2019年高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 4 Wildlife protection课时作业 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮总复习 Unit 4 Wildlife protection课时作业 新人教版必修2.完形填空(xx新课标全国卷)I went to a group activity,“Sensitivity Sunday”,which was to make us more_1_the problems faced by disabled people.We were asked to“_2_a disability”for several hours one Sunday.Some members,_3_,chose to use wheelchairs.Others wore soundblocking earplugs(耳塞)or blindfolds(眼罩)Just sitting in the wheelchair was a_4_experience.I had never considered before how_5_it would be to use one.As soon as I sat down,my_6_made the chair begin to roll.Its wheels were not_7_.Then I wondered where to put my_8_.It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into_9_.I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of_10_for several hours.For disabled people,“adopting a wheelchair”is not a temporary(临时的)_11_.I tried to find a_12_position and thought it might be restful,_13_kind of nice,to be_14_around for a while.Looking around,I_15_I would have to handle the thing myself!My hands started to ache as I_16_the heavy metal wheels.I came to know that controlling the_17_of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n)_18_task.My wheelchair experiment was soon_19_.It made a deep impression on me.A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the_20_,both physical and mental,that disabled people must overe.文章大意这是一篇讲述作者通过使用轮椅,体验残疾人生活的文章。1A.curious aboutBinterested inCaware of Dcareful with解析:根据空白处后面the problems faced by disabled people可知,活动的目的是为了了解残疾人面对的问题。curious about好奇;aware of意识到;interested in对感兴趣;careful with注意;照顾。答案:C2A.cure BpreventCadoptDanalyze解析:根据下文some members choseothers wore,可知作者被要求挑选一种残疾在周日体验几个小时而不是治愈、阻止或分析。答案:C3A.instead BstrangelyCas usualDlike me解析:根据最后一段第一句my wheelchair experiment可知,作者选择使用轮椅。有些同学和我一样选择了轮椅。答案:D4A.learningBworkingCsatisfying Drelaxing解析:根据后句I had never considered before how和本段最后一句的感慨,可知作者认为坐在轮椅上就是一次学习的经历。答案:A5A.convenient Bawkward CboringDexciting解析:根据第二段话的描述,作者使用轮椅频频出错可知轮椅对他来说很难操纵。答案:B6A.height Bforce Cskill Dweight解析:状语从句部分as soon as I sat down提示,轮子动起来发生的时间是当作者一坐下去的时候,显然能让轮子动起来是作者的体重。答案:D7A.locked BrepairedCpoweredDgrasped解析:后句then提示:本句是对上句轮子为什么会转动的解释,可知轮子没有上锁。答案:A8A.hands Bfeet Ckeys Dhandles解析:根据下文“费了好长时间我才让footrest(脚蹬)”,就位可知,作者不知道把自己的脚放在哪里。答案:B9A.place BactionCplay Deffect解析:putinto place有“把就位,准备就绪”的意思。答案:A10A.operationBmunicationCtransportationDproduction解析:作者参加的是使用轮椅几个小时的体验活动,而轮椅是一种交通工具,故最佳答案是C。答案:C11A.exploration BeducationCexperiment Dentertainment解析:对于残疾人而言,使用轮椅可不是临时的尝试。答案:C12A.flexibleBsafeCstartingDfortable解析:根据and之后的thought it might可知,作者努力要找一个舒服的姿势,从而被人推着四处逛逛是件让人放松的事。答案:D13A.yetBjust Cstill Deven解析:相比空白处前面的restful,空白处后面的kind of nice显然递进了一步,所以最佳答案为even,意为:甚至。yet“然而”;just“仅仅”;still“仍然”。答案:D14A.shown BpushedCdrivenDguided解析:上文的adopting a wheelchair提示,作者坐着轮椅,自然希望被人推着四处转转。答案:B15A.realizedBsuggestedCagreedDadmitted解析:通过四下张望,我自己得搞定这件事是作者意识到的。答案:A16A.lifted BturnedCpressedDseized解析:作者是坐在轮椅上的,所以此处应该是转动轮椅。答案:B17A.path BpositionCdirectionDway解析:这里是掌控轮椅的方向,所以答案为C。答案:C18A.easy Bheavy CmajorDextra解析:上句提到,转动轮椅的时候,作者的手开始痛。由此推断控制轮椅的方向不是件容易的事情。答案:A19A.forgottenBrepeatedCconductedDfinished解析:本题出现在最后一段的第一句话,这段是上文的总结性的段落,作者要感慨残疾人的不容易,自然要到体验结束。答案:D20A.weaknessesBchallengesCanxietiesDillnesses解析:我只是品尝了一下残疾人必须要克服的心理和身体上的挑战。B项合题意。答案:B.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Crying marriage? _21_ (surprise), isnt it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, and _22_ (remain) in fashion _23_ the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a _24_ (necessary) to marriage procedure.It is very much _25_ same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. _26_, the brides neighbors would look down upon _27_ as a poorly cultivated girl and she would bee the laughingstock of the village. In fact, there were cases _28_ which the bride was beaten by her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony.In a word, crying at wedding is a _29_ by custom to set off the happiness of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words. However, in the _30_ (arrange) marriages of the old days of China, there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life.21_22._23._24._25_26._27._28._29_30._文章大意“哭婚”是四川省特别是土家族独特的情感表达的传统风俗。21解析:考查形容词的用法。哭婚是令人奇怪的(事情),是吗?答案:surprising22解析:考查动词的用法。这个风俗一直存在到清末。答案:remained23解析:考查连词的用法。答案:until/till24解析:考查名词的用法。根据此处前的冠词a可知此处用名词。答案:necessity25解析:考查冠词的用法。same之前用定冠词the修饰。答案:the26解析:考查副词的用法。每个新娘在婚礼中必须哭,否则她的邻居会瞧不起她。答案:Otherwise27解析:考查代词的用法。根据上下文意思可知此处用her。答案:her28解析:考查“介词关系词”引出定语从句的用法。此处先行词为case,故用in which。答案:in29解析:考查名词的用法。a way/means to do sth.做的方法/方式。答案:way/means30解析:考查非谓语动词的用法。此处用arranged形式表示被动,“被安排的婚姻”。答案:arranged.书面表达(xx河北名校模拟)假如你是高三(1)班的李华,你校网站刊登了一则“走进英国家庭”活动的通知。你想参加该活动,请用英语给该活动负责人Mr. Park发一封电子邮件申请参加。内容主要包括:1你参加该活动的目的;2你的兴趣、特长;3你希望走进什么样的英国家庭。注意1词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3邮件开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。Dear Mr. Park,I am Li Hua ,a student from Class 1,Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because _Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua答案:Dear Mr. Park,I am Li Hua,a student from Class 1,Senior 3.I am longing to join in this activity because I think it a good opportunity for me to improve my English and I can also learn more about British history and culture.I have many hobbies,for example,I like surfing the Internet and doing sports.My favorite sport is basketball and I often play it on weekends.Besides,I am good at drawing and I like listening to music.If I am lucky enough to have the chance,I hope to live in a family that are friendly to me and are willing to take me to visit around often.I am sure I can get along well with my host family.I would appreciate it if you could help me achieve my dream.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Hua

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