2019年高中英语 单元综合检测6-7 外研版选修8.doc

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2019年高中英语 单元综合检测6-7 外研版选修8第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AInformal conversation is an important part of any business relationship.Before you start a discussion,however,make sure you understand which topics are suitable and which are considered taboos(禁忌)in a particular culture.Latin Americans enjoy sharing information about their local history,art,and customs.They expect questions about their family and are sure to show pictures of their children.Yon may feel free to ask similar questions of your Latin American friends.The French think of conversation as an art form,and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as disagreements.For them,arguments can be interestingand they can cover pretty much or any topicas long as they occur in a respectful and intelligent(智慧的)manner.In the United States,business people like to discuss a wide range of topics,including opinions about work,family,hobbies,and politics.In Japan,China,and Korea,however,people are much more private.They do not share much about their thoughts,feelings,or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious(和谐的)business relationship theyre trying to build.Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family matters.It is considered rude,for example,to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or children.As general rule,its best not to talk about politics or religion(宗教)with your business friends.This can get you into trouble,even in the United States ,where people hold different views.In addition,discussing ones salary is usually considered unsuitable.Sports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world,although be careful not to criticize a national sport.Instead,be friendly and praise your hosts team.1The author considers politics and religion_.Acheerful topicsBtaboosCrude topicsDtopics that can never be talked about答案:B语义理解题。从最后一段第1句话As general rule,its best not to talk about politics or religion(宗教)with your business friends.可以明显看出答案为什么选B。2Which is typically a friendly topic in most places according to the author?ASports.BChildrenCPersonal feelings. DFamilies.答案:A细节题。命题依据是最后一段第4句话Sports is typically a friendly subject in most parts of the world.3Why are people from Asia more private in their conversation with others?AThey dont want to talk with others much.BThey dont want to have their good relationship with others harmed by informal conversation.CThey are afraid to argue with their colleagues.DThey want to keep their feelings to themselves.答案:B判断题。从第2段第3句话.because they feel that doing so might take away from the harmonious(和谐的)business relationship theyre trying to build可以推知。4What shouldnt you do when talking about sports with colleagues from another country?APraising your own countrys sports.BCriticizing your own countrys sports.CPraising the sports of your colleagues country.DCriticizing the sports of your colleagues country.答案:D语义理解题。根据最后一段第4句话中的.although be careful not to criticize a national sport可知答案为D。BSome of the very earliest poems were not written down.These poems were not lyrics describing scenes of emotions.Instead,they were long narratives about war and courage.They told stories of daring deeds and heroes.These poems are known as epics.The tellers of epics wished for their listeners to hear exciting tales.But they also wished for them to appreciate the bravery of their ancestors.Many epics have to do with the early history of a people.One epic,Virgils Aeneid(叙事诗),for example,tells the story of the founding of Rome.Epics are usually based on the adventures of a hero.This individual often saves his people from monsters or gods who hate them.He may travel great distances or fight in terrible battles.People would learn about how brave the hero was.So they would develop pride in their tribe or nationality.They learned how people in their tribe were expected to act.Usually there is some kernel of truth in a tale of an epic hero.But here is also a lot of exaggeration(夸张)These stories were told and retold.As time passed,the heroes got braver and did more.There are many famous epic poems.Two by the Greek poet Homer are the Iliad and the Odyssey.The Iliad is a story of the Trojan War.In it the Greek hero Achilles helps to defeat the Trojans.The Odyssey recounts(叙述)Odysseuss adventures as he tried for 20 years to sail back home from the Trojan War.Beowulf relates the story of how the early English hero Beowulf killed a monster.El Cid is about the battles of the national hero of Spain.5This passage mostly presents_.Acharacteristics and examples of epicsBthe history of epicsCthe Iliad and the OdysseyDseveral famous epic heroes答案:A主旨大意题。