2019-2020年七年级英语上册 A teaching plan for 7A Module10 Unit1教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 A teaching plan for 7A Module10 Unit1教学设计 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 A teaching plan for 7A Module10 Unit1教学设计 外研版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 A teaching plan for 7A Module10 Unit1教学设计 外研版课型:Listening and speaking教材内容分析:本模块以电脑为主题,本单元则是以对话的形式谈论如何用电脑完成作业,让学生能听说有关电脑方面的基本词汇,并就电脑的操作使用进行简单的问答,内容既接近生活又能激发学生学习的兴趣。知识目标: 1. Key vocabulary: puter, keyboard, monitor, mouse, print,printer, connect, switch, switch on, finally, first, document, use, click, next, save, box, then, again2. Key structures: wh-question in Present simple imperative sentences技能目标: 1.To understand conversations about how to use a puter2.To learn how to give instructions情感态度目标:通过学习电脑方面的词汇提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,鼓励学生探究学习新的知识,在合作中学习,在学习中合作。教学重点:1. Names of puter items2. Conversations about how to use a puter教学难点: How to give instructions of writing homework on the puter教学设备:Tape recorder CAI blackboard教学步骤Step1: Warming-up1.listen to a song and talk something about it.e.g. “Do you like this song ? Whats the name of it?”2.greet the students and introduce my work by present a picture of me who is doing work on the puter.Say“Im a teacher.I have a puter at my office.So I always do my work on the puter.”Step2:Leading-in by guessing and learn some new words. 1.Say “What do I usually do on the puter? Can you guess?”Get the students to guess and then give them some answers.Then present “write my document”,teach the new word “document”. 2.Say “puter is very usefulfor us.Lets learn about it.”Present some pictures about the parts of puter and teach thenew words:monitor, keyboard ,mouse,moniter,printer,print.3.Present a picture and get them say out the names.(Activity2)Then teach the words again.4.Show the parts of puter quickly and say “Who can say it quickly?” so that help them try to remember the new words.Step 3 Listening 1. Listen to the tape and number the words as they hear them.(Activity1)2.Ask “What should we do before we play puter ?” Present a picture and get them to say out acordding to what they hear.Teach :first,finally,connectto,switch onoff.3.Use the words to plete these sentenses.(Activity3)Step 4 PresentationSay “Now we can use the puter,but how do we write our homework on the puter? Lets have a look.”Present four pictures and tell them four steps about it.Then teach the new words:use, click, next, save, box, then, again.Step 5 Listening and reading.1.Present two questions before listening and check their answers.What does Lingling want to do on the puter?Who is good at using the puter?2.Read the passage by themself and try to find the verbs.Then finish the phrases.(Activity5)3.Read again and number the instructures in correct order.(Activity6)4.Practise reading after the tape and read together.5.Say some useful phrases and language points.6.Work in pairs.(Activity7)Step 6 Do it yourself. Get some students to show us the steps about “how to do my homework on my puter?”Step 7 Think over “What else can we do on the puter?”Homework: 1.Revise the new words and read the dialogue. 2.Finish homework1/2. 3.Prepare for Unit2.

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