2019年高中英语 Unit4 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit4 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc_第1页
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2019年高中英语 Unit4 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc_第2页
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2019年高中英语 Unit4 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc_第3页
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2019年高中英语 Unit4 第四学时 Grammar同步检测(含解析)新人教版必修2一、请用动词的适当形式填空1Some measures_(take)to protect wildlife resources now.答案:are being taken2It is wellknown to us that a lot of rivers _(pollute)by the factories.答案:are being polluted3Rainforests _(cut)and burned at such a speed and they will disappear from the earth in the near future.答案:are being cut4The proposal _(consider)now by our government.答案:is being considered5At that time they _(show)how to use puters.答案:are being shown6His mother is going to _(operate)on by a famous doctor.答案:be operated7This letter is to_(hand)to him by you in person.答案:be handed8For the first time in their lives Lucy and husband_(invite)to an important ball.答案:were invited9Today,Abraham Lincoln _(regard)as one of the greatest of all Americian presidents.答案:is regarded10When sugar_(heat)enough,a black substance appears.答案:is heated11The muscles_(strong)by exercise and the body then in good condition.答案:are strengthened12He told me his novels_(finish)in a few months.答案:would be finished13Like everything else,bacteria_(make)of molecules.答案:are made14He_(hide)behind the door.答案:is hidden15My pen_(write)smoothly. 答案:writes二、完成下列句子1Dont make any noise. Her mother _(正在体检)by a doctor. (examine)答案:is being examined2The drivers are told that the road _(正在修理中)(repair)答案:is being repaired/is under repair3It is reported that a new airport in Kunming which _(正在建设中)falls down. (build)答案:is being built4He noticed that he _(有人跟踪他)by a strange man when he was walking in the street.(follow)答案:was being followed5The cause of the accident _(正在调查中)so you neednt worry. (look into)答案:is being looked into三、用所给动词的适当时态及语态填空A new factory 1._(build) near my village.The trees 2._(cut) down and the ground has been flattened.Now many materials 3._(transport) here,including wood,sand,cement,and so on.Some houses were built and some 4._still 5._(build)Some people say more chances 6._(provide) for young villagers.However,I am worried about the environment.As trees 7._(cut)down,many birds 8._(force) to leave their habitat.The river behind our village 9._(pollute) and fish are being killed by the polluted water.Our peaceful environment 10._(destroy)I think something 11._(do) to protect the environment.答案:1is being built2.have been cut3are being transported4.are5being built6.are being provided7have been cut8.are being forced9is being polluted10.is being destroyed11should be done


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