从整篇短文来看,主要是说明epics(史诗)的特点。6Which of the following epics is about the founding of Rome?AEl Cid. BBeowulf.CIliad. DAeneid.答案:D细节理解题。从短文第二段“One epic,Virgils Aeneid(叙事诗),for example,tells the story of the founding of Rome.”可知。7The last paragraph of this passage is developed through_.Astories about HomerBexamplesCparisonDdescriptions of settings答案:B推理判断题。通读最后一段可知,主要是以举例子的方式来展开的。8The underlined word“kernel”in Paragraph 4 means a_.Agreat amount Bsmall amountCbrave leader Dtraveler答案:B词义猜测题。通过此句后面的“but”和“a lot of”可知,kernel的意思是“很少”。CLike China,Britain had a golden age of poetrybut it came a thousand years after the time of Li Bai and Du Fu.It was a time of revolution and new ideas in Europe.The English Romantic poets,as they are now known,were very interested in what was happening in the rest of the continent.But the romantic poets were more interested in the individual,and in the power of the imagination than they were in politics.They produced wonderful images to express human emotions and to paint pictures of the natural world.They also got inspiration from the myths(神话)of past ages,especially the Greek myths,and from their own experiences of love.Typically,the Romantic poets lived hard and died young.Byron was the most famous of them;he traveled a lot and shocked people with his wild behavior.Another Romantic poet,Coleridge,was probably a drug addict,and the strange journeys of his mind were reflected in his poems.Wordsworth was the only one who live to an old age.As he grew older he became less interested in political ideas.He went to live in the Lake District,in the north of England,where he wrote the poem I wandered lonely as a cloud.The most brilliant of the Romantics was probably Keats.Although he studied as a doctor,poetry was his great love.But when he was just 24,he became very ill.He knew he was going to die ,and went to Italy to spend his last months in a more pleasant climate.His friends,Shelley,(whose wife,Mary,wrote Frankenstein),went to Italy to meet him and say goodbye,but he arrived too late.Shelley himself did not live much longer.He drowned in a boating accident off the west coast of Italy the next year.In his pocket he had a book of Keats poems.9Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AEnglish poetryBRomantic poetsCSome English poetsDThe golden age of English poetry答案:D主旨大意。我们能看出文章第一段第一句话就是本文的主题句。本文讲述的是英语诗歌的黄金时代。10As we can see from the passage,Keats_.Astudied scienceBwas very cleverCdied at his early ageDdrowned in a boating accident答案:C细节理解题。文章最后一段能看出答案,尤其要注意D项,此项文章中提到了,但是不属于Keats.11About the romantic poets,which of the following is NOT true?AThey were interested in the individual.BThey liked to paint pictures about natural world.CThey often got inspiration from the Greek myths.DThey were more interested in what was happening in the rest of the continent.答案:D细节判断题。从文章第一段我们看出对世界上发生的事情感兴趣的是The English Romantic poets,而不是the romantic poets.DA water bearer in India had two large pots,each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck.One of the pots had a crack(裂缝)in it,and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full load of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters houses;the cracked pot arrived only half full.For two years this went on daily.The perfect pot was proud of its acplishments.Of course,the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection.After two years of this sense of bitter failure,it spoke one day to the water bearer by the stream.“I am ashamed of myself,and I want to apologize to you.”“Why?”asked the bearer.“What are you ashamed of?”“I have been able for these last two years to deliver only half my load,because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back.And you do not get full value for your efforts,”the pot explained.The water bearer,hearing this,said,“As we return to the masters house,I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.”As they went up the hill,the cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path,and this cheered it a little.The bearer said,“Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path,but not on the other pots side? That is because I have known about you,and I took advantage of it.I planted flower seeds on your side of the path,and every day while we walk back from the stream,you have watered them.For two years I have been able to pick those beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table.Without you being just the way you are,he would not have this beauty in his house.”12Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed?ABecause it didnt have a perfect appearance.BBecause it didnt hold water.CBecause the water bearer didnt like it.DBecause it could only acplish half of its load.