2019年高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)H单元(山东).doc

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2019年高考英语试题汇编(10月 下)H单元(山东)目录目录1H1 完形(一)1H2 完形(二)4H3阅读表达4H1 完形(一)【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省枣庄三中高三第一次学情调查(xx10)】AThere are many taxi drivers in our city. They often like to chat with passengers to 11 time when the taxis are caught in traffic jams. The other day, I went home by taxi. Knowing I was a student, the driver told me that he was once a student twenty years ago. 12 , his family could not afford the school fees, so he dropped out of school at an early age. He 13 me to work hard and go to a good college. I was moved by his kindness, but what really impressed me next was his 14 . After arriving home, I soon realized that I had 15 my cell phone in the taxi. Greatly worried, I immediately called my number, _ 16 the driver would answer. Then came the drivers 17 from the other end. He told me he had been 18 my call and that he would gladly return my phone where he dropped me off earlier that day. Thanks to the driver, I got my phone _ 19 . I believe honesty is one of the greatest _ 20 a person should have. Thank you ever so much, Mr. Taxi driver.11. A. have B. kill C. spend D. 1ive12. A. Unfortunately B. Unusually C. Absolutely D. Actually13. A. persuaded B. ordered C. required D. encouraged14. A. modesty B. ability C. honesty D. patience15. A. left B. placed C. forgotten D. dropped16. A. begging B. praying C. thinking D. saying17. A. whisper B. noise C. sound D. voice18. A. expecting B. making C. refusing D. waiting19. A. over B. through C. back D. across20. A. advantages B. achievements C. qualities D. images第2页 (共12页)【答案】【知识点】H1 完形(一)【文章综述】本文是一夹叙夹议文章,作者以自己成长的经历告诉我们:无论做什么事情都要诚实。诚实是最上策,作者因为出租车司机的诚实而深受感动。【答案解析】11B 动词辨析。kill time消磨时间。根据前文chat判断选B。12A 副词辨析。A不幸地;B不通常地;C绝对地;D确实地。根据下文couldnt afford the school fees判断选A。13D 动词辨析。A劝服;B订购;C需要;D鼓励。出租车司机由于后悔自己错过了上学的美好时间,此处是鼓励作者好好学习,故选D。14C名词辨析。A谦虚;B能力;C诚实;D耐心。根据下文司机将作者遗忘的手机亲自送回,判断应选C。15A动词辨析。句意:我发现面包制作不成功,我被击败了。A遗留;B放;C忘记;D扔下。leave sth + 表示地点的介词短语,把某物忘在某处,故选A。16B动词辨析。句意:非常担心,我立即拨打我的电话号码,祈祷司机会接电话。A祈求;B祈祷;C思考,认为;D说。故选B。17D名词辨析。干扰到道格用餐的应该是噪音(noise)。A悄悄话;B噪音;C声音;D嗓音。此处应是传来了司机的声音,指嗓音,故选D。18A动词辨析。A期待;B制造;C拒绝;D等待。句意:他告诉我他期待着我的电话。故选A。19C。副词辨析。get sth back要回某物,故选C。20C。名词辨析。A优点;B成功;C品质;D影像。根据作者对司机的赞赏,故选C。【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省莱州一中高三10月月考(xx10)】A In xx, Ryan Hreljac and Jimmy Akana became pen palsTheir lives could not have been more 11Ryan lived with his family in Kemptville,Canada,while Jimmy, an orphan,lived in Agweo,UgandaJimmys life was in constant 12 because rebel(叛乱)troops would raid(突然袭击)his villageFate, and Ryans 13 to help others,brought the pals together When Ryan was 6,he 14 that millions of people in Africa did not have access to clean waterHe decided to 15 thatTo raise money,Ryan did chores for four monthsHe earned70but,that was not 16 to build even one well“I realized that I couldnt raise 2,000 by doing