2019-2020年高二英语下学期阅读训练 2.doc

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2019-2020年高二英语下学期阅读训练 2There are some places on our earth where hot water and steam e up from under the ground .One of the places is a large island in _36_ Pacific Ocean. It is North Island in New Zealand.The earth _37_ which we live is a big ball of very hot rock. It is hot inside and cold _38_.If not so, no one could live here. It is soft inside and hard outside, which is _39_ of rocks. It has a shell( 壳) just _40_ an egg. There are some cracks (裂缝 ) _41_ the shell of the earth in some places. In New Zealand this part of the shell seems to have more cracks _42_ in other places on the earth. There are places where the ground is _43_ hot that it burns your feet. In some places, hot water shoots into the air from _44_ to time. And in other places, you can _45_ the water boiling and the _46_ ing up from pools of hot water. _47_ you put some eggs in the hot water, _48_ will be done in a few minutes.In those places people make _49_ of the heat that es from inside the earth. Some of _50_ cook food in the hot pools. They put food into a container and place it in the water. _51_ a while the food will be ready to _52_.Many people bring the hot water from below the earth into their homes. They do this by putting a long _53_ into the ground. In this way they get hot water and steam for cooking and washing, and for heating their homes.For most of us, the heat under our feet is too far away to use. The people who get heat from inside the earth are _54_ . They dont have to _55_ for the hear they use.36. A. a B. / C. the D. one37. A. of B. over C. with D. on38. A. out B. outside C. in D. inside39. A. made B. changed C. turned D. produced40. A. as B. of C. like D. up41. A. on B. in C. under D. above42. A. that B. than C. as D. which43. A. very B. too C. so D. terrible44. A. place B. time C. wind D. pools45. A. see B. hear C. touch D. taste46. A. animals B. air C. smoke D. steam47. A. When B. Although C. If D. But48. A. it B. they C. he D. she49. A. fun B. use C. it D. food50. A. them B. which C. us D. the places51. A. During B. For C. After D. Before52. A. have B. do C. eat D. get53. A. table B. wire C. tap D. pipe54. A. rich B. poor C. foreigners D. lucky55. A. look B. wait C. pay D. careGestures are the silent language of every culture. We point a finger or move another part of the body to show what we want to say. It is important to know the body language of every country or we may be misunderstood.In theUS, people greet each other with a handshake in a formal discussion. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. Friends may place a hand on the others arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet each other with a hug .Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about 2.5 feet away and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get unfortable when a person stands too close. They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, Pardonme. or Excuse me.Americans like to look at the other in the eyes when they are talking. If you dont do so, it means you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. When you stare at someone, however, it is not polite.For Americans, thumbs-up means yes, very good or well done. Thumbs-down means the opposite. To call a waiter, one might put up one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as you are signing a piece of paper. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger(食指). Americans shake their index fingers at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them.Learning a cultures body language is sometimes confusing(困惑的). If you dont know what to do, the safest thing to do is to smile.6. When you shake hands with an American, you should _ .A. shake his / her hand firmlyB. put your hands on his / her shoulderC. shake his / her hand gentlyD. give him / her a hug afterward7. In theUS, people usually _ if you stand too close to them.A.feel friendlyB. get unfortable C. keep stillD. hit you angrily8. If you talk with an American friend, its polite to _ .A. stare at him / herB. look at the groundC. look at him / her in the eyesD. look here and there9. When an American gives you the thumbs-up, he, in fact _ .A. means that you are number oneB. wants to please youC. needs to call a waiterD. expresses his satisfaction to you10. Whats the main idea of this passage?A. People greet each other by shaking hands inAmerica.B. Every country has their own gestures.C. Learning a cultures body language is very important and necessary.D. It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger.阅读训练 2 完形填空 36-40 CDBAC 41-45 BBCBA 46-50 DCBBA 51-55 CCDDC阅读理解ABCDC


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