2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 Growing pains课后达标检测2(含解析).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 Growing pains课后达标检测2(含解析).单项填空1(xx湖南师大附中高三月考)Seeing the happy_of children playing in the park,Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country.AsightBsceneCview Dsign2(xx郴州一中质检)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful but they may also _ our thinking.Adirect BlimitCchange Dimprove3The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that faraway village.Auntil BthatCwhen Dwhere4By the time Mr.Li returned home from Australia,his daughter,_from college.Agraduated Bhas graduatedChad been Dhad graduated5(xx浏阳一中模拟)With the local guide _the way,we had no difficulty_ the plant we needed on the mountain.Aleading;find Bled;found Clead;to find Dleading;finding6Why are you so anxious? It isnt your problem _.Aon purpose Bin allCon time Dafter all7I might fail,but_I insist on doing it.I dont mind.Ahowever BanyhowCyet Dmeanwhile8Jack,you are supposed_part in the party in time.Sorry,but I had an unexpected visitor.Ato take Bto have takenCto be taking Dtaking9They forbid _ photos in the exhibition hall.That means you are not allowed _ any photos here.Ataking;taking Bto take;takingCtaking;to take Dto take;to take10He was in poor health,so the doctor _him to drink wine.Ahoped BdemandedCforbade Dprevented 11_ every member has arrived,lets get down to _ the plan for the next five years.ANow that;working outBBecause;work outCSince;work outDNow;work out12(xx江苏南京高三调研)Next door to ours _,who seem to have settled in this munity for quite a long time.Aare living a black coupleBare a black couple livingClive a black coupleDdo a black couple live13Mothers expression suggested she _ angry,so I suggested Father _ talking to her.Ashould be;would stopBbe;should stopCwas;stoppedDwas;stop14Can you think of the difficulty I had _ the work?Ato do BdoingCbeen doing Ddone15How about playing football,Steve?_.AI think so BThat sounds greatCYou are wele DHere you are.完形填空(xx长沙市一中等六校联考)Annie Dillard, the author of TEACHING A STONE TO TALK, tells us a sad story about a British Arctic expedition(远征)that took ship in 1845 to explore the Northwest Passage around the Canadian Arctic to the Pacific Ocean.Neither of the two ships and none of the 138 men aboard _1_.In her book Captain Sir John Franklin prepared as if they were _2_ in a pleasure travel rather than a challenging journey through one of earths _3_ environments. He packed a 1,200 volume library, china place settings and glass wine cups. Years later, some of them were found near some _4_ bodies.The voyage was hopeless when the ships sailed into _5_ cold waters and became trapped in ice.First _6_ coated the decks, the poles and the rope.Then water froze around the rudders (舵), and the ships became _7_ in the frozen sea desperately.Sailors set out to search for help, but soon _8_ to severe Arctic weather and died of exposure to its harsh winds and low temperatures.For the next twenty years,_9_ of the expedition were found all over the frozen landscape.Dillard reports that on a voyage that was to last 23 years the crew did not prepare for the chance of the ships being icelocked and the captain _10_ just a 12day supply of coal for the spare steam engines.Historians may doubt the wisdom of such a journey.But I have a question: Are we, too, prepared for the important voyage weve startedthe journey we call “_11_”? I want to be as ready as possible for what may lie ahead.As long as we are alive, our journey is not over.And in large part, the success of our journey will be _12_ by our regular and systematic preparation.1.A.continuedBreturnedCexisted Dsurvived2A.resulting BconsistingCengaging Dending3A.toughest BexcellentCmonest Dsuperb4A.burned BrottenCswelled Dfrozen5A.slightly BlightlyCordinarily Dextremely6.Aice BwaveCsteam Dwater7A.lost BmovedClocked Dopened8A.put up Bgave inCbrought in Dbroke up9A.library Bplace settingsCwine cups Dremains10A.donated BcarriedCexpected Danswered11A.trouble BhappinessClife Ddeath12.Adetermined BdamagedCdefeated Ddecorated.