2019-2020年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测8.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 词汇考前综合检测8一、单项填空1-5代词和连词1.(xx年四川省高考英语模拟)If you need a guide, there is _ better than my brother in our town. A. neitherB. none C. nothing D. no 【答案】B 2. (xx年浙江省高考英语模拟) Tickets for Friday? Sorry weve got _ left.A. little B. none C. no one D. neither【答案】B 【解祈】little很少(修饰不可数名词);no one指没有人;neither表示对两者的全否定;none既可指人也可以指物,既可以指可数名词也可以指不可数名词。句意:有星期五的票吗?对不起,我们一张也没有了。3.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim told the group that less than the future of Africa is at stake unless Ebola can be stopped.A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something【答案】B 4.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟) I dont like to travel to big cities because it seems to me that one city is very much like _.A. one B. another C. the other D. each【答案】B 【解祈】the other指两者之中的另一者,another泛指三者以上的任意一个。根据句意可知,这里指大城市之间都差不多。句意:我不喜欢到大城市去旅游,因为大城市之间都差不多(大城市一个跟另一个很相似)。5.(xx年江苏省高考英语模拟)Chinese is being increasingly popular in the UK, the number of English people who have mastered the language is rather limited.A. or B. so C. and D. but【答案】D【解祈】句意:汉语在英国越来越流行,但真正掌握这门语言的英国人却很有限。由句意可知应用but连接两个分句,表转折。6-12介词和介词短语6.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)After the hard time, he realizes that it is important to take every chance to live his life the fullest. A. withB. atC. for D. to【答案】D【解祈】句意:过了艰难时期后,他意识到利用每一个机会充分地享受生活非常重要。to the fullest 充分地;完全地。7.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Ghanas government says it has put forceful laws to guard against problems caused by GM foods.A. in peace B. in return C. in place D. in need 【答案】C【解祈】句意:加纳政府说已经准备好了强有力的法律以预防来自转基因食品的问题。in peace 祥和地;in return 回报;报答;in place 在适当的位置;准备就绪;in need在危难中。 8.(xx届福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查)Its burning hot today. Shall we rest in the shade these trees?A. over B. beneath C. outside D. to【答案】B【解析】句意:今天真热。我们可以在树下的阴凉处休息吗?over在之上、遍及、在期间;beneath在之下;outside在外面;to对于、为了、去等意思。根据句意选择B。9.(xx届浙江省六校高三3月联考)What is bothering Obama is how to improve medical care to benefit people. _, how to create health care system that helps people is his present-day troubleA. In other words B. On the other handC. On the contrary D. As a matter of fact【答案】A10.(xx届浙江省六校高三3月联考)Why didnt you hire the young man?_ qualification, ability and experience, hes not well suited to the position we offerA. In terms of B. In spite ofC. In favor of D. In want of【答案】A【解析】句意:你为什么不雇佣这个年轻人么?就资格能力经验,他不适合我们提供的职位,由题意可知A正确。in terms of 就而言;in spite of 尽管;in favour of喜欢,支持;in want of需要,缺乏。11.(xx届浙江省六校高三3月联考)The shelter is expected to help the homeless live _ the bitter winterA. across B. with C. through D. against【答案】C【解析】本题实际上是考查介词与动词的搭配。live through意为“度过,熬过”,所以选C。句意:这个避难所是为帮助那些无家可归的人度过寒冷的冬天而准备的。12.(xx年江苏省高考英语模拟)A big pair of headphones cut the boy off from his surroundings as his head nodded the music.A. on B. to C. at D. with【答案】B【解祈】句意:一副大大的耳机将男孩和他周围的世界隔绝开来,他的头随着音乐的节拍晃动着。根据句意可知此处应用介词to,表“随着”之意。13-22名词13.(xx届黑龙江绥化市重点中学高三下期初开学联考)Whats the _, in your opinion, of helping him if he doesnt make an effort to help himself?A. sympathy B. theme C. object D. point【答案】D【解析】whats the point有什么意义,关键点是什么,症结何在;sympathy同情;theme主题;object目标。句意:如果他不努力自救,帮助他还有什么霣义昵?故选D。14.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟) Its that kind of courage and determination that makes him such an extraordinary _.A. performance B. character C. attitude D. idea【答案】B15.