2019-2020年九年级英语下册《Unit 2 Robot》Reading 2教学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下册Unit 2 RobotReading 2教学案(无答案) 牛津版总课题9B Unit 2 Robots总课时10第 3 课时课题Reading(2)课型新授学习目标知识目标To identify the bad points of owning a robot.能力目标To identify true and false statements about life with a robot.情感目标Know about the future life.学习重难点To identify true and false statements about life with a robot.教 (学) 活 动自主个案完成句子:1我想知道他是否已完成了作业。I wonder _ his homework.2我们不确定他们当时在谈些什么。We were not sure _.3你能告诉我们现在几点吗?Can you tell me _ now?4 老师说月球绕着地球转。The teacher said_.5 他没有告诉她他在哪里工作。He didnt tell her _.Step 1: Revise the useful expressions again orally and have a dictation.Step 2: Reading “The first person to own a robot”1. Explain the context of the second part of the reading passage. Daniel is reading an article about having a robot at home. There are bad points.2. Ask students to listen to the passage, paying attention to the pronunciation, and make some of them to read the paragraphs aloud. 3. List the bad points. catch a virus and cause a lot of problems no longer know when to cook and wake Mr. Jiang up at 4 in the morning. Find his breakfast in the washing machine, clean shirts in the dustbin, books in the sink. Move around the house and knock things over4. Ask students to read each paragraph and put forward questions if they haveStep 3: language points1. be happy with = be satisfied/pleased with2. wake sb. Up 3. in the end = at last= finally4. return sth. to sb.= give sth. back to sb. 5. decide to do sth.Step 3: Homework:1. Recite the useful vocabulary and paragraphs.2. plete some exercise.选择填空:1. Dont worry. Ill show you _ .A. where is the hospital B. where the hospital is C. the hospital is where2. Can you tell me _ ?A. where does Lilei work B. where did Lilei work C. where Lilei works3. Do you know _ from Wuhan to Beijing?A. how far it is B. how far is it C. how long it is4. Do you think _ an English film tomorrow night?A. there is going to have B. there is going to be C. will there be5. Could you tell me _ it snows in winter in Australia?A. that B. which C. whether D. what1. 你知道她家里有多少人吗?Do you know _ in her family?2. 我要弄清楚我们是否将举行聚会。I must find out _ . 3. 他说他们已经赢了那场比赛。 He said _1. I dont know if it _ tomorrow. If it _ , I will not go fishing.A. rains;rains B. rains; will rain C. will rain ; rains D. will rain ; will rain 2.- Do you know _? - Hes Toms father.A. who is he B. what he is C. who he is3. Will you tell me _?A. where Jack is from B. what does Jack do C. where is Jack working4. She didnt tell me what _.A. was her name B. his name was C. his name is5. Do you still remember _? A. that he said B. what he said C. what did he say教/学后记(我的问题,体悟,收获)

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