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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit10Youresupposedtoshakehands(第1课时)Wordsandphrases教案新人教版Teaching and Learning Goals:一、语言知识和语言技能:1. 能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子。kiss,greet,relaxed,value,capital,noon,mad,passport,chalk,blackboard,northern,coast,season,knock,eastern,worth,manner,basic,exchange,granddaughter,except,suggestion.2. 能争取在具体情景下学会使用下列常用短语进行英语表达。drop by, get mad, make an effort, cleanoff, take off, go out of ones way ,get used to, makefeel at home.3. 能认读及明确下列词汇的汉语意思即可 custom, bow, teenage, elbow, gradually.4. 理解、翻译并复述运用本节课的新词汇所编写的故事,利用故事记忆单词。二、学习策略:1. 依据图片理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases with the help of the pictures.)2. 在语境中理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases in the context.)3. 依据读音规则、构词规律理解和记忆词汇。(Understand and remember the words and phrases according to phonetic rules, the structures of the words and phrases.)4. 基于同伴互助的方式学习词汇,并运用新学词汇与同伴交流。(Learn and express with the new words in groups.)三、情感态度:了解世界世界各国不同的风俗礼仪,告诫我们入乡随俗的道理。Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Learn how to read the new words1. Lead-inT: Do you know each country has different rules about social situations? Lets look at the pictures. What kind of customs do they describe differently? Different countries have different customs and manners. Before you want to know more about them, you should learn some new words. Open your books to Page 165. Look at the new words in this unit.1 Read the new words in Unit 10 by themselves according to their pronunciations and mark the difficult words to read. Read the marked words to your partner. 2. Listen to the tape. Then follow and repeat.3. Work in groups to help each other to correct the pronunciation.4. Read aloud one group by one group. (设计说明:九年级的学生已经具备了根据音标读出单词的能力,因此首先让学生自己读出单词,然后读给全班听,由老师纠正。再跟读磁带,以获取纯正读音。最后,利用小组互助的形式让每一个学生都能读出单词。等大家熟读后,再让小组中最差的学生读,其他小组予以纠正,老师予以辅助。以保证所有学生都能熟练读出单词,语音纯正,发音准确。)Step II. Learn how to memorize the new words and phrases1. Remember the words and phrases according to the pictures.T: We can read these words now. But how can we remember them more easily? First, lets learn some new words by looking at the pictures. passport n.护照1. People need passports to enter foreign countries. chalk n.粉笔 blackboard n.黑板2. The teacher writes with pieces of chalk on the blackboard. coast n. 海滨,海岸3. Lets have a walk on the coast. elbow n.肘部 4. You shouldnt put your elbows on the table at table. bow v. 鞠躬5. People should bow when they meet in Japan and Korea. kiss v.亲吻 6. Mother kissed her daughter on both sides of her face, mad adj. 很生气,疯的7. Dont get mad. Please take it easy. capital n.首都,国都8. Beijing is the capital of China.(设计意图:教师先创造情景,引导学生据图片补全句子,既有助于直观地记忆,又能通过建立语境和语义之间的关系,促进理解、加深记忆,避免孤立地机械记忆。)2. Remember the words according to their similar pronunciation.moon( 月亮) -noon(正午,中午)reason(原因) -season(季节)lock(锁上,锁) - knock(敲,撞)word(单词) - worth(值得,价值)meet(遇见) - greet(和打招呼,迎接)3. Remember the words and phrases by conversion(转换), pound(合成)and derivative(派生)(1) Conversion(转换):一个单词(或短语)由一种词类用作另一种词类My pocket has been emptied and its empty now. Please empty yours, too. (v-adj.) v.倒空 adj.空的 v.倒空 Everyone should value the value of himself.(v.-n.) v.珍视 n.价值Mother gave her baby a kiss and the baby kissed her goodnight. (n.-v.) n.亲吻 v.吻(2) pound(合成): 将两个或两个以上的单词合成在一起而构成的新词grand +daughter(女儿)granddaughter(孙女)black(黑色的)+board(木板) blackboard(黑板)pass(经过)+port(港口) passport(护照)(3) Derivative(派生): 在词根上加前缀或后缀构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词名词+ern形容词 1)north(名词,北方,北部)+ern northern(形容词,北方的,北部的)Northern people live in the north.2)east(名词,东方,东部)+ern eastern(形容词,东方的,东部的)The eastern European countries are in the east of Europe.形容词+r名词 : 3)teenage(青少年的,形容词,)+r teenager(名词,青少年 ) She isnt teenager, but she has a teenage daughter. 动词+tion名词4)suggest (动词,建议)+ tion suggestion(名词,建议)Our teacher suggested that we should accept some good suggestions. 