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟) As we all know, success es from hard work; without _ nothing can be achieved. A. abilities B. progressC. energyD. efforts【答案】D【解祈】ability能力;progress进步;energy精力;effort努力。句意:众所周知,成功来自辛勤的工作;没有努力就一事无成。16.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Malala has bee a global of hope for millions of girls all over the world for what she has done for the great cause.A. symbol B. sight C. symptom D. signal【答案】A17.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)When interviewed by the reporter, Modiano said, “I have the that Ive been writing the same book for 45 years.”A. impression B. expression C. permission D. admission【答案】A【解祈】句意:在被记者采访时,莫迪亚诺说,“我有种印象,我45年来一直在写同样的一本书。”impression 印象,感想,感觉;expression 表达,表示;permission 许可,允许;admission允许进入,入场费。18.(xx届福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查)In this new city, we everyone will meet the when we dont know what to do.A. occasion B. statement C. place D. information【答案】A【解析】句意:在这个新城市,我们每一个人都会面临这样的场合:这时我们不知道该做什么。occasion场合,机会,时机;statement陈述、声明;place位置,地方;information信息。根据句意,选择A最为恰当,表示面临这一场合。19.(xx届浙江省六校高三3月联考)Our nation should first develop modern law _ in ruling the country by lawA. awareness B. opportunities C. regulation D. principle【答案】A【解析】awareness意识;opportunity机会;regulation管理,规则;principle原理,原则。句意:在通过法律管理国家的方面,我们的国家应该首先发展现代的法律意识。由题意可知选A。20.(xx年江苏省高考英语模拟)The of the queue, “First e, first served”, tell us to ignore privileges, power and deep pockets.A. mottos B. morals C. conceptsD. procedures【答案】B 【解祈】句意:排队的道德规范是“先到者先享受服务”,这排除了特权、权贵和金钱的作用。motto格言,箴言,座右铭;moral(pl.)道德标准,道德规范,符合句意;concept概念,观念;procedure步骤,程序。21.(xx届江苏盐城时杨中学高三1月调研)Have you heard of Chinas _ for the 2026 World Cup?Its not officially confirmed yet.A. effort B. bid C. affection D. draft【答案】B【解析】A. effort for为努力;B. bid for许诺获得支持;C. affection影响;D draft on/upon只去,需要;句意:你听说中国已经成功申请2026年的世界杯了吗?官方还没有确认。故选B。22.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)The present situation in that African country is taking a for the better, but the civil war hasnt e to an end. A. turn B. chance C. lead D. choice【答案】A 23-31副词和形容词23.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)I want to encourage her to do well, but _ I dont want to make her feel too nervous.A. rarelyB. relatively C. equallyD. especially【答案】C 【解祈】rarely极少地; relatively相对地;equally同样地;especially尤其。句意:我想鼓励她好好干,但同样我也不想让她太紧张。24.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)If you tell him what happened, Im sure hell understand hes a(n) _ man. A. acceptable B. reasonable C. available D. grateful 【答案】B25.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Now that you are _, would you like to e and have a cup of tea with me? OK. Im on my way over.A. convenient B. vacantC. handy D. free 【答案】D 【解祈】free“有空的,自由的”,而convenient“方便的”其主语不能是人。句意:既然你有空,愿意过来和我喝杯茶吗?好的,我马上过去。vacant空的,空缺的,空虚的,茫然的;handy方便的,手边的,附近的,便于使用的,手巧的。26.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟) When we think of the word “munication”, we _ think of words and sentences.A. occasionallyB. eventuallyC. normally D. gradually【答案】C 27.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Today, Mauna Loa is quiet and isnt producing lava. , volcano experts say its only a matter of time before it erupts once again.A. There fore B. Instead C. However D. Anyhow【答案】C 【解祈】句意:现在,莫纳罗亚火山很安静,没喷发熔岩。然而,火山专家说它再次喷发只是时间问题。therefore 因此,所以;instead 代替,而不是;however 然而;anyhow 无论如何,即使如此。28.