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2019年高三英语4月月考试卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the two speakers ?A. in a restaurant. B. in a clinic. C. in a workshop. 2. Why will Mr. and Mrs. White go to New York?A. To have a visit there. B. To celebrate their birthday. C. To celebrate their wedding anniversary. 3. What time is it now?A. 7:15. B. 6:40. C. 7:45. 4. Why didnt the man go out on such a sunny day?A. He liked to stay at home B. He was hurt in a volleyball matchC. He was hurt in a football match. 5. Whats the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and students. B. Boss and employee. C. Mother and son. 第二节 (共15小题;每题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6. How long did the woman study her driving lessons?A. Two weeks. B. Four weeks . C. Six weeks. 7. Who should be responsible for the womans stopping her driving lessons?A. The woman herself. B. The instructor. C. The school. 听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. When did the woman meet Linda?A. At 1:30 B. At 2:00C. At 2:309. How did Linda e?A. On the same train with Betty. B. On the next train. C. On foot10. Which of the following is true?A. Betty and Linda were too late to attend the opening ceremony. B. Betty saw Linda first at the platform. C. The opening ceremony was put off to 2:30. 听第8段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. Where does the conversation take place?A. in a library. B. in a quiet place. C. in a classroom. 12. Why does Mike often get angry?A. The man often brings guests over to the houseB. He wants live alone. C. He hasnt enough money. 13. What does the woman suggest?A. The man should fight with Mike. B. The man should have a friendly talk with Mike . C. The man should move out. 听第9段材料,回答第14至第17题。14. Why does the girl want to make some money?A. to buy some new clothes B. to buy some papers. C. to travel. 15. What was the girl first advised to do?A. buy a bike to collect old papersB. carry water to the offices C. deliver newspapers to peoples houses. 16. How much will the girl probably get by walking a dog a week?A. about $10 B. about $2 C. about $12. 17. How much will putting an advertisement cost? A. more than $30 B. less than $20 C. less than $10听第10段材料,回答第18至第20题。18. Whom is the book Being a Happy Teenager written for ?A. students who are not successful. B. students who have problems in their life. C. students who have problems with their friends. 19. How can teenagers be happy according to Matthews ?A. view things in a positive way. B. get praise from other people. C. get a good exam result. 20. What is not mentioned in the book Being a Happy Teenager?A. useful skills to make your memory better. B. success es from a good attitude. C. How to stop being angry and forgive. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. weapons found recently belong to past which is best forgotten . A. 不填; the B. The ; a C. The ; the D. The ; 不填22. The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the of the murder mitted last month . A. observers B. viewers C. witnesses D. audiences 23. She to have lunch with her friends , saying that she wasnt feeling well . A. declined B. avoided C. tended D. approved 24. I dont think that your speech to the crowd , for they appeared quite puzzled . A. got back B. got away C. got through D. got across 25. This agreement is very and open to various interpretations . A. ambiguous B. abrupt C. abundant D. authentic 26. the weather , the sports meet will be held on time . A. Instead of B. In relation to C. Regardless of D. In favor of 27. the danger from enemy action , people had to deal with a severe shortage of food , clothing , fuel , and almost everything . A. As soon as B. As long as C. As far as D. As well as 28. the right decision the future is probably the most important thing we will ever do in our lives . A. Making ; concerned B. Make ; concerning C. To make ; concerned D. Making ; concerning29. Do you think I should join the singing group , Mary ? If I were in your shoes , I certainly would . A. None of your business . B. It depends . C. Why not ?D. I dont think so . 30. left before the deadline , it doesnt seem likely that John will finish the job . A. Though such a short timeB. With such a short time C. Because such a short timeD. At such a short time 31. it is you obtain , you must tell your parents . A. Whatever ; that B. No matter what ; /C. What; that D. Whatever ; /32. In no city of China little about the economic development . A. the government cares B. does the government care C. doesnt the government care D. the government doesnt care 33. The editor-in-chief asked me to write another article for them , about the secret negotiations between Iran and the US. A. that B. one C. it D. what 34. I wouldnt marry Pat even if she the last woman on earth . A. is B. was C. had been D. were 35. She had two brothers and a sister , faces she could remember , because they had died when she was very young . A. none of whose B. none of whom C. neither of whose D. all of whose 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项Alone in the light at the dining room table, I sat in tears. Finally, Id succeeded in getting both kids to bed. I got them both washed, 36 by cries of delight, crazy running around, laughing and throwing things. 