2019年高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 2 History Makers随堂演练 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 2 History Makers随堂演练 北师大版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 2 History Makers随堂演练 北师大版必修1.doc_第2页
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2019年高中英语 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 2 History Makers随堂演练 北师大版必修1.选词填空1for, against, withThe army fought _ the enemy bravely.They are fighting _ freedom.答案against/withfor2fight, struggleThe soldiers _ bravely in the battle (战斗)We _ through the crowd.答案foughtstruggled.单项填空1Our school was _ in the 1780s and has a history of more than two hundred years.A. set up B. sent upC. stood up D. found答案与解析Aset up“建立;创建”,符合句意。D项应改为founded。2_, the way she dealt with the matter was perfectly fair and reasonable.A. Whats worse B. Whats moreC. In my opinion D. Sooner or later答案与解析C句意:在我看来,她这样处理这件事情是很公道和合理的。in my opinion“在我看来”; whats worse“更糟糕的是”; whats more“再者;加之”; sooner or later“迟早”。3Everybody has a(n) _ chance. Now, lets see who can do it better.A. same B. equalC. well D. alike答案与解析B句意:人人机会均等。现在我们看看谁做得更好。equal“均等的”; same前冠词为the; well“(adj.)健康的”; alike作表语而不作定语。4He fell over a rock while walking but _ to his feet so as to get there in time.A. struggled B. ranC. stood D. brought答案与解析A句意:他走路时被一块石头绊倒了,但是为了能及时赶到,他挣扎着站了起来。struggle to ones feet是固定短语,意为“挣扎着站起来”,符合题意。5People made a _ against the serious pollution caused by the factory.A. word B. decisionC. plain D. protest答案与解析D句意:人们对工厂造成的严重污染提出了抗议。make a protest against sth.“对某事提出抗议”。make a word“造字”; make a decision“作出决定”; plain是动词,意为“抱怨”,如果改成名词形式plaint也为正确选项。6In a long _ of several hundred kilometres, no one dropped out.A. pressure B. marchC. champion D. violence答案与解析B句意:长途行军几百公里,没有一个人掉队。march在此用作名词,意为“行军”。pressure“压力”; champion“冠军”; violence“暴力;暴行”。7The last time I saw him, he _ for three years.A. had gone to prison B. had been in prisonC. has gone to prison D. has been in prison答案与解析B由for three years可知,谓语动词应用延续性动词,从句为过去时,所以谓语应属过去范畴。8The woman met with an accident on her way to _ prison to visit her husband, who was put in _ prison for stealing.A. a; a B. a; theC. the; / D. /; /答案与解析C句意:这位女士在去监狱看望她丈夫的路上遇到了车祸,她的丈夫因偷盗而被判入狱。prison前加the表示“监狱”这个场所,不加冠词表示“被监禁”。

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