2019年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Period Two Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 Unit 1 Friendship Period Two Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修1. 语境填词1She was _(心烦意乱的)about her mothers death,so we should first do everything in our _(能力)to _(使镇定)her down.2_(在黄昏时刻),his friends were playing _(在户外)while the little boy hid himself behind the _(窗帘)and looked out through the _(积满灰尘的)window.3Her _(合作者)made a suggestion but she _(不理睬)it _(完全地).选词填空have got to,be concerned about,go through,set down,a series of,on purpose,not .any longer,hide away1There has been _ car accidents at the crossing.2Its getting dark.I _ be off now.3Most teachers _ greatly _ the growth of their students.4Im sorry.I didnt do it _.5Please _ what he said on this paper.6He does _ work here _.7The thief _ in a friends house for several weeks after the robbery.8This old soldier _ a lot of wars.词义辨析1用calm,quiet,silent或still填空(1)Stay _ while I take photos of you.(2)The sea was _ now,not rough at all.(3)They lived a _ life in the countryside.(4)Youd better be _ about whats happened.2用in order to,so as to,in order that或so that填空(1)_ keep fit,he runs every morning.(2)The speaker raised his voice _ be heard by all.(3)Youd better check carefully _ any mistakes will be caught.(4)_ improve his English,he does more and more reading and writing now.3用power,strength,force或energy填空(1)The dying man gathered his _ to turn over.(2)Im afraid it is beyond my _ to do what youre asking.(3)Old as he is,he is full of _.(4)We should use military(军事的)_ in this situation.(5)As we all know,knowledge is _.单项填空1Please _ the number and Im sure they will _more than 1000.Aadd;add up Badd up;add upCadd up;add up to Dadd;add to2I wanted to have a word with her,but she _ me and went away.Acalmed Bsaw Cignored Dtold3The reporter decided to make a _ interview with the sportsman who won the first gold medal.Afacetoface Bface to faceCfaceinface Dface in face4Which of the following is wrong?AThe bad news upset me.BThe bad news made me upset.CThe bad news upsetted me.DI was upset by the bad news.5Follow your doctors advice,_ your cough will get worse.Aor Band Cthen Dso6Do you know the most ancient city in ChinaXian well?No,this is the first time I _ here.Acame Bhave beenCam ing De7The little girl _ go out in the evening.Adares not Bdares not toCdare to Ddoesnt dare8It was in 1969 _ two Americans went to the moon by spaceship.Athat Bbefore Cwhen Dsince9Jane is so interested in the puter that she likes everything _ it.Alike Bsuch as Cdoing with Dto do with10Class is beginning.Will you please get the blackboard _.Ato clean Bcleaning Ccleaned Dhaving cleaned.