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2019-2020年高考英语考点突破(二)填空(含解析)(xx浙江自选模块)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Last summer my family moved to a new neighborhood.Ramon,a boy living right across the street from our new house,came by to 1. hello.When school started,I was happy that Ramon was in my class.One day Mr.Rosen,our teacher,told us about the big Art and Music Festival ing up at school.He said,“Who wants to be in the show?Raise your hands.”The class became restless.About a dozen hands went up.I started to raise my hand,2. I stopped and put it down,I couldnt say a word.I just sat there while the others volunteered.“There is a piano in the hall.We could use a piano player,”said Mr.Rosen.Still I said nothing.And 3. asked me to perform at the festival,for I had never even told Ramon that I could play the piano.Every day when I went home to learn the Sonata in C Major(C大调奏鸣曲) by Mozart,I told him I had to do my homework.Every day it 4. (sound) better and better and I grew more and more disappointed that I had not volunteered to play at the festival.One afternoon I was practicing as usual.Suddenly there was a 5. at the door.I was in the middle of Mozarts Sonata,so I kept on playing.My mom opened the door and told me it was Ramon.“What nice 6.,”I heard him say.Then he walked into the living room and saw me 7. (play) the piano.When I finished,Ramon jumped up and clapped.He ran over to me and gave me a pat on the back.“Matthew,”he said,“that was great!I never even knew you could play the piano!8. were you keeping this a secret?”I didnt know 9. to say.I felt foolish.Ramon had stopped by to borrow my math book because he had left his at school 10. mistake.Now he knew I played the piano.The next day in school,Ramon told Mr.Rosen that I was a great pianist.The rest is history.Passage 2(xx浙江自选模块)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。One night,when I was a teenager,my friends and I stole a goose from a lady who lived nearby.The next day we took it down by the river,near Dads farm,to cook it.The goose would need some salt,so I was elected to go into Dads barn (谷仓) for it.Even the salt didnt help;we couldnt keep the fire hot enough for the goose to get totally 1. (cook).Despite our poor results,we ate some of the goose.Then one day word came to me 2. the lady who owned the goose wanted to see me.“Rex,” she said.“Your mother is one of my dearest friends,and I know she would be saddened if I were to tell her that you stole my goose.You do not want to be known as a 3. ,so this will be our little 4. ,if you promise me youll never steal anything again.”Of course I promised.After I had teenagers myself,I would often visit the Goose Lady,and each time I thanked her for 5. (teach) me the lesson of a lifetime.Before she died,she told me that,long ago,my father had e to her and said he had seen me take salt.He 6. me back to the river and witnessed the goose being cooked.She said,“Your father thought,and I 7. with him,that the message of You shall not steal would be more impressive if 8. came from the lady you stole from,9. than your parent.”My father had died,and I was sad that he had never told me of his role in the story.But now I can only be thankful for a father 10.,even when I didnt know it,was still watching out for me.Passage 3(2011浙江自选模块)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。