chores,”he told TFK“So I started doing public speaking”To date,the Ryans Well Foundation has built 238 wells in 11 countries“Weve 17 almost 400,000 people and raised 1.5 million”Ryan says The foundations first well was built in Agweo, where Jimmy livedThe boys met in xx,when Ryan traveled to Uganda“We had a 18 from the beginning”says Jimmy of that meetingThe Hreljac family 19 Jimmy and brought him to live in their homeRyan,15,and Jimmy, 17,speak to munities and schools all over the world about the 20 of having clean drinking water 11Aimportant Bdifficult Cbrilliant Ddifferent12Adanger Babsence Cevidence Ddecline !l 3Aguidance Bduty Cdetermination Dburden 14A1eamed Bestimated Choped Dmanded15Achange Bmove Cpete Dcreate 16Ausual Bmon Cenough Dequal 17Ahelped Btouched Cremoved Dexamined18Astory Bconnection Cfoc us Dfortune19Apurchased Binformed Cpl eased Dadopted20Ahabit Bfuture Cimportance Dhistory【答案】【知识点】H1 完形(一)【文章综述】本文讲述两个不同背景的少年因为非洲的清洁饮用水项目而成为朋友,共同为此而努力。 【答案解析】11D考查形容词辨析Aimportant 重要的;Bdifficult 难的;Cbrilliant杰出的;Ddifferent不同的;句意:他们的生活很不相同。根据Ryan lived with his family in Kemptville,Canada,while Jimmy, an orphan,lived in Agweo,Uganda可知选D项。12A考查名词辨析Adanger危险;Babsence缺席; Cevidence证据;Ddecline 下降;句意:因为军队的突然袭击所以吉米的生活是危险的。根据because rebel(叛乱)troops would raid(突然袭击)his village可知选A项。l 3C考查名词辨析Aguidance指导;Bduty责任;Cdetermination决心;Dburden负担;句意:Ryan帮助他人的决心使他们成为了朋友。 根据语境选C项。 14A考查动词辨析A1eamed学会;Bestimated建立;Choped希望;Dmanded要求;句意:当Ryan六岁时,他知道了,非洲许多的人没有清洁的饮用水。根据语境可知知道,了解,故选A项。15A考查动词辨析Achange改变的;Bmove移动;Cpete比赛;Dcreate创造; 句意:他决定改变这一切。根据 he 14 that millions of people in Africa did not have access to clean water可知选A项。 16C考查形容词辨析Ausual通常;Bmon共同的;Cenough足够;Dequal平等的; 句意:为了筹集钱,他做了四个月的家务活,他挣了70美元,但这不足以建造一口井。根据but 可知表转折,钱是不够用的,故选C项。 17A考查动词辨析Ahelped帮助;Btouched触摸;Cremoved移除;Dexamined检查;句意:我们已经帮助四万人,筹到一百五十万。根据To date,the Ryans Well Foundation has built 238 wells in 11 countries可知选A项。18B考查名词辨析Astory故事;Bconnection联系;Cfoc us集中;Dfortune运气;句意:从那时开始,我们有了联系。根据The boys met in xx,when Ryan traveled to Uganda可知选B项。19D考查动词辨析Apurchased购买;Binformed通知;Cpl eased高兴的;Dadopted收养;句意:这个家庭收养了了吉米,并带他住在他们家。根据brought him to live in their home可知选D项。20C考查名词辨析Ahabit习惯;Bfuture将来;Cimportance重要;Dhistory历史;句意:15岁的Ryan和17岁的吉米,向全世界的社区和学校谈论清洁饮用水的重要性。根据语境可知他们一直关心非洲的饮用水问题,故选C项。H2 完形(二)【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省枣庄三中高三第一次学情调查(xx10)】BI was on the bus heading to the airport to visit my parents over the holidays. Knowing that there was a bit of time before my 21 , I was enjoying a newspaper on the bus when I noticed a gentleman 22 a young mother who was traveling alone with a baby and didnt seem to know 23 she needed to go. The man asked me which 24 I would go through to board the plane. After realizing I was headed in the 25 direction, he decided he would help the mother himself. At our stop I 26 the man had two young boys and his own share of 27 to deal with, but he was still trying to help the mother. So I 28 to take her from there and the man thanked me, leaving for