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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit2ColoursandClothesLesson9WhoseCoatIsThis同步练习A卷新版冀教版一、单项选择1This is a blue coat. He likes _ colour.Ait BitsCits Ditself2Sorry. This sweater is too small _ me.Afor Bto Cwith Din3_ is my brother, and _ are my friends.AThose; these BThis; theseCThat; that DThese; those4Is that _ blue pencil box?Ayou ByourCyours Dyourself(你自己)5The coat is not big or small. Its just _.Abig BsmallCright Dnice6The books are my _. She likes reading.Asister Bsisters Csisters Dsisters7_ Mr. Li is in his office now. Go and find him.Amaybe BMaybe CMay be DMay8_ book is this?It is Li Mings.AWho BWhose CWhat DHow9Its _ cold today. We have to stay at home. Amuch too Btoo muchCvery much Dmuch10Are they your shoes, Jenny?_.AYes, they do BNo, they areCNo, they dont DYes, they are二、用所给词的适当形式填空11He is wearing his _ (glove)12My shorts _ (be) too short.13I have two _ (scarf). What about you?14Is this _ (Jenny) sweater?15. _ (this) are blue shirts.三、按要求完成下列各题16This is my coat. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is this?17It is my book. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ your book?18Is this your shirt? (作否定回答) _, _ _.19I like skirts. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you _?20They are my coats. (改为单数句) _ _ my _.四、连词成句21is, me, big, for, this_.22your, they, pants, are_?23not, blouse, it, my, is_.24small, just, those, too, are_.25you, boxes, can, see, any_?五、完形填空(词数:约70;建议用时:4分钟) This is my friend, Chen Hong. She _26a student. She _27Xian. What colour are _28eyes? _29are black. And they _30big. She likes pants. Her favourite colour is _31. _32, shes wearing a red sweater and _33of white shoes. Her legs are very _34. So (所以) her pants are very long. _35is she now? She is in the classroom.26A.be Bam Cis Dare27A.is from Bare from Cam from Dbe from28A.her Bshe Che Dhis29A.It BHe CShe DThey30A.be Bam Cis Dare31A.red Bgreen Cbrown Dgray32A.Watch BLook at CLook DCall33A.a Bpair Ca pair Dpairs34A.short Blong Cbig Dheavy35A.Where BWhat CHow DWho答 案一、1.C2.A3.B4.B5.C6.D7.B8.B9A点拨:句意:今天太冷了。我们必须呆在家。much too太;too much太多;very much非常;much多,根据题意选A。10. D二、11.gloves12.are13.scarfs/scarves14Jennys15.These三、16.Whose coat17.Is it18.No; it isnt19What do; like20.It is; coat四、21.This is big for me22Are they your pants23It is not my blouse24Those are just too small25Can you see any boxes五、26.C27.A28.A29.D30.D31.A32.C33C34.B35.A


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