2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my backpack Section A讲学稿 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my backpack Section A讲学稿 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Wheres my backpack Section A讲学稿 人教新目标版学习目标、重点难点:1. 学习并掌握日常生活中一些物品的名称及其单复数形式。2. 学会询问和谈论物品的位置。3. 掌握特殊疑问句Where is / are ?及其答语:Its / Theyre4. 掌握并运用in、on、under等介词。【温故知新】完成句子。1. 打扰一下 ,这些是你的苹果吗?是的。_2. 那是贝蒂的爷爷奶奶吗?_3. 这是她的爸爸妈妈。_4. 那些人是我弟弟的朋友。_5. 谢谢你送给我这份礼物。_6. 这儿是我的学生们。_7. 她是你的舅母吗?是的。_8. 这儿是你的信。_【课前预习导学】一、 词汇预习1. 读一读(P19-P21):在课文中圈出下列新词汇与短语:where、dresser、bookcase、sofa、drawer、plant、know,标上中文意思,根据音标读一读,不会读的请记录:_2. 掌握词汇(请在课本P19-P21中划出来并注上中文)在哪里_ 桌子_ 床_梳妆台_ 书橱;书柜_ 沙发_椅子_ 抽屉_ 植物_在.下_ 知道;了解_ 书包;提包_3. 细读课文P19-P21,找出下列词组(请在短文当中划出短语做好笔记)在桌子下面_ 在沙发上_在双肩背包里_ 在右边_在床下_ 在椅子上_在梳妆台上_ 找区别_在床上_ in bed(请查字典)_二、 细读P19-P21,找出并完成下列句子的翻译。 我的棒球在哪儿?_ _ _? 它在双肩背包里。_ _ _ _. 你的书在哪儿?_ _ _ books? 它们在椅子上。_ _ _ _. 棒球在沙发上吗?_ _ _ _ _ _? 不,它在椅子下面。No, _ _. _ _ _ _. 我不知道。_ _ _. 它们在床上吗?_ _ _ _ _? 不,它们不在。_,_ _. 它在梳妆台上吗?_ _ _ _ _?【知识重点】1. Where is the pen? Where are the pens? 同学们,请观察一下以上两个句子,有发现什么不同吗?_ 大家一起来归纳:where is + 名词_数/_ where are + 名词_数大家动脑译一译: 我的爸爸妈妈在哪儿?_ 他的棒球在哪儿?_ 她们的番茄在哪儿?_ 比尔的牛奶在哪儿?_2. Where is the pen? _ _ on the floor. Where are the pens? _ _ in the pencil case. 想一想,该怎么回答“where”提出来的问题呢? 当提问是名词_数/_,回答就用_ _+表位置的_短语 当提问是名词_数, 回答就用_ _+表位置的_短语 大家动笔练一练:A:Where _ my coke? B:_ _ on the table.A:Where _ his keys? B:_ _ in the drawer.A: Where _ their ball? B: _ _ under the bed.3. 表示方位的几个介词:in _; on _; behind _;under _; near_; beside _;in front of _; next to _; between _ 我可以看见桌子前面有一些鲜花。I can see some flowers_. 球在电脑后面。The ball _. 电子游戏在电视机旁边。_. 我坐在Lucy和Lily之间。I sit _ Lucy _ Lily. 床头柜挨着床。_. 我家在学校附近。_.4. 句型转换: My backpack is on the bed.(对划线部分提问)_ The keys are under the table.(变为否定句)_ The baseball is under the bed.(变为一般疑问句)_ My shoes _ under _ bed.(完成句子) Toms book is on the desk.(变为复数句)_【课堂学习研讨、活动】1. 检查预习情况:讨论、解决预习中存在的问题。2. 谈论房间的摆设,找出两幅图中东西摆设的不同。(P21 活动4)3. 听力补充练习(P19,1b;P20,2a) 1b _ are my _? _ _ the sofa. How about my _ and my _? _ _ your _. OK. And _ my _? Your _? _ _ your bed. Great. Now _ _ my _? Oh,_ _ the _.2a Hey, Sally. Yes? Is my puter game _ _ _? No, it isnt. Its _ _ _. Oh, OK. How about my books? Are they _ _ _, too? No, _ _. Theyre _ _ _. Oh. So, _ my pencil case? Its _ _ _. And wheres my backpack? Its _ _ _. And your baseball is _ _ _. Oh, OK. And _ _ Moms keys? The keys? Theyre _ _ _.【课后巩固练习】一、 单项选择( ) 1. _ is my backpack? Its on the bed. A. What B. Where C. How D. Who( )2. Is your photo in the dresser? _. I cant find it there. A. No, it isnt B. Yes, it is C. I dont know D. No , they arent( )3. Where _ his cat and bird? A. are B. is C. be D. have( )4. Where are my puter games? _ on the bed. A. It is B. They are C. This is D. These are( )5. Every day I go to school with my _. A. table B. sofa C.TV D. backpack( )6. Look at the picture _ your right. A. in B. on C. at D. next( )7. Wheres my pen? Its _ the desk, _ the floor. A. on; under B. on; on C. under; on D. on; under( )8. There are some windows _ the wall. A. on B. in C. under D. of( )9. _ that? Its my friend, Jenny. A. Whats B. Whos C. Wheres D. Hows( )10.There are _ on the desk. A. a book B. some book C. any books D. some books( )11. “_ the baseball on the sofa?” “No, it _.” A. Is; is B. Are; are C. Is; isnt D. Are; arent( )12.They are our _. A. photos B. photoes C. photo D. a photo( )13.The boy _ the red bike is my friend. A. on B. in C. of D. at( )14.Thanks _ your help. A. at B. for C. in D. of( )15.A kite is on _ wall. Is it _ Jacks kite? A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. the; /( )16. Where are her _? _ are on the table. A. key; It B. keys; They C. keys; It D. key; they( )17.Here _ a photo of my family. A. is B. am C. are D. be( )18. _ on the wall? No, it isnt. A. Whats B. Her picture is C. Is his picture D. Is picture( )19. Wheres Nanjing? Its _ China. A. in B. in the C. on D. at the( )20.Lets go _ there! 温馨提示:在here,there,home前不能用to A. to B. on C. / D. in二、根据首字母补全单词 1. There are p_ on the wall. 2. My puter game is in my d_. 3. Mom, can you bring my m_ book to school? 4. Where is my backpack? I dont k_. 5. The baseball is on the floor, u_ my bed. 6. W_ are my CDs? They are on the table. 7. The video tape is n_ to the puter. 8. There are some books in my b_. 9. My a_ c_ wakes me up every morning. 10. Please take these t_ to your brother.三、写一篇小短文介绍你的房间,要表达各样东西的位置,不少于60词。

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