2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Period 2教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Period 2教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Period 2教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Period 2教案 (新版)人教新目标版教材分析本单元学习的是学生最熟悉的家庭成员的称谓。通过介绍照片中的人物,帮助学生学会This/That is, These/Those are 以及询问人物的特殊疑问句Who is/are ? 本单元生词较多,并且也开始涉及到名词的复数形式,对学生来说有一定的难度。整个单元的都是围绕照片来谈论介绍人物的。由最初单一的家人称谓到连贯的句子、到对话、到篇章,充分体现了教材内容的渐进性和层次性,在教师的指导下学生能不断地重复掌握本单元的生词和新句型,从而达到熟练运用所学内容介绍家庭成员的目的。学情分析大部分同学对于家庭成员的名称有所了解,如何使学生在已有知识的前提下,掌握本单元的知识并进行提升,是我们在备课中应考虑到的问题。该年龄段的学生有很强的记忆力和模仿能力,但知识的拓展和运用的能力有待培养。我们教师要充分利用这一点在教学课本知识的同时,教会学生创造性地使用所学知识运用于实践。 明晰目标1. 知识目标 学习和掌握家庭成员的英文表达。 用This is/These are/That is/Those are,句型确认人物。 用Whos she/he? Who are they ? Hes my brother. They are my grandparents.句型辨认人物。 2.能力目标 学会向他们介绍自己的家庭成员。 能向他人询问、确认对方的家庭成员。 能对自己家人的个人情况进行描述。 3.情感目标 通过一系列的任务活动,鼓舞学生积极参与活动和积极学习英语,增加了学生用英语表达的自信。 重点难点重点家庭成员的名称。 询问、确定他人家庭成员的句型。 难点利用所学单词与句型进行简单交际和写作。需用教具或器材a tape recorder , cards,pictures .教学流程Period 2Teaching procedures :Step 1 Warming-up and revision (1) Daily greetings to the studentsT: How are you today?1 S: I am (fine/great/OK/very good). How about you? T: I am fine, How is your father / mother / grandfather / grandmother / uncle / aunt / brother / sister? How are your parents / grandparents -? S: He/She is T: Whats your name, please? S: I am (My name is) T: (to the whole class) So thats . Step 2 Presentation: T: Please take out your family photos. Is she your grandmother? S2: Is he your father? S3: Is she your cousin?S: Mother. Step 3 Work on 3a T: Now lets look at this picture. There are four people in the picture, and the boy and the girl playing basketball are Anna and Paul. Lets read the words aloud and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. T: Lets check the answers -Is she your sister? -Yes, she is. -And is he your brother? -No, he isnt. He is my friend.Step 4 Work on 3b T: Well done! Now read the dialogue in 3a with your partner, then change your roles. 11 Ss read it in different roles. T: Oh look, there are many people there, old and young . Can you make a dialogue like 3a? Step 5 Presentation I have a friend. His name is Mike. Do you have a friend? Step 6 Work on 3c Step 7 . Summary作业或练习设计Do the exercise.板书设计 Unit 2 This is my sister.How are you today?1 I am (fine/great/OK/very good). How about you?课后反思 基本能够学会介绍,不过课后检查时发现,学生对单词的记忆还有一定的困难,今后要加以引导

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