2019年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section Ⅰ双基限时练 外研版必修1(I).doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High Section 双基限时练 外研版必修1(I).单词拼写1We grew _ (厌倦) with the subject.答案bored2He gave us _ (说明) to finish this as soon as possible.答案instructions3Is American school system _ (相似) to Chinese school system?答案similar4Give these tickets to Alice and Mary.They are _ (热心的) fans of that movie star.答案enthusiastic5Would you please tell me the best _ (方法) of solving this math problem?答案method6Arthur seemed _ (尴尬的) by her question and turned red.答案embarrassed7She was _ (吃惊的) at the first sight of this beautiful birthday present.答案amazed8During the conversation,what _ (使印象深刻) me most was her fluency in English.答案impressed9The problem is beyond my _ (领悟). I have to say I find no way to solve it myself at all.答案prehension10The book contains much useful _ (信息) about the school system of Australia.答案information.同义句转换1Our traditional culture is different from that of foreign countries.Our traditional culture is _ _ that of foreign countries.答案nothing like2We are really expecting to go to your party with pleasure.We are really _ _ _ _ to your party with pleasure.答案looking forward to going3Asia is four times as large as Europe.Asia is three times _ _ Europe.Asia is four times _ _ _ Europe.答案larger than; the size of4The scenery is strongly impressed on my mind.I _ _ _ _ the scenery.答案am deeply impressed with5You have been working too hard. That is to say, you need a holiday.You have been working too hard. _ _ _, you need a holiday.答案In other words.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1In a way, being enthusiastic _ something means being excited about a given task.答案与解析aboutbe enthusiastic about表示“对狂热;对着迷”,在该句中属于v.ing短语作主语。2I got _ (amaze) that Li Hong got full marks in the English examination, which was really _ (amaze)答案与解析amazed; amazing句意:李红在英语考试中得了满分,我感到惊讶,这真是不可思议。第一个空用amazed描述“我”的感受;第二个空用amazing表示事物自身的属性。3Im happy that youve decided to work with us again, and I am looking forward to _ (see) you next week.答案与解析seeing句意:很高兴你决定再次与我们一起工作,希望下周能够看到你。look forward to中to为介词,其后接动名词形式,且此处表示未发生的主动动作,故用动名词的一般式。4He gives people the impression of _ (spend) all his life abroad.答案与解析having spentthe impression of“的印象”,of是介词,后接动名词的完成式做宾语。5The story spread quickly among his friends _ Tom had lived on an isolated island alone for five years after the plane crashed.答案与解析that句意:汤姆在飞机坠毁后独自在孤岛上生活了五年的故事在他的朋友中迅速传开了。that在此引导同位语从句,用以说明the story的具体内容,that仅起连接作用。6 Why are you looking so sad, Ken? The outdoor concert _ (plan) for tomorrow will be put off (推迟)答案与解析planned句意:你为什么看起来那么沮丧,肯?原计划明天举行的户外音乐会将被推迟。过去分词短语planned for tomorrow在此作后置定语,plan与the outdoor concert为动宾关系。7I dont think Jack and his poor dog had a good time on the deserted island, _ they?答案与解析did陈述部分主句主语为第一人称,则反意疑问句的主语和谓语要与宾语从句的主语和谓语分别保持一致,句中存在否定转移现象,故要把宾语从句视为否定句,再结合前否定、后肯定的规则可知应填did。8Some of the doctors are paid almost twice _ much as the nurses.答案与解析as句意:有些医生的报酬几乎是护士的两倍。“倍数as形容词/副词原级as”是倍数表达法的常见形式。9 How do you think a woman will feel if she is asked about the age? Well, she may probably feel _ (embarrass)答案与解析embarrassed当女士被问及年龄时,她可能会觉得“尴尬的”,这是常识。embarrassed“尴尬的”。10The first time I toured the Great Wall, I was deeply impressed _ the beautiful scenery.答案与解析with/by/atimpress与介词with/at/by连用时,常用于sb. be impressed with/by/at sth.结构。.单项填空1The way children learn about the world is _ that of grownups the former by eyes while the latter by sense.A. anything like B. feel likeC. nothing like D. something like答案与解析Cnothing like“一点儿也不像”。2You did a good job._,Im satisfied with what you have done.A. In other word B. In another wordsC. In other words D. In word答案与解析C根据句意应选择in other words“换句话说”。3I _ what he said the first time I saw him.A. impressed with B. was impressed withC. impressed on D. was impressed on答案与解析Bbe impressed with/by/at表示“为所感动;对有印象”,这时不与on连用。4You are taking a pretty selfish attitude _ this, arent you?A. about B. ofC. towards D. on答案与解析Cattitude to/towards“对的态度”,固定用法。5Is your school life _ to _ of other schoolboys?A. similar; one B. similar; thatC. the same; that D. like; one答案与解析B第一个空构成固定搭配be similar to。第二个空用that代替前文中的school life,因为life表示“生活”时为不可数名词,不可用one代替。6Its hard to change your _, even harder to keep it.A. behave B. behavedC. behaviour D. behaving答案与解析C此题缺少宾语,因此应选名词behaviour。