答案:D细节理解题。由第二、三段内容可知,破裂的罐子因自己漏水而感到羞愧。13How would the cracked pot feel at the end of the story?AStill ashamed of itself.BMuch happier with itself.CProuder than the perfect pot.DDisappointed with itself.答案:B推理判断题。起先是羞愧,而后知道漏出的水浇灌了花,并且受到挑担人的表扬,故应是高兴。14The moral of the passage is that_.Aa cracked pot can be of much useBeveryone has their shortingsConce we have shortings,we should try to overe themD. sometimes we dont have to mind too much the way we are答案:D主旨大意题。由最后一段挑担人的话中可以推测,缺陷不一定会是坏事,所以不要太在意自己的缺陷。15Which of the following proverbs can best go with this passage?AEvery cloud has a silver lining.BEvery man has his price.CEvery picture tells a story.DEvery dog has his day.答案:B主旨大意题。A项意为黑暗中总有一线光明;B项意为人人都有价值;C项为每张照片都有一个故事;D项为人人都有得意的时候,故B项符合文章寓意。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How do successful people think? What helps them to make success? To find out the answers,an American scholar recently visited some of the most successful people in America._16_Be responsible for yourselfSometimes you may want to blame others for your failure to get ahead._17_Youre saying,“You have more control over my life than I do.”Live life“on purpose”Almost all successful people live life“on purpose”they are doing what they believe they should and want to do.When you live your life on purpose,youll try your best to do your job or study as well as you can.You love what you do and you can find pleasure in what you do.Write a planIt is very difficult trying to get what you want without a good plan._18_A good plan is like a map to you.Without this“map”,you may waste your time,money and also your energy;while with the“map”youll enjoy the“trip”and get what you want in the shortest possible time.Be willing to pay the priceNothing great is easy to get.So you must be ready to work hardeven harder than you have ever done.If you are not willing to pay the price,you wont get anything valuable.Never give up_19_When you are doing something,you must tell yourself again and again:Giving up is worse than failure because failure can be the mother of success,but giving up means the death of hope._20_Once an American writer was writing a novel. He could not have a good ending for his book until one night when he had a very good idea.He was so excited that he made a phone call to one of his best friends.“Ive got a perfect idea,”he said,“Ill put it down later and show it to you.”But he never did,because he died that night.His book was left without a perfect ending.So remember,do what you can right away.Never delay at all.AIn fact,when you say someone or something outside of yourself is stopping you from making success,youre giving away your own power.BIt is just like trying to drive through strange roads to a city far away.CSome people achieve success much later in life because they fail to realize earlier the importance of hard work.DHere are some keys to success that they give.ESomeone elses opinion of you doesnt have to bee your reality.FIt seems to us that everyone knows this.But it is easier said than done.GDont delay答案:1620DABFG第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes break between classes.But when the bell for the next class rings,you cant_21_how quickly time has passed.If you are familiar with this_22_,youll know how time flies when you are having funand_23_when you are bored.Now scientists have_24_a reason why this is the case.Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain_25_according to how we focus on a task.When we are_26_,we concentrate more on how time is passing.And this makes our brains_27_the clock is ticking more slowly.In an experiment_28_by a French laboratory,12 volunteers watched an image _29_researchers monitored their brain activity.The volunteers were told to_30_concentrate on how long an image appeared for,then_31_the colour of the image,and thirdly,study both duration and colour.The results showed that_32_was more active when the volunteers paid_33_subjects.It is thought that if the brain is_34_focusing on many aspects of a task,it has to _35_its resources,and pays less attention to the clock._36_,time passes without us really_37_it,and seems to go quickly.If the brain is not so active,it concentrates its_38_energies on monitoring the passing of time._39_,time seems to drag.Next time you feel bored_40_,perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!21A.guess BlearnCbelieve Ddoubt答案:C课间十分钟玩得很开心,时间在不知不觉中就过去了。此处用cant believe表示对这段时间飞快流逝的惊讶与感叹。22A.view BpointCscene Dexperience答案:C上文提到的是一种特定的心理场面描写,而不是人所经历的某一件具体的事情,故选C项。scene“情节,场面”。experience“经验;经历,阅历”。23A.drags BstopsCbacks Dgains答案:A根据文中倒数第二段的解释可得知答案。drag“拖长”,此处指时间过的很慢。