2019-2020年九年级英语全册《Unit 15 We’re trying to save the manatees!》教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!教案 人教新目标版 单元目标与要求教学目标:1. 能够使用初中英语常见的时态和语态(Present progressive tense, Present tense, Passive voice, Present perfect tense)来表达自己的观点,如:We are trying to save the manatees. I disagree with you.2. 能够使用有关环境保护的语言,如:I think animals should not live in zoos. Recycling paper is really easy.3. 能够用简单的英语语言制作环保宣传海报;4. 能够利用废旧物品制作成有用的物品,并用英语向大家做简单的介绍。语言功能: debate and issue语言结构:review of structures语言目标:I agree with you. /I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clean and safe place for endangered animals to live. I think that/ I believe that/ I feel that/ I agree that重点词汇及短语:weigh, pound, tiny, expression, built, pull, planet, society, spare, model, I think that animals should not live in zoos. 学习策略与思维技巧:1. 通过小组讨论,开展调查和研究,明确在用中学,在交流中学习;通过归类法,简化学习过程,帮助记忆;2. 过限时阅读,提高阅读能力;通过录音跟读,提高语音,语调的正确率以及听的能力。教学重难点:1. 用简单的英语制作环保宣传海报;2. 用得体的英语向大家介绍自己利用废品作成的有用物品。情感目标:通过了解濒危和珍稀动物的生存状况,探讨生活中的环境问题,培养爱护动物,保护环境的公德意识,并能用自己的言行去影响周围的人,倡导大家一起爱护动物,保护环境课时安排4课时第一课时:Section A 1a2c 第二课时:Section A 3a4第三课时:Section B 1a2c 第四课时:Section B 3aSelf check Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!The 1st period Section A 1a-2cBy Zhang XiTeaching aims:1. To learn some names of animals.2. To learn how to describe the animals.3. To know something about the manatees.4. To revise some tense like: present progressive, present simple, “used to”+ infinitive, passive voice, present perfect.Difficult points:1. The names of animals2. The adjectivesTeaching aids: CAI, tape. 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 Warming up Enjoy a song about animalsStep 2 Lead in After the song, T can ask Ss, Do you like animals? Whats your favorite animal? Why? According to these questions, Ss can revise animals and adjectives they learned before. T can write these words on the blackboard to help them remember better.Step 3 Presentation After revision T can show some pictures with the animals, then teach the names and some adjectives which describe them. T: What are these? S: Theyre African elephants. T: What do you think of them? S: Theyre enormous.Then T can finish teaching the words by using this way. T can show the pictures and words. Also Ss can express their own description to the animals.Step 4 Read and matchSection A1. Ask Ss to write the adjectives in the boxes below. Then write other words they know.2. Ss show their views.Step 5 Group workA: I like , because theyre B: But I like, because theyre so What about you, C?C: I think are , so they are my favorite animalsStep 6 Listening1. 1b. Listen and circle the words in 1a that victor and Anny use to describe the animals.2. Read the listening materials after the tape.Then read then together.Step 7 Group work Think of an animal that is the same as you in some ways write a statement about you and the animal. Read your statement without saying the name of the animal. Your classmates guess what kind of animal you are like. Ask Ss do group work according to the model below.A: I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent. I like water, and I like to eat vegetables.B: Youre like an elephant.A: No.C: Youre like a manatee.A: Yes.Step 8 ListeningT: Do you know a lot about the manatees?S: No.T: OK, if you want to know more about them, please listen to the tape very carefully, then youll get the answers you want.1. Do 2a. Listen and match the words with definitions.Answer: 1b. 2d. 3a. 4c.2. Do 2b. Listen again. plete the chart kind of animalmanateeNumbers2500Habitatthe water under the trees in mangrove swampsReason why theyare endangeredsome of the swamps have bee pollutedthere sometimes isnt enough foodDescriptionLarge, ten feet long and about 1000 poundsNeed about 100 pounds of aquatic feed a day3. Read after the tape, then read together this listening material.4. Explain some important and grammar focus.Step 9 Pair work Use the facts in the chart in 2b to role play a conversation between a student and a zoo attendant.A. How big are manatees?B. Theyre about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1000 pounds.Homework: 1. Copy the new words and remember them.2. Read the reading materials of 1b, 2a3. Read Grammar Focus.Bb designUnit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! -How big are manatees? kangaroos gentle -Theyre about 10 feet long and they cheetahs furryweigh about 1000 pounds. polar bears enormous playful aggressive gray spotted与本课相对应的动物歌,方便导入此处可以自然进入动物的世界,又可以复习学过的形容词与动物名,为下文打下基础。