7The _ expression on her face suggested she was _ when she heard the news.A. amazing; amazed B. amazed; amazingC. amazed; amazed D. amazing; amazing答案与解析Camazed“吃惊的”,用来修饰人或人的表情;amazing“令人吃惊的”,用来修饰事物。8This book is hard to read. It is _ the students understanding.A. far B. far fromC. far away D. far to答案与解析Bfar from“远远超过”。句意:这本书读起来太难了,它远远超过了学生们的理解能力。9Its bad _ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A. behavior B. actionC. manner D. movement答案与解析A句意:在不允许吸烟的地方吸烟是不礼貌的行为。如果用manner应使用复数形式。10My advisor encouraged _ a summer course to improve my writing skills.A. for me taking B. me takingC. for me to take D. me to take答案与解析D句意:我的顾问鼓励我参加一个暑期培训课程来提高写作能力。encourage sb. to do sth. 为固定搭配,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。.完形填空When Thomas Edison was a child,one day he _1_ that the rail road pany needed a boy to sell newspaper, food, and candy on the _2_ running between his town and the _3_ of Detroit, sixtyfive miles away. The job would _4_ that he be on the train at seven oclock every _5_ and not return home _6_ ninethirty at night.The trips to Detroit were full of _7_ for Thomas,and each day he learned new things. He had to _8_ many hours in Detroit _9_ the train returned to his town in the evening, and one day he discovered the Free Public Library. He decided that he would _10_ all the books on its shelves! That would have been _11_, of course, especially since the library was constantly _12_ new books. But he _13_ read many of the books, particularly those _14_ science, which had a great fascination (魅力) for him.The boy gave most of the money he _15_ to his mother, but he kept some of it to buy scientific _16_ with which he could make experiments. There was some _17_ space in the baggage car of the train and the conductor allowed him to set up a _18_ laboratory there so that he could perform _19_ when he was not occupied (占用) in _20_ newspapers and things for people to eat. He was very busy and very happy.1A. understood B. gotC. learned D. saw2A. bus B. car C. plane D. train3A. city B. farm C. village D. place4A. do B. need C. force D. require5A. evening B. afternoon C. morning D. noon6A. that B. but C. after D. until7A. sadness B. disappointment C. excitement D. happiness8A. stop B. wait C. delay D. begin9A. in B. afterC. until D. before10A. look B. notice C. read D. find11A. impossible B. possibleC. terrible D. finished12A. keeping B. addingC. having D. holding13A. did B. doesC. has D. had14A. by B. in C. on D. at15A. collected B. saved C. picked D. earned16A. things B. equipment C. machine D. goods17A. vacant B. spare C. crowded D. left18A. little B. much C. few D. big19A. tasks B. job C. readings D. experiments20A. buying B. dealing C. selling D. carrying答案与解析1C根据上下文,显然是他learned“了解到”,而不是saw,其他为干扰项。2D上文已暗示rail road pany,故选train。3A根据上下文是town和city之间,故选A。4Drequire等表示需要的动词引导的从句用(should)do表示虚拟语气,故选D。5C根据上下文,从早到晚,故用morning。6D此处until与前面的not连用,表示“直到才”。7C因为是他所爱做的事,所以full of excitement。8B根据上下文,即等车返回,故用wait。9D在火车返回之前等车,故用before。10C上文说了Free Public Library,所以此处用read。11A想读完所有的书当然是不可能的,故用impossible。12B因为在不断地增添新书,故用adding。13A根据上下文,他的确读了许多书。表示强调,用did。14C接上题,特别是有关科学的书籍,常用on。15D根据上下文,显然是他赚的钱,故用earn。16B接上题,他用一部分买了科学仪器设备,故用equipment。17Avacant“空的”;spare“闲暇的”;crowded“拥挤的”;left“落下的”。故选A。18A根据上下文显然是小实验室,故用little。19D接上题,显然是做实验,故用experiments。20C就他而言,时间被占用时是卖报纸和卖给别人吃的东西的时候,故选selling。.短文改错Tom and Dick are nextdoor neighbor who both work in same office. They often walk together to and from work. Once they were walking to home together while it suddenly started to rain.Tom quickly opened his umbrella and said proud, “My wife really have great foresight (先见之明). She said this morning it would rain and tell me to carry my umbrella.”Dick smiled and walked up to her under the protection of the umbrella, said, “Mine has even greater foresight. She didnt let me carry one as she knew youd share yours to me.”答案Tom and Dick are nextdoor who both work in same office. They often walk together to and from work. Once they were walking home together it suddenly started to rain.Tom quickly opened his umbrella and said , “My wife really great foresight (先见之明). She said this morning it would rain and me to carry my umbrella.”Dick smiled and walked up to under the protection of the umbrella, , “Mine has even greater foresight. She didnt let me carry one as she knew youd share yours me.”

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