his own flight.The mother showed me her 29 and I noticed that her flight 30 in 10 minutes and she had a handcart and a 31 which was the size of my bag. There was no time to lose. She gave me her ticket and I took the suitcase while she 32 the handcart. It was at this time that it occurred to me how much 33 she had in me. We were running to the gate and I was 34 looking back to see if she was still 35 me. As we ran up to the gate I asked the attendants whether the gate was still 36 and they said yes. I gave them 37 boarding pass and said goodbye.What 38 me most of the adventure was seeing the look of 39 on her face and hearing her say in broken English, “God bless you.”Needless to say, as I 40 to my gate on the other side out of breath, I couldnt stop smiling.21Aairport Bflight Cdinner Dbus22Adragging Basking Chelping Dwaving23Awhere Bhow Cwhen D. why24Aroom B. city Cdestination Dgate25Asame Bopposite Cnormal Dtraditional26Awondered Bsuggested Cguessed Drealized27Abaggage B. problem Cfavor Danxiety28Atried Bmanaged Coffered Dpretended29Amap Bsituation Cpath Dticket30Aseparated Bdeparted Creached Dfollowed31Asuitcase Bpackage Cbox Dbag32Adrove Bcontrolled Cpushed Dfixed第3页 (共12页)33Amoney Bpatience Ccourage Dtrust34Aeagerly Bobviously CoccasionallyDnaturally35Abefore Bbehind Cbeyond Dbeside36Aopen Bclosed Cnormal Dfree37Amy Bhis Cher Dtheir38Ainterested Bimpressed Csurprised Dencouraged39Ainnocence Bhesitation Cpleasure Drelief40Arushed backBdrove backCfled away Dcame out【答案】【知识点】H2 完形(二)【文章综述】本文是夹叙夹议文,主要通过乘飞机前因为为一位男士尽管在自己难以自顾地情况下帮助一位带孩子的母亲而感动,作者也帮助了这位母亲,并从中享受到了快乐。【答案解析】21B名词辨析。A机场;B航班;C晚饭;D公交汽车,根据前文的airport,应选B。22C动词辨析。A拖、拉;B问;C帮助;D挥手。根据下文的with a baby应是帮助。故选C。23A副词辨析。根据空后的go判断选A。24D名词辨析。A空间、房间;B城市;C目的地;D门。根据下文的go through判断选D。25B形容词辨析。A同样的;B相反的,对面的;C正常的;D传统的。根据前文的realizing判断。故选B。26D动词辨析。A疑惑;B建议;C猜测;D意识到,明白、知道。句意:在我们的站点,我意识到那位男士有两个男孩。故选D。27A出门旅行当然是还有“行李”的问题。A行李;B问题;C好意;D焦虑。根据句意选A。28C动词辨析。A尽力;B设法;C主动提出;D假装。故判断选C。29D名词辨析 A地图;B环境,形势;C小道;D票。此处应是这位妈妈给作者出示自己的额机票,故应选D。30B动词辨析。A分离;B动身,起飞;C到达;D跟随。句意:我注意到她的飞机在十分钟后起飞。故选B。31A句意:这个小伎俩给我省去了好多烦恼。A衣箱;B包裹;C箱子;D书包。这位母亲所带的应是衣箱,根据下文的suitcase判断选A。32C动词辨析。A驾驶;B控制;C推;D安装。根据句意:当她推她的手工制品时,故选C。33D名词辨析。A金钱;B耐心;C勇气;D信任。句意:她对我是多么地信任啊。故选D。34C副词辨析。A渴望地;B显然地;C偶尔地;D自然地。根据句意选C。35BA在之前;B在后;C越过,在那边;D在旁边。根据题意选B。36A形容词辨析。A开着的;B关闭的;C正常的;D免费的。根据句意选A。37C那位女士对作者非常信任,已经将她的票交给了作者,此处作者应是将她的等机证交给乘务员,故选C。38BA使感兴趣;B使印象深刻;C使吃惊;D鼓励。根据句意选B。39D A天真无邪;B犹豫;C高兴;D解脱。根据下文的“God bless you”判断选D。40A句意:更不用说,我那个气不接下气地冲回自己的那道门时,我也禁不住地微笑。故选A。【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省莱州一中高三10月月考(xx10)】B One evening last fallwhile Marcos did his homework and his father,Eduardo,a teacher, prepared lesson plans,they heard yelling outsideEduardo 21 onto the balcony and didnt think anything was wrong, 22 Marcoss eye was caught by a flame the Alex house “Dad,the house is 23 !”Marcos criedOn the front lawn stood Alexs families, 24 for helpWhen they got thereThey saw father Alex was walking 25 down the stairs,coughing,his face black with 26 . “Is