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2019-2020年高考英语(三月)阅读理解、书面表达小练(5)阅读理解。【xx山东省实验中学二模】Genzeb Tibeb is very bright.At only 11 years old,her future is looking promising.She is ranked 2nd out of 56 students at her government school in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia where she has been selected for a special program because of her talent.She knows she is special and proudly shows off her certificate and book signifying her acplishments in this special program.But her future hasnt always looked so bright.While her mother,Bekelech,sacrificed immensely for Genzeb,she would not have been able to continue sending her to school.When her husband died,Bekelech was the sole provider,for their five children.In order for them to survive,she began the daily routine of walking approximately 810 miles a day collecting sticks to sell near her 810 home in Kichone.It wouldnt have been long before Genzeb would have been forced to quit school in order to help her mom.But Bright Future changed all that.Genzeb has been at Bright Future for 3 years.Since Ethiopian schools let out early,Genzeb walks to the facility right after lunch.Because of her high ability,she even helps teach the younger children there,building confidence and locking in important foundational academic skills.Theres also other meaningful opportunities Genzeb experiences which allow her eyes to be opened to the different opportunities that are available to her if she pletes her studies.Field trips are one of her most favorite activities of all.She especially loved the one to Addis Ababa University.She knows it goes beyond fun trips,though.“I am happy because I get extra help for school from Bright Future.”Genzeb shares.At so many levels,her involvement with Bright Future allows her to receive a better education,which she values.For one day she wants to help people in need by being a doctor.And now she knows,that with a lot of hard work,that dream might just bee a reality.1What does the underlined word “sole” in the second paragraph probably mean?Aimportant Bmain Cunable Donly2According to the text,what is the major factor that can help Genzeb Tibeb continue her school?ABright future.BHer talent.CHer mother.DHer school.3From the text we can learn_.AGenzeb Tibeb quitted school for several yearsBGenzeb Tibeb was admitted into a famous universityCGenzeb Tibeb was involved in Bright Future activitiesDGenzeb Tibeb had to earn a living by herself4According to the text,what is Bright Future probably?AA student training center.BA scholarship organization.CA government school.DAn orphanage organization.5Which of the following things didnt Genzeb Tibeb do on Bright Future?ACollecting and selling sticks.BTeach younger kids there.CLock in academic skills.DTake part in field trips.语篇解读本文是一篇新闻报道。内容主要讲述了Bright Future组织帮助一名埃塞俄比亚女孩(Genzeb)继续学业的故事。1解析:词义猜测题。根据语境可知,画线词所在句子的意思是:当Genzeb 的父亲去世后,她的母亲Bekelech成了唯一养家的人。因此sole应为“唯一”之意。答案:D2解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句“.have been forced to quit school.But Bright Future changed all that.”可知,是Bright Future帮助了Genzeb继续她的学业。答案:A3解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,Genzeb已经加入Bright Future三年了并且经常参与Bright Future组织的活动。答案:C4解析:推理判断题。根据第一段后两句“She is ranked 2nd out of 56 students.shows off her certificate and book.”及第二段最后两句“.have been forced to quit school in order to help her mom.But Bright Future changed all that.”可推知,Bright Future是给那些家庭困难、成绩优异的学生提供继续学业的一个组织。答案:B5解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第三句“.helps teach the younger children.locking in important foundational academic skills.”及该段倒数第二句“Field trips are one of.”可知,B、C、D三项均为Genzeb在Bright Future中参与的活动;A项指的是她母亲的行为。答案:A阅读理解。Success does not belong to a select group of individuals; success belongs to those who are willing to go after it. Success belongs to those who are willing to look fear in the face, eyeball to eyeball, and then do what they have to do. Success belongs to those who realize that there is something more important than their fear.“Desire is the key to motivation.” Desire is the longing to achieve a vision; without desire you have nothing. If youve lost your vision, or if your desire is not strong, work to clarify your vision, use pictures, write the vision down. Habakkuk said, “Write the vision, and make it plain, ” Before you can run with desire, your vision must be plain, it must be clear, it must be exciting.“Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.” You cant get your dream job, if youre scared to turn in an application. You wont get the sale, if you dont try. Showing up doesnt guarantee success, but rest assured if you dont show up, you wont succeed. When it es to your dreams, and the things you desire to achieve in this life, you have to show up.Thomas J. Watson said, “Would you like me to give you a formula(公式)for success? Its quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isnt at all. You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it, so go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because remember thats where you will find success.” Never fear failure, it is failure that will bring you success. Embrace failure, bee a student of failure, learn from failure, and soon you will succeed.Success is not about doing what the average person cant do, its about doing what the average person is unwilling to do. And on a deeper level, its about creating habits that the average person is unwilling to create. Its the habit of doing things with excellence that cause success. Success is the enjoyment of the journey. You have to enjoy the journey!Someone once said, “Unless you change how you are, you will always have what youve got.” You have to changeyou will change, you will succeed.11. If you want to succeed, you should _.A. make efforts to achieve itB. be a special personC. face it with fearD. do everything important12. Whats Habakkuks opinion?A. We should make our aims mon.B. We should set up a clear target.C. We should have motivation.D. Desire is the key to motivation. 