2019年高中英语 Unit 3 第二学时 Learning about Language练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 3 第二学时 Learning about Language练习 新人教版选修8一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1We all have an_(expect)that he can pass the _(drive) test next week.答案:expectation,driving2He took measures_ (make) up his fault,_ received our_(recognize)答案:to make,which,recognition3It is _(extreme) cold and_(freeze),as a result, we have to stay at home.答案:extremely,freezing4He is always so busy with his work that he has no choices but _ (go) to see his parents_(occasion)答案:to go ,occasionally5As a student we have many_(beat)tracks _(obey) in school.答案:beaten, to obey6In ancient China we had many _(advance)_(invent),_ led to todays _(civil) and _(develop)答案:advanced, inventions,which,civilization development二、词语活用用call for, call sb. up, call on, call in, call back等词语自编一个小段落。_答案:Yesterday morning Miller called me up and asked me to help him find a job. I decided to call on at Mr. Blacks as he happened to tell me he wanted a salesman in his pany. To my surprise, Mrs. Black was seriously ill. Several doctors had been called in, but she didnt seem to get any better. I said I could remend a good doctor to cure her. Hearing that Mr. Black was very happy and agreed to give Miller a chance, to see whether he was fit for the job as the job called for both patience and skills. When I got home, I called back to tell Miller the good news.三、动词专练用所给动词的适当形式填空。1Put in the money before _(dial)答案:dialing2Happiness is monly _(associate) with _(have) a lot of money.答案:associated, having3The journey was not as nice as we _(expect)答案:had expected4He accumulated money everywhere _(produce) a movie about Chinese culture.答案:to produce 5._(dive) under the water gives her great pressure.答案:Diving四、完成下列句子 1_(事实上),I forgot all about your request.答案:In truth2The job _(需要) technical skill.答案:calls for3_(他被老师的话所激励),he worked harder than before.答案:Inspired by the teachers words4What surprised me was that _(他很快消失了)答案:he disappeared abruptly5The manager thought youd better _(申请专利) for your invention.答案:apply for a patent

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