形容词副词: 5)gradual(形容词,逐渐的,渐进的)+lygradually(副词,逐渐地) Study is a gradual process but he is gradually used to it. (设计说明:依据读音规则、词的转换,词的派生、合成等构词规则识词,可以帮助学生学会系统的记忆单词。)4. Remember the words and phrases by matching their meanings.a) Say out the new words according to their Chinese meanings.亲吻_ 和打招呼_ 放松的_ 珍视,价值_首都_ 正午,中午_ 很生气, 疯的 _护照_ 粉笔_ 黑板_海岸_ 季节_ 敲击_ 东方的_值得_ 方式_ 空的_ 基本的_交换_ 孙女_ 除了_ 建议_(操作说明:在课件中运用快速显现、快速消失功能,让学生快速说出单词,以检测学生对单词的熟练程度)b) Match the phrases or sentences according to their Chinese meanings._He made us feel at home. a. 请脱下你的制服。_We get used to eating noodles. b. 他使我们感到宾至如归_The plane has taken off. c. 她毕竟是一个孩子_ Please take off your uniform. d. 他们特地迎接我_She is a child after all. e. 我们应当经常拜访我们父母家_They go out of their way to greet me. f. 我们习惯于吃面条了_Clean the water off the table,. g. 把桌上的水擦掉_(8)Youd better make an effort to discuss with your partner. h. 飞机已经起飞_(9)We should often drop by our parents home. i你最好努力和同伴讨论(设计说明:如果在此处进行单词默写,可能时间不够,运用快闪单词及语义连线既有趣又节省时间,并能够促使学生将英语单词和汉语意思整合为一体。)5. Remember the words by guessing the meanings of the following underlined words according to the context.Bowing and kissing are different customs.v.鞠躬 v.亲吻 n.习俗Tourists are relaxed at the eastern coast. adj.轻松的 adj.东部的 n.海岸 Please greet the guests in a polite manner. v.迎接 n. 方式 We value the time we spend with our family and we often drop by our parents homes. v.珍视 v.拜访(5) The basic manner is to learn how to behave at table.adj.基本的 n.礼仪 v.表现(6)The watch is worth much money. We should pay attention to its value except its price. adj.值得 n.价值 prep.除了(7)Her granddaughter joined the exchange program. n.孙女 n.交换(设计说明:创造具体有意思的情景,让学生在情景中记忆单词,克服枯燥性。也让学生在情景中体会单词运用的技巧。)6. Remember the new words in a smart way.(1)behave(行为,表现)-be(成为)+have(有) (2)manner(礼貌,礼仪)-man(男人)+ ner(3)exchange(交换)- ex+ change (改变) (4)except(除了)-ex+cept(设计说明:将比较长的单词进行拆分,拆分成几个有意思的单词,加深印象,就很容易记住单词。)Step III. Consolidate the words and phrases1. Review with workbooks. Open your workbooks to Unit10. Look at the Chinese and write down the English words and phrases. (助学143,145,148,150页,进行单词的默写。) Then check their answers in groups.2. Ask the Ss to write down the words and phrases they havent grasped on their notebook for reviewing after the class. Step IV. Learn how to use the new words and phrases in a story:During the summer season, an exchange student, Grandmas teenage granddaughter named Wang Ying got to Washington, the capital of America. Before that she found out the basic customs in the USA. For example, Americans greet each other by shaking hands instead of bowing or kissing.Good manners are knocking at the door before entering others home. At table how to behave is important, such as, putting elbows on the table is impolite. She realized that the good manners and customs are of value and are worth learning about.When she got there, at first she dropped by her host family. And her host family went out their way to make her feel at home. After all she is Chinese, she had trouble municating with them. She got mad. With their help she made an effort to practise spoken English. Gradually she was used to talking with them in English. Now she feels relaxed about municating with foreigners.操作说明:1. Underline the new words in this unit and write down their Chinese meanings. 2. Read the stories aloud and check the pronunciation to each other. Then try to tell these stories to your classmate.3. Read the passages below and fill in the blanks.During the summer season, an exchange student, Grandmas teenage granddaughter named Wang Ying got to Washington, the capital of America. Before that she found out the basic customs in the USA. For example, Americans greet each other by shaking hands instead of bowing or kissing.Good manners are knocking at the door before entering others home. At table how to behave is important, such as, putting elbows on the table is impolite. She realized that the good manners and customs are of value and are worth learning about.When she got there, at first she dropping by her host family. And her host family went