As a wrestler(摔跤选手),I know how much fun it is to win.In fact,there are few things that I enjoy 1.However,I think it is important that we teach athletes how to love a sport and enjoy it for all it has to offerpetitiveness is great,2.sometimes the pressures of being the best can overload teenagers.I see and hear wrestlers day in and day out talk about how hard 3. is to love the sport because of the demands it takes to be the best.Pressure to win 4. (put) upon wrestlers in many different ways.For example,our coach is a great coach,and I know that he cares 5. every one of his wrestlers,but every time that I walk out on that mat,I hear his words echoing (回响) in my mind:“You are a West Lincoln wrestler;and you will win.”How can I6. feel pressure to win,and pain after losing,with that in mind? So if I do lose,I go home and cry because I feel that I 7. (let) my coach and myself down.However,this doesnt last long because homework has to be done,and I have to sleep sometime,8.Then there is the never-ending concern with making weight for the next match.I remember how much fun wrestling was in eighth grade,even though I did not win a single match.I always loved practices,and I always thought they ended too quickly.I know I would 9.wrestling if I decided to quit.I just wish I could return to the 10.when making weight was not a problem and when losing did not matter as long as I gave 100 percent.Passage 4(xx浙江自选模块)阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式。Bridgette was going into the sixth grade in September,1.in April we had bought her two newborn lambs.Bridgettes plan was 2.(raise) them during the summer and then sell them for school clothes.When the little lambs came,Bridgette had to feed them several times a day.She even slept for a few nights with the lambs so they wouldnt cry.Soon the lambs became attached to Bridgette and followed her3.she went.When the day to sell the lambs came,however,we found that the price was disappointing.A man at Woodys market offered only $100 for the lambs.Bridgette cried, “Dad,I wont have enough 4.for the school clothes I picked out.”I explained to the buyer why she was sad.He didnt answer,except to ask me to have my daughter talk to him.Bridgette sat beside this kindly,gray-haired gentleman.They talked for a while and she calmed down.Then the man came over to 5.and explained what he had told her.“I knew she probably 6.(grow) attached to the lambs like my daughters 7.to do at her age.So I asked her if it would make her feel better to know that I was not going to butcher the lambs,but 8.I just needed them to keep down the blackberries on my farm.Then everything 9.She was satisfied with the sale.”Bridgette was not able to purchase all the clothes she had picked out for school that year.10.Im sure when she occasionally thought of her lambs living a happy life just a few miles away,she would no doubt whisper to herself, “Some things are better than money.”Passage 5(xx浙江自选模块)阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式。When I was a child, my mother had the most, beautiful rose bushes in the yard.Every May they bloomed (开花)with other colorful flowers.One summer,1.,with no one tending them, weeds(杂草) stole into the bushes.One evening, Dad and I went outside to play catch.As I threw the ball to him, it passed him and landed in the overgrown corner of the yard.Dad found the ball and threw it 2. to me, then silently walked to the garage and returned with a lawn mower (割草机).He pulled and pushed until he had consumed every square inch, leaving no plant 3. than one inch.I watched in horror as he placed the machine back.Didnt he know just 4. heartbroken Mom would be when she discovered her flowers of spring had been destroyed?But Dad knew something that I did 5.The following April, Mom walked toward her favorite corner of the yard.She bent over the area where the roses 6. (cut)months before.“Veronica, look at these bushes!” Mom shouted.I thought she was joking.Surely there was nothing to look at.Puzzled, I looked down and saw hundreds of tiny red and green shoots,7. (reach)up to kiss the sun.That year the rose bushes were the best in memory.A few years ago I planted my own roses.I, too, am learning the 8. of nature.There is a time for growing, a time for blooming and a time for harvesting.There is even a time for mowing down the weeds and starting over again.9. it is with people, who,10. roses, are firmly rooted in soil.We must grow, bloom and sometimes start over again when our lives have bee caught up in weeds.Passage 1 (xx浙江金华十校模拟)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。