随着图片的呈现和一问一答的开展既引出动物名又学习形容词,同时也发挥学生的想象力此处是为了更好地巩固所学的名词与形容词这一部分是书本1c,目的也是为了能进一步巩固所学的名词与形容词,同时又有趣味性,可以调节气氛,活跃学生的思维2a.2b的听力较长,可多放几遍,使学生能够较正确地填写表格。跟读这部分听力较为重要,可以使他们更好地了解有关海牛的知识。而对有些语言点及语法的解释则可以使知识更明了并得以巩固。Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!(The 2nd period Section A:3a-4) By Lin LiTeaching aims:Knowledge aims: 1) Ss can use the following words and expressions: be against, in my life, be suitable for, tiny, cage, disgusted, educate, urge sb. to do sth, expression, care for 2) Ss can use the following sentence patterns: think that/I believe that/I feel that/I agree with you. / I agree thatAbility aims: learn how to give opinions about zoosEmotional aims: Let the Ss know how to protect animals. Important & difficult points: Learn how to debate correctly in English.Teaching aids: recorder, multi-mediaTeaching design: Teaching steps Suggestions Step 1 Warming-upGreet with the Ss.Step 2.PresentationAsk some students Do you like visiting zoos/aquairiums? Why or Why not?I like visiting zoos. Ive been to many zoos in my life.Do you think zoos are good places for animals to live in? Why?Maybe these tiny cages in the zoos are too small for animals to live in. They can hardly move at all. Zoos are not suitable for animals. Theyre not the home of animals. Do you know where their real homes are? Forests, swamps, prairies and so on.Do you think animals like living in the zoos?Can zoos provide good homes for them?Then what should we do for these animals? Should we care for them?At the same time, we should urge all the people to protect the animals. We should educate the people who are doing bad things to the animals.Step 3.PracticeLet the Ss make some sentences with the new words or phrases above.Step 3 ReadingAre you for or against building zoos? Why?What about the writer of the letter in 3a?1. Ss read the letter in 3a .Then answer the questions:1) Where are animals kept?2) How often are the animals given food every day?3) What does the writer think of the zoos?Next, ask them to fill in the chart.2 .Then let the Ss read the letter in 3b.Ask them to fill in the chart. Then check the answers.Then play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat.Step 4 Before debate1. Ask different students: Whats your opinion about the zoos?Get the different answers.2. Divide the whole class into two teams. Team A thinks zoos are good for animals. Team B disagrees. Give them some time to discuss and prepare. The teacher can help them when the Ss have some problems.Step 5 DebateHomework:1. Finish the exercises in this lesson.2. Read the two letters after class.3. Write a letter to give your own opinion.Blackboard designUnit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!Ive been to many zoos in my life.Maybe these tiny cages are too small for animals to live in.Zoos are not suitable for them.通过greeting来活跃气氛,让学生很快融入到英语学习的氛围中,同时为下面的学习作情感方面的准备。通过拉家常式的交流自然地导出本节课的主要新词汇,为下面的学习作好铺垫。让学生用所学过的词汇造句,可以通过运用巩固所学知识。阅阅读是本节课的主要任务之一,如何让学生读懂并高效地输入是能否开展下一环节活动的保障。而且,两个表格可以培养学生的归纳能力。组织好活动,并给学生充分的准备时间是搞好活动的保证。通过辩论活动让学生使用本节课所学的知识来阐述自己的见解和观点,逐渐培养他们用英语思考的能力.Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! ( The 3rd period Section B 1a-2c )By Wu DanpingI. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects (1) Key vocabulary Planet, recycle, shower, paper, towels, napkins, turn off (2) Target langrageWe really shouldnt use paper napkins, you know.I know. I stopped using them last year.2. Ability objects(1) Train students speaking and listening ability.(2) Train students ability to under stand the target language in spoken conversation.