pool . T:Look! What are these? They are toys . What are the girl and her mother doing? They are shopping . T: Where are they shopping? S1: They are shopping in the store . S2: They are shopping in the supermarket . T: Maybe, look, they are shopping at the mall .3. Practice Show some pictures and phrases, let Ss practice in pairs like this .A: What is he doing?B: He is boating .A: Where is he boating?B: He is boating on the river .4. plete the chart . (work on 1a)T: Look at the pictures and plete the chart . Then check the answer . 1). library reading books 2). school playing basketball 3). pool swimming 4). mall shopping5. Pairwork Let Ss look at the chart , ask and answer in pairs . A: Where do people play basketball? B: At school . A: Where do people swim? B: At the pool .6. Listening prehension (finish 2a2b on page 28 ) .1) 2a. T: You will hear three short conversations. Please listen carefully and write down the places you hear in the chart below .Then check the answers: mall, school , library .2) 2b. T: Now look at 2b on page 28. Please listen to the tape again and fill in the chart . Lets write down what they are doing .Ss listen to the tape twice and write down the answer on their charts.Check the answer .NamePlaceActivityTinamallEating lunch with a friendMikeschoolPlaying basketballLisalibraryReading a book3). Let Ss listen to the tape and repeat the conversations .7. Pairwork (work on 2c) . T: Now look at the chart and use the information in the chart to make a conversation like this .A: Hello! Is Tina there? B: No, she isnt . She is at the mall . A: Oh, is he shopping at the mall ? / What is she doing ? B: No, she isnt ./ She is eating lunch with a friend .8. Groupwork (Make a survey )1). T: Lets make a survey, please ask Ss in your classroom where their parents are and what their parents doing now . Please ask and answer in threes, then fill in the chart .PeoplePlaceActivitiesJims fatherJims motherSusan fatherSusan motherS1: Hello! Jim. What is your father doing?Jim: He is reading a book.S1: Is he reading a book at home?Jim: No, he isntS1: Where is he reading a book?Jim: He is reading a book at the library.2.) After the Ss finish the survey .Let them give a report .for example. Hello, everyone .At this time. Jims father is at the library . He is reading a book. Jims mother is working in her office. .Thats all. Thank you .9.Homework: 1). Listen to the tape and repeat the conversation on Section B.2b.try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.2). Collect some pictures and bring them to the classroom. 3). Write the report down in the exercise book . 让学生看有关现在进行时的VCD,可以使学生对进行时有一个初步的印象,为下面的学习作铺垫。同时也可以吸引学生的注意力,让他们很快地融入到英语的学习氛围中。通过问答操练,复习一些词组,为下面的呈现起承上启下的作用。老师带一个溜溜球进入教室,在呈现新知识时边做动作边说;把playing, writing, running写在黑板上。为了增强教学的真实性,让学生也边做动作边说句子。同时,教师板书What are you doing? Im running.让学生跟读几遍,以达到巩固的效果。利用图片来呈现第三人称单数和复数的现在进行时。并板书重点句型。学生进行一问一答的形式进行操练,加深对此句型的印象,并及时纠正错误。利用图片来引出新的单词很直观,很形象。利用chant巩固知识,活跃课堂气氛。让学生模仿chant说能激发他们说的兴趣。结合前一课时学过的知识,利用VCD来进行巩固,让学生通过视觉、听觉很快进入英语课堂,消除上节课所带来的疲劳。让学生动起手来真正参与到英语课堂活动中,体会英语语言的生动。通过两两合作操练,让学生充分熟悉一般疑问句式。呈现图片:由学生作肯定、否定回答,同时板书Is he/she doing?先呈现部分画面,激发学生的兴趣,让“猜”这个环节真正植入学生心理中。锻炼学生的口头表达和组织能力,学会将英语融入语境中,体会一种英语使用的成功感。用中文进行总结,让学生(中下层)能够更充分理解语法。结合本单元教学内容设计的chant,使学生熟悉句型,并在练习时,教师可让学生操练的速度由慢到快, 使学生对句型熟练掌握。同时chant节奏明快,朗朗上口,有助于形成良好的英语学习氛围。如果学生不会答,改用一般疑问句来提问。两种句型交替使用,并以旧带新,在复习中有意识地插入新单词,使复习起到承上启下的效果。先呈现一部分图片,让学生发挥想象,猜测动作发生的地点,拓展学生的思维,并能复习不同地点的词组,同时能使学生更加注意新单词的呈现,教师应及时板书句型,引起学生的有意注意。教师呈现的图片要有生活情趣,符合中学生的心理要求,而且在让学生进行操练时,鼓励学生自由转换一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,特别当其中一位学生有困难回答不出时。如有必要,教师可多播放磁带一遍,也可以让同桌讨论答案。在要求学生跟读的同时,提醒学生注意语音语调。操练时,鼓励学生大胆开口,灵活运用一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,能力好的同学可根据实际自己创设情景,编对话。调查前,教师要先做一个sample,然后让学生做,在学生调查过程中仔细聆听,随时给予帮助,以防有个别学生偷懒,随口以I dont know 来回答,使对话无法进行。鼓励学生发挥想象,随意猜测,目的在于多练。The 4th period ( Section B 3a- 4)Teaching aims:1. Ss can use the present progressive tense to describe the pictures.2. Ss can ask and answer questions about the picture fluently.Language points1. To use the following sentences:Here is a photo / picture of my family.Im with my sister Gina.Thank you for your letter and the photos2. To learn the following phrasesThank you for sth. / doing sth. be withTeaching difficulties How to write the sentences about the present progressive tense correctly.Teaching steps 1.warming-up and revision(1)The teacher asks Ss some questions.T: Hello, how are you?S1: Im great. Thank you.T: How is your father?S1: He is very well.T: Where is your father?S1: He is at the mall.T: What is he doing?S1: He is shopping.T: Is your father shopping now?S2: No, he isnt. He is watching TV.T: Where is he watching TV?S2: He is watching TV at home.(2) Show some pictures, let Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs. S1: Look! What is she doing? S2: She is reading a book. S1: Where is she reading a book? S2: She is reading a book under a tree.2. Work on 3a.