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Your sons job here is only ; he will be removed from it when we have a proper position for him.A. flexible B. previous C. temporary D. contemporary【答案】C【解祈】句意:你儿子在这里的工作只是暂时的;当我们有了合适的职位给他时,他就不做这份工作了。flexible 灵活的,可弯曲的;previous 在前的,早先的;temporary 暂时的,临时的;contemporary 当代的,同时代的。29.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Mr. Lee, a blind man, is to the dogs fur, so he chooses a little horse as his guide when he goes out.A. close B. allergic C. familiar D. accustomed 【答案】B 【解祈】句意:李先生,一位盲人,对狗毛过敏,于是他选了一匹小马作为他外出时的向导。close亲密的;allergic对过敏的;familiar熟悉的;accustomed习惯的。30.(xx年重庆高考英语二轮精练习)John was dismissed last week because of his _ attitude towards his job.A. informalB. casualC. determinedD. earnest【答案】B【解析根据句意:“约翰上周被解雇是因为他对工作满不在乎的态度”,只有B项符合题意,casual偶然的,临时的,随便的,非正式的。informal非正式的;determined坚定的;earnest认真的。31.(xx届福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查)Although this kind of vegetable tastes , yet it is rich in nutrition and good for your health.A. bitter B. bitterlyC. delicious D. deliciously【答案】A32-45动词和动词短语32.(xx年四川省高考英语模拟)The reason why I _ the job offer is that frequent business travel means I have no time to stay with my family. A. turn downB. cut down C. turn out D. cut out 【答案】A 【解祈】句意:我拒绝那份工作的原因是频繁的出差意味着我没有时间跟家人在一起。turn down拒绝;cut down砍倒,删减;turn out 结果是;cut out去掉,省略。33.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)The protesters roadblocks on the main roads and they made trouble for the public. A. set up B. took up C. made up D. picked up 【答案】A【解祈】句意:这些抗议者在主要的路段上设置路障,给公众造成了很多麻烦。set up 设立;建立;创办;take up 占据(时间、空间等);从事;make up组成;构成;编造;和解;pick up拾起来;接(某人/某物)。 34.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Lost in the thick mountain, the soldiers stopped and the map to find the right direction.A. requiredB. consulted C. reflected D. tracked【答案】B【解祈】句意:在深山里迷了路,士兵们停下来,查看地图以找到正确的方向。require需要,需求;consult查阅,参考,咨询;reflect 反映,反射;track追踪,跟踪。35.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Luckily, the gap (裂口) in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to _. A. get through B. get behind C. get over D. get off【答案】A 【解祈】所填短语的逻辑宾语应该是the gap,再根据wide enough可知选择get through。句意:幸运的是,篱笆上的豁口宽度刚好能让羊钻过去。get through通过;get behind落后,拖延;get over克服,恢复;get off下(车、马等)。36.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟) Two friends, Wellman and Corbett, are so close that if one falls, the other is there to _ him. A. catch B. hurt C. ignore D. excite【答案】A【解祈】上文的fall是解题的依据,与“跌倒”相关的应该是“抓住”,或“接着”,故选catch。句意:有两位朋友,Wellman和Corbett,他们是那么亲密无间以至于如果一个人跌倒,另一位一定会在那里把他接住。hurt伤害;ingnore忽视,忽略;excite使兴奋/激动。37. (xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Can you _ what youre doing and help me with this report? A. lift B. turn C. drag D. drop 【答案】D 【解祈】根据语境可知,说话者要求对方放下手中的活,帮他一个忙。drop在此句中意为“停止”。举起;turn使转动,旋转,使改变方向;drag拉,拖。38. (xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)We planned to meet at 7: 30 at the gate, but she never _. A. came up B. turned up C. held up D. picked up【答案】B39.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)I couldnt _ what the American lecturer was saying though I listened to his speech carefully. A. take backB. take upC. take in D. take over【答案】C 【解祈】take back收回;take up开始从事;take in理解,吸收;take over接替,接管。句意:尽管我听得很仔细,我还是听不懂这位美国演讲者的讲话。40.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)After midnight, a neighbor required the music to be turned down and the party _. A. broke downB. broke out C. broke up D. broke in【答案】C【解祈】break down分解,发生故障;break out爆发;break up终止,结束;break in闯入,打断。