2019-2020年七年级英语下册《Unit 8 Pets》单词教学案 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit 8 Pets单词教学案 (新版)牛津版1. pet (n.) 宠物 (pl.) pets 养宠物raise/keep a petRaise/keep sth as a pet了解不同的宠物learn/know about different petsShe has two cats as( 介词) pets.2. rude (adj.) 粗鲁的,不礼貌的 反义词polite rudely (adv.) 粗鲁地-反义:politely你是多么的粗鲁呀!How rude you are!be rude to sb. 对某人粗鲁/无礼 他总是对他的朋友很无礼。 He is always rude to his friends.3. goldfish (n.) 金鱼 表同一种金鱼时,单复数同形,即goldfish;表示不同种类的金鱼时,其复数形式为goldfishes.我喜欢看金鱼游来游去。I like watching goldfish swim around池塘里有许多种金鱼。There are many kinds of goldfishes in the pond. 单复数同形的词还有哪些呢?deer, fish, sheep, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, spacecraft4. mouse (n.) 老鼠 (pl.)mice 老鼠又小又柔软,而且我可以把它握在手里。The mouse is soft and small, and I can hold it in my hand(s).5. knee (n.) 膝盖 (pl.)knees 她喜欢在我的膝盖上睡觉。 She loves sleeping on my knees6. hold (vt.) 三单现holds 过去式held 现在分词holding(1) 握着,拿 她手里正拿着一本书。She is holding a book in her hand(2) 举行上周我们举行了一场运动会。We held a sports meeting last week.(3) 容纳 The hall can hold 200 people. 这个大厅能容纳200人。7. feed (vt.) 喂养 三单现feeds 过去式fed 现在分词feedingShe has a large family to feed. 她有一大家子要养活。feed sb. sth. = feed sth. to sb. 喂某人某物我每天喂我的兔子胡萝卜。I feed my rabbit carrots every day.= I feed carrots to my rabbit every day.feed on sth. 以为主食 Sheep feed on grass. 羊以草为主食。8. teach (vt.) 教 三单现teaches 过去式taught 现在分词teaching(1) teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 否定形式: teach sb. not to do sth.我想教我的鹦鹉讲话。I want to teach my parrot to speak(2) teach sb. sth. 教某人某事 结构中的sb.用代词宾格Mr. Zhang teaches us English. 张老师本学期教我们英语。 Reading1. poem (n.) (pl.)poems这是她最喜欢的诗歌。Here is her favourite poem.2. wide 1) (adv.) 充分地 眼睛睁得大大的 with eyes open wide 张大嘴巴 open the mouth wide 2) (adj.) 全张开的,睁大的 She stared at me with eyes open wide. 她睁大眼睛盯着我。3) (adj.) 宽阔的 这条河50米宽。This river is 50 metres wide 3. hunt (v) 三单现hunts 过去式hunted 现在分词hunting1) (vi.)寻找,搜寻 寻找 hunt for 我到处找我的书。Im hunting for my book. =Im looking for my book. 2)(vt.&vi.)猎取,打猎 去打猎go hunting 人们正在猎取一头大象。People are hunting an elephant.hunter猎人4. hide (v.) 三单现hides 过去式hid 现在分词hiding 1) (vt.) 隐藏,把隐藏起来 你把钱藏哪儿了?where did you hide the money? 他把信藏在盒子里。He hid the letter in the box. 2) (vi.) 隐藏,躲藏 当我躲起来时,他就把眼睛睁得大大的,到处找我。When I hide, he hunts for me with eyes open wide我要躲在门后。 I will hide behind the door.5. build (vt.) 建造,建筑 过去式built building (n.) 建筑物1) build sth. 建造我们准备建一所新学校we are going to build a school.2) build sb. sth. = build sth. for sb. 为某人搭建他为我搭建帐篷。He built a camp for me.=He built me a camp.3) build sth. out of 用搭建某物 用树枝搭建帐篷build a camp out of sticks 6. camp 1) (cn.) 营地,阵营 (pl.)camps去野营go camping 夏令营summer campThey spent the summer vacation in a camp in the mountain. 他们在山中野营度过暑假。 2) (vi.) 宿营,设营 They camped by a river at night. 他们晚上在河边宿营。7. stick (n.) 树枝;棍,棒 (pl.)stickswalk with a stick 用拐杖走路8. bark (vi.) (狗)吠,叫bark at sb. 朝着(对着)某人叫 The pet doesnt bark at night.那宠物在夜里不叫。 His dog is always barking at me.他的狗总是朝我叫。9. bite (vt&vi.) 咬 三单现bites过去式bit 现在分词biting 他从不乱叫,也不咬人。He never barks or bite. 那只狗昨天咬了我。That dog bit me yesterday10. fight 1) (vi.&vt.) 打架,与打架 过去式fought他不喜欢争斗。He doesnt like fightingfight with sb. 与打架 fight for sth. 为某事打架汤姆经常和他的邻居打架。 Tom often fights with his neighbours.我们都准备好了为祖国而战。 We are all ready to fight for our country.2) (n.) 打架,战斗;争吵这场战斗持续了多长时间? How long did the fight last? 11. care 1) (n.) 照料,照顾照顾take care of =look after 她把宝宝照顾得很好。She looks after the baby well=She takes good care of the baby 2) (v.) 关心,在意=mind care about 关心/在乎 他只考虑他自己而不关心别人。 He thinks only of himself, he doesnt care about others.Parents always care about only our grades. careful / careless (adj.) carefully/ carelessly (adv.) The careful woman drives carefully (careful).12. till 1) (prep.) 到时,直到为止 近义词until 我会一直照顾他直到最后。Ill look after him till the end 他们从早一直谈到晚。They talked from morning till night. 2) (conj.) 到时,直到为止 a) till用于肯定句时,主句的动词只能用延续性动词,它所表示的动作一直延续到till表示的时间为止,意为“直到为止”我将在学校大门口等你,直到你回来。 