2019年高中英语 Module 3 Foreign Food(第1课时)同步练习 外研版选修8.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 3 Foreign Food(第1课时)同步练习 外研版选修8.单词拼写1Some people say that selfishness is_(毒药)in our society.2Can I have some fruit instead of the_(甜点)?3He looked at the shop window with_(贪婪的)eyes.4That_(臭名昭著的)criminal was finally sentenced to death.5David was_(使着迷)with a girl he had just met.6You should_(给予)it to your supporter.7_(咀嚼)your food before you swallow it.8It is bad_(方式;方法)to stare at others.9Xiao Wang is doing his best to meet the_(要求)of his parents.10Some foreigners dont know how to eat dumplings,some of them throw the_(馅)away.答案:1.poison2.dessert3.greedy4.infamous5.obsessed6.owe7.Chew8.manners9.requirements10.fillings.完成句子1我终于懂得父母给我的恩惠有多大。At last I realized how much I_my parents.2他明天签约是不足为奇的。_hell sign the contract tomorrow.3他走路的样子很怪,因为他喝醉了。He was walking in_because he was drunk.4第一次见到她时,他就被她的美丽打动了。_he saw her,he was struck by her beauty.5他上周的确给你发电子邮件了。He_to you last week.答案:1.owned to2.Its no wonder that3.a strange manner4.The first time5.did send an email.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【全国新课标卷题型】A worker who was very poor found some work as a fishermans helper. He was paid a few fish a day, and this kept his family_1_(live). One day he caught a pretty little fish. Suddenly the fish spoke to him, “Just moments ago I_2_(play) with my friends. Now Im in your hands. My parents and playmates must be worrying about me. Please throw me_3_into the water!” The worker quickly threw the fish back into the water, “All right, go along and play_4_.” When the workers boss saw this, he became very angry. So the poor worker walked_5_(sad) home.He was walking home,_6_he saw a Monster (怪物) ing toward him. The worker told him his story. The Monster said:“ Im going to do you_7_favor. Ill let you keep this cow for three years. Shell give you good milk, and youll never go_8_(hunger). But when three years have passed, Ill e and ask certain questions. If you answer correctly, the cow will be yours._9_ Ill take it away.” Three years have passed. The Monster stood silently at the door for some time, and then told him, “Youve answered correctly. A kindness is_10_lost, even if you throw it into the water.”1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1alive根据语境可以知道他只能通过帮别人打鱼来养活家庭。alive做形容词,“活着的”。2was playing从后文中可以知道乞求工人让它回去和它的伙伴去玩,故鱼被抓住的时候正在和它的伙伴玩。3back鱼说“请把我扔回水里去吧。”throw back“扔回去”。4again工人把鱼扔回水里是希望它接着和伙伴们玩。5sadly老板很生气,所以可怜的工人难过地回了家。6whenwhen在此引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”。be doing sth when.表示“正做着某事的时候,另外一件事情突然发生”。7ado sb a favor是一个固定短语,表示“帮某人一个忙”。8hungry由于怪物给了他一头奶牛,故他和家人就不会挨饿了,此处go hungry表示“挨饿”。9Or根据上下句的意思可知表示转折,or“否则,要不然”。10nevernever为副词,“永远不,从不”。本句话的意思是:善良永远都不会失去,即使你把它扔进水里。【辽宁卷题型】Steve: Cindy! Have you_1_(hear) the news? Cindy: No, Steve. What do you mean? Steve: You know all the classes weve missed_2_the snow? Were going to have to make them up during spring break. Cindy: Oh, no! We have our vacation all set! What are we going to do? Do the others know that? Steve: I dont know but I certainly cant_3_to miss five days of classes this term. Cindy: But I really dont want to_4_ our trip. All of us have already booked our plane tickets!Steve: I can try to call the travel agency; maybe they can return our money. _5_before we do anything we need to speak with our professors. Cindy: You think theyll excuse us from class? Steve: I dont know. But I think were going to have to speak to all of them anyway. Cindy: Why didnt they add extra days at the end of the term before summer classes? Steve: Because of the graduation date,_6_cant be changed!Cindy: Are other colleges around here doing_7_same thing? Steve: I would imagine so!It has been_8_a bad winter and weve missed too many classes. We really need to make _9_ up. Cindy: I know, I know. I was just really looking forward_10_this vacation. Steve: Oh, look,theres Professor Hampton right now!Cindy:e on, lets go and talk to him. 1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._答案:1heard此处用现在完成时。