语法填空Nearly all of us have dreamed about winning the big prize in a lottery (彩票). We dream about 1._ we would do with the money, but we 2._ stop to think about how the money would change us.For most of us, our way of life is closely linked 3._ our economic circumstances.The different parts of our lives fit together like a jigsaw (拼板)work, home, friends, hobbies and sports make up our world.4._ sudden fortune would change it all and break the jigsaw.For example, some people like the idea of 5._ having to work, but winners have found that without work there is no reason to get up in the morning.It seems great to move to a bigger house in a wealthy area,6._ if you do that, you leave old friends behind.Usually, though winners are advised not to publicize 7._ addresses and phone numbers, begging letters still arrive.8._ they are not careful, most of their money will be spent on the protection of their possessions.阅读理解A(创新题)The Internet has changed our lives,and blogging is an important part of it now.Every person who uses the Internet today knows what a blog is,but have you ever wondered what exactly does the word “blog” stand for? There have been various full forms that have been suggested for blogs,but the original meaning is said to be “Weblog”When the Internet first began functioning,starting a new webpage was a boring process and took plenty of time.As time went by this process got easier and shorter,and pretty soon it was just a matter of a click.The history of blogging tells the story of how it has bee easier and simpler to start your own webpage,and even your own website.After the term “Weblog” was coined (创造) in 1997 by Jorn Barger,it was regularly used in circles that were familiar with the Internet.In xx,Peter Merholz,broke down the term “Weblog” into “we blog”This term soon became popular and blog began to be used more as a verb.To blog came to mean to create or edit your web log.By xx the Oxford English Dictionary had to include it in their new version.Pyra Labs created a software known as Blogger,which was later acquired by Google,and this interface (界面) made it possible for everyone with Internet access to create their own blog.All in all,it stands for the ing of new Internet technology.Today people are pletely familiar and fortable with the term and what it represents.It is an online journal of sorts that has given millions of people around the globe an opportunity to explore their creative writing abilities.Youre free to write what you please,and it is the choice of the readers if they read it or ignore it.Blogging is a revolution that has changed the literary habits of the world,and has brought every single person a bit closer.1What is the original meaning of the term “blog”?AWeblog. BWebpage. CWe blog. DWebsite.2It can be inferred from the passage that at the beginning _.Ait was easy to create a blog Bit was difficult to start a new webpageCblogging was quite popular Dthe blog was short and simple3The word “blog” was used as a verb meaning to create or edit a web log_.Awhen the Internet first began functioningBimmediately after Jorn Barger created it in 1997Cafter Peter Merholz broke down the term “Weblog” into “we