Hell wait for you at the school gate till you e back让咱们一直等到雨停了吧.lets wait till the rain stops. b) till用于否定句时,主句的动词通常用短暂性动词,它所表示的动作直到till所表示的时间才发生,意为“直到才” nottill昨天晚上我直到九点钟才睡觉。I didnt go to bed till nine oclock.学生们等到老师回到教室才离开.The students didnt leave till the teacher came back to the classroom.Well not have supper until Mum es back tonight.-How soon will he e back?-Not until next week.(He wont e back until next week.)13. end (n.) 终止;末尾,终点in the end 最后 = finally = at last最后,我做出了那条数学难题。I worked out the Maths problem in the end.at the end of 在尽头(末端)在路的尽头,你将会看见那家银行。 You will see the bank at the end of the road14. trouble (un.) 麻烦她不惹什么麻烦。She isnt any troublebe in trouble 处于困境中 be out of trouble 脱离困境Whats the trouble with you? = Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?=What happened to you?have trouble (in) doing 做.有麻烦你学英语有困难吗?Do you have any trouble (in) learning English?(vt.) 麻烦,打扰 trouble sb.很抱歉打扰了你。 Im sorry to trouble you.15. gentle (adj.) 温柔的 adv. gently, terribly他不需要温柔的触摸。He doesnt need a gentle touch16. touch 1) (n.) 触摸,碰她感到有人碰了一下她的头。 She felt a touch on the head. 2) (v.) 触摸,碰 不要碰墙上的画。Dont touch the picture on the wall 3)(vt.) 使感动,触动 这个故事使他们深受感动。 The story touched all of them.(moved)17. rhyme (vi.) 押韵 rhyme with all和ball押韵。All rhymes with ballGrammar1. anywhere (adv.) 任何地方 多用于疑问句或否定句中,代替somewhere,用于肯定句是意为“任何地方”。当她累了时,会在任何地方睡觉。When she is tired, she will sleep anywhere 我哪里都找不到小猫了。I cant find the little cat anywhere2. repeat (vi.&vt.) 重复 过去式repeated他很聪明,他能重复我的话。He is very clever and he can repeat my words.He is clever enough to repeat my words听录音并跟读。Listen to the tape and repeat after it.3. all the time 一直,总是(always)他总是很高兴。He is happy all the time.=He is always happyat the same time 同时 at that time 在那时at a time一次have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩的开心4. agree (vi.&vt.) 同意 三单现agrees过去式agreed 现在分词agreeingagree to do sth. 同意做某事 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见 agree to (a plan) 同意(计划)我和你意见一致。 I agree with you.她同意我们用这辆自行车。 She agreed to let us use the bike.政府不会同意那计划。 The government will never agree to the plan.5. keep (v.) 过去式kept 现在分词keeping1) (vt.) 养,饲养 养宠物raise / keep a pet这位老人养了许多动物,像狗、猪、还有猫等。 The old man keeps lots of animals, like dogs, pigs, cats and so on 2) (linking v.) 保持(某种状态) 他穿上外套保暖。Put on a coat to keep warm3) (vt.) 维持,使处于某种状态(情况) keep + sb./sth. + adj.保持办公室整洁。 Keep the office clean and tidy.使你的眼睛闭着。 Keep your eyes closed.keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth.keep doingkeep sb doingSorry to keep you waiting so long.Integrated skills1. weigh (v.) 重,有重 同音词way weigh后接所称物品;或接数词和重量单位。 请为我称下这些香蕉。 Please weigh the bananas for me.一条金鱼可重达40克。A goldfish weighs up to 40 gramsweight (n. ) the weight of 的重量The girl weighs 35 kilograms. 那个女孩重35千克。= The weight of the girl is 35 kilograms. =The girl is 35 kilograms in weight.这头大象多重?How much does the elephant weigh?= Whats the weight of the elephant?=How heavy is the elephant?2. gram (n.) 克 (pl.) grams kilogram 千克3. grow (vt.&vi.) 生长 过去式grewgrow up 成长,长大成人金鱼能长到20厘米长。Goldfish can grow up to 20 centimetres long 你长大了想干什么?What do you want to be when you grow up?4. talk (n.) 讲座,演讲 做演讲give a talk 这是一个有关动物的演讲。This is a talk about / on animals (vi.) 谈论talk with/to sb. 和某人谈论 talk about/of sth. 谈论某事talk with sb about sth5. noise (un.) 声音,响亮;噪音 noisy (adj.) noisily (adv.)他们发出响声吗?Do they make any noise? The room is noisy. The machine works noisily. Dont make too much noise. make a noise 发出声音 The baby is sleeping. Dont make a noise. 宝宝在睡觉,不要发出声音。6. brush (vt.) 刷,擦 三单现brushes 过去式brushed 现在分词brushing我们每天给她梳理毛发。We brush her fur every day我一天刷三次牙。I brush my teeth three times a day.(n.) 刷子 They cant find their brushes (brush).Do you have a tooth brush? 你有牙刷吗?7. fur (un.)(动物的)软毛,毛皮 给狗刷毛。Brush the dogs fur.在我们公寓里,到处都可以发现它的毛。You can find its fur all over our flat. Task1. paw (n.) (动物的)爪 (pl.) paws她长着长长的、灰色的毛和白色的爪子。She has long white fur and white paws2. basket (n.) 篮子 她喜欢睡在篮子里。She likes sleeping in a basket.一篮子苹果a basket of apples

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