13. The main idea of the third paragraph is that _. A. success needs showing upB. 70% of people can succeedC. you should show your hopeD. you should fight for success14. Thomas J. Watson encourages us to _.A. retire from failure B. escape from failureC. make double mistakesD. grow from failure15. Which is the best title of the passage? _.A. Success and Failure B. Keys to SuccessC. Several Critical Steps to Success D. Importance of Success【参考答案】1115、ABADC 【广东省深圳市xx高考英语第一次调研考试】读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。By JesseWhat a bad day today! Tom suddenly fell ill and was sent to hospital by my neighbors. The doctor said he has been suffering lung cancer and his life is in danger! Everybody was shocked and felt a pity for this good man.Tom, who is a famous writer about 40 years old, lives just next door. He is kind and worm-hearted and always ready to give a helping hand to others when in need, so he enjoys great popularity in our neighborhood. He often came to my house to tell me how to write stories and encourage me with his own experience. He told me he was born in a poor family. As a little boy, he had a dream to bee a famous writer. He overcame thousands of difficulties to have entered a university. After graduation, he began to publish story books, and up till now, he is very famous around the country. Unfortunately, when he was young, he just got into the habit of smoking and became a heavy smoker, which has ended up as an invisible killer of his health. 【写作内容】1以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2以约120个词就“Health and Cause”为题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:(1)邻居们为汤姆感到惋惜的原因是什么?(2)你从汤姆身上学到了什么?(3)你对身体健康与事业的看法。【写作要求】1作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不能直接引用原文中的句子。2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。【参考范文】读写任务(共1小题,满分25分) Health and CauseTom, a kind and hardworking professional writer, suddenly fell ill, and was suffering from lung cancer due to the bad habit of smoking, which shocked his neighbors and made them feel sorry.All the neighbors felt it a pity for Tom because he is really a promising writer. He is so young and maybe it is just the beginning of his great career. Moreover, his great personality has gained their sincere respect. Unfortunately, the deadly cancer will stop him from his work. Tom has always been my good model, because he is so nice and outstanding in his career, but life was not easy for him on the way to being a successful writer. His strong will has helped him to have overe so many setbacks to realize his dream, and this is what I should learn from him.From Toms story, we understand better that physical health and career are both important. Anyway, health should e first, without which we can achieve nothing. But if a man is just strong in body but has no ambitions for career, his life will bee aimless and worthless. Therefore, we should have the right attitude towards career and health.写作评分标准第二节:读写任务一、评分原则1、本试题总分为25分,分两部分给分 短文概括5分 主题写作 20分。2、强调内容健康,观点鲜明,说服力强,表述清晰。可参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。3、评分时,选根据文章语言的规范、内容的合适及篇章的连贯性初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。4、语言规范:拼写与标点符号是语言规范的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。5、如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。二、内容要点1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。2. 以约120个词就“Health and Cause”为题谈谈你的想法,内容包括: 1)邻居们为汤姆感到惋惜的原因是什么? 2)你从汤姆身上学到了什么? 3)你对身体健康与事业的看法。 3、写作要求: 归纳完整,表述清晰。 观点鲜明,说服力强。三、各档次的给分范围和要求:读写任务的评分标准项目分值评分标准概括5按照要求概括了原文的全部主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。4基本按照要求概括了原文的主要信息,没有增加与原文无关的信息,没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。3基本按照要求概括了原文的主要信息,但包含一些不相关的信息,有个别句子抄自原文。语言结构基本正确,行文比较规范。2不能按照要求概括原文的主要信息,包含较多不相关的信息,有较多的抄袭。语言结构不够准确,行文不够规范。0-1没有按照要求概括原文的主要信息,基本是不相关的信息,大多数句子都抄自原文。语言结构不准确,行文不规范。写作18-20包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题明确,内容丰富。词汇丰富,用词得当。能有效运用合适语言结构,而且没有(或极少)语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性好。14-17包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题明确,个别内容不准确或不相关。词汇较丰富,有个别用词错误。较好地运用了合适的语言结构,有少许语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性较好。11-13包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题比较明确,个别内容不准确或者不相关。词汇较丰富,有个别用词错误。较好地运用了合适的语言结构,有少许语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性较好。7-10包含题目所给的部分内容要点。主题基本明确,有些内容不准确或者不相关。词汇有限,有较多的用词错误。语言结构出现较多的语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性一般。4-6只包含题目所给的个别内容要点。多数内容不相关或者不准确。文章有些地方照抄源文。词汇贫乏,有较多的用词错误。大多数的句子出现语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性差。1-3只包含与题目所给要点内容有关的一些单词。主题不明确,文章基本照抄原文。词汇极其贫乏,基本不能正确用词。几乎没有正确的句子。篇章结构零乱。0以下几种情况,给0分:1)完全抄袭原文(或其它文章)2)文不对题3)只写一些零散的单词,完全没有表达完整的内容


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