2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 语言知识 Unit3 Computers考点演练 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 语言知识 Unit3 Computers考点演练 新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 语言知识 Unit3 Computers考点演练 新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语总复习 第一部分 语言知识 Unit3 puters考点演练 新人教版必修21.Would you like me to help you with the heavy luggage?I can manage it myself.Thank you .A.howeverB.in a senseC.anywayD.as a result2.He had been absorbed in watching the car passing by that he didnt notice his friends ing.A.suchB.tooC.thatD.so3.Its said that it will be extremely cold this winter.,the majority of the experts predict that the temperature will be normal.A.In other wordsB.On the contraryC.As a resultD.Whats more4.The policeman the children to cross the road when the traffic lights turned green.A.letB.madeC.signaledD.called5.I think the invention of the Internet has changed peoples daily life .I pletely agree with you.A.in the wayB.on the wayC.in a wayD.by the way6.In some countries poisonous snakes can be used to the jewels in the shop at night.A.watch overB.watch outC.look outD.take over7.How long do you think the puter pany brings out a new product?A.it will be beforeB.will it be untilC.will it be whenD.it will be that8.Only in the last few years have scientists and teachers begun to understand learning disabilities and .A.how can they be dealt withB.what they can be dealt withC.how they can be dealt withD.what can they be dealt with9.A pletely new situation will when the examination system es into existence.A.riseB.ariseC.arouseD.raise10. the help of the Internet,people can now talk to each other e-mail.A.With;byB.Under;byC.With;withD.Under;through答案及剖析:1.C句意:要我帮忙搬那些沉重的行李吗?我自己能行。不管怎样我还是要谢谢你。anyway表示“无论如何,不管怎样”之意,符合语境。A项用于表示前后文意义的转折;B项意为“从某种意义上说”;D项意为“结果”。2.D句意:他当时那么专注于看过往的车辆以至于没有注意到他的朋友过来了。从后面的that可知,此处为so.that结构,意为“如此以至于”。3.Bin other words换句话说,也就是说;on the contrary相反地,反之;as a result由于,因此,结果是;whats more还有,而且。由语境可知,对话双方所说内容正好相反,故选B项。4.Csignal sb.to do sth.“示意某人做某事”。句意:当交通灯变绿时警察示意孩子们过马路。let和make 后的宾语补足语通常用不带to的不定式,因此可排除A、B两项;call喊,叫,不符合句意。5.C句意:我认为因特网的发明从某种程度上改变了人们的日常生活。我完全同意你的观点。in the way挡道;on the way在途中;in a way在某种程度上;by the way顺便说一下。根据句意选C项。6.A句意:在一些国家,毒蛇可以被用来在晚上守护商店里的珠宝。watch over守护,看守;watch out 当心,小心;look out当心,小心,向外看;take over接管。根据句意,选A项。7.A此题考查“it will be+时间段+before”句型的疑问句式,其中do you think作插入语。句意:你认为这家电脑公司多长时间后会生产出一种新产品。8.Cdeal with“处理,对付”,常与how连用。另外此题空所填句子在句中作宾语,应用陈述语序,故应选C项。9.B句意:当这种考试制度形成之后,就会产生全新的形势。arise产生,出现,符合句意。rise上升,升起,增加;arouse及物动词,意为“唤醒,唤起”;raise为及物动词,意为“提高,饲养,养育”。10.Awith the help of在的帮助下,是固定短语;by e-mail通过电子邮件,“by+名词”可表示交通或通讯等方式,名词前不可有冠词及其他修饰语。写作积累 限时5分钟1.I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.仿写:政府已采取措施克服供电不足,但是几个月之后我们才能有充足的电力资源。Our government has taken some measures to overe the lack of electricity,but we have enough power.2.As time went by,I was made smaller.仿写:随着我们生活水平的提高,我们很少有时间和朋友聚会了。,we find little time to gather with our friends.3.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!仿写:香港的环境非常优美,被选为全球最宜居城市之一。The environment of Hong Kong is it is chosen as one of the worlds most livable cities.答案:1.it will be several months before2.As our life improves3.so outstanding/beautiful that

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