2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 9 Story time教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 9 Story time教案 外研版Unit1 Once upon a timeTeaching aims:1. To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation.2. To grasp the theme of the story.3. To tell the story briefly.The teaching points:1. Important words and expressions:count, enter, hurry, knock, pick, push, notice, be lost, flower, hungry 2. Key structures:past simple regular verbs Teaching procedures:Preparation:Introduce the past simple tense as follows:Write up “listen to the music every day” on the blackboard, then ask some students to tell what tense it is (present simple) and when we use it.Tell them if we want to talk about something we did in the past, we should use a different form of the verb. Write up the sentences “I listened to the music yesterday.”Underlined the “-ed” ending and explain that we use this form all persons.(I/ you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ you/ they)Explain that we use the past tense of the verb “do” to make past simple questions, but that “do” is an irregular verb.Vocabulary and listening:Step 1. Listen and check the true sentences Let the students read out the three questions and talk about them with the students. Ask the students just to listen for the first playing of the recording. Play it again for them to check the correct sentences. They can then check with a partner. Collect the answers from the class. Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. Step 2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions Ask the students to look at the pictures and answer the questions using the words in thebox individually, then check with a partner. Collect the answers in plete sentences from the class. Answers: 1. Goldilocks was a little girl with golden hair.2. She was in the forest.Step 3. Listen and number the pictures in the correct order Let the students read the passage by themselves. Play the tape through once while they just listen and look at the pictures. Then let them order the pictures according to the pictures. Play it again for then to number the pictures. Play the tape once more for them to check. Answers: 1. e. Goldilocks picked some flowers.2. h. Soon she was lost.3. g. She noticed a little house.4. c. She hurried to the house.5. d. She knocked on the door.6. f. She pushed the door.7. b. She entered they house.8. a. She counted three bowls. Step 4. Match these words with the picturesLet the students read the words several times.Ask them to match them with the pictures individually, then check with a partner.Collect the answers as plete sentences from the class.Answers:counta enterb hurryc knockd picke pushf noticeg be losthStep 5. Answer the questions. Use these words Ask the students to answer the questions, then check with a partner. Collect the answers from the class. Answers: 1. She picked flowers.2. She looked into a small room.3. It was in the bowls/ on the table.4. Because she was very hungry.5. She liked the little bowl.Pronunciation: Step 6. Listen and repeat Play the recording while the students follow in their books. Ask the students to listen again, then repeat chorally and individually. Step 7. Do some exercises 一、根据汉语完成句子。1. There was a story about a boy. He _ (决定) to travel around the world alone.2. There were many _ (森林) on the earth, but now some of them disappeared.3. My mother has a _ (金黄色的) bag.4. She _ (敲) at the front door, but no one was there.5. The little girl is good at _ (数) the numbers.6. He _ (匆忙) to have breakfast and went to school.7. _ (没人) knows his telephone number. We have to wait her.8. There are a few _ (碗) on the table.9. Before you _ (进入) the house, you must press the doorbell.10. Every morning he _ (推) the heavy box out of his house to make it dry. 二、句型转换1. She came form America. (就划线部分提问)_ _ she _ from?2. Tony went to school by bike this morning. (就划线部分提问)_ _ Tony _ to school this morning?3. She studied English because she thought it was important. (就划线部分提问)_ _ she _ English?4. Maybe she is a doctor. (同义句)She _ _ a doctor.5. She cant sing the English song. (用two months ago改写句子)She _ _ the English song three years ago. 参考答案:一、 1. decided 2. forests 3. golden 4. knocked 5. counting6. hurried 7. Nobody 8. bowls 9. enter 10. pushes 二、1. Where did, e 2. How did, go 3. Why did, study4. may be 5. couldnt sing Homework: Writing: Say what you did last night. Do more exercises. Unit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the house.Teaching aims: 1. To get information from the reading material about ones past life.2. To match photos with paragraphs, words with meanings and questions with answers.3. To join sentences with “and, but, because, so, too” and “with”.Teaching points:Key vocabulary: asleep, cry, destroy, eye, jump, point, return, unhappyKey structures: past simple regular verbsTeaching procedures:Reading and vocabulary: Step 1. Revision Give the students some verbs, and let them add ed or d. count- enter- hurry- notice- pick- push- counted entered hurried noticed picked pushedStep 2. Work in pairs. Say what happened next in Goldilocks and the three bearsAsk the students to read the four possible next events given. Pair the students to decide what they think happened.Let the students say their opinions in class. Step 3. Read the story and number the pictures in the correct orderAsk the students to look at the five pictures and tell them what happened.Let the students to order the five pictures individually, then check with a partner.Get the answers from the students.Answers: 1. d Goldilocks destroyed the smallest chair.2. a The three Bears returned.3. e Baby Bear cried.4. b. Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.5. c Goldilocks hurried out of the house without her basket.Step 4. Match the sentences with the pictures Let the students do this by themselves, then check with a partner. Answers: Sentence 1- picture c Sentence 2- Picture b Sentence3- Picture d Sentence 4- Picture a Sentence 5 Picture eStep 5. Check the true sentences Let the students read the passage again and decide which sentences are true, then check with a partner. Ask some students to read the sentences and then say if they are true or false. Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Writing: Step 6. Look at these sentences Let the students read the four sentences, pay attention to the first word in each. Explain that these words help to order any story you are telling.Step 7. Number these sentences in the correct orderAsk the students to order them individually, then check with a partner. Let the students rewrite them. Use first, next, then and finally. Answers: 1. First she looked around her.Next she noticed a little house.Then she knocked on the door.Finally she entered the house.2. First she looked into a small room.Next she picked up the biggest bowl.Then she picked up the big bowl.Finally she picked up the smallest bowl. Step 8. Write the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Use the sentences you write in Activity 6 and other details. Ask the students to write the story. Using their own words. After finishing, exchange with a partner.Step 9. Do some exercises一、根据句意及首字母完成单词。1. She lost her bike. So she was very u_.2. Goldilocks was tired and very soon she was a_.3. We cant live w_ air.4. Dont c_, your mother will be back soon.5. I can lend my dictionary to you. But you must r_ it tomorrow.6. Goldilocks r_ out of the house and ran home.7. He p_ to the high mountains far away and said he wanted to climb it one day.8. The girl looked a_, but she saw nobody.二、单句改错。1. I didnt like the bad weather.2. Where was he live last year?3. He entered the meeting room without something.4. The president decided stopped his plan.5. She was born in the morning of May 24th, xx.6. There were much food on the table.7. Bill was good at tell stories.8. Our manager returned Shanghai at once.9. I finished to read the book at first.10. Adam with his wife are traveling in the country. 参考答案:一、1. unhappy 2. asleep 3. without 4. cry 5. return 6. rushed 7. pointed 8. around二、1. liked like 2. did was 3. something anything 4. stopped to stopped 5. in on 6. were was 7. tell telling 8. returned returned to 9. to read reading 10. are isHomework:1. Read the passage again.2. Write the short passage-My Last Sunday Step 2. plete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box Ask the students to do the exercises and then check with a partner. Collect the answers from the class. Answers: 1. pointed 2. entered 3. jumped 4. hurried5. didnt answer 6. didnt like 7. didnt notice 8. didnt returnAround the world:Ask the students to look at the picture and tell us what they can see.Let some students tell the story Snow White.Module task: Telling a storyStep 3. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make sentences using the words given. Ask the students to look at the pictures in pairs and decide what parts of the story they show.Ask the students to use the words to write sentences about the pictures.Step 4. Put the sentences together to make a story. Remember to use words like and, so, but, because, first, next, and then and finally.Ask the students to write with a partner, making sure they check their passage carefully for errors. Step 5. Do some exercises 一、根据句意和首字母填入合适的单词。 1. The boy w_ into the classroom and sat down.2. We didnt r_ to our hometown. We still lived in the city.3. She was very t_, she wanted to have a rest.4. The e_ in Qing Dynasty lived in the Forbidden City in Beijing.5. The great man d_ many years ago, but we still remember him.6. The boy pushed the door and e_ the bank.7. He is the n_ boy in our class.8. He looked a_ the mountain and saw nobody there.9. The poor man wished to c_ paper into money.10. No one can go into the cinema w_ the ticket.二、连词成句。1. my, cleaned, on, morning, Saturday, I, room_2. play, you, did, tennis, Sunday, on, morning_ 3. did, mother, your, what, do, afternoon, yesterday _4. brother, didnt, his, my, do, homework, night, last_5. did, children, go, the, where, morning, yesterday_Answers:一、1. walked 2. return 3. tired 4. emperors 5. died6. entered 7. naughtiest 8. around 9. change 10. without二、1. I cleaned my room on Saturday morning.2. Did you play tennis on Sunday morning?3. What did your mother do yesterday afternoon?4. My brother didnt do his homework last night.5. Where did the children go yesterday morning?Homework:Finish all the exercises.Prepare for a test.


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