anyone else in the house?” Eduardo asked “My son!”Alex 27 to say,pointing to the second floor Eduardo started up the stairs,but 28 ,black smoke and extreme heat forced him to his kneesSo he crawled(爬)upstairs and down the hall where Alex said he could find Cody, eight,who had 29 himself in a bedroomHis glasses immediately turned 30 from the ash As the fire was violent across the hallEduardo 31 the bedroom door and tried to turn the doorknobBut Cody didnt 32 ,and Eduardo made his way back downstairsAt the same time,Marcos saw Cody was standing at the 33 ,screaming for helpImmediately he grasped the ladder(梯子),positioned it near the window,and 34 toward the boy. When Marcos reached the window,he 35 pushed the screen into the room and succeeded in persuading Cody to e out with him 36 Cody with one arm,Marcos got down the ladder. Firefighters arrived a few minutes later and the fire w as 37 soonEmergency personnel took Cody to 8 nearby 38 ,where he was treated for smoke inhalation(吸入剂) and releasedNo one else was 39 . The day after the fire,Alex visited Marcos“Thank you for saving my son,”Alex said“You are our 40 forever” 21Ahung Bfell Csat Dstepped22Auntil Bunless Cif Das23Ain danger Bon fire Cunder construction Din ruins24A1ooking Byelling Cwatching Dsending25Aunluckily Bunhappily Cunsteadily Dunbelievably26Atears Bcoughs Cheat Dsmoke27Awanted Bexpected Choped Dmanaged28Athick Bthin C1ight D1oose 29Aenjoyed Bfollowed C1ocked Dfound 30Asmall Bblack Chot Dsoft 31Aturned BapproachedCopenedDstruck32Arespond Bescape Cfear Dcry 33Abalcony Bwindow Chall D1adder34Aslid Bdashed Cclimbed D. leaned35Acarefully Bsecredy Cviolently Ddangerously36ADiscovering BFloating C. Touching DHolding37Amade out Bturned off Cput out D. Mowed down38Achurch Bhospital Ctown Dschool39A1ost Bfrightened Cinjured Dburied40Ahero Bmaster Cneighbor Dmodel【答案】【知识点】H2 完形(二)【文章综述】本文讲述Marcos不顾大火救出邻居儿子的故事。 【答案解析】21D考查动词辨析Ahung悬挂;Bfell落下;Csat坐下;Dstepped迈步;句意:Eduardo迈步到阳台,直到他看到艾来客家房子着火,才认为肯定出什么事。根据they heard yelling outside可知选D项。22A考查连词辨析Auntil直到;Bunless除非;Cif 如果;Das因为;句意:Eduardo迈步到阳台,直到他看到艾来客家房子着火,才认为肯定出什么事。Not .until直到。才,故选A项。23B考查介词短语辨析;Ain danger危险;Bon fire着火;Cunder construction正在建设中; Din ruins成为废墟;句意:爸爸,着火了。根据Marcoss eye was caught by a flame the Alex house可知着火了,故选B项。24B考查动词辨析A1ooking看;Byelling喊叫;Cwatching看;Dsending送;句意:前面草坪上站着艾来客一家,正在求救,根据上文提到they heard yelling outside,故选B项。25C考查副词辨析Aunluckily不幸地;Bunhappily不高兴地;Cunsteadily不稳定的; Dunbelievably难以置信的。句意:当他们到达时,看到艾来克爸爸晃着走下楼梯,咳嗽着,脸被烟熏黑了。根据语境可知选C项。26D考查名词辨析Atears眼泪;Bcoughs咳嗽;Cheat热气;Dsmoke烟;句意:当他们到达时,看到艾来克爸爸晃着走下楼梯,咳嗽着,脸被烟熏黑了。根据语境可知着火了,故被烟熏黑了,因此选D项。27D考查动词辨析Awanted想;Bexpected期望;Choped希望;Dmanaged管理;句意:我的儿子还在里面,艾来克迫切说着,指着二楼说。Manage to do 设法做某事,故选D项。28A考查形容词辨析Athick厚的;Bthin 瘦的;C1ight轻的;D1oose松的;句意:Eduardo上楼去,但厚重的黑烟和热浪迫使他弯下腰。根据上文提到his face black with 26 可知着火了,烟很重,故选A项。 29C考查动词辨析Aenjoyed享受;Bfollowed跟随;C1ocked锁;Dfound 发现; 句意:因为他爬到楼上,找到Cody,他把自己锁在卧室里。根据下方提到But Cody didnt 32 ,and Eduardo made his way back downstairs可知反锁了门,故选 C项。