2019年高中英语 语篇提能18 新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 语篇提能18 新人教版必修2阅读理解AIn recent years, the black bear population in the US has risen. Forests once cleared for farming have started to grow back and black bears have returned to them. But the bears are finding that their forest habitat has changed. Instead of thick forests covering thousands of acres, bears now have neighbors nearby. Roads, homes, schools, and shopping centers have been built at the edge of their forest home. And with humans and bears trying to share the same space, problems arise.Black bears usually prefer to avoid people, but their nose may lead them into trouble. Their normal diet includes nuts, insects, and plants. But given the opportunity, they will gladly help themselves to whatever they can find.With the great sense of smell, the bears can sniff_out a tasty treat 2 or 3 miles away. Food left out in a park or backyard is an invitation to dinner. And while raiding (劫掠) a cooler, bird feeder (喂鸟器), trash can, car, or even a home, they can do a lot of damage. When that happens, people get angry. If another solution doesnt immediately appear, they often want the bears killed.Bear Aware, Bear Wise, and Bear Smart are trying to keep that from happening. They want people to respect bears, not fear them, and are suggesting ways to reduce the chances of bears stopping by for a snack. Theyre convincing (使相信) people that by following some simple steps, its possible to live peacefully with our wild neighbors.1More black bears have appeared in the US because _.A. farmers have grown more foodB. forests have increased in the USC. people stopped killing black bearsD. roads were built nearer to the forests答案与解析B细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句可知森林的增长是黑熊复现的原因。2We learn from the text that black bears _.A. hate insects in forests B. eat different foodsC. usually live in big groups D. like to share space with humans答案与解析B推理判断题。由文章第二段可知黑熊几乎什么都吃。3The underlined words “sniff out” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”A. to express a low opinion B. to find something by chanceC. to refuse something in a proud way D. to discover something by its smell答案与解析D词义猜测题。由画线词所在句前一句可知黑熊的嗅觉极好,故画线词意义为他们能通过嗅觉发现食物,D项正确。BFour adult elephants from Indonesias Elephant Flying Park gathered on Saturday in Riau Province. They carried banners (横幅) calling for the immediate protection of the remaining forests of Sumatra (苏门答腊)Riau has a fast deforestation (毁林;滥伐森林) rate in the world, threatening some of the endangered species on earth, including Sumatran elephants and tigers. The event was held in a lowland forest area in Riau, Central Sumatra. Sumatra, the worlds sixth largest island, is the only place on earth where tigers, elephants and chimpanzees coexist.The event took place as part of climatechange activities around the world. The four elephants joined more than 4,300 munities in over 170 countries to urge world leaders to take immediate steps to deal with climate change and protect wild animals.The four adult elephants are former wild elephants ing from the forested areas of Riau, and they were captured (俘获;捕获) by the Indonesian government as “conflict elephants”. The WWF and Tesso Nilo Park now use them to keep wild elephants in the forested area, so that they wont be captured.4The event involving the four elephants was intended to _.A. attract tourists to the forestB. do a survey about animal protectionC. save the endangered species on the planetD. call for protection of the remaining forests of Sumatra答案与解析D根据文章第一段的第二句可知答案是D项。5The four adult elephants originally came from _.A. the forested areas of RiauB. the Indonesian governmentC. the Tesso Silo Park authorityD. Indonesias Elephant Flying Park答案与解析A根据文章第四段的第一句“The four adult elephants are former wild elephants ing from the forested areas of Riau .”可知答案为A项。6The WWF and Tesso Silo Park use the four elephants to _.A. help other animals enjoy better livesB. prevent more wild elephants from being capturedC. capture more elephants as “conflict elephants”D. drive the parks elephants back to the forested areas答案与解析B由文章第四段的最后一句可知正确答案为B项。7According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The Indonesian government is to blame for the wild elephants dying out.B. Sumatra is the only place where tigers, elephants and chimpanzees coexist.C. The four elephants have been kept by humans since they were born.D. The event was part of deforestation activities around the world.答案与解析B文章第二段最后一句“Sumatra, the worlds sixth largest island, is the only place on earth where tigers, elephants and chimpanzees coexist.”是此题的信息。

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