(3) Train students ability to use the target language.3. Moral objectWe should be aware of the importance of protecting the environment.II. Teaching Key Points: key vocabulary and target language. Teaching Difficult Points1. How to train students speaking and listening ability.2. How to use the target language. Teaching Methods1. Listening methods.2. Pair work to make every student work in class. Teaching aidsMulti media Teaching Design 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step 1 RevisionThis step is to revise the knowledge of the last period and lead into the topic and introduce the new word. Let them look at the pictures about the animals killed by people. T asks: After seeing these pictures. What do you feel? What should we do them?Ss may answer: We should save the endangered animals.Then T shows the picture of bottle and trash- can.T: Which should we put the empty bottle in?Why?For recycling or to protect the environment.If not. What will happen?Next give some pictures about the pollution on the earth.T says: People and animals cant live or the planet.So what can we do to save the planet?Get them to discuss.Step 2 1a PresentationT: There are some ideas in 1a. Please read it together. Then rank these items from the easiest to the most difficult. Have the students rank the items from the easiest to the most difficult, and write down why it is easy or it is difficult for you.Step 3 1b Pair work (practice)This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.T: I think turning off the lights when you leave the room is easy, because everyone can do it with out any efforts. Do you agree?S1: I agree, but its hard to stop riding in cars, because many peoples homes are far from the schools and work places. If they dont ride in car, they will be late.Give the modal, then get them to pair work. First one student makes a statement. Then the other student agrees or disagrees with it and gives him / her own opinions. Step 4 2a.2b ListeningThis activity provides listening practice with the target language.T: Now you will hear Jack and Julia talk about what they are doing to help save the planet.Let them read the statements they may talk about.T: Among these statements. What things do you always do? What things are you doing now? What things will you do in the future? What things would you never do? What about Julia? Lets listen and check.Play the recorder for this activity for the students.Cheek the things that Jack and Julia talk about.Play the recorder the second time to cheek the things that Julia is doing now. The things she will do in the future and the things she would never do. Then correct the answers.Step 5 2c.practiceThe activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.T: We really should stop using paper napkins, you know.S1: I know I stopped using them last year. I use handkerchief instead.S2: Its not difficult. I will do it in the future.After the modal, have the students work in pairs. Invite one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 6 Task: Interview the classmates. What things they always do to save our planet? What things they win do to save our planet? What things they would never do? Why? Interview then report like this: Everyone has done something to save our planet. has stopped using paper a napkins, he uses handkerchief instead. And he will take his own bags when shopping, but he thinks it is hard to stop riding in cars, because his home is far from the school.Step 7 Summary Give some exercises to doStep 8 Homework How can we save electricity / trees / animals / gas /water?Blackboard designUnit 15 Were trying to save the manatees!A: We really shouldnt use paper napkins, you know.B: I know. I stopped using them last year.用触目惊心的图片和身边的小事引入话题充分的信息输入为下面的输出准备通过Pair work 落实目标语在听力前提一些问题降低听力难度,也使听地有的效果。由单句到小对话再到长篇,由浅及深,符合学生认知规律。