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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit2Thisismysister(第2课时)教案(新版)人教新目标版Teaching goals:In this class, the students are expected to learn how to introduce family members, using “This/That is; These/Those are ”. Learn to identify people like“A: Whos he/she? B: Hes/ She s; A:Whore they? B:Theyre”. Let them listen and talk about their families. Encourage the students to show their love to the family during their daily life.(目标引领,采用尽量简单的语言表述本节课的知识、能力和情感目标,让学生容易看懂。)Preview :一、Do you have a family photo? Who are the people in the photo? I think everyone should love his family. Do you want to introduce your family members to us? First we should know some words and expressions. Lets check your prevision. 二、Look at p7 and 8, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1. 父亲,爸爸 _ 2. 母亲,妈妈 _ 3. 姐,妹 _ 4. 兄,弟_5. 祖母,奶奶,外婆 _ 6. 祖父,爷爷,外公 _7. 父(母)亲 _ 8. 祖父(母) _三、Put the following into Chinese.This is my sister. _That is my family. _These are my parents._Those are my grandparents. _Whos he? _Whore they? _(预习从学生入手,可以调动学生的兴趣,培养学生的发散思维,让学生参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教,为下面的学生活动打下良好的铺垫。)Warming up and leading in:T: Please watch the radio and enjoy the song “The Family”. Answer: “Who are they?”Ss: Father!Mother! Sister! Brother! Baby !T: Do you love your family? Do you want introduce your family?Ss: Yes!(学生小学学过一些有关家庭成员的称呼,播放动画与歌曲既活跃课堂气氛又激活学生原有知识,为新课的教学做铺垫。这个任务让学生利用原有知识和自己预习的本节课要求的语言知识,即有关家庭成员的称谓的单词。为下面任务的完成提供必要的语言支撑。)Presentation1. Look at the picture of “The family of LiuXing ”,recognize his family members. Using “This/That is; These/Those are ”and “ A: Whos he/she? B: Hes/Shes; A:Whore they? B:Theyre” (谈论学生喜欢的刘星,可以激发学生参与的积极性。而且图片输入模式更形象生动,也可以使那些基础稍稍偏差的同学从图中学习相关知识,更有利于他们的学习,基础好的同学则能掌握的更好。通过认识刘星的家人从而到介绍其家人这么个过程,使学生能够自然而然的接受新句型.)听力训练 一 (1a 1b)Listening for the general idea听取大意1b 1. Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.The main idea of the three conversation is _.A. the boys friends B. the boys family Listening for the specific ideas 听取细节1a Show a picture to the Ss. Students match the people in the picture(1a). . 1b . Listen again, and circle the words you hear in 1a. Mother father parents brothers grandmothergrandfather friend grandparents sister1c Pair work. Role-play the conversation in 1a.Then talk about the other people in the picture.A: Thats my family. Those are.B: Whos ?A: Shes. Oh, and these are my . 听力训练 二 (2a、2b)Listening for the general idea 听取大意 1. The main idea of the conversation is to talk about _.A. Cindys family photos B. Cindys friendsListening for the specific ideas 听取细节2a Listen and circle the words you hear.Parents mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents2b Listen again. Match the names with the people in the picture.1. Jenny_ 2. Jack _ 3.Tom_4.Bob_5.Linda_6.Mary_Listen and repeat. (听力理解先听大意,然后再听细节,初步用听的技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。