2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Period 3 Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修4.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 3 Period 3 Using Language课时作业 新人教版必修4.语境填词1Is there any _(特别的) color you would prefer?2The work was finished on time and within _(预算)3I know that this is a _(多山的) country.4I was not at work on that _(时刻)5Its bad manners to _(低语) at a meeting.6I enjoy reading d_ stories.7People thought he was d_ when he gave away small bank notes in the street.8How did he r_ when you called him?9Your room is in a m_.Please tidy it.10A v_ desert lay before us.完成句子1He _(小声对我说) that the man was a thief.2You _(本应该去) there yesterday.3Everyone _(被逗笑了) by the story about the dog.4The cup _(滑掉) the table slowly.5_(当竣工的时候),the new theatre can hold as many as 20,000 audiences.6He gave _(解释) how sound travels in water.7The workers have angrily _(对作出反应) the plan.8Hearing his mothers voice,the baby _(突然大哭起来).单项填空1Look!It rains.Yeah.I _ the flowers.Ashouldnt waterBshouldnt have wateredCmustnt waterDmustnt have watered2Mum _ to us,“Be quiet!Your little sisters sleeping.”Awhispered BshoutedCexplained Dreplied3The road is so icy.Take care not to _ down.Aslide BpassCcut Dhand4Do you consider what he said a reasonable _?Areason BexplanationCorigin Dresource5My teacher asked me to copy _ article _ second time.Athe;a Ban;theCan;a Dthe;the6The football player reacted _ the judges decision by withdrawing from the match.Aon Bto Cagainst Dby7She _ Japanese when she went to Japan for holiday.Now she can speak it freely.Apicked up Bturned upCmade up Dlooked up8When _ why he walked in without permission,he just stared at us and said nothing.Aasked BaskingCto be asked Dhaving asked9My sister is _ about what she eats,otherwise she would not be so thin.Aparticular BordinaryCspecial Dnormal10A birthday is no _ for tears.Achance BexpressionCoccasion Dservice.阅读理解Charlie Chaplin was one of the greatest and widely loved silent movie stars.From Easy Street (1917) to Modern Times (1936),he made many of the funniest and most popular films of his time.He was best known for his character,the inexperienced and lovable little tramp(流浪者)The little tramp,a wellmeaning man in an old suit with a walking stick,always found himself in embarrassing situations.More than any other figures,it is this kindhearted character that we connect with the time before the films with dialogue.Born in London in 1889,Chaplin first visited America with a theater pany in 1907.Appearing as Billy in the play Sherlock Holmes,the young Chaplin traveled around the country twice.On his second trip,he met Mack Sennett and was signed to Keystone Studios to act in films.In 1914 Chaplin made his first film,Making a Living.That same year he made thirtyfour more short films,including Caught in a Cabaret,Caught in the Rain,The Face on the BarRoom Floor,and His Trysting Place.These early silent shorts allowed very little time for anything but physical edy,and Chaplin was a master at it.Chaplins humorous tricks made him famous,but a new style of his acting made him great.For Chaplin,the best way to express the humour or sadness of a situation was through natural acting.The concern of early theater and film was to simply keep the audiences attention through overacting to municate feelings,but Chaplin saw in film an opportunity to control the environment enough to allow feelings to e through by natural acting.Chaplin knew that a successful scene was not simply about the star,but about everyone on the screen.He demanded that all the actors work together in every performance.Without this teamwork he could not express the feelings of the character that were so important to him.The only way to achieve that teamwork was to keep plete control over every scene.1Charlie Chaplin was _.Aa hero Ba football fanCa pop star Da film star2The first film Chaplin made was _.AEasy Street BModern TimesCSherlock Holmes DMaking a Living3The following EXCEPT _ made Chaplin famous and great.Ahis tricksBhis natural actingChis difficult situationDhis controlling of every scene4Chaplin considered _ the most important thing in making films.Areducing the costBhumorous actingCcreating a natural environmentDthe teamwork5From this passage we can infer that _.AChaplin thought a successful scene simply depended on the starBChaplin found a new way to municate with the audience in a filmCChaplin used overacting in his filmsDChaplin shared the control of the environment with everyone on the screenshould have done表示“过去本应该做某事而实际上没有做”,意为“本该,本应该”,含有责备或后悔之意。在语义上相当于ought to have done。其否定形式shouldnt have done表示“本不应该做某事,而实际上做了”。1You should have followed his advice.你本该听取他的劝告的。2She shouldnt have told you the secret.她本不应该告诉你这个秘密。Period ThreeUsing Language.1.particular2.budget3.mountainous 4occasion5.whisper6.detective7.drunk8react9.mess10.vast.1.whispered to me2.should have gone3.was amused4.slid off5.When (it is) pleted6.an explanation of7.reacted to8.burst into tears.1.B由语境可知,本不该浇花而浇了。故用shouldnt have done表示过去不应该做而做了。2A句意为:妈妈小声地对我们说:“安静,你们的小妹妹在睡觉。”whisper小声地,符合句意。其余三项均与句意不符。3A句意为:路上结了很多冰。小心别滑倒了。slide down滑行;滑倒;pass downhand down把(某物)传给/告知(下一代);cut down砍倒。4B句意为:你认为他刚才说的是一个合理的解释吗?reason理由;原因;explanation解释;说明;origin起源;由来;起因;resource资源。5A句意为:老师让我把那篇文章再抄写一篇。第一空是特指,用the;a second time再一次,序数词前用a表示“又一,再一”。6C句意为:那位足球运动员退出比赛以表示反对裁判的判决。react against反对;反抗。react on.对有影响;react to.对作出回应/反应。7A句意为:她在日本度假时学会了日语,现在她能很流利地说日语。pick up拾起,捡起;(偶然)学会;turn up出现;到达;make up弥补;化妆;组成;编造;look up抬起头。8A考查省略句。when asked why he walked in without permission是when he was asked why he walked in without permission的省略形式,he与ask之间为被动关系,故选A项。9A句意为:我妹妹对食物特别挑剔,否则她不会这么瘦。be particular about对挑剔。10C句意为:生日不是哭鼻子的时候。occasion场合;时刻,符合句意。chance机会;expression表达;表情;service服务。.1.D细节理解题。由第一段第一句可知,卓别林是一个电影明星。2D细节理解题。根据第二段第四句可知,Making a Living是他的第一部电影。3C细节理解题。根据文章最后两段可以看出,A、B、D三项是他出名的原因。4D细节理解题。从文章最后一句可以看出,控制好每一个场景是制作电影的最重要环节。5B推理判断题。根据文章第三段可以推知,卓别林创造了新的方法来和观众交流。


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