2019年高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs Section Ⅰ双基限时练 外研版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 2 No Drugs Section 双基限时练 外研版必修2.单词拼写1. Its possible for him to be affected by _ (癌症)答案cancer2. Many crimes are related to _ (毒品)答案drugs3. He has stopped smoking _ (香烟)答案cigarettes4. The bomb is going to explode in two minutes. We are all in _ (危险)答案danger5. It will take a short time to bee _ (上瘾的) to these drugs.答案addicted6. He _ (注射) a little humour into the conversation.答案injected7. I cant imagine you can sew these pieces of cloth together without a _ (针) and thread.答案needle8. With so little money, they have to _ (减少) the cost of living.答案reduce9. You should find help from a _ (附近的) hospital.答案nearby10. Well work hard to make our country more _ (强大)答案powerful.同义句转换1. This letter has something to do with the sale of the house.This letter _ _ _ the sale of the house.答案is related to2. She died ten years ago.She _ _ _ for ten years.答案has been dead3. The doctor has brought the patient into safety.The patient has been_ _ _.答案out of danger4. This is the house which belongs to my cousin.This is the house _ _ my cousin.答案belonging to5. He was forced to live outside his house in the past.He _ _ _ _ outside his house in the past.答案was reduced to living.短语填空break into, in danger, bee addicted to, in pain, relate to, take ones advice, belong to, share . with ., die of, reduce to1It is reported that two men _ a bank and stole a lot of money.答案broke into2Children should learn to _ toys _ each other.答案share; with3I will _ to listen to the tapes as often as possible in future.答案take your advice4He was _ because of his broken arm.答案in pain5Though his life was _, he didnt realize it at all.答案in danger6Spiders (蜘蛛) are not insects, as many people think, not even nearly _ them.答案related to7The new car is not mine. It _ my brother.答案belongs to8People will _ crack cocaine much more easily if they smoke it.答案bee addicted to9Without quick action the girl would _ shock and loss of blood.答案die of10Step must be taken to _ the workers working time _ 8 hours a day.答案reduce; to.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1The matter related _ your study surely requires (需要) dealing with carefully.答案与解析torelated to“和有关/有联系”。 related to your study在此作后置定语,表示“与你的学习有关的”。2Although she is only 16 years old, she has been addicted _ drugs for two years.答案与解析tobe addicted to“对上瘾”。3Unfortunately, when I got home I found that my house was broken _.答案与解析into句意:不幸的是,当我到家时,我发现有人闯进过我的房子。break into“闯入”,符合句意。4I used to rise very late during the summer vacation, but now I am used _ (get) up very early.答案与解析to getting句意:暑假里我经常晚起,但现在我习惯了每天早起。be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”。5He glanced over at her, _ (note) that though she was tiny, she seemed very well put together.答案与解析noting空白处填noting,在此为现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随。其逻辑主语是句子的主语he,与he之间存在主谓关系,且动作与glance同时发生。6Many students are _ (addict) to going online because they can gain much fun.答案与解析addictedbe addicted to“对上瘾;沉迷于”,符合句意。.单项填空1 The cars give off a great deal of waste gas in the streets. Yes. But Im sure something will be done to _ air pollution.A. reduce B. removeC. collect D. warn答案与解析Areduce“减少”;remove“移开”;collect“收集”;warn“警告”。根据句意可知答案为A项。2The stubborn (倔强) boy didnt _ so that he missed the chance.A. take the advice B. follow an adviceC. give some advice D. ask for an advice答案与解析A句意:这个固执的男孩没有接受建议,因此他错过了这个机会。advice为不可数名词,排除B、D两项; take the advice“接受建议”; give some advice“提出建议”。3The population in Beijing has _ doubled in the past ten years.A. larger than B. as great asC. more than D. as many as答案与解析Cmore than在句中是“超过”的意思,相当于副词over,修饰谓语动词,其余选项均不可作动词double的修饰语。4He held up his finger, _ a face and nodded his head.A. made B. makeC. making D. has made答案与解析Amade此时和held up及nodded作并列谓语。5Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents didnt _ her to do so.A. forbid B. allowC. follow D. ask答案与解析B由题中的Mary wanted及后面的but her parents didnt可知父母是不同意,而not forbid是“不禁止”,有同意的意思,所以排除A项。