blog”Dafter the Oxford English Dictionary included it in its xx version 4What is the right order of the following events?athe term “Weblog” was coined by Jorn BargerbGoogle acquired the software known as BargercPeter Merholz,broke down the term “Weblog” into “we blog”da software,Blogger,made it possible for everyone to create their own blogAa,b,c,d Ba,c,b,d Ca,d,c,b Da,c,d,b5This passage mainly tells us _.Athe meaning of blog Bthe function of blogCthe history of blog Dthe benefits of blogBBorn in 1983 in Arizona,US,Jessica has learned to live her life with her feet.She was born without arms,and no doctors could figure out why.There were many questions at the time about whether Jessica would be able to live a“normal”life.However,Jessicas father said,“I have never shed a tear about her birth condition.”With the support of her parents and family,Jessica became confident in herself as an adult and continued to explore the world with her feet.As a child,Jessica studied dance in her hometown.When the first performance arrived,she asked to be put in the back row.Her dance teacher told her there was no back row.Nervously,she took the stage with the other students and performed her routine.When she finished,the applause from the audience gave her encouragement and the confidence to continue dancing for 14 years.After graduating from high school,Jessica attended the University of Arizona,where she earned a bachelors degree in Psychology.When talking about her major,she frequently explains that Psychology has a great effect on her life,helping her out of a physical limitation.During college,Jessica signed up for a club of Taekwondo(跆拳道)and learned all of the color belt material.The instructors created a course that would be accessible to any future armless students.Jessica became the first armless person to earn a black belt in the club.Jessicas most famous acplishment was learning how to fly.It took three states,four airplanes,two flight instructors and a discouraging year to find the right aircraft.She received the Guinness World Record for being the first person permitted to fly an airplane with only her feet.Now Jessica works as a motivational lecturer.She travels the world sharing her story and encouraging people to be creative with the slogan“Think outside the shoe”6From what Jessicas father said,we know that_.Ahe showed sympathy to herBhe had confidence in herChe lost hope in herDhe felt sorry about her7What encourages Jessica to keep dancing for so many years?AThe support of her family.BHer dance teachers words.CThe help of the other students.DHer success in the first performance.8Why did Jessica major in Psychology in university?ABecause Psychology is the best subject in her university.BBecause Psychology can bring her a good job in the future.CBecause Psychology can help her go beyond her disability.DBecause Psychology is fit for an armless student.9Whats Jessicas greatest achievement?AFlying an airplane with her feet.BFinding the right aircraft.CSpeaking as a motivational lecturer.DTraveling around the world.10Whats the best title of the passage?AA Talented Girl,JessicaBA Motivational SpeakerCExploring the World with FeetDBeing Creative as a Student.阅读填空(xx洞口一中高三月考)If Mickey Mouse is a westerner who has captured the world,Hello Kitty is the worlds sweetheart from Asia.With its two innocent black eyes and the cute ribbon (色带) on its ear,this whitefaced kitten (小猫) has captivated (迷住) the hearts of women of all ages since 1974.Hello Kitty can be found on more than 50 thousand different items such as toys,school supplies,makeups and even neckties.To celebrate the characters 40th birthday,an exhibition called “Inside Kitty” is underway at the Seongnam Arts Center in Yatabdong.Young women from all over the world love with the character.