2019-2020年高二英语练习5 含答案.doc

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xx.12019-2020年高二英语练习5 含答案第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并将答案涂在答题卡上。ACharles Lyell, a great youth, had different ideas. He wrote a book about them called Principles of Geology. The earth, according to Lyell, was not only thousands of years old; it was millions of years old. As to the mon belief that changes in the earths surface happen suddenly because of a single earthquake or flood, he said that this might happen once in a while, but usually these changes took place very slowly. He believed that the surface of the earth had been changing from the beginning of time. The changes, he said, were caused by the long-term action of the winds and seas, and by forces such as volcanoes breaking out under the earths surface. Once in a great while he thought, a mountain might appear for the first time after an earthquake. But usually mountains would experience a slow and steady rise.A professor named Henslow was interested in Lyells ideas, but he did not actually believe them. Charles Darwin could not make up his mind about them. But they set him thinking along lines which would later change the beliefs of thoughtful people under the sun.At theUniversityofCambridge, Charles Darwin studied just enough to pass the examination, and received his college degree in 1831. During this time, he had bee more and more interested in geology. At the end of the school year, he went toNorth Waleswith one of his teachers to examine the rock formations and to search for fossils. Fossils are the remains of ancient living things. They are usually fixed in rocks in the earths crust. Fossils may be of animals, such as fish, insects, birds, or humans. They may be of plants from tiny leaves to huge trees. When a living creature dies, it usually decays or is eaten by animals. However, if it sinks into a riverbed or is quickly covered by the blowing sands of a desert storm, the bones are kept up in the earth. Over many years the soft inner parts of a bone disappear, leaving the inside hollow. Water containing minerals enters into the hollow. Slowly the minerals harden and make the bone hard and heavy like bones over the time.1. According to Charles Lyell, mountains came into existence _.A.not because of volcanoes but because of seasB.quickly instead of steadilyC.more on account of an earthquake than of windsD.at quite a slow rate rather than all of a sudden2. Charles Lyell probably holds the belief that the earth has been formed like todays shape _.A. from the very beginning of timeB. over a rather long course of timeC. just due to scores of big earthquakesD. owing to a very long period of big flood3.What isDarwins main purpose of going toNorth Wales?A.To collect dead animals and plantsB.To do research into the rock informationC.To make a research into fossils ever existingD.To search for varieties of tiny or huge plants4.Charles Darwin, unlike Professor Henslow, _.A.turned Lyells ideas over before developing them laterB.thought about what people thought about the then worldC.did make up his mind not to accept Lyells ideasD.failed to think of Lyells ideas as right5.Whats your opinion about Charles Darwins study at college?A.ExcellentB. UndistinguishedC. DiligentD. DisappointingBOver three million people are at risk from indoor air pollution because of the heating or cooking fuels. Most live in Africa,IndiaandChina. They use fuels like wood, crop waste, animal waste or coal. These fuels may be the least costly fuels. But they are also a major cause of health problems and death.For more than thirty years, theAprovechoResearchCenterhas been designing cleaner, low-cost cooking stoves. Dean Still is the director of the group and he points out that every year more than one million and five hundred thousand people die from breathing smoke from solid fuels. “And half of the people use wood for cooking. These are the poorer people, and the richer people use oil and gas. Its estimated that wood is running out more quickly than oil and gas. And so its very important for the poorer people to have very efficient stoves that protect their forests and their health,” he says.Every year Aprovecho holds a “stove camp” at its testing station. Engineers, inventors and others e together to design and test different methods and materials for improving stoves. Over the years, the group has made stoves using mud, bricks, sheet metal, etc, most of which look like large, deep cooking pots and have an opening at the bottom for the fire and a place on top to put a pot.In the late nineteen seventies, Aprovecho produced a popular stove called the Lorena. The Lorena was very good at reducing smoke and warming homes. But new tests years