37 calmed down, they lay in their beds as I gave each the five minutes back rubs as usual. Then I began the night time routine of a song, both kids 38 . I sang it over and over until they seemed fully engaged in 39 . A recently 40 man with full custody (监护权) of his children , I was determined to give them as 41 and stable a home life as possible . I 42 a happy face for them. Everything was just as it had always been with the exception 43 their mother was now missing. There, another night successfully 44 . I rose slowly, tiptoed out of their room and went downstairs. Sitting at the 45 room table, realized that this was the first time since I came home from work that Id been able to 46 sit down. Then it all crowded in on me : the fatigue (疲惫), the 47 of the responsibility , the worry about bills I wasnt sure I could pay that month . And 48 , I felt as though I were at the bottom of a great sea of loneliness. I sat there, silently sobbing. Just then, a pair of little arms went around my middle and a little face peered up at me . I looked down into my five-year-old sons 49 face. I was 50 to be seen crying by my son. “Im sorry, Ethan, I didnt know you were still awake. Im sorry. Im just a little 51 tonight. ”“Its okay, Daddy. Its okay to cry, youre just a 52 . ”I cant express how happy he made me, who gave me 53 to cry. He seemed to be saying that I didnt have to always be 54 , that it was occasionally possible to allow myself to feel weak and 55 my feeling. Somehow, it was possible for me to get to sleep that night. Thank you, my son. 36. A. excited B. acpanied C. encouraged D. affected 37. A. Sooner or later B. Or rather C. On time D. More or less 38. A. favor B. favorite C. entertainment D. hobby 39. A. sleep B. bed C. joyD. imagination 40. A. disabled B. married C. divorced D. discovered 41. A. ordinary B. mon C. regular D. normal 42. A. put on B. looked on C. got on D. had on 43. A. which B. that C. if D. whether 44. A. arrived B. celebrated C. dismissed D. concluded 45. A. dining B. sitting C. bed D. study 46. A. almost B. just C. everD. hardly 47. A. pleasure B. lack C. absence D. weight 48. A. satisfaction B. fun C. loneliness D. worry 49. A. puzzledB. suspected C. surprising D. sympathetic 50. A. embarrassed B. delighted C. disappointed D. terrified 51. A. tired B. sad C. anxious D. unlucky 52. A. human B. father C. parent D. grown-up 53. A. need B. time C. permission D. order 54. A. sad B. happyC. strong D. weak 55. A. give out B. let out C. make out D. carry out 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A“I am in and I am in to win,” said Hillary Rodham Clinton, New York State senator and wife of former US President Bill Clinton , when she announced her bid to be the first female president in American history on January 20 . Ms. Clinton, 59, formally stated in a video posted on her personal website that she was preparing to run in the xx US presidential election. On January 16four days before Ms . Clinton came forward as a presidential candidate 45-year-old African American senator Barack Obama made it clear he had the same dream . He has decided to form his presidential campaign exploratory mittee. “As Americans, we must change our political situation,” he said. If he succeeds in the xx presidential election, Obama will be the first black president in the history of America . Although it is still too early to draw conclusions about the xx US presidential election , it is widely believed that there is no dark horse , and that either Ms. Clinton or Obama will win . Ms. Clintons unparalleled prestige and popularity is her greatest advantage . Nearly everyone knows her in the United States . In fact , her popularity has actually grown since her husband, Bill Clinton , concluded his two terms in office . In recent years Ms . Hillary Clinton has bee the hottest female politician in the US political arena. Hillarys second advantage is that she has one of the best political advisors in the country at her sideher husband . Bill Clinton , 60 , still has the outstanding personal charm that helped him win office in 1992 and remains very popular . Many Americans value the memory of the good times in the Clinton age . This will undoubtedly be of benefit to Ms. Clinton . Ms. Clintons third “secret weapon” is her outstanding ability to raise money . Former Speaker of the House , Republican Newt Gingrich , once said that Hillary could raise more money than any other Democrat , and that this amount could probably exceed the total raised by other Democratic candidates . Obamas major advantage is that he is young , energetic and charming . Obama is quite unlike the traditional politicians in Washington DC. Both media and the public have lavished (大量地给予) praise on him , reminding people of the years of Bill Clinton or even the Kennedy brothers . This is the so-called “Obama phenomenon”. Secondly , Obama is currently the only black senator in the United States Congress , and just the fifth black senator in US history . His father came to the US as a student from Kenya , which will make him popular with African American voters . Thirdly, Obama is an outstanding example of someone who is living the American dream . He was born into a mon family and rose from the bottom of the society . He often claims to be the “poorest person in the Senate”. The mon people find this very inspiring . Fourthly , unlike Hillary , Obama has taken a firm attitude against the Iraq war . This will help him to win the anti-war vote . No matter who wins the election , Ms. Clinton or Obama, Americans will face an interesting question a female president or a black president? Either one would be a new record . 