“People didnt show interest in Kitty at first,even in Japan.Only since 1985,11 years after it was born,has it started to gain its popularity,” Yuko Yamaguchi,one of the designers of the character,told the press.“Hello Kitty was only for kids then.But in 1987,I got a letter from a high school student who said that her friends teased her because she had a Hello Kitty product.She asked the pany to make something that did not look strange for her to carry around.Since then weve tried to e up with things that all ages can enjoy,” Yamaguchi said.“The character has to municate with people.It should change over time,and always stay fashionable,” Yamaguchi said.The exhibition,“Inside Kitty”,starts by making people view the character.Kitty fans will be delighted to see all Hello Kitty items from throughout the past 40 years on display.Hello Kitty will 1._ its 40th birthday2._ Two innocent 3._,a cute ribbon on its ear and a white face.Related products5._It came into being in 6._.It has been 7._ since its 8._.In 1987,it was designed to appeal to all ages instead of only to kids.Arrangements forthe celebrationAn exhibition 9._“Inside Kitty” is being held where Hello Kitty items from throughout the past 40 years will be on 10._.阅读简答(xx衡阳质检)A famous foreign pany that invested in China wanted to employ a girl secretary for its public relation department.Catty Hum, a beautiful girl with a masters degree in electric engineering became a winning candidate through the difficult process of employment. At its last stage she faced an oral test together with another girl who was her equal not only in good looks but also in education standard. Catty Hum seemed very confident in herself and successful in the oral test. It seemed that she would get the chance. Finally, the examiner informed her, on behalf of the pany, that she could e to the office of pany next Monday as a new employee.At last the examiner asked her, “Have you anything else to say?” Shocked by the unexpected question, the beautiful girl was quite at a loss, saying with hesitation, “I have to ask my parents before I can give you an answer.” Surprised, the examiner said calmly, “In that case, lets wait till you are certain.”The next day the girl came to tell that her parents had agreed to her beginning work next Monday. But the examiner said regretfully, “Sorry, the job position has already been filled. You had better have a try in another place.”The beautiful girl was surprised. She asked for an explanation and was told, “What is needed here is a person who can make independent decisions.”That was how a good opportunity slipped away right under the nose of a beautiful girl. And that is really very mon with many young people in China.1How many girls came to the last stage of petition?(No more than 2 words)_2Who finally got the job?(No more than 3 words)_3What did the examiner value most?(No more than 2 words)_4What problem with some young people in China does the passage reflect(反映)?(No more than 15 words)_课后达标检测2.单项填空1解析:选B。句意:看到孩子们在公园里玩耍的欢快场面,我很开心,对我们国家的未来充满了信心。sight“视力,视野”;scene“场面,情景,景色”;view“观点,(从某一角度看到的)风景”;sign“记号,符号,征兆”。2解析:选B。考查动词的辨析。句意:如果我们想要获得成功,知识和学习很重要。但是它们或许会限制我们的思维。direct“指示,指引,导演(戏剧或电影);指挥(管弦乐队)”;limit“限制”;change“改变”;improve“改进,改善”。根据句中but的转折,选B项。3解析:选C。when引导定语从句,修饰先行词the hours,在从句中作时间状语。4解析:选D。句意:等到李先生从澳大利亚回家的时候,他的女儿已经大学毕业了。return所表示的动作发生在过去,graduate所表示的动作发生在他回家之前,是“过去的过去”,所以用过去完成时态。5解析:选D。考查with复合结构和have (no) difficulty (in) doing sth.结构。lead与the local guide为主动关系,故用v.ing形式。