2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 3 Plans全模块教案2 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 3 Plans全模块教案2 外研版一、教材内容分析 本模块围绕“计划”这个话题展开,在让学生学会 be going to 表达的同时学会合理安排生活和制定学习计划,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1能够正确使用下列词汇:buy, check, do, have, stay, get up, go to, revise for, a party, a piano lesson, a picnic, my email, my test, some clothes, because, look forward to, do some sightseeing, enjoy the sun and the sea, like foreign culture, stay in a hotel, take the plane2. 能够正确使用下列句型:Im going to check my email. Youre going to e, too.Bettys going to buy some clothes. Were going to listen to some music.Theyre going to have a picnic. What are you going to do? Is he going to get up early? Are they going to go sightseeing?3. 能够正确使用 be going to 表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或有意做某事。(二)语言技能目标1能够听懂对计划的陈述。2能够描述自己的计划。3能够读懂有关文章,掌握文章的大意。4能够把新知识迁移到实际生活中来,结合例文用 be going to 写作。(三)情感态度目标通过介绍自己的活动计划,解决学生生活中缺少计划性的问题;通过询问他人周末计划情况,培养学生关心他人的好习惯。三、教学重点难点(一)重点1重点词汇:动词短语。2重点句型:be going to, because3话题:Plans(二)难点词汇与句型在听说读写四方面的多重输出。笔头叙述自己或他人的计划。四、课时安排第一课时 Unit 1第二课时 Unit 2 (Activities 1,2,3,4&5)第三课时 Unit 3 (Activities 1&2, Around the world) &Workbook第四课时 Writing (U1 Activity 7, U2 Activities 6&7, U3 Activities 3&4)五、教学过程设计Period 1Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?一、教材分析本单元要求学生掌握有关出游的动词短语,通过讨论周末要做的事情,学习用be going to结构表达自己打算或计划要做的事。内容主要以对话的形式出现,由于是本模块的第一单元,只需做好正确的输入准备,不要求学生对句型所有人称的使用进行熟练掌握。二、教学目标(一)知识目标1词汇:全体学生能正确认读、听懂、理解相关的动词短语,90%左右的学生能正确拼写:plan check my email have a piano lesson have a picnic get up early go to a partyrevise for ones test stay in bed do ones homework buy some clothes play table tennis listen to music2 句型:be going to+动词原形,表达一般将来时。多数学生能够听懂、理解、说出下列关于“将来做某事”的句型:What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to .3对话:谈论周末计划要做的事情。85%左右的学生能听懂并且理解教材Activity 中的对话内容;程度较弱的学生要求能理解对话。(二)技能目标1 多数学生经过操练后能比较流利地朗读并且表演出Activity 3 中的对话,30%左右的学生能脱离课本表演出对话。2 全体学生能根据教师提供的分层情境,两人或多人小组编出一段关于“计划”的对话,并在全班做展示交流。(三)情感目标1 通过互相问答练习,锻炼学生有目的、有计划地做事,养成统筹安排的好习惯。2 通过询问他人周末计划情况,加强同学之间的交流与合作,形成互帮互助的良好学习氛围。三、教学重点难点1重点:学习be going to结构描述将来要做的事。知识目标中词汇与句型的讲授与学习。词汇与句型在听、说、读三方面的多重输出。2难点:学生能根据教师提供的活动要求完成口头叙述他人计划的任务。突破途径:通过情境设置,多角度训练学生演练句型和对话,为任务做好铺垫。四、设计思路利用活泼的多媒体画面,调动学生积极性,并穿插进行口语及听力练习,锻炼学生的听说能力。对话教学采取先提出问题,带着问题听、理解的形式,注意了整体教学,整体理解;然后采取互相对话的形式练习、巩固。词汇和短语在语境中自然接触,很容易让学生领会。教师尽量通过不同情景的设置,让学生正确理解短语和主要句型的正确含义及用法,在大量的语言输入后再做口头输出。五、教学步骤Step 1 Lead-in 1. Tell the students: Today we are going to learn Module3, Unit 1.Were going to learn English. Were going to have fun.2. Show the pictures: Ask the questions and read the phrases.Step 2 Listening (Activities 1, 2,5) 1. Listen and match the words.2. Write the phrases under the pictures. Make sure the students can say the phrases quickly and clearly.3. Activity 5: Listen and repeat.4. Ask: What is he/she going to do at the weekend?Answer: He/She is going to check her email/have a piano lesson/revise for his test. etc. Step 3 Listening (Activities 3, 4)1. Tell the students: Were going to listen to a dialogue between Daming and Betty. 