2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第二课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第二课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第二课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第二课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第二课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版 Teaching and learning Goals:1. 语言技能:熟练运用月份名词、序数词和“When is your birthday? My birthday is”语言结构,谈论日期。2. 语言知识: *when, month, January, February,March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, happy, old, party How old? Happy birthday! See you!*(1) When is your birthday? My birthday is on May 2nd.(2) When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is on September.3. 学习策略:*依据所给图片,预测听力内容的大意。*借助关键词如人名,听寻答案。4. 情感态度: 父母们总是不会忘记给自己的孩子们庆祝生日;孩子们也要记得在关爱自己的父母的生日来临时,说一声:Happy birthday!Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Pre-listening activities1. PreviewAsk the Ss to turn to Page 43 and 44 and translate the following words and phrases into English. First ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.(1)一月 _ (2)二月_ (3)三月_(4)四月 _ (5)五月_ (6)六月_(7)七月 _ (8)八月_ (9)九月_(10)十月_ (11)十一月_ (12)十二月_(13)在什么时候_ (14)月份_ (15)聚会_ (16)多大年纪_ (17)生日快乐_ (18)再见_Ask the Ss to translate the following sentences into English.你的生日在什么时候? _我的生日在五月二号。 _(设计说明:本部分词组和句子为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)2. Lead in(1) Riddle At first, ask the Ss if theyd like to play a guessing game. Then show the Ss the riddle: “You can see it in everyones home. Its not big, but you can find 365 days in it. What is it?”Most of the Ss can guess the answer is “a calendar”. Then show a calendar to the Ss and ask them: T: What is it? Ss: Its a _. (calendar日历) T: How many months are there (有) in it?Ss:Twelve. T: Can you say twelve months in English? Ss: Yes. They are _. (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)If the Ss cant say some of the months, the teacher can give necessary help.(2) Play 1a and ask the Ss to listen and repeat the twelve months after the tape.(3) Tell the Ss there are some festivals in each month. Ask the Ss to try saying which month each festival is in. The Ss may not know some of the following festivals, so the teacher can give the relative pictures and Chinese meanings to help them. With the help of the pictures and Chinese meanings, most of the Ss should be able to finish the following sentences.*New Years Day is in _. (January)*Valentines Day is in _.(February) * Womens Day is in _.(March)* April Fools Day is in _.(April)* Labor Day is in _.(May)* Childrens Day is in _.(June)* Summer Holidays are in _ and _.(July, August)* Teachers Day is in _.(September)* National Day is in _.(October)* Thanksgiving Day is in _.(November)* Christmas Day is in _.(December)(设计说明:通过猜测有关日历的谜语,自然引出12个月份。并通过引导学生们谈论熟悉的节假日所在的月份,进一步加深了学生们对于月份的印象。)(3) Tell the Ss that New Years Day is ing. Ask the Ss: When is New Years Day? Its on January 1st.The Ss may not know how to say “January 1st” in the right way, so the teacher can give necessary help. Help the Ss to know that when they talk about the day of a month, they need to use the ordinal numbers. (4) Show the Ss a chart of the ordinal numbers(from 1-31), and tell the Ss these are the ordinal numbers in a month and ask them to pay more attention to the last two letters of each ordinal number (from 1-31) .1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th21st22nd23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th31thHelp the Ss to realize: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 21st, 22nd, and 23rd have different last letters, paring with the other numbers which end up with “th”. Play 2a and ask the Ss to learn how to read the ordinal numbers in the right way after the tape.(设计说明:通过谈论即将到来的新年,引出日期的表述方式:月份+序数词。由于本节课的教学目标要求学生能正确读出1-31内相关的序数词即可,所以在学生认读1-31内相关的序数词时,着重设计的活动是让学生首先自己观察序数词变化的相关规律,然后教师再做总结,并播放录音让学生跟读、正音。)(5)Tell the Ss,“New Years Day is very special to me. Because my birthday is on New Years day.”Then point to January 1st on the calendar and ask the Ss:T: When is my birthday?Ss: Your birthday is _.(on January 1st)Help the Ss to learn to use “on ” before the date.(6) PairworkAsk the Ss to talk about their birthdays with their partners. Choose two or three pairs to act out their conversations.A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is on _.