follow“跟随”,与句意不符。didnt ask虽有“不让”之意,但没体现“许可”的意思。6A house was _ between midnight and 5 am. A lot of valuable things were stolen.A. broken out B. broken intoC. broken off D. broken in答案与解析Bbreak into“破门而入;强行闯入”,符合句意。break out“爆发”; break off“折断”; break in为不及物动词,意为“闯入;打断(谈话等)”。.完形填空Most shops in Britain open at nine in the morning. Small shops usually _1_ business for an hour at lunch time. _2_ one or two days a week some large food shops _3_ open until eight oclock in the evening for night_4_. Many shops are _5_ in the afternoon one day a week. The _6_ is usually Wednesday or Thursday; it _7_ be a different day in different towns. _8_ all shops are closed on Sundays. Newspaper shops are _9_ in the morning, selling sweets and cigarettes _10_.Usually, foreign visitors dont have _11_ difficulty knowing where to buy _12_ they want. Most shops sell the things that you would _13_ them to. But, for stamps, you can _14_ buy them in post offices.Many large food shops are selfservice. When you _15_into one of these shops, you _16_ a basket and put into _17_ the things you want to buy. You _18_ up at the cashdesk and _19_ for everything just before you _20_.1. A. do B. stopC. serve D. start2. A. At B. FromC. For D. After3. A. stay B. makeC. leave D. continue4. A. show B. sceneC. pleasure D. shopping5. A. kept B. openC. closed D. busy6. A. day B. dateC. time D. period7. A. can B. mustC. should D. will8. A. Probably B. SurelyC. Nearly D. Mostly9. A. free B. shutC. open D. locked10. A. yet B. eitherC. instead D. as well11. A. few B. someC. many D. much12. A. that B. whatC. which D. when13. A. force B. thinkC. allow D. expect14. A. also B. onlyC. even D. still15. A. go B. breakC. look D. steal16. A. give B. sendC. take D. make17. A. it B. thatC. them D. those18. A. put B. standC. rise D. line19. A. pay B. askC. wait D. prepare20. A. hurry B. leaveC. decide D. choose答案与解析1B根据上文“英国大多数商店上午九点钟开始营业”,又根据下文“有些大的食品商店每周有一到两天开夜市,营业到晚上八点”可推出,有些小商店午饭时间通常停止营业一个小时。2Cfor表示时间,意思是“计有”。3AB、C、D三项都是行为动词,后面不可能跟形容词open。而stay既可作行为动词,意为“待,逗留”,也可作连系动词,后接形容词,意为“保持”。4Dnight shopping“夜间购物”。5C根据下文“all shops are closed on Sundays”推测,有许多商店每周有一天下午停业。6A指的是每周的某日。7Acan在此表示猜测,意为“可能”。句意:不同的城镇可能停业的日子不同。8Cnearly意为“将近”,常常与all, every,no等不定代词连用,相当于almost。mostly意为“大多数”,常修饰动词。9C从selling sweets and cigarettes可知。10Das well意为“也”,相当于too,常用于肯定句中;either意为“也”,常用于否定句中。11Ddifficulty是不可数名词,而few和many修饰可数名词,所以先排除A、C两项。some可修饰可数名词和不可数名词,但不能用于否定句。12B根据前后意义,which和when不符合; that引导宾语从句,在句中不作任何成分;what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语。13D首先根据结构排除A、B两项。allow意为“允许”,意义不符合。expect sb. to do sth.意为“期望某人做某事”。14B根据上文大多数商店出售人们可能期望买的东西,说明人们在大多数商店都能买到自己想买的东西,但邮票只能在邮局买。15Ago into one of these shops“走进其中一家商店”。16C根据常识,到了商店,拿只篮子然后把自己想要买的东西放进篮子。17A这里的it指代前面的a basket。18D四个选项都能与up连用,但根据上下文,只能是排队等候在柜台前。19Apay for sth.“为付款”。20B离开之前付款。.短文改错After a days hard work I went to bed early than usual. It was about two oclock in the morning when I was awakened by a big noise. I got out of the beds and slowly went upstairs. There was a light in the living room. I listened to carefully and heard two men speak quietly. I believed my house had broken into and I was really frightening. I went back upstairs and immediately call the police. You can imagine how embarrassed I was when they came upstairs but told me they had turned the television off for me and something was all right. 答案After a days hard work I went to bed than usual. It was about two oclock in the morning when I was awakened by a big noise. I got out of the and slowly went . There was a light in the living room. I listened carefully and heard two men quietly. I believed my house had broken into and I was really . I went back upstairs and immediately the police. You can imagine how embarrassed I was when they came upstairs told me they had turned the television off for me and was all right.

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