(1)Show the pictures of 3a and let Ss say it one by one. S1: He is playing basketball. S2: The girl is doing homework. S3: The boy is watching TV. S4: He is swimming. S5: They are eating and talking.(2) T: Here is a letter from Mike to his pen pal, Linda. Please read the letter and underline the activities and circle the places. Check the answers: playing basketball School swimming pool eating dinner home doing homework watching TV(3) T: Now read the letter again and number the photos, using 1,2,3,4. Check the answers: 1, 4, 2, 3(4) Let Ss work in pairs, ask and answer about the photos like this. A: What is Mike doing in Photo 1? B: He is playing basketball. A: Is he playing basketball at school? B: Yes, he is.3.Writing Show the pictures to the Ss and let Ss finish the sentences, then check the answers. They are dancing. He is running. Yao Ming is playing basketball. The teacher is writing. Xie Tingfeng is singing.4.Group workT: Now take out your photos or pictures, please work in fours and tell your partners about your pictures or photos. Ill give you two minutes to practice it.T: At this time Ill ask several students to say something about your photos.5. PracticeT: Take out the pictures or photos of your own and write one or two sentences about them. Ss write the sentences in their exercise books, the teacher walks around the class and see if the Ss can write the sentences correctly. Give Ss some help if necessary. The teacher collects some pictures and sentences, shows them to the Ss and checks the answers.6. Fill in the blanks. ( finish 3b)(1) T: Here is another photo, look at the photo and the letter next to it. Please take out your pens and fill in the blanks.Check the answers: watching TV reading the newspaper talking eating(2)Show the picture of 3b, let Ss say the picture like this:S1: Hello, everyone! Im Bobs grandfather. Here is a picture of my family. In this photo, Im reading the newspaper, my son is watching TV.S2: Hello, everyone! Im Bobs motherS3: Hello, everyone! Im Bobs sister7. Homework.(1) Read and recite 3a.(2) Write a short position about your own photos or pictures.利用提问的方式来复习昨天学过的内容,可以检查学生的掌握情况,也可以为新的学习内容打下伏笔。学生往往习惯于回答问题,而不擅长于提问题,让学生看图互问互答可以检查学生提问题的能力。在阅读材料呈现之前,让学生先看图片用现在进行时描述,不仅可以操练口语,也可以为课文的阅读减少障碍。充分利用阅读材料和图片来操练和巩固本节课的重点和难点。在听说读的基础上,利用图片来写词组来检查一下学生的书写。特别注意双写最后一个字母,再写ing形式利用身边的图片或照片来让学生进行口头操练,先同伴之间互相对练,互相指出错误,再在全班同学前描述。再次利用图片或照片来检查书写,为下一步骤打下良好的基础。利用实物投影当场呈现,及时纠错。让学生看图片用不同的人称来讲述图片来培养学生的口语流利程度和准确程度。The fifth period (self-check)Teaching aims:1. Revise the contents of Unit 5.2. Ss can use the present progressive tense correctly.Language points1. Revise the key words, phrases and sentences in this unit.2. To learn two new words: camera, bird Key points and teaching difficulties.Consolidate the present progressive tense.Teaching steps:1. Warming-up and revisionLet one student take out a photo or a picture of his / her own and show it to the whole class, then he / she will ask some questions about the photo or the picture.S1: Where is my father?S2: He is.S1: What is he doing?S3: He isS1: Is my mother doing?S4: No, she isnt. She is Ask more Ss to e to the blackboard to do it.2. Presentation Use two pictures and present the new words: camera bird T: What is this? S1: Sorry, I dont know. T: Its a camera. We can use a camera to take a photo. T: Look! What is it? S2: Its a bird. T: Thats right. What is the bird doing? S3: I think it is singing. S4: I think it is flying.3. plete the story T: Look at the pictures on Page 30, Part 3. please plete the story and write the sentences in the blanks. Check the answers: What is he doing? He is looking at the birds. What are they doing? They are talking. What is the boy doing? He is running. What is the boy carry? He is carrying a bag. What is in the bag? Its a camera. What is the boy doing? He is taking a photo.4. Enjoy “ Just for fun!” on Page30.(1)Divide the Ss into two parts and read the dialogue.(1) Let Ss act out the dialogue.5.Key words check ( work on 1 and 2 on Page 30)(1)T: Lets do Part 1, if you know the meaning, pronunciation and spelling of the vocabularies or phrases, please tick them. Try to remember the vocabulary that you dont know.T: After you finish Part 1, please write five new words in your vocab-builder. (2)Have a dictation read clean wait for at the pool happy toy shopping at the mall TV show bird5. Grammar(1).现在进行时态的基本结构主语 + be动词 + 动词的现在分词 / | (is am are)(2).动词现在分词的构成: 动词原形 + ing read- reading play playing eat eating walk - walking 特殊变化: (1) 以“e” 结尾,去“e”加 ing write writing make making take taking (2) 重读闭音节要双写结尾的辅音字母加ing run running swim swimming7.Grammar Test 一写出下列单词的现在分词形式eat write clean play run take swim 二 按要求改写句子1. He plays the guitar.( 用now改写句子)He _ _ the guitar now.2.They are talking on the phone.(划线提问)_ are they_?3. She i

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