30B考查形容词辨析Asmall小的;Bblack黑色的;Chot热的;Dsoft 柔软的;句意:他的眼镜立刻被灰变成黑色的,根据语境可知眼镜被熏黑了,故选 B项。 31D考查动词辨析Aturned转向;Bapproached靠近;Copened打开;Dstruck敲打;句意:Eduardo敲门,试着转把手。根据tried to turn the doorknob可知先敲门,后转动门把手,故选D项。32A考查动词辨析Arespond 回应;Bescape逃跑; Cfear害怕;Dcry哭泣;句意:但 Cody没有回应,Eduardo回到楼下。根据Eduardo made his way back downstairs可知没有回应,故选A项。 33B考查名词辨析Abalcony窗台;Bwindow窗户;Chall大厅;D1adder梯子。句意:同时,Marcos看到Cody站在窗户那,尖叫着求救。根据Immediately he grasped the ladder(梯子),positioned it near the window,故选B项。34C考查动词辨析Aslid滑动;Bdashed冲;Cclimbed爬;D. leaned靠着;句意:立刻他抓过梯子,爬到窗户附近,爬向小男孩。根据语境可知选C项。35A考查副词辨析Acarefully 仔细地;Bsecredy害怕地;Cviolently暴力的;Ddangerously危险地;句意:当Marcos靠近窗户时,他小心地捡到阻碍进入屋子,把小孩抱出来。根据语境可知只有A符合题意。36D考查动词辨析ADiscovering发现;BFloating漂浮;C. Touching触摸;DHolding抓住;句意:一只胳膊抱住Cody,Marcos从梯子上下来。根据语境可知选D项。37C考查动词短语辨析Amade out填写;Bturned off脱掉;Cput out扑灭;D. Moved down 移动;句意:消防员几分钟后赶到,火被扑灭。根据语境可知消防员来了,必然是扑灭了火,故选C项。38B考查名词辨析Achurch教堂;Bhospital医院;Ctown城镇;Dschool学校;句意:应急救援人员立刻把Cody带到附近的医院,在那进行烟尘的吸入剂治疗。根据语境可知送到医院,故选B项。39C考查动词辨析A1ost失去;Bfrightened害怕;Cinjured 受伤;Dburied埋葬;句意:没有人受伤。根据语境可知选C项。40A考查名词辨析Ahero英雄;Bmaster主人;Cneighbor邻居;Dmodel模特;句意:火灾过后,Alex来看Marcos,谢谢你救了我儿子,你是我们的英雄。根据语境可知这是Alex对Marcos的感谢之言,故选A项。H3阅读表达【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省枣庄三中高三第一次学情调查(xx10)】第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文并用英语回答问题,然后将答案写到答案卡相应的位置上(请注意词数要求)。1 Although known as an extraordinarily successful businessman, Warren Buffet es off as a pretty ordinary person.2 Looking back on his childhood, one can see how serious he was about making money. Buffet used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop. Later, he also worked at his grandfathers grocery store. At the ripe age of 11, Buffet bought his first stock (股票). When his family moved to Washington D.C., Buffet became a paperboy for The Washington Post. While still in school, he was making $175 a month, a full-time wage for many young men.3 From the beginning, Buffet made his fortune from investing. He started with all the money that he had made from selling pop, delivering papers and so on. Between 1950 and l956, he grew his $9, 800 to $14, 000From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends, and then gradually drew in more people through very attractive terms. 4 Buffet applied to Harvard Business School but , making it to be one of the worst admission decisions in Harvard history. The oute ended up affecting Buffets life deeply, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School, where he studied under Benjamin Graham, the father of securities analysis who provided the foundation for Buffets grand success. 5 Buffet is a person of habit same house, same office, same city. He doesnt collect houses or cars or works of art, and he hates panies that waste money on such goods. Instead, he has established the Buffet Foundation, with a detailed plan on how to invest his money more wisely to society. 