句意:午夜之后,因为一个邻居要求把音乐音量调低,聚会便结束了。41.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)A spokeswoman said that the suggestions for the new shopping centre were unlikely to . A. make up B. break down C. go through D. e across 【答案】C 【解祈】句意:一位女发言人说关于新购物中心的建议很有可能不会通过。make up 组成,编造;break down 冲破,分解,出故障;go through 经受,被认可;e across偶然遇见。 42.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)Mr. Ma is such a generous businessman that he a great deal of money to charities every year.A. substitutes B. subscribes C. contributes D. distributes【答案】C43.(xx年浙江省高考英语模拟)While surfing the Internet, a wonderful idea me a trip to Hainan during the winter vacation with my parents.A. knocked B. defeated C. struck D. attacked【答案】C【解祈】句意:在上网时,我突然有了一个奇妙的想法寒假期间和我的父母一起去海南旅行。knock敲,敲击;defeat 打败,战胜;strike 袭击,某事产生于某人的头脑中;attack进攻,攻击。44. (xx届福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查)The school board has teachers to spare no effort to help the students who have fallen behind in studies.A. looked into B. turned intoC. called for D. cared for【答案】C【解析】句意:校董事会要求老师们去不遗余力地帮助那些学业落后的学生们。look into朝里看、调查;turn into转变成;call for要求;call for关爱。根据句意,选项C最为恰当,表示校董事会要求老师们这样做。45.(xx届福建泉州市高三3月教学质量检查)A terrible thought Mr. Smith when he was leaving for work: what if an accident happened while his son was alone at home?A. insured B. freed C. attacked D. struck【答案】D【解析】句意:当史密斯先生准备上班时,他突然有了一个恐怖的想法:当他的儿子一个人呆在家时,如果发生事故该怎么办?insure保险、确保;free释放、解除;attack袭击;strike罢工、攻击、划火柴、使突然想起等意思。根据句意选项D最为恰当。二、完形填空(湖北省武昌区xx届高三元月调研考试) “When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.”As we live through life, we tend to get caught up in our individual world, our problems our life. When we 1 our world to include others in a meaningful way, by making a 2 difference in their life, we increase our experience at the same time.Think back on a time when someone made a difference in your life.Here is one of mine: I was going to college, working part-time, and just 3 getting by financially. Standing in line at a local supermarket, I 4 a woman in the same line, thinking that she was not very attractive. As I was 5 , I discovered that I did not have enough money to pay; without 6 , that same woman I had been judging offered to 7 the difference. It wasnt 8 , but what that person did made a lasting impression on me. She was a beautiful, caring soul who was willing to help a stranger in a(an) 9 situation. That happened over forty years ago and I remember it as 10 as if it was yesterday.Other examples are the numerous times I have had people smile at me, which 11 my day. Ive often wondered if it was because I was smiling, which I 12 to do all the time, or because they were smiling to be 13 , which encouraged me to smile as well. It has probably been some of both. In 14 case, that simple gesture (a smile) makes a difference in my day.There are 15 ways to make a significant difference in anothers life. The question is: Are we doing it? It does not 16 anything, but it does require some effort on our part. I have found that as I do this consistently, the 17 go far beyond the energy required to do the deed. Looking for ways to brighten another persons day raises our vibration(共鸣),and when we act on it, we 18 the other person to raise their vibration as well it is 19 to each other.Make a difference in someones life today, and 20 doing so every day. Today is a perfect time to start! If you are already doing so. bravo!