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2019年高三英语上学期高考模拟卷试题(四)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第1节 (共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)第2节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、c和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A The Enzian Art House in Florida was showing movies in the park .One Evening a few weeks before Christmas,they showed The Christmas Story and had a raffle(抽奖)with a girls bike as the prizeIt was attractive with colored streamers(飘带),flowers,butterflies,a fascinating bell,a11 designed to delight a five year oldBut fifty year old 0f me won it! This led to a bit of a puzzle as I didnt havekids or grand-kids to give it to. 1 wanted the bike to go to someone who didnt have the opportunity to own such a wonderful thingI contacted the shelter(where I occasionally volunteered in the kitchen)and while there was a big need for a sweetBike there was also the potential for it creating conflict I sought else where until I found out about a couple in our church who had been going through hard times in their marriage because of drugs and a1cohoThey walked to our church(they didnt have a car)from a parking 1ot a mile away and they had a sweet little five-year-old daughter. On Christmas Eve 1 went to their parking lotThey had already left on foot to go to the candle lighting serviceTheir landlord was on the parking lot and when he heard that 1 wanted to leave the bike anonynously(匿名)he offered to open up their trailer(拖车式房屋)There I saw a lone tree,so I put the bike behind it.0. It was a great moment for me and,I hope,a little bit of Christmas magic for the family and that little girl .21Why was the author puzzled when he got the prize7 A.He didnt have kids about five years old t0 offer the bike to B.He couldnt find a proper way to keep it C He couldnt find the way to the shop DHe couldnt carry it home.22We Can learn from the third paragraph that children in the shelter_A.often fight B.are happyC. arent taken care of Dare eager for a bike23What made the couples marriage hard? A.Their fighting B Their poverty C.Drugs and alcohol DTheir unemployment24What can we infer from the last paragraph? A.Where there is a will,there is a way BPresent rose to others with remaining fragrance at hand C .Living without an aim is like sailing without a pass- DLife was like a box of chocolates,you never know what you get B Prestige Properties Now Available For the benefits of customers seeking unique properties,The Hills Real Estate Agency is pleased to announce the availability of the following residences in the richest parts of our city:Santa RosaThis beautiful Spanish-style mansion(大厦)extends over a gently sloping(倾斜的)half-acre block Constructed during the 1 920s,it has kept many original architectural and historical features while the kitchen and bathrooms have been tastefully modernizedImpressive sandstone contrasts with green lawns and colorful flower gardens,with views of the ocean from the second floorCall now,to arrange a viewingWarehouse Conversion(仓库改建公寓)If you are seeking an open-plan style apartment located in the heart of the inner city that is quiet and safe with a courtyard in its heart,this is the property for youTruly a unique opportunity,this 3-bedroom,2-bath-room,architect-designed conversion can offer peace and space for your artistic attempts or can open up to be the perfect party houseInspect nowVictorian Terrace(联排别墅)They dont e much more sophisticated than this 3-story Victorian terrace built in 1 885Located on fl wide street opposite elegant Victoria Park,the front garden and wide upper-level balcony are bathed in generous sunshine during the winter months while being protected from thewindA rare opportunity for those who love bining fortable living with elegant entertainingA large living room is next to a dining area served by a modern kitchen with plenty of bench space,Three upstairs ,bedrooms,two with bathrooms,plus a guest bathroom 0n the ground floor,plete the picture,For further information and to arrange inspection(appointment city) please call our office at 965-2254 or 965-2255 or e-mail at johnmarthehills To:johnconnorthe hills From:lisabroamkyu Subject:Interested buyerDear Mr Connor, 1 was very interested in your recent advertisementI am seeking residence that can acmodate an art studio and possibly hold private exhibitions for the work I doOne of the listed places sounds like it could be suitable for my needsTherefore,1 would like to meet with you soon to take a look at the placeCould you please let me know when a good time for you is? l am okay anytime this week except for Wednesday eveningPlease reply to me as soon as possible T hanks so much for your attention Lisa Brown:75512072 5According to the e-mail,which。f the foil。wing places will most likely suit Ms Brown?A .Santa RosaB.Warehouse ConversionC Victorian TerraceD.Warehouse Conversion26What is the main purpose of the伊mail? A.To seek information about an art exhibition B.To set up an appointment C.T0 put her apartment on the market D.To reply to a request she received from the man27What can be inferred about Ms Brown? A.She is probably an artist BShe buys and sells properties CShe is interested in placing an ad DShe organizes art conferences for a living C Children with autism(孤独症)have difficulty with social skills and municationThey often behave in limited and repeated ways and have what seem like unusual Strong interests Autism is more mon in boys than girlsWhat causes it is not clear. Scientists are studying genes and possible environment influences Doctors usually cannot confirm a about three years old .Rebecca Landa is diagnosis of autism until a child is a researcher at the Kennedy Krieger institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland .Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlierShe led a new study that observed 235 babies between 6 and 36 months of age “At 6 months of age,the signs of some risk for developing munication and social delays,including autism,include motor delaysLike when you lay your baby on their back and you pull them by the arms gently into a seated position ,the babys head may nod back behind the shoulders,like poor head contr01That does not mean that the baby is going to have autism,but It does mean the baby needs to have some exercises to strengthen their bodyAnd when they strengthen their body,they are better able to play with toys and engage with people, which then goes on to help them have better outes By the time a baby is one year old,signs of possible autism include difficulty In using words and not looking eye-to-eye or reaching out to other peopleBy 14 months,the baby might smile less and use language 1essHowever Professor Landa says these signs can be so small that they might be missed during fl short health exam It s important for parents to learn their childrens development,and if a parent is concerned about a childs development,seek professional advice The earlier parents notice delays,she says,the sooner they call begin doing simple things that may help improve their childs developmentFor example talking to the child about what they are doing,menting when the child shows them something,and playing simple games that keep the childs attention 28Whats the best title of the passage? AWatching for Early Signs of Autism in Babies B How to Confirm a Diagnosis of Autism C Children with Autism Have Difficulty in munication DWays to Help Children with Autism to Recover29What can we learn from the third paragraph?A.Landa has found ways to confirm a diagnosis of autism when a baby is about six monthsB.Landa tried to find autism earlier by paringthe differences as the baby grows up。C. Now doctors can confirm a diagnosis of autism before a child is three years old DDoctors observed 235 babies either 6 or 36 months of age under the guide of Landa 30When a baby with signs of possible autism is a year and two months,he may_A.avoid eye contactB have difficulty in raising his headC develop bad mannersDhate to municate with others31In which column could we find this passage?A.Education B.HealthC. Economies D.Entertainment D “Bad weather could raise your blood pressure and even kill you is the unnecessarily surprising headline in the Daily Mail It reports on a large,plex study that looked for any association between changes in weather and blood pressure rates. The research focused on patients at a blood pressure clime In Glasgow and looked at two continuous visits the patients made within a 1 2-month periodThe researchers found that decreases in temperature and sunshine,or increases in rainfall and frost were associated with a slight increase increases in blood pressure In the longer term,individuals whose blood pressure seemed sensitive to decreases in temperature and sunshine had slight increases in blood pressureThey also seemed to have overall shorter survival than people insensitive to weather changes We know that our bodies respond to temperature changes,so it seems true that temperature could influence blood pressureBut factors other than the weather may have had a role to play in the blood pressure results seenThe study was carried out by researchers from the University of Glasgow,published in the peer-re4ewed Journal of the American Heart Association The quality of the Daily Mails reporting of this study is mixedOn the negative side,it presents a simple conclusion that cannot be drawn from the plex analysis used in this studyOn the plus side,its story does contain useful advice from a spokesperson from Blood Pressure UK:“Until we can control the weather,we can still rely on more traditional ways of controlling Our blood pressure,such as eating more fruit and vegetables,less salt and alcohol,and taking more exercise32What Can we learn from the passage?A.Cold Weather may increase bloodpressureB.There are more studies about the weatherC.exercise increases your blood PressureDThe headline in the Daily Mail is wrong33How was the research carried out?A.It was reported in the Daily MailB. It followed the patients in a timeC It recorded the worlds weather dataDIt made some changes to the weather34According to the research we can that _A.too much rain will lower blood pressureB.enough sunshine can increase blood pressureC insensitive people may live a longer lifeD.sensitive people may feel bored with life35.It can be inferred from the passage_A.most people have doubt about the Daily MailB.,no one did plex analysis about weatherC .the spokesperson didnt have enough proofDhumans have no control over the weather第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 You may have been looking forwardto studying abroad for longHowever,you should expect that there will e a time when you miss your family,your friends,and the customs and foods of your own country 36 here are some things you can do to beat homesickness If youre feeling homesick,make a list of all the amazing opportunitiesyoure getting just by studying abroad,such as meeting、new people and trying delicious foods 3 7. 