2019-2020年九年级英语Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(3).doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad(3) Teaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects(1) Key Vocabularyowner, scientific, pink, knowledge, serve, unfortable, endangered(2) Target LanguageHow do you feel about pollution?It makes me kind of angry How about you?It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign2 Ability Objects(1)Train students integrating skills(2)Train the ability of expressing students own opinions3 Moral ObjectIn our lives, we should express what we feel clearly Teaching Key PointTrain students integrating skills Teaching Difficult PointHow to improve students integrating skills Teaching Methods1 Fast-reading method2 Groupwork and pairwork Teaching Aids1 A projector2 The blackboard Teaching ProceduresStep RevisionT: Yesterday we learned the target language The structure is makes meNow who can make sentences using the structure?S1: Light colours make me relaxedS2: Loud noise makes me tenseS3: Loud music makes me energeticT: Very goodStep 3aThis activity provides reading and writing practice using the target languageShow the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projectorowner n所有者;业主scientific adj科学的pink adj粉红色的lighting n照明;照明设备knowledge n知识;学问serve v服务;招待design v设计;构思 unforable adj不舒服的;不合意的campaign n运动;竞选运动 :endangered adj有灭绝危险的;将要绝种的 smoke v吸烟;抽烟Read the words and get students to repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accuratelyPoint to the picture and ask, What can you see in the picture? Ask some students to describe the picture Offer help if necessary(The walls are bright red There is loud music There are bright lights in the ceiling The people are eating quickly They arent talking to each other)Read the instructions and the questions below the article aloud Make sure students understand what to do Read the title“ Restaurant Science” and ask, What do you think “Restaurant Science” means? (It means the study of how to operate a restaurant)Get students to read the article on their own Let students underline any words or phrases they dont understand Go through each word or phrase and ask some students to explain what they think it means Be sure students know what the article is about Ask students to read the article alone again and answer the questions Have students work individuallyAsk three students to answer the questions orally in class Correct the answers if necessaryCheck the answers with the whole classAnswers1 Red makes most people hungry It makes them eat faster2 They want people to eat quickly and leave so more people can e in3 Answers will varyNotes1 ownerperson who owns something2 unfortablenot fortable; uneasyStep 3bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language Ask three students to read the sample conversation in the box to the whole classSA: The seats are very hard The white walls make me stressedSB: Is it this classroom?SA: No, it isntSC: Is it a hospital?SA: Yes, thats rightGo through the instructions with the classSay, First take a few minutes to think of a place and how you will describe it You can write down some words that describe the placeGet student to work in groups of four or five Each students describes a place and others in the group try to guess it While students are doing their work, walk around the classroom checking their progress and offering help if necessary At the end of the groupwork, have some students say their descriptions to the class and see how quickly the other students can guess what the place is Give students a sample conversationSA: There are a lot of people every dayThe loud noise makes me tenseSB: Is it a mall?SA: No, it isntSC: Is it a supermarket?SA: No, it isntSD: Is it a market?SA: Yes, youre rightStep IV Part 4This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target languageAsk a good student to tell students how he/she feels about pollution For example, I hate pollution Loud noise makes me tense Smoking makes me very angryEndangered animals make me sad I think pollution is very terribleGet students to read the instructions by themselves Have students plete the work in groups of three As they work, go around the classroom offering help as neededReview the task Ask a few students to share the results of their surveysSample answersHow do you feel aboutYouLi PingZhao QiangPollutionangryangryangryheavy trafficworriedtenseangryloud noisetenseenergeticwant to leaveEndangered animalssadcryangrySmokingangrywant to leaveunfortablepeople who keep you waitingangryworriedangryStep SummaryIn this class, weve learned some key vocabulary words such as owner, scientific, knowledge, unfortable Weve also done a lot of reading, writing and speaking practice using the target languageStep Homework1 Finish off the exercises on pages 5355 of the workbook2 Ask students to choose some places they know and talk about how they feel about the placesStep Blackboard DesignUnit 13 Rainy days make me sadSection AThe Third PeriodTarget languageA:How do you feel about pollution?B: It makes me kind of angry How about you?A: It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign

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