24A.thought over Bmade upCsuggested De up with答案:Dthink over“仔细考虑”;make up“组成”;suggest“建议,表明”;e up with“提出”。科学家是以实验为基础进行研究而提出的一种原因。25A.change BdevelopCgrow Dslow答案:A联系下文的实验可知,当人的大脑集中于一个任务的多个面的时候,就变得比较活跃,反之,则变得不那么活跃。所以当大脑所注意的任务不同的时候,大脑的活动状态是不一样的。26A.sleepy BboredCexcited Dactive答案:B联系上下文可知,人在比较厌烦或感到无事可做的时候,才觉得时间过得很慢。27A.report BthinkCdecide Dsee答案:B时间过得很慢只是人的一种潜在的意识。think“想,认为”。28A.produced BcarriedCtried Dperformed答案:D空格所缺的词作定语,应与前面的experiment构成动宾关系,结合下文进行的实验可知,只有D项符合。29A.so BwhenCwhile Dbut答案:C此处用while强调在实验过程中,被实验者与研究人员各自的任务形成对比关系。30A.partly BquicklyChow Dfirst答案:D根据后面的then和thirdly可得知答案。31A.remember Bfocus onCforget Dtell apart答案:B根据下文可知,实验的目的是让大脑不停的“专注”于一个任务的多个方面。32A.the researchers Bthe experimentCthe clock Dthe brain答案:D此处指被研究人员的大脑思维比较活跃。33A.much attention to Bmore attention toCattention to many Dattention to more答案:D结合上文的实验可知,研究人员是让实验者的大脑专注于一个任务的多个方面。34A.busy BlikelyCready Dsure答案:Abe busy doing.“忙于”;be likely to do.“可能做”;be ready to do.“准备做”;be sure of.“对确信”35A.focus BgatherCreach Dspread答案:D联系上下文可知,当大脑专注于一个任务的多个方面时,它的精力就会被分散,因而就转移了对时间的注意。spread此处指“分散”。 36A.However BFurthermoreCTherefore DFinally答案:C此处表示上述实验所得出的一个结论。37. Alooking BseeingCknowing Dlearning答案:C根据后文的“.seems to go quickly,”可知,时间在不知不觉中过去。38A.enough BfullCright Dproper答案:B如果大脑不太活跃的时候,就会把相当多的精力集中在计算时间上。right与proper同义,意为“正确的,恰当的”,故可排除。enough“足够的”。full“充足的;相当多的”。39A.In fact BAs a resultCFor example DInstead答案:B本句是根据前面的分析而得出的结论;故用B项表示“结果”。40A.in class Bwith workCin mind Dof lessons答案:A本句与文章第一段相对应,是对第一段在课堂出现的问题的一种解决方法。另外,根据最后一句也可得出答案。第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country. He wanted to show his son how the poor lived so he could be thankful_41_his wealth.They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of_42_would be considered a very poor family.On their return the father asked his son_43_(explain) what he had learnt. The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home,_44_(reply) in a way that shocked his father.The boy said he wanted to bee a farmer. He envied the farmers who had the beautiful night stars to give them light_45_his family had only expensive lanterns. His wish was to have a farm_46_he could go swimming in an endless river instead of the garden pool in their home. Finally he asked his father, “What makes us_47_(safe), large walls around our house or friends that will protect us?”The boy finished by saying,“_48_the trip I thought we were rich but today I learnt who is truly rich.”_49_this the boy got up and walked away, leaving his father sitting on their fortable sofa, totally_50_(speech)41_ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._46_ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._答案:41forbe thankful for“对心存感激”。42whatwhat引导宾语从句,在从句中做主语。43to explainask sb to do“让某人做某事”。44replied句子应用一般过去时,谓语用过去式。45while/as/becausewhile表示对比。或用as/because,表示嫉妒的原因。46where/sowhere引导定语从句,修饰a farm。或用so,引导结果状语。47safer由空后的large walls around our house和friends that will protect us之间的选择关系可知应用比较级。48Before在旅行前,儿子认为自己家是富有的。49Withwith在此表伴随。50speechless儿子的话出乎父亲的意料,使父亲无言以对。speechless“无言的,不说话的”。【辽宁卷题型】Peter: OK, Dannis, so you are an interpreter? Whats the difference between a translator and an interpreter?Dannis:The interpreter serves _41_a medium between two different types of people. Translators work on their own_42_they translate documents and sometimes they use dictionaries.Peter:OK,in what languages do you interpret?Dannis: English, French and Italian.Peter: Wow, thats pretty_43_(amaze). How_44_(bee) an interpreter?Dannis: Well, you study it. You need to obtain a certificate. There are universities or interpreter schools_45_provide training programs. You dont necessarily need the title immediately but_46_you have the abilities and the plete knowledge, people will hire you. You dont necessarily need the qualification, since it depends on where youre applying for a job.Peter: OK, cool. Whats the best thing about_47_(bee) an interpreter?Dannis:Well, you have opportunities to meet different types of people. You never feel left out (忽视)because youre the one who_48_(deliver)the information. And interpreting is fun because sometimes you take people to fun places like parties, restaurants and train stations, just like_49_tour guide. Anyway,I think interpreting is_50_(interest) than translation.Peter: Sounds cool.41_ 42._ 43._ 44._ 45._46_ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._答案:41as考查介词。serve as意思是“作为”。42and考查连词。三个句子之间是并列关系,因此用and。43amazing考查词形变化。amazing意思是“令人惊奇的”。44to bee考查固定用法。how to do.固定用法,作“怎样做”讲。45that/which考查定语从句。引导定语从句,修饰先行词universities or.schools,故用关系代词which或that。46if考查状语从句。句意:如果你有能力和相关的所有知识,就会有人雇佣你。47being考查动名词。介词后面要用动名词,故此处用being。48delivers考查主谓一致。定语从句中动作的主语是the one,故用动词的第三人称单数形

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