later found that it was not very efficient. The Lorena used twice as much wood as an open fire, and took much longer to heat food. Since then, Dean Still says they have experimented with countless other designs.Aprovecho has partnered with a stove manufacturer (制造商) in China. The pany is making Aprovechos stoves. They are said to use forty percent to fifty percent less wood than an open fire, and produce fifty percent to seventy-five percent less smoke. A pany is selling them through its website for less than ten dollars. Dean Still says that more than one hundred thousand have been sold so far.6.Whats your opinion about the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To lay the foundations of introducing cooking stoves.B. To show the fact of many peoples suffering from air pollution.C. To let readers know the poverty of some developing countries.D. To introduce cheap fuels available to poor people.7. What do Dean Stills words imply?A. The forests will disappear from the earthB. The poor should be forbidden to cut down the forestsC. Its urgent to change the present situation of using fuelsD. Using fuels such as gas and oil cannot cause deaths8. People hold the stove camp every year in order to _.A. encourage people to find new fuelsB. test different methods for improving stovesC. find new ways of designing beautiful stovesD. celebrate the invention of the best efficient cooking equipment9. Whats your assessment on the popular stove called the Lorena?A. Energy-saving.B. Very pact.C. Smokeless.D. Less efficient.10. The best title of the text is _.A. How to make full use of fuels?B. Breathing easier: the art of stove makingC. Health problems related to cooking fuelsD. Environmental improvement needs everybodys effort第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并将答案涂在答题卡上。选项中有两项为多余选项。It is well known that the Frenchmen are romantic, the Italians are fashionableand the Germans are serious. Are these just stereotypes or is there really such a thing as national character? And if there is, can it affect how a nation succeed or fail?The answer is YES, at least one group of people is certain that it can. A recent survey of the top 500 entrepreneurs (企业家) in the UK found that 70% felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public. Britain is hostile (敌意的) to success, they said. It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒).11Jealousy is sometimes known as the “green-eyed monster” and theUKis its home.Recently scientists atWarwichUniversityin theUKtested this idea. They gathered a group of people together and gave each an imaginary amount of money.12Those given a little were given the chance to destroy the large amount of money given to others but at the cost of losing their own. Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.13But there is also opposite evidence. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently reported that theUKis now the worlds fourth largest economy. That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success. People in theUKalso work longer hours than anyone else inEurope. So the British people are not lazy, either.“It is not really success that the British dislike,” says Carey Cooper, a professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. “Its people using their success in a way that seems proud or unfair or which separates them from their roots.”14They set out to do things in their way. They work long hours. By their own efforts they bee millionaires.15It hardly seems worth following their example. If they were more friendly, people would like them more. And more people want to be like them.A. The one who owns most money in the end is the winner.B. This seems to prove that the entrepreneurs were right to plain.C. It is not true that British people are born jealous of others success.D. As a result, the survey said, entrepreneurs were “unloved, unwanted and misunderstood.”E. But instead of being happy they plain that nobody loves them.F. Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem.G. Some were given a little, others a great deal.第二部分完形填空(本题分A、B两篇,共40小题,满分30分。注意:第一篇,每小题1分,计20分;第二篇,每小题0.5分,计10分,)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案涂在答题卡上。