2019年高中英语 7.3 The Sea World随堂演练 北师大版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 7.3 The Sea World随堂演练 北师大版必修3.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1Big Ben in London is a tourist _ (attract) which draws millions of people every year.答案与解析attraction句意:伦敦的大本钟是英国的一个旅游景点,每年都吸引很多游客。attraction“吸引人的事物”。2When you go to his home, please watch _ for his violent dog. It attacks strangers.答案与解析outwatch out for为固定搭配,意为“当心;留意”。后接宾语时,介词for不能省略。由于那是一条凶猛的狗,所以提醒对方当心。3Made _ her measure at the famous tailors shop, the dress fits her well.答案与解析tomake . to ones measure“依照某人的尺寸做”。4I would like to find a job which pays more, but on _ other hand I enjoy the work Im doing at the moment.答案与解析the句意:我想找份报酬多的工作,但另一方面,我喜欢目前正在做的工作。on the other hand“另一方面”,符合句意。5The _ (discover) that her assistant had lied made Patty decide _ (fire) him.答案与解析discovery; to fire句意:帕蒂发现她的助手撒了谎,这使她决定解雇他。句子第一个空在句中作主语,要用名词形式,且decide to do sth.是一固定搭配。.短语填空watch out,on the other hand,less than,do tricks,in length,be cruel to,as good as,more than1Youre _ lazy _ stupid.答案more; than2Life is like surfing, you might catch a good wave and it will be a fun ride, but _ for those sharks.答案watch out3The job wasnt very interesting, but _ it was wellpaid.答案on the other hand4We bought the pen five years ago, but it is _ new now.答案as good as5She had trained her dog to _ ,for example, to stand on its hind legs (后腿)答案do tricks6It is not her nature to _ animals.答案be cruel to7The whole house went up in smoke in _ an hour.答案less than8The length of the room is 15 meters.The room is 15 meters _.答案in length

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