2. Then ask: Whats Daming going to do at the weekend? What about Betty? 3. Ask the students to listen and answer the questions. 4. Activity 4. Choose the correct answers, then check them. 5. Listen to the dialogue again and read, then practice and act it out. Step 4 Speaking (Activity 7)plete the diary about what Daming and Betty are going to do at the weekend and retell it. On Saturday morning,Daming is going to check his email and do his homework. In the afternoon,hes going to have a piano lesson. In the evening, hes going to go to a party at a friends home and listen to some music. On Sunday morning, hes going to get up early and play table tennis with some friends. In the afternoon, hes going to meet Lingling and Tony in the park and have a picnic.Betty is going to buy some clothes on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday evening, shes going to go to a party with Daming. Shes going to stay in bed on Sunday morning and revise for her test. On Sunday afternoon, shes going to have a picnic with Daming, Lingling and Tony. Step 5 PractiseAsk and answer:What are you going to do?Use:this afternoon/evening, tonighttomorrow (morning/afternoon/evening)the day after tomorrow next Sunday/week/month/yearStep 6 SummaryToday we have learned how to talk about what you are going to do at the weekend. You should know how to use be going to +do. For example:What are you going to do at the weekend?Im going to check my email.He/She is going to have a picnic.We/They are going to get up early.Step 7 Homework1Exx.2, 3 & 5 on Workbook P96-97.2Prepare Unit 2.Period 2Unit 2 Were going to walk up the Great Wall. (Activities 1,2,3,4&5)一、教材分析学生通过第一个单元的学习后,对新句型有了初步的理解,本单元着力语言的实际应用,并适时介入了两个重要的短语 look forward to 和because,为语言的灵活使用提供了很好的支持。二、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 词汇:全体学生能正确认读、听懂、理解以下单词,90%左右的学生能正确拼写:look forward to because walk up visit my parents do some sightseeing lie on the beach watch a match take the plane to enjoy the sun and the seago sightseeing stay at a hotel the Dragon Boat Festival like foreign culture get (from ) to go out2. 句型:多数学生能够听懂、理解、说出并且笔头写出下列句型,程度较弱的学生能掌握前三项:What are you going to do?I am looking forward to because3. 课文:85%左右的学生能理解并且流利朗读教材Activity 1中的内容;程度较弱的学生要求能理解。(二)技能目标1. 多数学生经过操练后能比较流利地朗读并且表演出Activity 1 中的内容,30%左右的学生能脱离课本叙述课文内容。2. 85%左右的学生能正确理解教师提供的补充阅读内容,能正确寻找所需信息;程度较弱的学生要求能理解。(三)情感目标通过阅读文章,了解他们如何安排生活和制定学习计划,培养自己良好的生活和学习习惯。三、教学重点难点1 重点:知识目标中词汇与句型的讲授与学习。词汇与句型在听、说、读、写四方面的多重输出。扩大学生的阅读量,提高获取主要信息的能力。2难点:学生能迅速在文章中获取所需信息。突破途径:通过阅读理解的指导,和阅读问题的设置,培养学生的阅读策略。 四、设计思路在学习重点词汇后,进行阅读理解的训练,同时也体会新词汇的用法。