2019年高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab同步练习2 外研版必修1.doc

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2019年高中英语 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab同步练习2 外研版必修1.完形填空My daughter was three years old. She was going to a playschool, which had day boarding facilities (寄宿设施). After _1_, the kids used to sleep for 2 to 3 hours. So she was very _2_ and active in the evening and always wanted to _3_ till midnight. By that time, I was totally _4_ after a whole days work in the office and at home.One day, as usual she was not _5_ to go to bed. She was crying aloud, “I want to play more. No _6_ time now.” I hold her in my arms and wiped her tears. She had stopped crying. I told her,“_7_ you sleep happily without crying, a beautiful _8_ will e to you in your sleep.” While I was _9_ the beauty of the angel, she lowered her _10_ to my shoulder and she was asleep in a few minutes.Many days passed. She used to sleep late, but _11_ cried again while going to sleep.One day, when ing back in the evening, I _12_ she was feeling sleepy. Soon I cooked something for her and made her _13_. That day, she slept early.I went to the _14_ and prepared the dinner. Then, we also thought of going to bed early. Suddenly I saw a _15_ smile on her face. Soon, she started _16_ quietly.That was very _17_. Never had it happened like this. It lasted for a few _18_. Soon she was deep in sleep.The next morning she _19_ early. Sitting in the bed she called me,“Mama, an angel had e to me yesterday. She _20_ me on my forehead and her face was just like yours.”1. A. school B. classC. games D. lunch2. A. small B. freshC. clever D. strong3. A. play B. readC. rest D. walk4. A. pleased B. worriedC. tired D. concerned5. A. patient B. fullC. sure D. ready6. A. watching B. sleepingC. drinking D. writing7. A. If B. BecauseC. Unless D. Before8. A. flower B. birdC. angel D. girl9. A. sharing B. checkingC. enjoying D. describing10. A. hand B. headC. foot D. leg11. A. never B. sometimesC. always D. often12A. heard B. noticedC. forgot D. hoped13A. run B. studyC. eat D. stand14A. window B. bedC. bathroom D. kitchen15A. sweet B. sadC. shy D. polite16A. thinking B. watchingC. laughing D. moving17A. important B. specialC. lucky D. difficult18A. seconds B. hoursC. days D. weeks19A. set out B. came backC. got up D. sat down20A. carried B. heldC. hit D. kissed答案与解析语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。女儿在我的精心抚养下健康地成长。有一天晚上,她梦到了天使,而天使慈爱的脸庞犹如我的脸庞。1D由下文事实判断:在幼儿园里,孩子们吃过午饭后要睡两三个小时。2B因为她在幼儿园已经午睡了,所以每次回来后精力很充沛(fresh),她要一直玩到半夜。3A见上一题解析。4C由本空后work可知:经过一天的劳作,下班后回到家里又要做家务,所以我非常疲惫(tired)。5D有一天,她又像往常一样不准备(ready)睡觉。6B与本空前play构成对比:她说,睡觉的时间还不到。7A我对她说:“只要(if)你睡觉,别哭闹,美丽的天使(angel)就会来到你身边。”8C见上一题解析。另:下文angel有提示。9D当我还在给她讲述(describing)天使的美丽时,她已经低下头,趴在我肩膀上睡了。10B见上一题解析。11A几天过后,她常常睡得很晚,但是再也不哭闹了。12B有一天晚上,女儿回来后,我注意到她看起来比较困。13C由本空前cooked得出:我赶紧做了点饭让她吃。14D由本空后prepared判断:喂饱了女儿,我到厨房里做晚饭。15A我注意到她脸上甜蜜的笑容。16C根据上句smile得出:她在睡梦中甜甜地笑了。17B她在梦中发出了笑声,这让人感到很奇特。18A从客观事实判断:她的笑声持续了几秒钟。19C由本空前morning可知:第二天早晨,她早早地起床了。20D她在梦中亲吻了我的额头,她慈爱的脸庞就像妈妈的脸庞一样。.阅读理解七选五Here are some top tips for world travelers.Travel light. _1_ Its no fun carrying a huge bag around a foreign city. Dont take too many clothes and avoid heavy books and electrical equipment._2_ Always keep your passport on you in an inside pocket or special travel belt. There may be thieves about. Its a good idea to make a photocopy (复印件) of your passport and travel documents.Transport sense. Dont let go of your bags on the train. _3_ There are always thieves on public transport. If you want to sleep, tie your bag to your arm. When you take a taxi, its a good idea to ask for the drivers permit. Many foreigners pay too much money because they take unofficial taxis.Keep clean. Its a good idea to wear dark clothes because they hide the dirt while white clothes attract it! Make sure you have plenty of clean underclothes and deodorant (除臭剂). _4_5_ You should always be polite and respectful towards the locals. Even if you find their habits and behavior a bit strange, you shouldnt show your feelings. Remember, youre their guest.A. Be polite.B. Keep your documents safe.C. You should carry a spare bag.D. You dont want to smell bad!E. Keep them with you at all times.F. Make sure your bag isnt too heavy.G. Its a good idea to wear similar clothes to the local people.答案1.F2.B3.E4.D5.A

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