2because of介词短语“由于”后跟名词。3afford考查动词。4cancel此处意思为“取消”我们的旅行。5But此处上下文为转折关系,用but。6which非限制性定语从句。修饰graduation date。7thethe same相同的。8suchsuch a bad winter一个如此糟糕的冬天。9them考查代词。代指classes。10tolook forward to盼望着。to是介词。.完形填空I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV.One day,a sociologist proposed that the _1_ society has been consuming modern humans little by little.For fear that I would bee a victim of the consumer society.I_2_ hurried to a bicycle shop in my neighborhood._3_ the shopkeeper Mr.Johnson was selling me the bicycle,he said,“This is the best thing you _4_ have done.Life has bee hopelessly _5_.A bicycle is simple,and it brings to you_6_ things:fresh air,sunshine and exercise.”I agreed.Happy as a child,I got on the bicycle and headed out onto the streets.After some time,I_7_ at the other end of the town.I was_8_ that this simple vehicle could let me _9_ long distances in a fairly short time.But how _10_ did I really go?Since I hated to be _11_,I went back to Mr.Johnson and asked him to _12_ an odometer (里程表)on my bicycle.He agreed,but _13_.“An odometer without a speedometer (速度计)is like a _14_ without a knife.”I admitted he was right and in a few minutes,the two devices (装置)were _15_ to the handlebars of my bicycle.“What about a horn”he then asked.“Look,this horn is no larger than a matchbox and has many _16_.”Attracted by these functions,I bought the horn.“You cant leave the back part _17_,”noted Mr.Johnson.He fixed a metal box with buttons _18_ the seat,and said,“Is there anything better than this oven when you feel _19_ on your way?I can give you a special discount.”I was not strong enough to _20_ the offer.“I congratulate you once more;this is the best thing you could have done,”said Mr.Johnson in the end.作者为了不成为消费社会的受害者,买了一辆自行车。结果在店主的劝说下,作者给自行车装上了里程表、速度计、喇叭,并且还安装了一个烤箱。1. Aadult BhumanCconsumer Dbachelor答案:C根据下文中的”因为害怕我会成为这个消费社会(consumer society)的受害者”可知,此处应选C。2A.eventually BimmediatelyCreluctantly Dgratefully答案:B根据空后的hurried可知,作者听到这个理论之后就马上到附近的一家自行车商店去了,因此选B表示“立即,马上”。3A.Although BBecauseCAs DUnless答案:C根据语境可知,这里应用as引导时间状语从句表示“当的时候”。店主在卖给作者自行车的时候对他说4A.would BshouldCmust Dcould答案:D此处与本文最后一句呼应,店主很支持作者的这一举动,对他说:“这或许是你所做过的最好的事了。”5A.boring BplicatedCstressful Dtough答案:B此处与下文的simple呼应。故选B。人生变得很复杂,但是骑自行车是一件简单的事。6A.natural BmysteriousCplex Dunique答案:A根据空后所列的“新鲜空气、阳光和锻炼”可知,这些东西是自然的,故选A。7A.gave up Bbroke downCcalmed down Dended up答案:D作者高兴得像个孩子一样,骑着自行车上了街,过了一会儿到了城镇的另一端。这里用end up表示“最后处于”8A.amazed BamusedCconfused Dconcerned答案:A作者觉得很诧异,这么简单的交通工具,居然能让他在这么短的时间内走那么远的距离。9A.march BdriveCcover Dmeasure答案:C参见上题解析。这里用cover表示“行走(一段路程)”。10A.far BlongCfast Ddeep答案:A作者又想,自己这次骑车到底走了多远的路程呢?这里用far表示“(问到或谈及距离时说)有多远”。11A.unreliable BimpracticalCunprepared Dinaccurate答案:D上文作者想知道自己走了多远以及下文作者让店主在他的自行车上装了个里程表,可见这里表示作者讨厌不准确,因此选D。12A.fix BcheckCrepair Dlay答案:A这里用fix表示“安装”。作者让店主给他的自行车装了个里程表。13A.swore BaddedCreplied Dconcluded答案:B店主同意给作者的自行车装里程表,并且补充说,作者的自行车还应装上速度计。根据下文店主的话判断选B,表示“补充说”。14A.pencil BforkCbox Dcake答案:B店主补充说:“有里程表却没有速度计,就好比有叉没有刀。”结合生活常识可知,此处应选B。15A.distributed BconvertedCapplied Dattached答案:D作者同意店主的想法,过了几分钟,店主就给作者的自行车把手上装了这两个装置。attachto表示“把固定,把附(在上)”。16A.shapes BsizesCfunctions Dmodels答案:C店主接着说:“再装个喇叭怎么样?看,这个喇叭只有一个火柴盒那么大,并且功能多。”结合语境和选项可知,此处选C,表示“功能”。空后的functions也是答案提示。17A.loose BblankCbare Dinplete答案:C自行车把手上装了里程表、速度计和喇叭。由此可判断选C。Johnson先生说:“你不能让车尾光秃秃的。”18A.beside BbeforeCbelow Dbehind答案:D店主在车座后面装了一个金属盒子,上面还有按钮。19A.sick BhungryChot Dthirsty答案:B根据空前的oven可知,此处表示在路上饿的时候,没有比这个烤箱更好的东西了。故hungry符合语境。20A.consider BwithdrawCmake Dresist答案:D由于店主主动提出给作者打折,作者没能拒绝他的这个提议。这里用resist表示“抵挡,抵抗”,符合语境。.阅读理解Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patientto speed recovery or to cover the ing of death?In medicine as in law,government,and other lines of work,the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed (变矮小)by greater needs:the need to protect form brutal news or to uphold a promise of secrecy;to advance the public interest.What should doctors say,for example,to a 46yearold man ing in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who,though he feels in perfect health,is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months?Is it best to tell him the truth?If he asks,should the doctors reject that he is ill,or minimize the gravity of the illness?Should they at least hide the truth until after the family vacation?Doctors face such choices often.At times,they see important reasons to lie for the patients own sake;in their eyes,such lies sharply form selfserving ones.Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition,and that informing them risks destroying their hope,so that they may recover more slowly,or deteriorate (恶化)faster,perhaps even mit suicide (自杀)But other studies show that,contrary to the belief of many physicians;a great majority of patients do want to be told the truth,even about serious illness,and feel cheated when they learn that they have been misled.We are also learning that truthful information,humanely conveyed (传达),helps patients cope with illness:help them tolerate pain better,need less medicine,and even recover faster after surgery.There is urgent need to debate this issue openly.Not only in medicine,but in other profession as well,practitioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences (后果)seem avoidable only through deception(欺骗)Yet the public has every reason to know professional deception,for such practices are peculiarly likely to bee deeply rooted,to spread,and to trust.Neither in medicine,nor in law,government,or the social sciences can there be fort in the old saying,“What you dont know cant hurt you.”1According to the authors opinion,lies _.Acan benefit the patientsBcan help the patients to recoveryCcan do nothing to the patients illnessDcan not benefit the patients答案:A细节理解题。从文章倒数第二段最后几句可得知答案。2Which of the following statements is NOT true?AMost of the doctors believe that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition.BThe truthful information helps patients to deal with their illness.CThere is a need to discuss whether to lie to the patients.DIt is true that“What you dont know cant hurt you.”答案:D细节理解题。文章最后,作者认为“What you dont know cant hurt you.”这一说法不对。3What is the main idea of the last paragraph?AThere is an urgent need to debate this issue openly.BNeither in medicine,nor in law,government,the social sciences can there be fort in the old saying.“What you dont know cant hurt you.”CThe public has every reason to be aware of professional deception.DWe need to discuss this issue in medicine,but not in other professions.答案:A主旨归纳题。第一句就是本段的主题句。4What does the author mainly discuss in the passage?ADeception is beneficial to patients.BWhether patients should be told the truth of their illness.CWhether patients really want to know the truth of their illness.DWho benefits from deception.答案:B主旨归纳题。通读全文可知,作者针对医生对病人隐瞒病情这一做法提出质疑:病人应不应该了解真相?了解真相对他们有没有好处?.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同学写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I firmly believe that everyone in the world loves his mother.So am IMy mother is an ordinary teacher.She always works hardly,just as other mothers do every day.In fact,she isnt good health.She had been suffering from arthritis (关节炎)for many years.In spite of this,he never stops working or gives up hope.I still remember the day that my mother accepted a card of congratulations for Teachers Day from her director.The card was read“Thank you for your hard works;Happy Teachers Day to you!”At that moment,I was so moving that tears came to my eyes.I am proud of my mother.答案:I firmly believe that everyone in the world loves his mother.So IMy mother is an ordinary teacher.She always works ,just as other mothers do every day.In fact,she isnt good health.She been suffering from arthritis (关节炎)for many years.In spite of this, never stops working or gives up hope.I still remember the day my mother accepted a card of for Teachers Day from her director.The card was read“Thank you for your hard ;Happy Teachers Day to you!”At that moment,I was so that tears came to my eyes.I am proud of my mother.


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