2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We’re having a great time教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 We’re having a great time教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1 Were having a great time教案 外研版一 课型:listening and speaking二 教材分析本节课是节听说课,本单元是整个模块教学的第一单元。从话题上讲, 第一单元通过长途电话谈论人们在某一时刻正在进行的活动。从语言功能上讲,本模块训练的是现在进行时态的肯否定形式及疑问句形式。本单元主要是初步教授这一语法现象,本单元着重训练肯定句。三 教学对象分析1. 本单元是学生在初中阶段第一次学习现在进行时,所以要掌握这一语法现象有一定的难度,要加强训练。2. 学生对世界不同地方人们的活动一定很有兴趣。要充分利用这一点创造机会使学生掌握本课所学的知识。四 教学目标1 知识和技能目标1)词汇:围绕本单元话题学会准确地读出并拼写buy, call, drive, enjoy, lie, shop, take, tell, wait for, postcard, the Great Wall, really, a lot, anyway 等词。 并掌握正确使用这些词语的方法,会运用这些动词与其他名词搭配,构成短语。2)语音:能够准确辨别并发出三个鼻辅音,尤其是n 两个音。 例:stand in standing 的区别。3)语法:能够准确写出动词的现在分词的构成形式,能够掌握现在进行是这一语法功能项目的肯定形式,并能使用起进行交流。4)技能:通过听磁带能够初步了解对话所讲述内容。并能通过反复听快速获取所需要的有效信息。通过所给范例能够总结出动词的现在分词形式变化规律。会描述自己及他人正在做事情。2 情感目标: 通过对其他国家或地方人们生活的了解, 培养对异国文化生活习俗的兴趣, 提高对本国文化的认识。3 教学重点和难点通过小组合作的方式快速归纳动词形式的变化规则。 掌握现在进行时的构成并回运用现在进行时描述自己或他人正在做的事情。五 教学过程Step I. Lead in活动1 New wordsT:Q: What do you like to do if you are on the Great Wall ? (提示词:buy, call, drink, drive, eat, enjoy, have, lie, shop, stand, take, talk, tell, wait for, walk, write)【设计意图】导入新课,通过回答问题唤醒学生头脑中已储备的知识,并学习本课生词。在教师的帮助下,使学生能够学会正确的词汇发音,并小组合作查出词汇的意思及用法。培养合作意识及自学能力。Step 2 Presentation活动1:Guessing game.T: Have students look at the pictures and guess what they are doing. And at the same time explain the present continuous tense to stuents. S: Look at the pictues carefully and discuss with your parteners.【设计意图】让学生进一步巩固所学的单词,并初步学习用现在进行时描述他人正在进行的事情。并使学生在做听力练习之前通过对图片内容的猜测对所要听材料之相关内容有所了解。活动2: ListeningT: Q: How many people are mentioned? S: Listen to the tape and answer the question. 【设计意图】通过听磁带快速捕捉文章主要信息,并经一不熟悉现在进行时这一语法现象。 活动3:Details listening. T: Listen again and match the words in Activity2 with the words in Activity1 【设计意图】培养学生通过再次听磁带快速准确地捕捉听力材料中所需的信息的能力。并借此使学生进一步熟悉本单元话题。 活动4:ExercisesT: Check up the answer with the students and ask them to sum up the phrases from Activity 2.S: Check up the answer and sum up the phrases and use the phrases to describe the five pictures in their own words.【设计意图】锻炼学生总结概括能力并通过描述图片进一步强化训练本单元所学单词及现在进行时。Step 3 Consolidation活动1:Listening and reading.T: Have students listen to Activity 3 and finish the exercises in Activity 4.and then explain the main point in the dialogue. present the pronunciation and the usage of them.S: Listen to the tape carefully,and then read the dialogue and then finish the exercises in Activity 4.活动2 Find and sum up the rulesT:Q: Can you find some ing forms in the sentences of Activity4 and sum up how they are formed? S: Read the sentences and discuss with their classmates and sum up the rules.【活动3 Listen and read T: Play the tape for students and have them find the correct pronounciation. S: Listen to the tape and pronounce the ing form correctly. 活动4 Exercises T:Q: Listen and tell the difference between group A and group B. stand in standing Step 4 Game活动1T: Explain the rule of the guessing game and then set an example for the students. S: Ask and answer by themselves. 游戏规则: 教师事先将课文中出现的动词短语制成题签,让一个学生到教室前面从教师手中抽签,然后表演此动作,全班同学用现在进行时的一般疑问句形式进行提问,教室前面的同学用相应的答语给出判断。Step 5 Homework Make up a dialogue using the Present Continuous Tense.


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