语篇解读:本文讲述了作者亲历的两件事来呼吁人们做一下能够对别人生活产生积极影响的事,比如对他微笑。1.A. rebuildB. establishC. expandD. develop【答案】C2.A. directB. minorC. remarkableD. positive【答案】D【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.直接的;直系的;B.未成年的;次要的;较小的;C.卓越的,非凡的;D.积极的;乐观的。根据our world to include others in a meaningful way中的meaningful可知是对别人的生活产生积极的影响。故选D。3.A. thoroughlyB. smoothlyC. barelyD. actually【答案】C【解析】副词在语篇中的运用。A.彻底地,完全地;B.流畅地;C.仅仅;勉强;几乎不;贫乏地;D.实际上。根据前文的just可知靠兼职经济上仅仅过得去。故选C。4.A. observedB. witnessedC. inspectedD. acpanied【答案】A【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.观察;B.目击,证明,通常指看到某个犯罪场面或者事故刀锋发生;C.检查;视察,通常指上级领导的检查;D.陪伴。此处因理解为我观察到了站在同一队的一位女性。故选A。5.A. hanging outB. checking outC. setting outD. working out【答案】B【解析】动词短语在语篇中的运用。A.挂出;闲逛;B.检验;结账离开;C.出发,开始,陈述;D.解决;算出;弄懂。根据I discovered that I did not have enough money to pay可知当我准备结账的时候发现没有足够的钱可以支付。故选B。6.A. expectationB. hesitationC. assumptionD. intention【答案】B【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.预料;B.犹豫;C.假设,猜想;D.意图,打算。此处应该理解为我观察的那个女性毫不犹豫的帮我付了钱。故选B。7.A. deal withB. take inC. make upD. cut down【答案】C8.A. muchB. enoughC. littleD. awful【答案】A【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.多的;B.足够的;C.少的;D.令人讨厌的。由but what that person did made a lasting impression on me中的but可知其实那个差价并不多,但是她的举动足以令我改变我对她的第一印象。故选A。9.A. urgentB. absurdC. hopelessD. embarrassing【答案】D【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.紧急的,急迫的;B.荒谬的,可笑的;C.没有希望的;D.令人尴尬的。由I discovered that I did not have enough money to pay可知我因为没有足够的钱而陷入了一种尴尬的场面。故选D。10.A. roughlyB. clearlyC. correctlyD. dimly【答案】B【解析】副词在语篇中的运用。A.粗糙地;概略得B.清晰得;C.正确地;D.朦胧得,微暗。根据That happened over forty years ago and I remember it as _10_ as if it was yesterday可知四十年前的一件事仿若发生在昨天,可见我记忆犹新,记得很清楚。故选B。11.A. brightensB. ruinsC. beginsD. influences【答案】A12.A. undertookB. triedC. promisedD. failed【答案】B【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.承担;B.试图;C.承诺;D.失败。Ive often wondered if it was because I was smiling, which I _12_to do all the time这句话应该理解为我想知道是否是因为我一直尽力对他们保持微笑。故选B。13.A. dynamicB. appealingC. friendlyD. merciful【答案】C【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.动态的,有活力的;B.有吸引力的;C.有好的;D.慈善的。because they were smiling to be_13_, which encouraged me to smile as well从鼓励我也笑可知这句话应理解为是因为他们笑的很友善鼓励着我也笑。故选C。14.A. neitherB. eitherC. noD. another【答案】B【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.两者都不的;B.两者之一的;C.没有的;D.另外的。由that simple gesture (a smile) makes a difference in my day可知这是对上述两种方式的总结,所以用either,in either case=in any case,不管怎样,总言之。故选B。15.A. limitedB. vitalC. necessaryD. countless【答案】D【解析】形容词在语篇中的运用。A.有限的;B.重要的;C.必须的;D.无数的。从上面两个例子可以看出这两种方式都是影响到别人的生活的,所以除去这两种外应该还有无数中方法。故选D。16.A. deserveB. chargeC. determineD. cost【答案】D17.A. effortsB. achievementsC. returnsD. consequences【答案】C【解析】名词在语篇中的运用。A.努力;B.成就;C.返回,归还,回报;D.结果。根据上下文这句话the _17_ go far beyond the energy required to do the deed因理解为回报远超做这种事所需要的力量。故选C。18.A. assistB. remindC. permitD. persuade【答案】A【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.帮助,援助;B.提醒,使想起;C.许可,允许;D.说服。根据Looking for ways to brighten another persons day raises our vibration(共鸣 we _18_ the other person to raise their vibration as well可知使别人快乐可以引起我们的共鸣,那么我们如果也这样做,就可以帮助他人引起共鸣。故选A。19.A. similarB. beneficialC. fundamentalD. appropriate【答案】B20.A. admitB. preferC. remendD. consider【答案】D【解析】动词在语篇中的运用。A.承认;B. 更喜欢,宁愿;C.推荐;D.考虑,认为。从后文Today is a perfect time to start! If you are already doing so. Bravo!的呼吁可知此处也是呼吁,让你考虑一下每天做这样的事。故选D。

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