理解文段后,进行听力模仿,感知英语发音特点,培养语感,提高口语表达水平。)Post-listening activities 听后活动1、语言巩固性训练Work in pairs, ask and answer about the photo in2b. Whos she ? Shes .Whos he ?Hes her .(激励学生主动参与、主动实践、主动思考、主动探索、主动创造,调动学生的学习热情,让学生在操练中掌握语言知识,形成语言技能。)2、语言拓展性训练1.)Role-play the conversation in groups of three. Then go to the front and perform it to the whole class. 2) Interview: Students work in group of 4. Student A draws a picture of his family and students B, C, D talk about the photo. Finally one student do a report. A: This is my family. B: Whos he?A: ShesC: Whos he?A: ShesD: Whore they ?A: TheyreReport: This is As family photo. This is .That is These areThose are(设计具有趣味性、教育性、创造性、实践性的学生主体采访活动,教师把主动权完全交给学生,引导学生共同合作在完成“采访”中操练和运用所学知识,形成知识的迁移,将所学知识运用到实际生活当中,既提高了学生运用语言的能力,而且也提高学生们口语表达以及学生之间的合作意识。)Inquiry into knowledge by translation:(四)Inquiry knowledge by translation 新知探究this, that ,those, these 的用法区别this意为_, these意为_, 用来指较_的事物。that意为_, those意为_,用来指较_的事物。其中,this和that作主语,be动词用单数_。these和those作主语,be动词用复数_.练习:翻译句子这是我的妈妈。_那些是我的父母亲。_(鼓励学生通过合作学习自己总结,引导学生观察、发现、归纳和掌握语言规律,形成有效的学习策略,教师在学生不会的地方进行精讲,落实了以学定教。)The end-of class test: Exercises3a. plete the conversation and practice it with your partner. A: That _ my family. Thats my mother. B: _ he?A: _ my father. B: Whos _?A: Shes _ sister.B: And who _ they?A: _ my grandparents. 3b. Look at the picture. Make sentences with the words in the three boxes.看图,从方框中选词造句。thisthat these thosemy your father motherparents grandfather brother sister(以学评教,强化分层落实,面向全体学生,用实践来检验所学知识。)Homework: You must: Draw your family photo.You can: Write some sentences to introduce your family. 用我们学过的句子介绍你的家庭。Answers:Preview :二、1. father 2. mother 3. sister 4. brother 5. grandmother 6. grandfather 7. parents 8. grandparents三、1.这是我的姐妹 2.那是我的家庭 3.这些是我的父母亲 4.那些是我的组父母亲 5.他是谁?6.他们是谁?听力训练 一 (1b)1a 1-a 2-c 3-b 4-h 5-f 6-e 7-i 8d 9-g1b parents brothers sister grandparents听力训练 二 (2a、2b)2a mother father sister brother grandparents2b 2-c 3-a 4-b 5-e 6-f翻译探究:1. 这个 那个 is这些 那些 are 2. This is my aunts. 3. Those are my friends.The end-of class test:3a、is ,Whos, Hes, she, my, whore, Theyre3b、eg. This is my father. That is my mother. These are my parents. Those are my grandparents.亮点:1、听说课结合了单词课的教学,以图片和一句话引出新单词,以真实的情境为载体,学生更容易感兴趣,也更容易在语境中去理解单词。本课运用有关假期的视频导入能够充分调动学生的兴趣,激发学生的学习热情。2、在听力训练中设计多项活动,由易到难,由浅入深,由大意到细节,让学生的听力技能得到充分的调动与提高。3、在听后活动中,学生能够利用表格提供的信息进行巩固性训练,让学生在操练中掌握语言知识,形成语言技能;结合刘星的一家人,创设贴近学生生活的情境,让学生进行拓展性训练,学生共同合作完成“采访”中操练和运用所学知识,形成知识的迁移,将所学知识运用到实际生活当中,既提高了学生运用语言的能力,而且也提高学生们口语表达以及学生之间的合作意识。4、翻译探究让学生能够在听说完后掌握本堂课重要的语言知识及语法重点,最后用实践来检验本堂课的效果。5、家庭作业分层布置,分成You must,You may,可以让学生根据自己的学习情况去选择,真正实现了分层教学。不足:本堂课听力训练过多,占用了较多的时间,语法聚焦放入这堂课也增加了容量,给学生的练习机会有些少。听后活动的使用建议:听后活动是听力的输出部分,教师可以根据时间再具体调控量的多少。翻译探究部分要让学生自己动脑,教师只可起指导作用千万不要越俎代庖。对于1b,2a,2b这种大量的听说,鉴于时间问题,建议不要全部重点处理,将其中较难的部分(如本课的2a,2b部分)多加一点量。在翻译探究和课后活动中可以根据学生的实际水平分层次的进行组织教学活动。

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