out their way to make her feel at home. After all she is Chinese, she had trouble municating with them. She got mad. With their help she made an effort to practise spoken English. Gradually she was used to talking with them in English. Now she feels relaxed about municating with foreigners.5. Retell the story according to the mind map:exchange,WashingtonCustoms are different.greet, shake/bowin, kissingfound outcustomsknock at, enterGood manners and customs are of value.put elbows, impoliteat table, behave, importantdrop by, make her feel at homeAt her host familytrouble, municatemake an effor, practisebe used to, feel relaxed aboutalso (设计说明:本部分意在引导学生在具体的语境中加强对词汇的理解,同时引导学生学会把握篇章大意和篇章结构,并在思维导图的帮助下复述故事,从而强化对新词汇的记忆。)5. Think over: What do you realize from the stories? Know about these: From the story, we know about some customs and manners. We can learn about other customs and manners about the New year. Let the students discuss together. Show their ideas. Step V. Exercises: the end-of- class test(当堂检测)I. Write down these phrases according to the Chinese:1. 习惯于_ 2. 特地,格外努力_3. 使(某人)感到宾至如归_ 4. 脱下,起飞_5. 把擦掉 _ 6. 做出努力_7. 顺便拜访_ 8. 毕竟,终归_9. 大动肝火_ II. Write the right words and plete the sentences.1. There are different kinds of_ (custom)in different countries.2. China is an_( east) country in the world.3. The boy felt_(relax) after a long time talk with his teacher.4. The bottle_(empty) by the person already. So it is e_. 5. There are four s_ they are spring, summer, autumn and winter.6. K_ at the door is polite before dropping by a home.7. Could you give me some s_ about travelling?8. Tokyo is the c_ of Japan.9. The book is worth_(buy) and its good for your study.10. The girl didnt use to _(eat) vegetables, but now she is used to _(eat)them.III. Choose the right words and phrases to fill in the blanks.greet manner value exchange suggestion behave except 1. During the new year people _gifts to wish each other.2. There is nothing in the room _ a table.3. He _well, so all the classmates look up to him.4. Our teacher gave us some good _about studying.5. Please _ others in the right _.6.we should pay attention to the _of ourselves.(设计意图:通过检测学生的学习情况,有助于以学定教。)Step VI. Homework1. Ask the Ss to make a vocabulary list and put it up on the wall at home and remember the new words in this unit at any time. ( )(让学生做一个一边是汉语,一边是英语的词汇表,贴在家里的墙上,每天睡觉前和醒来后随时记忆单词。)2. Retell the story with the help of the mind map. ( )3. Ask the Ss to make up a story with the new words and phrases in this unit. ( )(本单元的知识树是老师编好的,其实学生也能编出来类似的故事,所以这个作业便于学生学会生词的运用。)(说明:此处的星级为难度等级)本节课亮点:1. 注重单词的朗读,在读上下功夫。 首先要求学生进行自读,然后读给同伴听,再读给全班同学听,老师予以纠正。为保证发音的纯正,让学生分组朗读,再跟着磁带读,最后相互纠正发音,直到所有的学生都能正确读音。2. 单词记忆形式多样,方法科学有效。教学单词避免了纯粹的教读单词,而是借助情景展示、语境导入、图片识词、拼读规则、结构规律、拆分巧记、故事背诵等方式记忆单词,既丰富了学生记忆单词的方式,也引导学生懂得并学习如何用多种方式巧记、活记单词。3. 单词也不忘情感教育。 本节课的情感教育是让学生明白有偶然的发明,也有有意识的发明,引导学生在学习中和生活中注重观察与发现。4. 单词知识树让学生单词记忆、阅读理解双提高。本教案设计充分利用单词知识树对学生进行单词记忆及阅读理解的考查。不仅让学生记住单词知识树,记住单词,还要求读懂短文,理解短文;并要求学生仿写短文,达到词句篇的同步提高。使用注意事项:1. 本节课容量大,词汇较多,为保证教学目标的顺利达成,需要提前安排学生进行充分的预习,至少通读词汇,能根据音标认读单词。2. 本节课是以小组互助合作完成的,课前必须合理分组,以3-4人为一组,课堂中要求小组合作学习的,要让学生进行师徒互助,及时帮扶,保证人人进步,个个过关。并且要注意评价手段的运用,对学习小组及时评价,以保证学生旺盛的积极性。Keys:_b_ He made us feel at home. a. 请脱下你的制服。_f_ We get used to eating noodles. b. 他使我们感到宾至如归_h_ The plane has taken off. c. 她毕竟是一个孩子_a_ Please take off your uniform. d. 他们特地迎接我_c_ She is a child after all. e. 我们应当经常拜访我们父母家_d_ They go out of their way to greet me. f. 我们习惯于吃面条了_g_ Clean the water off the table,. g. 把桌上的水擦掉_i_(8)Youd better make an effort to discuss with your partner. h. 飞机已经起飞_e _(9)We should often drop by our parents home. i你最好努力和同伴讨论Step V. 当堂检测I. 1.get used to 2.go out of ones way 3.make sb feel at home 4.take off 5.cleanoff 6.make an effort7. drop by 8.after all 9.get madII. 1.customs 2.eastern 3.relaxed 4.has been emptied, empty 5.seasons 6.knocking 7.suggestions 8capital 9.buying 10. eat, eatingIII. 1.exchange 2.except 3.behaves 4.suggestions 5.greet, manner 6.value

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