(设计说明:通过谈论老师的生日,引导学生们运用相关句型展开对生日的讨论。从而为接下来的听力活动做好充分的语言准备。)Step II. While-listening activities1. Listen and find the general idea.(1)Ask the Ss to look at the picture in 1a and tell them some children are talking about something in front of the calendar. Let them guess what the children in the picture are talking about. Some of the Ss might guess the answer: birthday.Listening Strategy: help the Ss to know they can use the given pictures and the given written message to guess the main idea. (2)Play the tape and ask the Ss to listen to three conversations and find out:-What are the three conversations about?-Its about_.A. the childrens birthdays.B. the childrens good friends.(设计说明:在听大意前,引导学生借助图片和图片上的文字信息预测对话大意,以培养学生们预测的听力策略。)2. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas(1) Ask the Ss to listen and number the conversations1-3.(2) Check the Ss answers. Then play the tape again, ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with the right dates.Conversation 1A: When is your _, Linda?B: My birthday is on _ 2nd.Conversation 2A: _ is your birthday, Mary?B: Its on _ _.Conversation 3A: When is your birthday, Mike?B: My birthday is _ _ _.Check the Ss answers.(设计说明:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听寻大意,和听寻细节信息的能力)Step III. Post-listening activities1. Read Play the tape and ask the Ss to read 1b after the tape.2.PairworkAsk the Ss to work in pairs to make conversations about Lindas, Marys and Mikes birthdays like:A: When is Lindas birthday?B: Her birthday is on May 2nd. When is Mikes birthday?A: His birthday is onStep IV. While-listening activities1. Listen and find the general idea.Point to the picture in 2c and tell the Ss that a teacher is talking with Alice and Eric. Ask the Ss to listen and find out:-What are they talking about?-Theyre talking about_.A. birthdays.B. homework.2. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas(1) Ask the Ss to listen again and circle the numbers they hear in 2a.(2) Check the Ss answers. Then play the tape a third time, and ask the Ss to listen to the conversation and match the names, months and dates. Before listening, help the Ss to go through the names, months and dates. Ask them pay more attention to the four names. Name Month Date Alice July 4th Frank August 22nd Eric January 5th Jane September 17th (3) Check the Ss answers and ask the Ss how they find the right answers and if they get to know the answers will appear when hearing the names.Learning Strategy: help the Ss to realize they can use names as key words to listen for answers.(4)Then play the tape for the fourth time and finish the conversation with the right words.Mr Smith: Now, Alice, _ _ are you?Alice: Im _.Mr Smith: When is your birthday?Alice: Its on _ _, Mr Smith.Mr Smith: Oh, OK. And _ _Frank?Alice: Frank isnt here today, but his birthday is _ _ 4th.Mr Smith: Thank you, Alice. And Eric?Eric: My birthday is on _ _ _.Mr Smith: On January 17th. OK. And Jane, when is her _?Alice: Her birthday is _ _22nd.(5)Check the Ss answers.(设计说明:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听寻大意,和听寻细节信息的能力,并培养学生们学会借助关键词,如:人名,来听寻答案的能力。)Step V. Post-listening activities1. Read Play the tape and ask the Ss to read 2b after the tape and prepare for retelling.2. RetellLet the Ss use the mind map to retell 2b. First give the Ss time to practice it by themselves. Then the Ss do it with the teacher. Last choose one or two Ss to retell the conversation individually. 3. Survey(1)Ask the Ss to work in a group of four to make a survey about the group members birthdays. And see if they can find someone whose birthday is on the same day or in the same month. (2)Choose one group to line up from the youngest to the oldest. Ask one of the group members to introduce the birthdays like: This is Tom. His birthday is on September 1st, xx. This is Lucy. Her birthday isI amMy birthday is Lucy and my birthday is in the same month.(设计说明:本部分的内容重在培养学生们口头表达的能力;通过复述引导学生们更好地内化语言知识;做调查的活动方式为学生们提供了在课堂上运用目标语言的较为真实的语用机会。在调查活动中着重训练有关日期的正确表述和形容词性物主代词的使用。同时设计了一个寻找与自己生日相同的同学的任务,增加了调查活动的趣味性。)Step VI. Read and play1. Predicting:Tell the Ss that Bill and Alan are talking with each other. Ask the Ss to watch the picture in 2e carefully and find what is in the picture. The Ss will be able to find: a birthday and a gift. Then ask the Ss to guess what they are talking abut. The Ss might guess the answer: birthday.2. Read and find the general idea.Ask the Ss to read the conversation in 2e and find the main idea.