2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 3 This is my sister.测试卷(无答案) (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 3 This is my sister.测试卷(无答案) (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 3 This is my sister.测试卷(无答案) (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 3 This is my sister.测试卷(无答案) (新版)人教新目标版.单项选择。(共30小题,30分)() 1.Who(谁)is that boy? He is my .A. fatherB. motherC. brotherD. sister () 2. This is teacher, Mr Green.A. IB. myC. meD. we () 3. are my books. Those are books.A. It, myB. It, yourC. These, youD. These, your () 4. are my good friend. A. YourB. HeC. TheyD. You () 5. ?Its a bag.A. Whats your nameB. How are youC. Whats thatD. How old are you () 6. These her brothers. This her sister.A. are, isB. is, areC. are, amD. is, is () 7. that your grandmother?A. Are, it isB. Is, it isC.Is, he isD. Are, she is () 8. Thanks the photo of your family.A. atB. forC. youD. your () 9. those your grandparents? No, .A. Is, they areB. Are,they are notC. Is ,it isD. Are, it isnt () 10. is my anut and is her uncle.A. He, sheB. It, sheC. He, itD. She, he () 11. his uncle and cousin.A. This isB. These isC. That isD. Those are () 12. Her are Paul and Teresa.A. motherB. friendC. brotherD. friends () 13. Is he Guo peng? Yes , .A. it isB. hesC. he isD. its () 14. Good morning,Miss Lu! .A. OKB. Fine, thank youC. Good morning,BillD. Yes, please () 15. Whats this? .A. Yes, itsB. Yes, it isC. Its a mapD. Is a map () 16. What color is your coat? .A. Its an orangeB. Its orangeC. Its a blueD. Its the green () 17. How your brother?A. amB. isC. beD. are () 18. I am David Brown. My first name is .A. DavidB. GreenC. David GreenD. Green David () 19. My name Mary , name is Jim.A. am, herB. is, hisC. is, herD. am, his () 20. Paul. Whats your name?A. IB.MyC. ImD. My am () 21. This is my book, and that is book.A. heB. himC. hisD. hes () 22. your telephone number? Its 8567883.A. WhatB. WhatsC. What areD. Is () 23. My pencil case is red white.A. /B. andC. butD. or () 24. ,is this your phone? Yes, it is. Thank you. A. Good morningB. Excuse meC. SorryD. Hello ( ) 25. Please call me 2133778.A. in B. onC. atD. for () 26. Whats this in English? .A. Yes, its a baseballB. No,it isntC. Its an eraser. D. Yes, it is () 27. Are you Lucy King? No, .A. ImB. I amC. Im notD. I am not () 28. These are my .A. bookB. pensC. friendD. a friend () 29. those your brothers?A. AreB. IsC. AmD. Be () 30. I am my mothers . I am a girl.A. daughterB. sonC. cousinD. brother.单词拼写。(15小题,30分)1、我的 2、什么 3、他的 4、她的 5、第一 6、最后的 7、电话号码 8、男孩 9、姓 10、铅笔 11、钢笔 12、铅笔盒 13、书 14、双肩背包 15、词典 . 补全对话。(10小题,20分)A: Hello! Whatyour 1 ?B: My name 2 Ryan Hunt.A: Is your 3 name Hunt?B: Yes.A: Whats 4 5 6?B: 7 5236788.A: Nice to 8 9.B: Nice to meet you, 10. 写作 (20分)假如你叫Peter, 你给你的笔友David 写封信,信中有你家人的相片,并向David 介绍相片中的人物。注意写信的格式。

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