2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 10 What are they looking at 教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 10 What are they looking at 教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Lesson 10 What are they looking at 教案 冀教版Lesson 10 What are they looking at ?Class opening1.Greeting.2.Duty report.3.Ask several volunteers to act out the dialogue in Lesson 9.4.Sing “The trip song.”5.Sing “I walked to zoo.”Look out of , point to.There is/are-Can you see -?Step1: PresentationDemonstrate there be with real objects.Teacher: (holding a book) There is a book.(Holding two books) There are two books.Step2: DrillTeacher Three books.Students: There are three books.Teacher: Many people.Students: There are many people.Teacher: I see a woman with a sheep. Can you see them?Step3:Practice1.Books closed! Ask this question: What do Danny and Jenny see outside? Play the audiotape.2.Check the answers.3.Play the audiotape again as the students follow in their student books.4.Ask volunteers to read the dialogue.5.Ask volunteers to present the dialogue.Class closing1.Finish off the activity book.2.Sing the song “Whos drawing.”3.Practice the dialogue in this lesson.4.Preview Lesson11.

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