66. What kind of person is Buffet according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 10 words)_67. What does the writer intend to tell us in Paragraph 2? (no more than 10 words)_68. According to Paragraph 3, how did Buffet start his investment? (no more than 10 words)_69. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)_70. Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 in English._【答案】【知识点】H3阅读表达【思路点拨】查找文章中的关键词或核心词,把握文章主旨,全面涵盖文章内容,切忌以偏概全;文章标题可以是完整的句子,简洁的单词、短语,也可以问题的形式呈现,切忌笼统;文章主旨大意概括必须用完整的句子。【答案解析】66. He is an extraordinarily successful but pretty ordinary person.根据文章关键段第一段的关键词an extraordinarily successful businessman 和a pretty ordinary person概括。67. From childhood, Buffet was serious /wise enough to make money. 或How Buffet made money even when he was young。根据文章第二段的one can see how serious he was about making money概括。68. With all the money that he had made before.根据文章第三段的He started with all the money that he had made from selling pop, delivering papers and so on概括。69. was turned down / was not admitted/was not successful /was refused / failed. 根据空后的making it to be one of the worst admission decisions in Harvard history. 和The oute ended up affecting Buffets life deeply可知。70. He dislikes change.或 He doesnt like change.或 He hates change.或 He is not willing to change.或 He is unwilling to change. 根据该句话后的解释进行总结。【英语卷(解析)xx届山东省潍坊一中高三10月第一次月考(xx10)】第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读下面短文并回答问题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。【1】“Dont stare. Chew with your mouth closed.”Manner minding is expected everywhere, at school, work, home, and even the Internet. What is netiquette? Its network etiquette(利仪), a set of rules for behaving properly online. 【2】 Its easy to misunderstand. When you municate online, all you see is a puter screen. You cant use facial expression, gestures , or tone of voice; words are the only information. Its easy to misunderstand others meanings and forget that they are real people just like you! 【3】“Look” good online. Networks let you reach out to people youd otherwise never meet. And none of them can see you. You wont be judged by the color of your skin, eyes or hair, your weight, your age, or your clothing. You will, however, be judged by the quality of your writing. So spelling, grammar, and content really matter. 【4】Share expert knowledge. The reason why asking questions online works is that a lot of knowledgeable people are reading the questions. If you ask a question, its polite to share the answers with others. If youre an expert yourself, _. Its a long-time net tradition, and it makes the network a better place. 【5】 Forgive mistakes. Everyone was a green hand at network once. So when someone makes a mistake, whether its a spelling error or a stupid question, be kind about it. If you decide to inform someone of a mistake, point it out politely.66. Why is it easy to misunderstand others meanings online? (no more that 17 words)_67. List three things to judge the quality of ones writing online. (no more


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