have no difficulty(in)doing sth.“做某事没有困难”。介词in可以省略。6解析:选D。on purpose“故意”;in all“总共”;on time“准时”;after all“毕竟”。句意:你为什么这么担忧呢?毕竟不是你的问题。7解析:选B。句意:我可能会失败,但不管怎样,我会坚持下去。我不在意。however“然而”;anyhow“不管怎样”;yet“然而”;meanwhile“同时”。8解析:选B。由下句可知,上句意为:杰克,你理应及时参加晚会(但事实上没参加)。be supposed to have done“本该做某事”,符合题意。9解析:选C。 句意:他们禁止在展厅拍照。那就意味着在这儿你不能拍任何照片。forbid doing sth.“禁止/不准做某事”;allow sb.to do sth.“准许某人做某事”。10解析:选C。句意:他的健康状况不佳,所以医生不准他喝酒。 forbid sb.to do sth.“禁止/不准某人做某事”。11解析:选A。句意:既然大家都到了,让我们着手制定下一个五年计划。now that“既然”;get down to doing sth.“开始/着手做某事”。此短语中的to为介词。12解析:选C。考查完全倒装句。句意:我们的隔壁住着一对黑人夫妇,他们似乎在这个社区已经住了好长一段时间了。 基本结构是:状语(副词或介词短语)谓语(动词)主语(名词)。13解析:选D。当动词suggest作“建议”讲时,后面的宾语从句用“(should)动词原形”;作“暗示;表明”讲时用陈述语气。14解析:选B。have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事费力”。15解析:选B。句意:史蒂夫,去踢足球怎么样?听起来不错。That sounds great.听起来不错。.完形填空【解题导语】作家Annie Dillard描述了当年一次彻底失败的探险活动,从而告诉人们无论做什么事情,都要做好充分的准备。1解析:选B。根据上下文可知,这是一次彻底失败的探险活动,所以两艘船和船上所有的人都没有回来。continue“继续”;return“返回”;exist“存在”;survive“存活”。2解析:选C。Franklin船长在为这次探险做准备时,把它当成一次休闲旅行。engage in意为“参与,从事”。3解析:选A。根据上文可知,他们探险的航线要经过地球上最艰苦的环境。tough“艰苦的,艰难的”,符合语境。excellent“非常好的”;mon“常见的”;superb“极好的”。4解析:选D。由于天气极度寒冷,船上的人员都被冻死了。frozen“冻结的”,符合语境。5解析:选D。当船驶入极度寒冷的水中并且被困在冰里时,航行一度进入了绝望的状态。6解析:选A。探险队遇到了极度寒冷的天气,船上的甲板,杆和绳索都被冰覆盖。7解析:选C。冰冷的海水冻住了船舵,船无法开动,被卡在了结冰的大海中。lock意为“锁住,卡住”。8解析:选B。船员们开始寻求帮助,但是不久之后就放弃了。give in to意为“让步,投降”。9解析:选D。在接下来的二十年,人们才发现探险队的残骸。remains意为“残骸,遗物”。10解析:选B。探险队没有意识到他们会遇上极寒的天气,所以只带了能用12天的燃料煤。11解析:选C。作者在讲述完故事之后将主题进行了升华,希望人们去思考自己有没有为人生之旅做好准备。12解析:选A。我们旅途的成功是由我们是否进行定期和系统的准备决定的。.语法填空【解题导语】中彩票是很多人的梦想,但殊不知中彩票也会给平静的生活带来麻烦。1解析:考查宾语从句。本句中what引导宾语从句,在从句中作do的宾语。答案:what2解析:考查副词。根据上下文内容可知,此处需填表示否定意义的副词。答案:never/rarely/seldom/hardly/scarcely3解析:考查介词。be linked to/with为固定短语,意为“与有联系”。答案:to/with4解析:考查冠词。不定冠词a表示“一次,一个”。答案:A5解析:考查否定词。根据上下文内容可知,此处需要填否定词。答案:not6解析:考查连词。根据上下文内容可知,此处需要填表示转折关系的连词。答案:but7解析:考查代词。此处表示“他们的地址和电话号码”,因此填物主代词their。答案:their8解析:考查状语从句。根据上下文的内容可知,此处需要填条件状语从句的引导词。答案:If.阅读理解A【解题导语】本文是一篇社会文化类说明文。文章说明了blog的发展历程。1解析:选A。细节理解题。由文章第一段中的最后一句可知,blog一词最初的意思是Weblog。所以选A。2解析:选B。推理判断题。由文章第二段中的“a boring process and took plenty of time”可以推测出在网络发展起初阶段创建网页不是容易的事情。所以选B。3解析:选C。细节理解题。由文章第三段中的前三句可知在Peter Merholz把Weblog拆分成“we blog”后,blog开始被用作动词,意为“创立或编辑网络日志”。所以选C。4解析:选D。细节排序题。根据文章第二、三段的内容可知这些事件发生的先后顺序。所以选D。5解析:选C。主旨大意题。本文主要说明了blog的产生和发展历程。所以选C。B【解题导语】本文是一篇人物传记。她会跳舞,获得心理学学士学位,跆拳道练到黑带程度,还会驾驶飞机,更是一位励志演讲家。如果她是正常人,你也许不会感到惊讶,但这个人却是一个天生没有胳膊的女孩所有的一切都是靠脚来完成的。本文就带领大家了解美国女孩Jessica的传奇人生。6解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,许多人对Jessica能否过正常生活充满怀疑,而她的父亲却不以之为不幸,不曾掉一滴泪。由此可推知,他对Jessica有信心。故选B。7解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“When she finished,the applause from the audience gave her encouragement and the confidence to continue dancing for 14 years.”可知,因为表演成功,观众给予热烈的掌声,这给了她继续跳舞的勇气和信心。故选D。8解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句中的“.Psychology has a great effect on her life,helping her out of a physical limitation.”可知,心理学对她影响很大,帮助她克服了身体上的不足。故选C。9解析:选A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“Jessicas most famous acplishment was learning how to fly.”可知,答案为A。10解析:选C。标题概括题。本文属于人物传记,介绍了美国传奇无臂女孩通过努力奋斗取得各种成功的故事,所以C项最符合本文主人公的特点,适合作为文章标题。Jessica取得这些成功并非靠天赋,故A项错误;B、D两项只是她一方面的成就,不能概括全文。.阅读填空1celebrate/have/hold2.Appearance/Looks3.black eyes4.such as/including5.History/Development6.19747.popular/fashionable8.11th birthday9.called/named10.display/show.阅读简答1Two girls/Two/Only two.2The other girl.3Ones independence/Independent decisions.4Many young people in China are not independent./Many young people in China depend on their parents too much./Chinese parents prepare too much for their children


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