38 Its likely that they have had or are having the same experience,and they may have some useful tips. If your family can afford it,plan for them to pay you a visit after the second half of your study abroad sessionSeeing them will make youFeel much closer to home,and will make it easier for you to hang on for the rest of your trip 39 E-mail your friends from home,and talk to your family over the phone when you Call,Just dont make a habit of talking to them too much,or you1l be too busy thinking about whats going on at home tofocus on your once-in-a-life time experience, Dont forget to pack a few things that remind you of home40 .Bring a few pictures of your friends and family,but dont put up too many of them or youwill feel even more homesickA.Write down your amazing experiencesB.,Stay in touch with people from home,C.You should forget youre in a foreign countryD.Talk to other students who are studying abroadEThis will make you feel mole grateful for your decision to study abroadFBeing prepared for this in advance will make it easier for you to deal with homesicknessGThis could be as simple as your favorite CD,or a collection of your favorite movies第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) “They grow up too soon,everyone told meEighteen years later,I finally understand what they 41 My son goes out with friendsTen minutes after he leaves home,I get his text:。Herr Its the same message Ive 42 hundreds of times beforeour agreed-upon short message that he has arrivedSafely few days he11 head to college,and this 44 will e at his 43 In afew days he will e to a(n) 45 When I am pregnant,friends say time is 46 and he wi11 grow up faster than I imagine . His teeth begin to 47 Baby bottles give way to 48 foods.He 49 high above his chair to the clock on the wall“Clock,he saysIts his first wordSoon he is walking I quit my job to do freelance writing(自由撰稿) 50 from training programs to marketing brochures to essaysTheres never enough money,but at least we have 5 1 There are long bedtime stories, 52 questions about how things work,and monsters(怪物)under the bed He reads an essay by a sportswriterIt lights a fire in him He starts to write his own essay,wandering into my office as I try to finish freelance assignmentsI feel 53 to read his work . He earns his first salary 54 a baseball referee(裁判)but wishes that it had been as a(n) 55He learns to do the laundry,clean the bathroom,and cookWhen he turns18,he finally gets a job as a blogger,and then。starts his own website Ive defined myself as a 5 6 for 18 yearsWho am I now?I look in the mirrorIn my attempt to help him grow 57,I forgot to grow my ownCan I find a new sense of purpose or rechannel the 58 ? As I sit down to write this piece,I receive his text : 59“are you? Here I text 60 . 41A.cared B.,predicted C meant Dexpected42A.received B. cancelled C responded Dsent 43A.school B. college C office Ddestination44A.route B routine Coperation Dsystem45. A.procedure B.Conclusion C beginning D.end46A.money B.,sparing Cfling D. cheating47A.appear B lose C pull Dprocess48A.liquid B. delicious C healthy D.solid49A.stands B.,points C.jumps Dcries50A.everything B. Nothing C. something D-none51A.energy B,resources C. Time D. relationships52A.endless1 B.tiring C boring Dstupid53A.useless B awkward C.privileged Dashamed54AOn B.in CAs D:for55A.cleaner B.writer C.athlete Dcook56A.mother B.,writer C.housewife Dvolunteer57.A.Strength B.wisdom CWings D wonder58AExpression B love CSadness D achievement59A.Where B.,How C,who D.what60A.away B.,either Ctoo D,back第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题15分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空格处填人适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。每空不得多于3个单词,出现拼写、大小写、词性错误都不给分。 Most heroes are people like youBut what makes them heroes?They find special courage When they need 61They are brave enough to help in 62 emergency while others may stand byA hero sees what needs to 63 (do)and does ii Sometimes heroes are rewarded for their brave actsOne such reward is the Carnegie MedalIt is given to people who act bravely and ignore danger 64(save)the lives of others The medal was named 65 Andrew Carnegie In 1886,Carnegie heard about a young man by the name of William Hunter,66 lost his life trying to save two other boys from drowningCarnegie was a very 67(wealth)businessman and set aside money to honor heroes like WilliamSometimes these heroes are in need or are hurt 6 8 so,they receive money as well as the Carnegie Medal Over 6ooo people have received the Carnegie MedalSome have saved people from drowning or from burning buildingsOthers have pulled people in front of 69(move)trains or saved them from attacks by wild animalsAll these heroes have one thing in mon,howeverThey put someone elses 70 (safe)ahead of their own第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Do you have someone who is greater,spends time with you,cares for you,and is an important person?Well ,I didThats my momMy mom talks to me about much thingsOne of the things she talks to me about is how will happen when I grow upShe tells me what to do in case of the emergencyOnce I had a really bad day with my friends,although she told me what to do about on itMy mom and I spend a lot time togetherThey play games,bake cookies,make necklaces,and draw pictureWe both like readingOur favorite book is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie 第二节书面表达(满分25分) , 假定你是李华,将于下周六在家举办一场晚宴欢迎来华旅游的澳大利亚网友Mike,故想邀请你的好友本校澳大利亚留学生Jenny参加。请写一封电子邮件给Jenny。 内容主要包括: 1晚宴的目的和安排(具体时间、地点等信息); 2安排的具体活动(自由合理发挥,至少两点); 3希望Jenny光临。 注意: 1词数100左右; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3邮件开头和结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。 参考词汇:网友e-pal Dear Jenny, _ Regards, Li Hua答案21-25 ADCBB26-30 BAABD31-35 BABCD36-40 FEDBG41-45 CADBD46-50 CADBA51-55 CACCB56-60ACBAD61it62an 63be done 64to save 65after 66who 67wealthy 68If 69moving 70safety短文改错:Do you have someone who is greater,spends time with you,cares for you,and is an important greatperson?Well ,I didThats my momMy mom talks to me about much thingsOne of the things do manyshe talks to me about is how will happen when I grow upShe tells me what to do in case of the What anemergencyOnce I had a really bad day with my friends,although she told me what to do about on anditMy mom and I spend a lot time togetherThey play games,bake cookies,make necklaces, of Weand draw pictureWe both like readingOur favorite book is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Pictures书面表达(略)

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