AMy first job was in what they call the city centerThe16was large, dark and old17the physics lecture room was on the second floor18, it wasnt a lecture room at all, it was an ordinary room, but it had “LECTURE ROOM” on the19The students were sixteen or seventeen years old,20several years younger than me21, some of them looked and acted22older than me sometimesThe room was directly23the street, and had the window looking out over the street and many housesOne day, I was24some work on the blackboard when I heard a sudden change in the noise behind meThere was a man standing in the room with25an apple in his handHe looked26“Who threw this?” he asked, looking round the class“I beg your pardon?” I saidWas this the school inspector(督学)? “27threw this apple out of the window,” he said“It28on my car”“Who threw an apple out of the window?” I29to the classThere was no answer“I30the fellow who threw this” said the man“I31outside for you” And then he left, slamming the door32was silence and I continued with the lessonAt the end of every lesson, a bell rang, usually the class were all33before it finished ringing, leaving me saying “Thats all for today” to an empty34This time, when the bell went for the end of the lesson, no one35“Thats all for today,” I said“You go first, sir” said one of the boysIt made a nice change, being first out16.AroomBcityCfloorDbuilding17.AsoBasCandDbut18.AHappilyBActuallyCProperlyDLuckily19.AdoorBgroundCfloorDwindow20.AoverBalmostCupDonly21.AIn the endBIn factCAfter allDAs a result22.AmoreBlessCevenDvery23.AaboveBonCbelowDin24.AgettingBmakingCputtingDtaking25.AhardlyBalmostCsuchDhalf26.AhappyBkindCsorryDangry27.ASomeoneBOneCWhoDAnyone28.AhitBlandedCfellDarrived29.AaskedBtalkedCsaidDtold30.AwantBfindCgetDhate31.Ahave waitedBwill be waitingChave been waitingDwait32.AThereBItCThisDThat33.AwalkedBleftCendedDgone34.AlessonBclassClectureDroom35.AheardBfinishedCmovedDspokeBManylanguagelearnersthinktheirpronunciationisgoodenoughbecausetheirteacherdoesntcorrectthemtoooftenorbecauseotherstudentscan_36_them.Pronunciationistheareawhichis_37_theleastattentiontoinlanguagelearning.Mostteachers_38_justlettheirstudentsspeakandstopthem_39_theysaysomethingpletelywrong.Workingoneachstudentspronunciationinclassisjust_40_.Also,thestudentswhoare_41_atpronunciationmaybeafraidthatitwillembarrasstheirclassmates iftheyhelp_42_theirmistakes.Ifyoubelieveyourpronunciationisgoodenoughto_43_becauseitisgoodenoughforyour teacherandotherstudents,youmaybe_44_whenyouactuallygotoaforeigncountry.Oneofmy friendswasthebeststudentinhis_45_classinPoland.WhenhewenttoAmerica,hefoundAmericansdidntunderstand_46_ofwhathesaid.Yourpronunciationmaystillbequite_47_thatofanativespeaker.Ifthisisthe_48_, otherpeoplewillfindit_49_tounderstandwhatyouresayingandwillnotbefortablewithyou._50_, dontthinkyoucanmunicateinaforeignlanguage_51_youvetestedyourskillsonrealnativespeakers._52_fornativeornear-nativepronunciationsothatpeopleyoutalktocanmunicatewithyou_53_.Inordertoachievethisgoal,theres_54_thatyouwillneedtostartthinkingaboutpronunciationand_55_timeonit.36.A. mistakeB. understandC. noticeD. watch37.A. paidB. drawnC. fixedD. called38.A. neverB. evenC. usuallyD. ever39.A. if onlyB. only ifC. if everD. even if40.A. fantasticB. importantC. necessaryD. impossible41.A. goodB. poorC. kindD. strict42.A. make outB. work outC. point outD. try out43.A. travelB. pronounceC. municateD. exchange44.A. happyB. embarrassedC. disappointedD. excited45.A. PolishB. EnglishC. FrenchD. German46.A. noneB. restC. lotD. half47.A. near toB. far fromC. different fromD. close to48.A. occasionB. caseC. matterD. fact49.A. hardB. easyC. beneficialD. convenient50.A. In a wordB. On the contraryC. In conclusionD. In short51.A. whenB. ifC. untilD. while52.A. AimB. StandC. LookD. Account53.A. difficultlyB. smoothlyC. trulyD. practically54.A. no wayB. no needC. no wonderD. no doubt55.A. takeB. costC. killD. spend第三部分语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并把答案写在答题卡上。Berlinis fast56(bee) a hub for technology firms. In my first few weeks here, I57(rent) a desk in a58(share) office space. My neighbors were a host of digital start-ups, and each day I59e in60(find) a new sign61(tack) up on a wall or62old one in the bin, as a baby firm moved on to greater things or63(consign交付,托付) to oblivion.Berlin64(feel) like a city65the move.1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。As we all know it, many children have to spend their weekends and holidays attendingvarious training courses though they are unwilling to. Thats why their parents dont wanthim to fall behind at the starting line. Instead, they hope their children are equipping with asmany skills as possible. Therefore they wont lose face when paring their children withothers. Beside, they are sure these extra classes will help their children standing out andbee more petitive in the future. Actually, it was unwise to force children to do thatthey dont like. Too many training classes will be heavy burden for children. Parentsshouldnt push their children too hardly.1.阅读:1-10DBCABACBDB七选五:11-15DGBFE完形填空:A篇16-35 DCBADBCACDDABCABADDCB篇36-55 BACBDACCBBDBBACCABDD语法填空:56. being57. rented58. shared59. would60. to find61. tacked62. an63. was consigned64. feels65. on


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