五、教学步骤Step 1 Warming-upPair work: What are you going to do this weekend?What are you going to do on Sunday afternoon? Step 2 Presentation1. Ask and answer:T: What are you going to do this weekend?S: I am going to .T: Why?S: ErT: BecauseS: Because IT: He is going to go to the bookshop because he likes reading very much.T: I am looking forward to seeing a film this weekend because I want to relax myself.2. Practise:S1: What are you going to do?S2: I am looking forward to doingS1: Why?S2: I am going tobecause. Step 3 Reading (Activities 1,2,3,4)1. Show pictures and ask.2. Read and match.3. Listen and repeat.4. Activities 2,3,4.Step 4 Writing (Activities 5)Step 5 Homework1. Exx.1, 4,8 & 9 on Workbook P96-99.2. Read the passages. Period 3Unit 3 Language in use(Activities 1&2, Around the world) &Workbook一、教材分析学生通过两个单元的学习后,对新句型有了一定的掌握,本单元着力语言的实际应用,教师设计了一个较为真实的任务,给学生创设了灵活使用语言的情景。二、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 词汇:get up early go shopping go cycling go out2语法:多数学生能够听懂、理解、说出并且笔头写出下列句型:I am going toHe / She is going toWe / You / They are going to(二)技能目标1. 多数学生经过操练后能比较流利地朗读并且用上述目标中的句型做问答练习,80%左右的学生能正确笔头输出。2. 85%左右的学生能正确顺利完成任务;程度较弱的学生积极参与活动始终。(三)情感目标通过小组合作完成任务,培养了学生的合作能力;通过任务型的教学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,学习语言知识,发展语言技能;通过活动内容的设计,培养了学生计划意识,引导学生在周末参与一些活动,培养他们爱劳动、有爱心、参与健康活动的品质。三、教学重点难点1.重点:不同人称在重点句型中的使用2.难点:任务的顺利完成。突破途径:语言铺垫到位,教师明确任务内容,指令准确。 四、设计思路在足够的语言铺垫后,应该设计一个与真实情景相近的任务活动,给学生提供运用语言的机会。五、教学步骤Step 1 Warming-up1. Listening: Workbook Ex.62. Speaking: My plan, His plan, Her plan 3. Reading: Workbook Ex.8Step 2 Language practice 1. Ask and answer (Activity 1).What are you / your family / your friends going to do on Saturday / Sunday ?2.Revise the phrases and plete the sentences.Step 3 Around the worldStep 4 Mould task 1. Group work : Our class are going to have a trip next week. Where are you looking forward to ? What are you going to do ? What things are you going to get ready ? Discuss them and report.2. Write a position about the task. Step 5 Exercises1. Translate phrases.1). 查看邮件_ 2). 吃野餐_3). 早起 _ 4). 爬长城_5). 龙舟节 _ 6). 躺在沙滩上_7). 游览 _ 8). 交朋友_9). 上一堂钢琴课_1 0). 参加晚会_2. plete the words according to the first letters. 1). Helen is going to see her daughters daughter, her g_.2). Some f_ visit China every year.3). What are your p_ for this weekend?4). Im going to r_ for my English test.5). Thats a great i_.6). What is he looking f_ to?7). Toms mother is a very good c_.8). Take some food and water. Were going to have a p_.9). They are going to visit the F_ City.10). I like doing some s_.3. Rewrite the following sentences according to the requirements.1). They are going to do their homework after school.(对划线部分提问)_ are they _ to _ after school?2). Theyre going to Beijing by plane. (同义句)Theyre going to_ _ _ to Beijing.3). We are going to San Francisco by plane. (对划线部分提问)_ are you going to San Francisco?4). She is going to work this evening. (一般疑问句并做否定回答)_ she _ to work this evening? _, she _.5). Lucy is going to Disneyland because she likes Mickey Mouse.(对划线部分提问)_ is Lucy going to Disneyland?Step 5 Homework1. Exx. on Workbook.2. Self-assessmentPeriod 4Writing (U1 Activity 7, U2 Activities 6&7, U3 Activities 3&4)经过教师写作指导后,多数学生能写出一篇关于他人“计划”的短文,并在同学间交流;程度较弱的学生可在课后指导下完成。

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