最后的Language Focus 不能省略Unit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! ( The 4th period Section B 3a4 )By Shi YayingTeaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge objects(1) Key vocabulary:trash, pull down, be made from, glue, inspiration, bottle, spare time(2)Practice reading an article (3)Practice writing something using the target language2. Ability objects(1) Improve students integrating skills-reading skill and writing skill (2) Improve students speaking ability by talking to each other3. Moral ObjectWe must realize the importance of recycling, It not only is a useful saving of money but also can protect our environmentTeaching key points and difficult points Practice reading and writing using the target language1 How to improve students reading ability2 How to improve students speaking abilityTeaching AidsA recorder, a projector and CAI 教学步骤 建议和说明 Teaching stepsStep1 Pre-readingFirst show a picture of our crying planetearth. Ask Ss: Look at our earth. Whats the matter with her? Then show a few pictures about the environment problems. After that, ask Ss What should we do to save our planet? Encourage Ss to give some good suggestions to revise what Ss have just learned.Step2 PairworkLet Ss share their ideas with the partners about how to protect the environment. Do pairwork.e.g. A: Recycling paper is really easy.B: I agree. But its hard to stop riding in a car.Step3 ReadingBefore reading, show some objects, ask SsDo you know what it is made from?Present the phrases “be made from” and get Ss to practice it.After that, let Ss read 3a quickly by themselves and fill in the blanks as following.House partsThings made fromThe wallsThe roofThe fenceThen let Ss read 3a more carefully, at the same time, underline and explain some key points. Help Ss read and learn the article.At last, tell Ss imagine that you are going to interview Amy. Share your questions with your partner. The more, the better.Step4 TalkingAsk Ss if they can say something about how to recycle things.Encourage Ss to express themselves freely.Step5 Writing Let Ss pare the pictures and then plete the article. Use the phrases “be made from and “used to be in their article.Step 6 Self-checkLet Ss fill in the blanks with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make their own sentences with each word.Step 7 Make conversations If time permits, vides speaking and listening practice using the target languageGo through the instructions with the classInvite a pair of students to model part of the sample dialogue adding their own answers Correct any pronunciation errors to make sure the students are providing a good model for the rest of the classSample conversationsConversation 1SA: What are three things you are supposed to do?SB: Im supposed to go home after school, finish my homework and go to bed at tenSA: What are you supposed to do when you meet your teacher?SB: Im supposed to greet my teacherConversation 2SA: What happened yesterday?SB: I missed the bus I was late for schoolSA: Why did you miss the bus?SB: I got up lateConversation 3SA: Give me that book,SB: Please ask politelySA: Im sorry Could you please give me that book?SB: Of course Here you areConversation 4SA: How do you feel about soft music?SB: It makes me relaxedSA: How about loud music?SB: It makes me want to danceConversation 5SA: Do you need some help?SB: Yes, Im looking for your a bus stopSA: Walk along the street and turn left at the first turning You will find itSB: Thank you for your helpSA: Youre weleConversation 6SA: Have you ever won anything?SB: I won the best new singer last yearSa: Thats great Have you had your own concert?Sb: No, not yetStep 8 Knowledge If time permits, let Ss learn something that human beings have done for protecting our environment.HomeworkWho recycles the most in your class? Survey the students in your class. Then take a class vote. Who is Mr. or Ms Recycling?Do you Namesrecycle paper?turn off lights in the house?ride a bike shopping?Bb design开门见山引入本课话题复习前面所学内容,唤起学生对以前学过的回忆,为阅读文章做好铺垫,起到以旧带新的作用通过两两操练提高学生对所学知识的运用能力,符合语言的交际功能。通过表格的形式让学生先对要学的文章有个粗线条的了解,同时突出本章节的重点。通过学生间的两两问答,不仅加深了学生对文章的理解,更能挖掘文中的内涵,升华主题。既让学生练习了口语,又突出了本单元的主题。学以致用,最终运用在写作上。让学生了解人类已经为保护环境行动起来了,所以作为地球人的我们,理应也该出一份力。

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