完形填空FriendshipTwentyone years ago,my husband gave me Sam,an eightweekold dog,to help me ease the loss of our daughter.Later my husband and I moved from New York to New Jersey where our neighbor,whose cat had _1_ had kittens,asked us if we would like one.We were afraid that Sam would not be _2_,but we made up our _3_ to take a kitten.We picked a little,gray,playful cat.She _4_ around running after imaginary mice and squirrels and jumped from table to chair very _5_,so we named her Lightning(闪电)At _6_,Sam and Lightning were not close to each other.But slowly,as the days went on,Lightning started _7_ Sam.They slept together,ate together and played together.When I took _8_ one out of the house,the other was always _9_ by the door when we returned.That was the _10_ it was for years.Then,without any _11_,Sam suddenly died of a weak heart.This time,there was no Sam for Lightning to greet and no way to _12_ why she would never see her friend again.In the _13_ that followed,Lightning seemed heartbroken.She could not _14_ me in words that she was _15_,but I could see the pain and _16_ in her eyes whenever anyone opened the front door.The weeks _17_ by,and the cats sorrow seemed to be lifting.One day as I walked into our living room,I _18_ to have a look at the floor next to our sofa _19_ we had a sculptured replica(雕塑复制品)of Sam that we had bought a few years before.Lying next to the statue,one arm wrapped around the statues neck,was Lightning,sleeping with her best _20_.1A.recentlyBlastlyCfirstlyDnever2A.sadBexcitedCdisappointedDglad3A.mindsBheartsCheadsDbrains4A.walkedBclimbedCracedDhid5A.slowlyBquicklyCcarefullyDbravely6A.lastBnoonCnightDfirst7A.leavingBfollowingChatingDcatching8A.neitherBbothCeitherDany9A.waitingBsleepingCcryingDbarking10A.roadBpathCwayDstreet11A.wordsBdiseasesCfearDwarning12A.talkBexplainCthinkDwrite13A.daysBweeksCseasonsDyears14A.expressBtellCreportDmissing15A.enjoyingBdoingCsufferingDmissing16A.disappointmentBangerCgatheredDfun17A.cameBwentCgatheredDwalked18A.seemedBappearedChappenedDmeant19A.whatBwhichCthatDwhere20A.friendBenemyCsofaDchairIt/This/That is/was the first/second.time(that).“这/那是某人第一/二次做某事”当主句用一般现在时时,that从句中的谓语用现在完成时;当主句用一般过去时时,that从句中的谓语用过去完成时。It is the second time that I have seen this film.这是我第二次看这部电影。It was the first time that I had seen such a wonderful thing.这是我第一次看见这么好的东西。【答案解析】Period TwoLanguage Points.1.upset;power;calm2.At dusk;outdoors;curtain;dusty3.partner;ignored;entirely.1.a series of2.have got to3.are;concerned about4.on purpose5.set down6.not;any longer7.hid away8.went through.1(1)still(2)calm(3)quiet(4)silent解析calm修饰天气、海洋时,表示一种无风无浪的“平静”;修饰人时,表示镇静、平和的心情。quiet指周围环境很静,没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑。silent指“寂静、无声或声音很小”,或指人“沉默不语、不说话”。still含义是“静止的;不动的”,侧重于完全无声响或完全不动。2(1)In order to(2)in order to/so as to(3)so that/in order that(4)In order to解析in order to 与so as to后均接动词原形,作目的状语,两者都可以转换成由in order that/so that引导的目的状语从句。