2019年高中英语 Module 4 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修3.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 4 Period Three Integrating Skills课时作业 外研版必修3.语境填词1The plants take in moisture from the _ (大气)2The convocation about _ (环境) will be held next Monday.3Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe _ (污染)4The number of fish in _ (沿海的) waters has decreased.5Please dont be _ (担心的) about me.6He was punished for giving false _ (证据)7Theyve made an _ (紧急的) request for international aid.8Ive really got nothing to _ (抱怨) of.完成句子1His words _ (对他的孩子有不好的影响)2When you go shopping,be careful _ (不要被骗了)3She thinks only of herself;she doesnt _ (关心别人)4The reporter is _ (采访李娜)5I _ (不知道) when she will e back.6Jim _ (被描述成一个诚实的人).同义词辨析1用advise或suggest的适当形式填空(1)I _ him not to enter the cave.(2)I _ his not entering the cave.(3)I _ that he (should) not enter the cave.2用interview或cover的适当形式填空(1)The newspaper reporter _ many citizens about the accident.(2)Zhao Benshan was _ by many journalists.(3)Who will be sent to _ the event?.单项填空1_,Im ing tonight only to inform you of the date of the meeting.AAs a result BIn generalCIn a nutshell DBy the way2What do you think of our hotel?Wonderful.I couldnt have found_one.Aa good Ba betterCthe best Da worse3The enemy had no choice but_their arms and_.Alie down;give inBlay down;gave inCto lay down;give inDto lie down;to give in4He didnt_what I read because his mind was on something else.Ahold on Bcatch onCtake in Dget over5The_report was pleted in less than one daysix hours,to be more exact.Alatest BurgentCscary Dunfortunate6_,education is about learning and the more you learn,the more equipped for life you are.AAs far as I concernedBAs far as I am concernedCSo far as I am concerningDSo far as I was concerned7Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away?Thank you._.AIt couldnt be betterBOf course you canCIf you likeDIts up to you8The _ rocks that erupted from the volcano were seen clearly at night.Amelt BmoltenCmelted Dmelting9Though working outside,he is always_about his aged mother at home.Asatisfied BconcernedCpleased Dexcited10On the_of their recent matches,its unlikely that the Spanish team will win the cup in the ing match.Aevidence BevidencesCreport Dbase.完形填空The day of gift giving was ing.Every day the excited students _1_about the presents.But a girl called Mary always remained_2_,watching others discussion from far away.What happened to her?I hoped she would get_3_when thinking about gifts._4_she didnt.The students had presents for each other.The popular gift was the fried marble(玻璃弹子) made at home.So they peted to make the_5_one.I knew they had made something for me,too.And in return,I_6_each of them a little bag to carry the fried marble as my_7_for them.Finally the great day_8_.I gave my students the bags.And the students_9_their presents.Through it all,Mary sat there quietly,just_10_them.The bag I had created for her was a_11_one.I wanted very much to see her_12_.Mary opened the present_13_and carefully.I waited,but she_14_around.She had built a_15_around herself.Nobody could get near.After school the students_16_.They got out of the classroom saying goodbye to me.Then Mary came to me with a small white_17_.“Is it for me?” I asked quietly.She_18_her head.I took the box and opened it.There inside,a fried marble_19_from a golden chain(链)Suddenly I knew itshe had made it for her mother.Before a student left,he told me that Marys mother had died a week before.