I was a busy housewife and I was busy all the time.My life always centered around my husband and children, so my brain was nearly stuck with 1.One day my friend Judy called, telling me she was joining an oil painting class on Friday night and 2. me if would go with her.I hesitated to answer her immediately over the phone.I was uncertain 3. to join her or not because I had 4. painted before.However, Judy encouraged me to go for fun.The first day in the class, we met our teacher, Mr. Smith, who just came back from France.He showed us a lot of paintings, told us some stories about art history and said, “Everyone is an artist who can draw or paint. 5. is a silent language which can express human feelings.”We started to paint.We painted the most beautiful thing in our mind.While 6.(paint), I forgot all that worried me, sometimes 7. the time.He not only opened the door of art for me but also gave me a way to enrich my life.I started to borrow art books from the library and visit museums in my free 8.Im not really good at painting, but I certainly enjoy it.A painting represents an artists personality and 9.(express) their feelings.For example, when I appreciated Vincent Van Goghs paintings, I could sense the devotion and the energy from his painting.I thought that was 10. I felt my dried-out brain began receiving a new source of refreshing water.Passage 2(xx浙江余姚中学高三期中)阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式。When I moved into my new house, it already had a washing machine in it, but I had just bought a new one.So I 1. what to do with the machine already in the house.I remembered two girls 2. regularly knocked at my door for religious reasons.They had just got their own house so I decided to give them all the things I 3. need when I was done unpacking.Whatever they didnt need, they could give to the charity store that helped support.I asked them if they needed a washing machine and they both looked at each other and smiled.It 4. that they had called on a plete stranger the week before, a single mother with a toddler and a new born baby to cope with.She 5.(wash)clothes by hand in the sink when they called on her.When they got home they discussed the fact 6. the woman probably needed their washing machine 7. than they did.So they gave it to her.And now it seemed their goodness had e to them in 8. as they would be able to have my washing machine.If I felt good about giving away the things I no longer needed, it came to nothing when I realized that I still had a washing machine and would not have considered giving it away to someone who was more in need 9. it.I was only giving away a spare or only doing what any good person should do,but to give away your possessions to a plete 10.,just because they need them more, is truly amazing!These two girls taught me something about real giving that day.Passage 3(xx浙江重点中学协作体高三第二学期调研)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。The Chinese New Year begins on February 14,and xx is the Year of the Tiger.For centuries,tigers have been a 1. of power,courage and good fortune.2. the big cats luck may be running out.In January,the World Wildlife Fund(WWF) revealed that the wild tiger population has hit an all-time low 3,200.In xx,3. were 5,000 to 7,000 tigers.Scientists believe the decline is due to illegal hunting,4. change and loss of habitat.“How fast they are losing their habitats!” Sybille Klenzendorf,a tiger expert at the WWF,said.In Greater Mekong,an area in Southeast Asia,tigers are close to dying 5.More than 70% of its tiger population 6.