in order to可放在句首,也可放在句中,而so as to不能用于句首,只能位于句中。3(1)strength(2)power(3)energy(4)force(5)power解析power主要指做事所依靠的能力、功能;也可指人或机器等事物潜在的或发挥出来的力量;还可以指职权或政权。strength指固有的潜力。说人时,指“力气”;说物时,指“强度”。force主要指自然界的力量;暴力、势力以及法律、道德或感情的力量;军事力量等。energy主要指人的精力或自然界中的能量。.1Cadd up“把加起来”;add up to“总计为”;add to“增添;增加”。2C句意为:我想和她说句话,但她却不理睬我,接着就走开了。ignore“不理睬;忽视”,符合题意。calm“使镇静”;see“看到”;tell“告诉”。3Aface to face多用来修饰动词,相当于副词,在句中作状语。而facetoface多用来修饰名词,相当于一个形容词,在句中作定语。 4C本句意思是要说“那个坏消息使我不安。”upset可以作为及物动词,其现在分词要双写t,是upsetting,但过去式和过去分词与动词原形同形;upset同时也可作形容词或名词使用。在A中upset做谓语是过去式;在B中upset是形容词,作宾补;D项中使用了被动语态,所以A、B、D都正确。只有C项不对。5A“祈使句or句子”表示“做某事,否则”表示要“遵照医嘱,否则你的咳嗽会变重的”,故选A。6B句意为:你了解中国最古老的城市西安吗?不,这是我第一次来这里。It/This is the first time.这是(某人)第一次(从句中应用现在完成时)。7Ddare用作情态动词,多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,无第三人称形式,只有一般现在时和一般过去时形式。其否定形式是在dare后加not;dare用作不及物动词,其变化与一般动词相同,单数第三人称一般现在时要加s,其否定形式要在dare前加dont(doesnt或didnt),在否定句与疑问句中dare接带或不带to的不定式。8A该句为强调句型,强调了时间状语in 1969。9Deverything to do with it表示一切与它有关的东西。10C考查get sth.done的用法。blackboard与 clean之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,需用过去分词作宾补。.1Arecently意为“最近”。此处意为“我搬到新泽西时,邻居家的猫最近生了小猫”。而lastly意为“最后”;firstly意为“首先”;never意为“从不”。均不合句意。2Dsad意为“难过”;disappointed意为“失望的”。如果不注意空前的not,容易误选A项或C项。因此glad与前面的not连用,表示“我们担心小狗Sam会因为多一个宠物而不高兴。”3A作者和丈夫在经过思考之后,最终还是决定(make up ones mind)养只小猫。此处要用mind的复数形式。heart表示“心脏”;head表示“头部”;brain表示“大脑”,均不与make up搭配。4C要捉“老鼠”和“松鼠”,小猫必须要“跑”(race),而不能“走”(walk)、“爬”(climb)、“藏”(hide)等。5B由下文的“因此我们给她起名叫闪电”可知,小猫的速度很快,因此应选择quickly,而不是slowly(缓慢地),carefully(小心地)或bravely(勇敢地)。6Dat last“最后”;at noon“在中午”;at night“在晚上”;at first“起初”。由下文的But可知,起初它们并不亲近。7B由下文的“它们一起睡觉,一起吃东西,一起玩耍”可知,Lightning开始“跟随”着Sam到处去。leave意为“离开”;follow意为“跟随”;hate意为“不喜欢”;catch意为“抓住”。8Ceither意为“两者中的任何一个”,neither意为“两者都不”;both意为“两者都”;any意为“三者或三者以上中的任何一个”。由下面的the other可知此处应是两者中的一个,即either。9A在四个选项中只有waiting能够表达出两只小动物之间的感情,即当作者和其中一只宠物从外面回家时,另一只则在门口等着,而不是在门口睡觉、喊或叫。10C此处表示“多年来都是这个样子”,应用表示“方式”的way。road意为“公路”;path意为“小径”;street意为“街道”。三者均表示有形的东西,不合题意。11Dwords意为“话语”;diseases意为“疾病”;fear意为“害怕”;warning意为“前兆;警报”。此处表示没有任何“前兆(warning)”,Sam突然死了。12Btalk意为“谈话”,不能直接加宾语;explain意为“解释”;think意为“认为,想”;write意为“写”。此处指“没有办法解释她为何再也见不到朋友了”。13A由下文的“几周过去了”可知,此处应选择days,表示在“接下来的日子里”。14B由上文可知“Lightning的心好像碎了”但由于她不会说话,因此不能用语言告诉(tell)我。15C由上文知Lightning失去了好朋友Sam,因此她的眼中流露出的是痛苦,而不是快乐。enjoy意为“享受”;suffer意为“忍受痛苦”;miss意为“思念”。虽然miss有一定道理,但与下文的the pain不能呼应。16A见不到以前的朋友Sam,Lightning应感到痛苦和失望,而不是愤怒、饥饿或有趣。17Be by意为“经过,从旁经过”,但不能指时间;go by意为“时间流逝”;gather意为“聚集”;walk意为“走路”。18Cseem意为“好像”;appear意为“好像,出现”;happen意为“碰巧,发生”;mean意为“打算,意思是,意味着”。此处表示“我”不经心地看了一眼沙发旁的地板,应用happen。19D由上文的“我们的沙发”以及下文“Sam的一个雕塑复制品”可知,此处表达“在沙发那儿有Sam的一个雕塑复制品”,应用where引导定语从句。20A由上文可知,小猫搂着小狗的雕塑复制品,因此小猫是在和最好的朋友一起睡觉,而不是和敌人、沙发或椅子睡觉。


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