2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 1 How do you study for a test Section A教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 1 How do you study for a test Section A教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 1 How do you study for a test Section A教案 人教新目标版Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)StructuresWh questions: What do,How oftenAdverbs of frequency: All/most/some/noneTarget languageWhat do you usually do on weekends?I sometimes go to the beach.How often do you eat vegetables?Every day.Most students do homework every day.Vocabularyalways, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever , never, How often, once, twice, three times a week, every day, milk, junk food, health, unhealthy, habitLearning strategiesUsing context;Transforming informationSECTION AGoalsTo talk about how often you do thingsTo improve students ability of municationProceduresWarming up by learning grammarTo begin with lets turn to page 2 to learn to use wh questions What do,How often and adverbs of frequency: All/most/some/none.What do you usually do on weekends?I usually play soccer.What do they do on weekends?What does he do on weekends?They often go to the movies.He sometimes watches TV.How often do you shop?I shop once a month.How often does Cheng watch TV?He watches TV twice a week.Warming up by discussingGood morning! From now on you are in the eighth grade. Congratulations to you and I wish you a great success in your studies! Ill be your new English teacher this term. I hope well get along very well.Today we shall take up the first unit in this new term: Unit1How often do you exercise? Please open your books at page 1. Look at the picture and answer my question. T: Whats this? Wang Wei, can you name it?Wang Wei: Yes. Its a calendar.T: Very good. Look, this is the weekend. Saturday and Sunday are the weekends. What do you do on weekends? Now to learn more about the things you do, please find out more with your partners about the activities.For example:Writing letters playing tennis going shopping playing puter gamesModels:A: What do you do on weekends?B: I often play football.B: What do you do on weekends?A: I sometimes go shopping.1a. Making a list Open your book at page 1. Lets look at 1a. Each thought bubble shows something a person does on weekends. Now please look at the picture carefully and describe it. Name each activity: T: Good. Please look at the picture again and list all the activities. If you finish it first, write the answer on the board.Now lets check the answers on the blackboard together.Keys: 1. go skateboarding 2. watching TV 3. reading 4. exercising 5. shopping1b Listening and writing Look at the pictures again and tell what the person does on weekends.Good. Next, please listen to the conversation. The people are talking about what they do on weekends. First listen to the tape carefully and find how often they do on weekends. Next listen again and write the letter of one activity after the word in the list. For example, on the recording someone says, “I always go shopping.” Shopping is letter a in the picture in activity 1a.So you put an a after the word always in this list. Then listen to the tape the third time and check the answers.Finally you are to read the tapescript, underlining all the expressions and circle all the Wh questions.Answers: always: a usually: c often: e sometimes: d hardly ever: d never: a1c Doing pairworkAfter talking about the picture, we get to understand the activities. Now in pairs ask your partner about the people in the picture.What do they do on weekends?or2a Listening and numbering Now lets go to page 2. Listen to the tape and number the activities you hear.This is an interview about what a boy named Cheng usually does. Listen to the recording and number the activities in the order they talk about them in the interview. The first thing they talk about is watching TV, so you put a number in front of watching TV. You must pay more attention to the activities.Now you read the list.Listen to the tape the first time. You only listen. Listen to the tape a second time. This time you should write a number in front of each activity. Let check the answers.Keys:Finally lets read the tapescript, underlining all the expressions and circle all the Wh questions.2b Listening and matchingListen again and match each activity with how often Cheng does that activity. While listening, pay attention to the heading How often? in the chart. 2c Doing pairworkHow often do you do the activities? Look at the chart. Zhang Li: Can you read the list of activities to the class.Zhang Li: Yes. go to the movies, watch TV, shop, exercise, read.T: Good. Do you know the meaning of the vocabulary?Ss: Yeah. T: OK. How often do you do these activities? Now fill in the chart.After finishing the chart, make conversations like this with your partner. 3a Reading the magazine article and filling in the blanksWe are going to read the article on page 3. First we shall read to the chart together. Please pay attention to the definitions and the percentages. This chart shows how often Green High School students exercise, and often they do homework, and so forth. T: What activity do ninety-five percent of Green High School students do every day?Ss: Do homework.T: Right. Ninety-five percent of Green High School students do homework every day. (Most students means more than half. Some students means less than half.) Now, lets read the article and fill in the blanks in the article according to the survey. While you are reading try to blacken all the expressions.T: Have you finished it?S: Yes.T: Good. Who reads his answer to the class? Please raise up your hand. Li Wen.4 Doing groupworkT: English is difficult, but it can be easy if you have some good methods. How do you study English? How often do you study English? Please work in groups of four and write about your answers in this chart.Closing down by asking and answeringHow often do you exercise? I often exercise.How often do you watch TV? I sometimes watch TV.How often do you surf the Internet? I hardly ever surf the Internet.How often do you read English books? I read English books every day.How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies once a week. How often do you play the guitar? I usually play the guitar.How often do you go skateboarding? I go skateboarding three times a week.How often do you shop? I shop once a month. How often do you play football? I never play football.

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