(lose) in the past 12 years,due in large part to illegal hunting.Climate change is threatening the big cats in the Sundarbans delta,on the coasts of India and Bangladesh.The delta is home 7. the worlds largest Bengal tiger population.Scientists say a rise in sea levels could destroy the Bengals habitat and wipe out 96% of the tiger population by 2070.Tigers live in a wide range of 8.But development has taken a toll on tigers.People have destroyed much of the animals habitat,making it much 9. now.Today,tigers live in 7% of the habitat they occupied just a hundred years ago.Last month,leaders from 12 Asian nations and Russia met 10. (discuss) plans to save the tiger.They are adopting bans on the hunting and sale of tiger products.They are also looking for ways to protect the tiger habitat.Passage 4(xx浙江名校新高考研究联盟高三第二次联考)阅读下面短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式。Susan,I am very worried about a problem I am having at work.I hope you will be able to give me some advice.I have been working in an office for two months now.It is my first job 1. I left university,so I am very eager to succeed in it.Recently I noticed one of my workmates 2. (take) a large number of office supplies from the cupboard and putting them into his bag.When I asked him what he was doing,he said it was 3. of my business.As I was new,I didnt like to say any 4. about this problem.Then a terrible thing happened.Today our manager found that the cupboard was almost 5. and called everybody to a meeting.He said that the pany couldnt afford to keep buying office supplies and that the 6. must be found.Later he called me into his office.He said that someone had told him that he 7. (see) me stealing the office supplies.He said that he had little doubt about it 8. all this had occurred after I started working at the pany.I was very upset.I left the office 9. tears.I dont know what to do.Should I tell the manager what I discovered? How can I prove it? Should I talk to the guilty 10. again? Please give me some advice.Best regards,LornaPassage 5(2011浙江宁波高三十校联考)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式。Struggling in the US? Move to China!I graduated from the university with a degree of civil engineering.It is a good field but my heart was not in it.I wanted to be an 1. or work in the entertainment industry.living a creative life.My choice of civil engineering was really a mistake but I realized too 2.As soon as I graduated, I moved straight to Los Angelesthe 3. of the film and television industry!For three years, I tried to get a job in that field.I often worked as an extra in movies and TV showsstanding in the background 4. actors are in the foreground.This was fun for a while, but I wanted a real acting job, where I was speaking! Sadly, in Los Angeles, there is too much 5. (pete).Every race and age is represented: old, young, black, white, Asian and thousands of blondesred-haired Midwestern types 6. me.Being an extra couldnt make enough money for me to live in LA.I had to do something 7. for money.After three years of trying, I gave up my 8. of being an actor and started a different career.I then tried network-marketing, but in the end, that 9.Seven years after 10. (graduate) from college, I was still in debt, still searching for a satisfactory life.I decided to go back to civil engineering.However, I was starting to get very disappointed with my life.Why is life not like what I expected?I want my life to be different, more satisfactory, more alive.America was not providing that for me.(二)填空五年真题精华Passage 11.saysay hello,向某人问好。2.but(yet/then)根据前后内容可知是转折关系。3.nobody(none)根据前文said nothing,及And所表示的并列关系此处应填nobody or none.4.sounded根据上下文中的动词的形式可判断用一般过去时。5.knock根据后面at the door及下段My mom opened the door可推断填knock。a knock at the door敲门声。6.music根据上文的I was in the middle of Mozarts Sonata,so I kept on playing及下文的play the piano可知是music。