2019年高考英语大一轮复习 语法专讲 第十二讲 倒装句和强调句课时检测.doc

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2019年高考英语大一轮复习 语法专讲 第十二讲 倒装句和强调句课时检测.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语大一轮复习 语法专讲 第十二讲 倒装句和强调句课时检测一、根据括号中的提示完成句子1Not until _ (I; shout) at the top of my voice _ (he; turn) his head.2I won the prize at last.Never in my life _ (I; feel) so happy.3Hardly _ (the thief; see) the policeman _ he ran away.4Hurry up! There _ (the bell; go)My goodness! Has Mrs.Li e yet?Look! Here _ (she; e)5Not only _ (he; like)singing, but _ (he; have) a good voice.6David has passed the final exam smoothly.So _ (he; have), and _ (I; have)7So _ (he; be frightened) in the darkness that he did not dare to move an inch.8Up _ (the balloon; go) into the air.9At the foot of the mountain _ (a village; lie)10Ive tried very hard to improve my English.But by no means _ (the teacher; be satisfied) with my progress.11Mary never does any reading in the evening, _ (约翰也不在晚上阅)12Should _ (如果明天下雨), we would have to put off the sports meet.13Quiet student _ (尽管他可能是一名安静的学生), he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.14Mike hadnt passed the exam and was afraid of being scolded._ (我也一样)15_ (我们一听到铃声) than we rushed into the classroom.二、用适当的连接词或疑问词填空1It was along the Mississippi River _ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.2It is the ability to do the job _ matters, not where you e from or what you are.3What was the party like?Wonderful.It is years _ I enjoyed myself so much.4It was October _ they finally came back to their hometown.5It was in the lab that was taken charge of by Professor Li _ they did the experiment.6It will be more than 100 years _ the country begins once again to look as it did before.7. _ is it that has made Peter what he is today?8Ive already forgotten _ it was that you put the dictionary.9I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesnt matter _ it is I am talking to.10It was _ he did _ frightened me.11It was only with the help of the local guide _ the mountain climber was rescued.12It is these poisonous products _ can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.13It wasnt until nearly a month later _ I received the managers reply.14It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters.15I just wonder _ it is that makes him so excited.三、基础写作写作内容 请按照要求写一篇日记,内容包括:1玛丽一上公共汽车就找钱买车票;2玛丽翻遍口袋没能找到钱,她意识到自己没带钱;3我帮她买了车票,她感激地向我点点头;4下午,我的桌面上有一封短信和三块钱,信上说:如果不是你的帮助,我会迟到的。写作要求1只能用5个句子表达全部内容;2日记的格式已经给出;3尽可能多地使用倒装句。January 12Monday Fine_第十二讲倒装句和强调句一、1.I shouted; did he turn2.have I felt3had the thief seen; when4goes the bell; she es5does he like; he has6.he has; so have I7frightened was he8.went the balloon9lies a village10.is the teacher satisfied11nor does John12.it rain tomorrow13as he may be14.So it was with me15No sooner had we heard the ring二、1.that2.that3.since4.when5.that6before7.What8.where9.who10what; that11.that12.that 13.that14that15.what三、范文诵读:January_12Monday FineHardly had Mary, one of my classmates, got on the bus when she searched all her pockets in order to pay the fare.Try as she might, she couldnt find any money.Not until then did she realize that she had forgotten to take some money with her, so I paid for her.So grateful was she that she nodded to me.In the afternoon, when I came back to school, placed on my desk was a letter with three yuan in it, which read: had it not been for your help, I would have been late for school.


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