2019年高中英语 18 Lesson 2 What’s Your Favourite Music随堂演练 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019年高中英语 18 Lesson 2 What’s Your Favourite Music随堂演练 北师大版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 18 Lesson 2 Whats Your Favourite Music随堂演练 北师大版选修6.用used to (be), didnt use to或would完成下列句子1I _ live in Beijing, but I moved to Nanjing last year.答案used to2When he was at school, he _ play football every Saturday.答案would3She _ hate her job until she got a promotion.答案used to4I feel less angry than I _.答案used to be5He _ like anyone walking on the lawns in the back garden.答案didnt use to.单项填空1He did all he could to try to get the car to start, but it _ work.A. wouldnt B. didntC. shouldnt D. couldnt答案与解析Awouldnt表示强烈的感情色彩“就是(老是)不”,其他选项无此用法。2 I thought you didnt like coffee. Well, I _ but I _ now.A. didnt; can B. did; canC. usednt to; do D. usednt; do答案与解析C根据句意,第一空表示过去的情况,所以用didnt或usednt to;第二空表示现在,应用现在时,用do代替like coffee。3Mr. White _ to live in China, so he _ to Chinese dishes.A. used; used B. is used; is usedC. used; is used D. is used; used答案与解析C句意:怀特先生过去常住中国,所以他习惯吃中国菜。used to do sth.“过去常干某事”; be used to sth.“习惯于某事”。4My daughter _ like chocolates, but now she likes fruits.A. used to B. wouldC. could D. might答案与解析A考查used to与would的区别。used to表示“过去如此,现在不这样”,而would表示“过去总是,老是”。5“I _ do anything for our country,” said the soldier.A. can B. couldC. used to D. would答案与解析D此处would表示强烈的愿望、意愿。句意:这个士兵说:“我愿意为我的祖国做任何事。”

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