-What is the conversation about?-Its about_.A. Alans and Bills birthdays.B. Alans birthday party.C. Alans and Bills birthdays, and Alans birthday party.3. Read the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideasAsk the Ss to read the conversation again and fill in the blanks with the right information. NameAgeBirthday BillAlanthis afternoon4. Role-play the conversation(1)Ask the Ss to role play the conversation in pairs by themselves first.(2)Then choose one or two pairs to act out the conversation. 5. RetellAsk the Ss to use the chart to retell 2e by themselves first, then choose one or two Ss to retell it in front of the Ss. NameAgeBirthday Billthirteenin AugustAlantwelvethis afternoon(设计说明:在读大意前,先引导学生们借助已有的图片信息预测大意,从而培养学生们预测的阅读能力。本部分的内容重在培养学生们读大意,和读细节信息的能力。同时,学生通过表演和复述,可以更好的内化语言知识。)Step VII. Summary:Inquiry into knowledge by translationAsk the Ss to look at the following sentence and try to summarize the language rules. The Ss can help each other and have a discussion after doing the following by themselves.1.-When is your birthday? _?(汉意)-My birthday is on May 2nd. _.(汉意)(1)When is ones birthday? 是常用来询问某人_的句型。 当对年、月、日及时间进行提问时,可用特殊疑问词_来提问。如:(2)仔细观察下面的短语,找出介词in, on, at在表示时间时的不同之处。on May 2nd in August at 3:00 p.m.on Monday in xx at noon in August, xx at nightin the morning in winter(冬天)在表示具体的日期、星期及具体到某天的上午、下午或晚上用介词_;在年、月、季节及某个上午、下午或者晚上前用介词_;与noon,night连用时或在具体某一时刻前用介词_。如:在一月五日_在下午 _在两点 _(3)2nd-second是序数词,可表示事物的先后顺序,其基数词为_.英语中表示_叫基数词。仔细观察下面的基数词和序数词,试着总结基数词变为序数词的规则。基数词变序数词歌诀:请写出下列基数词的序数词one _two_ three _ five_twelve_ nine_ twenty_ twenty-one_Step VIII. Exercises: the end-of- class testI. Fill in the blanks according to the given letter.1. When is your b_? My birthday is on D_, 25.2. How o_ are you? Im twelve.3. Do you want to e to my p_?II. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.1. New Years Day is on January _(one).2. _(she) birthday is on September 5th.3. Do you want _(e) to my party?III. Translate Chinese into English.1. -你爸爸的生日在什么时候?-他的生日在9月10日。_2. -你多大了?-我13岁了。_Step VI. Homework1. Read 1b, 2b, 2e after the tape and recite them.( )2. Write an article to talk about your fathers, mothers and your ages and birthdays.( )Summary:First ask the Ss if they know their parents birthdays. If not, ask the Ss to ask their parents for their birthdays after going home. Tell the Ss: Your parents always remember your birthdays and never forgets to buy birthday presents for you. You should also know their birthdays and remember to say “Happy Birthday” to them!(设计说明:通过让学生们完成介绍自己父母生日的作文,引导学生们意识到:父母们总是不会忘记给自己的孩子们庆祝生日;孩子们也要记得在关爱自己的父母的生日来临时,说一声:Happy birthday!)本节课亮点:1.导入部分,通过猜测有关日历的谜语,自然引出12个月份。并通过引导学生们谈论熟悉的节假日所在的月份,进一步加深了学生们对于月份的印象。同时,通过谈论即将到来的新年,引出日期的表述方式:月份+序数词。由于本节课的教学目标要求学生能正确读出1-31内相关的序数词即可,所以在学生认读1-31内相关的序数词时,着重设计的活动是让学生首先自己观察序数词变化的相关规律,然后教师再做总结,并播放录音让学生跟读、正音。最后,通过谈论老师的生日,引导学生们运用相关句型展开对生日的讨论。从而为接下来的听力活动做好充分的语言准备。2.听力活动中,在听大意前,引导学生借助图片和图片上的文字信息预测对话大意,以培养学生们预测的听力策略。并培养学生们学会借助关键词,如:人名,来听寻答案。3. 听力之后的调查活动,为学生们提供了在课堂上运用目标语言的较为真实的语用机会。在调查活动中着重训练有关日期的正确表述和形容词性物主代词的使用。同时设计了一个寻找与自己生日相同的同学的任务,增加了调查活动的趣味性。4.在读的活动中,在读大意前,先引导学生们借助已有的图片信息预测大意,从而培养学生们预测的阅读能力。本部分的内容重在培养学生们读大意,和读细节信息的能力。同时,学生通过表演和复述,可以更好的内化语言知识。5.最后,通过让学生们完成介绍自己父母生日的作文,引导学生们意识到:父母们总是不会忘记给自己的孩子们庆祝生日;孩子们也要记得在关爱自己的父母的生日来临时,说一声:Happy birthday!使用注意事项:本节课是本单元的第二课时,重点引导学生们使用有关月份的名词和when引导的特殊疑问句谈论日期。学生只要能正确读出序数词即可。关于由基数词到序数词的变化规律可以在第三节语法课,再引导学生进行总结。Keys:Step I. 1.Words and phrases:(1)January (2)February (3)March (4)April (5)May (6)June(7)July(8)August(9)September(10)October(11)November(12)December(13)when (14)month (15)party (16)how old (17)Happy birthdy(18)See you!Sentences:When is your birthday?My birthday is on May 2nd.Step II. 1. (2)A Step IV.1.AStep VI. 2. C3. NameAgeBirthday Billthirteenin AugustAlantwelvethis afternoonStep VII.1.-你的生日在什么时候?-我的生日在五月二号。(1)生日,when (2)on, in, at; on January 5th, in the afternoon, at 2:00 (3) two, 顺序的数词。First, second, third, fifth, twelfth, ninth, twentieth, twenty-firstStep VIII. I. 1. birthday, December 2. old 3.partyII. 1. first 2.Her 3. to e III. 1. When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is on September 10th. 2. How old are you? Im thirteen.

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