“Its the most beautiful marble.She would have loved it if she had seen it,” I said,deeply moved.Neither of us could stop_20_.The girl had given me the greatest gift:trust and love.1A.caredBheardCtalkedDthought2A.pleasedBsurprisedCnoisyDquiet3A.sadBexcitedCnervousDdisappointed4A.AndBOrCSoDBut5A.hardestBprettiestChottestDbiggest6A.madeBboughtCgaveDsent7A.returnBgiftsCpaymentDprize8A.cameBflewCwentDpassed9A.changedBforgotCexchangedDfound10A.laughingBsleepingCcryingDwatching11AmonBbigCspecialDbad12A.smileBmotherCappearanceDtruth13A.suddenlyBslowlyCquicklyDhappily14A.turnedBwalkedCranDlooked15A.boardBhouseCwallDroom16A.leftBstayedCarguedDshouted17A.bagBboxCballDmarble18A.loweredBshookCheldDnodded19A.droppedBfallenClaidDhung20A.studentsBdaysCtearsDthoughtscant help but do.不由得,不得不1She cant help but cry when seeing her mother.当见到她母亲的时候,她不由得哭了。2I cant help but work with such a man.我不得不和这样的人一起工作。Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.1.atmosphere2.environment3.pollution4.coastal5concerned6.evidence7.urgent8plain.1.had a bad effect on his children2.not to be taken in3care about other people4.doing an interview with Li Na/interviewing Li Na5.have no idea6.was described as an honest man.1.(1)advised(2)suggested(3)advised/suggested(1)advise后可接动词不定式的复合结构,而suggest无此用法。(2)advise和suggest后跟宾语从句时,两者用法基本相同。2(1)interviewed(2)interviewed(3)cover(1)interview采访某人。(2)cover采访某事。.1.C句意为:简而言之,我今天晚上来就是为了通知你会议的日期。as a result因此;in general一般来说;in a nutshell简而言之;by the way顺便说一下。2B否定词与比较级连用,暗示此比较级的最高级概念,意为“再也没有比更的了”。后半句句意为:我不可能找到比这个旅馆更好的旅馆了。3C句意为:敌人别无选择,只能放下武器投降。have no choice but to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“除了做某事外别无选择”;give in投降,放弃。4C句意为:他没有理解我所读的东西,因为他在想别的事情。take in理解,符合题意。hold on别挂断(电话);catch on明白,为不及物动词词组;get over克服。5B句意为:这篇紧急报告在不到一天的时间里就完成了,更确切地说,只花了6个小时。urgent紧急的,符合题意。latest最新的;scary恐怖的;unfortunate不幸的。6Bas/so far as.be concerned就来说;就而言。由句子后面的时态可知选B项。7AIt couldnt be better.再好不过了。8Bmolten用于名词前作定语,意为“熔化的”。9B句意为:他虽然在外工作,心里却一直挂念着家中的老母亲。be concerned about对关心/挂念,符合题意。be satisfied about对满意;be pleased about对感到高兴/满意;be excited about对感到兴奋。10A句意为:从西班牙队最近的比赛情况来看,他们难以在即将到来的比赛中夺冠。evidence证据,物证,是不可数名词,故选A项。report报道;base基础,根据。.1.C根据下文“watching others discussion from far away”可知学生们在讨论有关礼物的事情。2D根据第三段第四句“Through it all,Mary sat there quietly”可知Mary一直不说话。3B根据上文可知孩子们一谈到礼物的事情都很兴奋,Mary却不是,所以“我”希望通过送礼物和收礼物能让Mary也开心、兴奋起来。4D实际情况和“我”的希望截然相反,上下文是转折关系,故选D项。5B根据第五段“Its the most beautiful marble.”可推知孩子们是比赛看谁做的油炸玻璃弹子最漂亮。6A根据第三段第五句中的“The bag I had created for her”可知这些小袋子是“我”自己做的。7B根据本段首句“The students had presents for each other.”和最后两句“I knew they had made something for me,too.And in return,.”可知小袋子是“我”给学生的礼物。8A根据文章首句“The day of gift giving was ing.”可知这一天最后终于来到了。9C根据第二段首句“The students had presents for each other.”可知大家互相交换礼物。10D根据首段第三句中的“watching others discussion from far away”可知Mary只是静静地看着其他人。11C根据文章情节,“我”很关注Mary,希望她能快乐起来,所以可以推知“我”肯定是给她做了一个特别的小袋子。12A根据文章情节可推知,“我”希望Mary开心,即想看到她的微笑。13B根据文章情节可知Mary的性格有点孤僻,所以可以推知Mary收到礼物时只是慢慢地打开看。14A从Mary的性格可推知她不想让别人看到她的情感流露,所以当“我”等待她对“我”送她的礼物的反应的时候,她转过身去了。15CMary不跟别人交流也不开心地笑,收到礼物时也不让别人看到她是否会流露出喜悦的神色,她把自己跟别人隔绝开来,在心里竖了一道墙。16A根据下句“They got out of the classroom saying goodbye to me.”可知放学后学生们都离开了。17B根据下文“I took the box and opened it.”可知Mary拿了一个盒子。18D根据上文“Is it for me? I asked quietly.”和下文“I took the box and opened it.”可知Mary点了点头对“我”的提问进行回答。19D根据文章情节可推知油炸玻璃弹子挂在链子上。20C根据语境可知“我”的理解令Mary感到安慰,而“我”也深受感动,因此可推知两个人都热泪盈眶。

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