7.playing由下文when I finished可知此处是正在演奏see sb.playing看某人演奏钢琴。8.why由上句I never even knew.及下文keep this a secret可推断此处是问“为什么保密”。9.what根据上下文可以推测此处是“我不知道该说什么。”10.byby mistake是固定搭配,意思是“错误地”。Passage 21.cookedget在这里相当于be,get totally cooked被煮透;被煮熟。2.thatthat引导的从句作word的同位语,解释word的内容,为了句子平衡将其放于后面。3.thief上文中“.you stole my goose”,可知是偷东西的人,应用thief。4.secret上一分句“You do not want to be known as a thief”和后一句“Of course I promised.”可知这是一个秘密。5.teaching/having taughtfor是介词,介词后面接动名词,应用v.-ing形式。6.followed/tracked下文中“.back to the river and witnessed.”可知父亲跟踪我回到小河边。7.agreed通过女士的做法可知她同意父亲的看法并亲自去找我。8.itit代指the message。9.ratherrather than为固定搭配,表示“而不是”。10.who/that此句是定语从句,空上的连接词作定语从句的主语并指人,故用who或that。Passage 31.more(better)摔跤是我最爱,没有什么更让我着迷的,要用比较级。2.but(yet/though/while)表示“转折”或“对照”,竞技本身很棒,但有时夺取桂冠的压力会让一些青少年不堪重负。3.it作形式主语,代指“to love the sport”句中的takes表示“needs,requires”4.is putput pressure upon sb.给某人施加压力。5.about (for)喜欢,关心。6.not我怎能不感到去赢取比赛的压力.7.have let用完成时强调其作用和影响。8.too既要做家庭作业,又要睡觉,too通常置于句尾,表示“也”。9.miss如果我决定退出(不再练摔跤),我知道我会非常怀念摔跤。10.time (days/year/years)我只是希望可以回到那些日子/岁月,在那些日子里,只要我付出了百分百的努力,体重不是问题,输赢也无关紧要。Passage 41.back/earlier此处表示早在4月份我们就给女儿买了两只新生的小羊羔。2.to raise不定式作表语,表示将要做某事。3.whereverwherever在此处引导让步状语从句,表示无论女儿走到哪里,小羊羔就跟到哪里。4.money买校服需要钱。5.me那个人向“我”走了过来。6.had growngrow发生在主句谓语动词knew之前,故应用过去完成时。7.usedused to do表示过去常常做某事。8.thatbut连接的两个宾语从句,第二个从句的that不能省略。9.changed由下文“She was satisfied with the sale.”可以看出女儿态度的转变。10.But据上下句语境判断,前后为转折关系。Passage 51.however(nevertheless, nonetheless)以前每年五月开花,有一年夏天杂草丛生,前后含义转折,用however, nevertheless或nonetheless.2.back我和父亲一起玩球,我扔给他,他又扔回给我。3.taller(higher)父亲用割草机剪平了所有植物,让它们都矮于一英寸。4.how母亲看到花被剪了会很伤心,how修饰形容词表程度,意为“多么。”5.not从故事后文说明实际上我并没有完全理解父亲的用意。6.had been cut(were cut)玫瑰花是“割”这个动作的承受者,所以用被动语态。7.reaching“嫩苗向上生长”是主动动作,所以用-ing形式。8.lessons/law/laws/rule/rules/principle/principles/secret/secrets,magic/mystery/rhythm我在自己种花的过程中明白了大自然的法则。9.soso it is with sb./sth.“的情况也一样”。10.like人也像玫瑰花一样,在土壤里生根、生长、开花不断地轮回。三年模拟实战Passage 1 1.them根据上文“我”的生活总是以丈夫和孩子为中心。所以满脑子几乎都是“他们”丈夫和孩子。2.asked根据下句的answer可知此处是问她是否愿意去。此处与called为并列谓语,确定用过去时。3.whether根据前面的不确定及后面的or not推断可知用whether。whether.or not 表示犹豫不决,意思是“不能决定是去还是不去”。4.never 或 not不能决定是去还是不去的原因是以前从来没有画过画。故用表示否定意义的词never 或 not。5.Art“会画会描的人都是艺术家”。根据逻辑关系及下文内容可知“艺术就是的语言”。6.paintingWhile I was painting可以看作省略了I was。7.even画画的时候就会忘记一切烦恼,甚至有时连时间都忘了。8.timein ones free time 是固定词组,意思是“在某人空闲的时间”。9.expresses此处represents和expresses是并列谓语,表达客观事实,用一般现在时。10.why此处是表语从句,从句缺少原因状语,所以需要why。Passage 21.wondered作者想知道怎样处理原来已经在房间里的洗衣机。wonder想知道。2.who 此处是定语从句,缺少主语,根据先行词girls,应该填who。3.didnt决定把不需要的东西给她们。又根据整句的时态确定用过去时。应该是didnt need。4.happened根据下文可知这是巧合。“我”送给她们洗衣机,碰巧她们把洗衣机给人了,而她们也需要洗衣机。又根据整句的时态确定用过去时。5.was washing根据后面的when可知,她正在洗衣服,就在这时她们去看她。故用过去进行时。6.that根据句子结构不难看出the fact后是同位语从句,从句是完整的,需要that引导。7.more根据后面的than可知她比她们更需要洗衣机。比更more than。8.return根据整句可以推测是她们的好心得到了回报。回报,反馈in return。9.ofin need of 是词组,意思是“需要”。10.stranger我只是把用不着的东西给人,而她们却把她们用着的东西给了一个根本不认识的人,那才是真正意义上的给予。stranger陌生人。Passage 31.symbol句意:几百年来,老虎已是力量、勇敢和好运气的象征。2.But由后文的运气跑光了可以推知这是个转折句。3.there考查“there be”结构。4.climate指气候的改变。5.out句意:老虎正处于濒临灭绝之境。die out为固定搭配,意为“灭绝;消失”。6.has been lost由后文的in the past 12 years时间状语可知此处需用现在完成时。由于主语是物,故用现在完成时的被动语态。7.tobe home to.为固定搭配,意为“是的所在地;是的家园”。8.areas/habitats由下文的“destroyed much of the animals habitat.”可知此处指老虎的生活区域、栖息地。9.smaller由上文提到的老虎栖息地遭到大量破坏,所以只能是“越来越小”。10.to discuss句意:上个月,来自亚洲12个国家和俄罗斯的领导开会讨论如何拯救老虎的计划。这里是不定式作目的状语。Passage 41.since考查固定句型“It be +. +since +sb./sth.+(一般过去时)谓语”,意为“自从以来”。2.taking考查固定搭配notice sb./sth.doing sth.“注意到正在做”。3.none考查固定搭配none of ones business,意为“和无关”。4.more句意:我不再就那个问题多说什么。any more about sth.“关于多”。5.empty由上文的目击有人从橱柜里往外拿东西那一细节可知,此处表示经理发现橱柜几乎空了。6.thief从上下文可知是“小偷”。7.had seen由句中动词的先后时间顺序可知此处的“看”早于“说”,故是“过去的过去”,典型的过去完成时。8.because因为我来上班之前没有这样的事情发生。此处是原因状语从句。9.in作者受了冤屈,自然是“含泪离开”。in tears“眼里含着泪”。10.workmate指上文提到作者目击到偷东西的“工友”。Pa

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