56. Which of the following statements is true ? A. Hillary is popular mainly because of her husband Bill Clinton . B. Bill Clinton served as US president for four years . C. Hillary Clinton is the only female politician in the US. D. Bill Clinton will help his wife run in presidential election . 57. People may choose Obama mainly because . A. he is not so old and full of energy and charm B. he is the only black senator in the United States Congress C. he is the “poorest person in the Senate” D. he is popular with African American voters 58. What does the underlined word “this” refer to in Paragraph 8 ?A. Being an American dreamer . B. Being born into a mon family . C. Rising from the bottom of the society . D. A firm attitude against the Iraq war . 59. It can be inferred from the text that . A. Hillary is more likely to win the election B. Obama has greater advantages over Hillary C. Hillary takes a firm attitude against the Iraq war D. Obama will pull the US troops out of Iraq if he takes office 60. Which could be the best title for this passage ?A. US presidential elections B. First female president or first black president ?C. ”Im in and I am to win”D. A mew record in American history BThe world now has more overweight people than hungry ones and governments should design economic strategies to influence national diets , a conference of international experts heard yesterday . The transition from a starving world to an obese one had happened with dramatic speed , US professor Barry Popkin told the annual conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists . “The reality is that globally far more obesity (肥胖) than undernutrition exists,” Popkin said , adding that while hunger was slowly declining , obesity was rapidly spreading . There are more than a billion overweight people in the world and 800 million who are undernourished, he said at the Gold Coast convention center near the eastern Australian city of Brisbane. The “burden of obesity,” with its related diseases , was also shifting from the rich to the poor , not only in urban but in rural areas around the world , he said . China experienced the changes , with a major shift in diet from cereals to animal products and vegetable oils acpanied by a decline in physical work , more motorized transport and more television viewing . Food prices could be used to influence peoples diets and drive them towards healthier options , he suggested , while acknowledging that the effects of such policies needed to be carefully studied . “We financially support some things ; we dont support others . We control some items . So for instance , if we charge money for every calorie of soft drink and fruit drink that was consumed , people would consume less of it ,” he said . “If we support fruit and vegetable production , people would consume more of it and we would have a healthier diet. ”University of Minnesota professor Benjamin Senauer used a parative study of lifestyles in the United States and Japan to show how the costs of food and transport play a role in the problem . Japan has one of the worlds lowest rates of obesity and the US one of the highest . 61. The passage is mainly about . A. the problem of obesity in the world B. the influence of diets on health C. the spread of obesity-related diseases D. the nutrition of different food and drinks 62. The underlined word “transition” is closest in meaning to the word “ ” in the text . A. burden B. transport C. shift D. production 63. Which of the following statements about obesity is NOT true ? A. National diets have a great effect on the number of obese people . B. Both rich people and poor people may suffer from overweight . C. Its a problem mainly existing among rich people in urban areas . D. Obesity is spreading with dramatic speed around the world . 64. According to Paragraph 6, which may have the least possibility of overweight ?A. Eating animal products , having vegetable oils and eating cereals . B. Eating cereals , fruit and vegetables and taking part in physical labour . C. Eating animal products , taking motorized transport and watching TV. D. Taking motorized transport , watching TV and having vegetable oils . 65. The reason why Japanese have the lowest rates of obesity might be . A. their drinks dont contain as much calories B. their food costs less than that of the USC. their means of transport is more convenient D. the prices of food and transport keep them in a healthier lifestyle CThe plains truth, proved by every-increasing medical evidence , emphasized repeatedly by health authorities , and printed on cigarette packages , has failed to prevent our innocent youth from smoking . Many young smokers light up their first cigarette in the mistaken belief that puffing away at a cigarette is cool . Antismoking supporters here in China must envy their counterparts in France . To help apply a nationwide smoking ban ing into force there on Thursday , 175,000 special inspectors and members of the police force will be sent out to watch public places . In spite of doubts over the long term success of the high-pitched French campaign , we admire the French authorities determination and sincerely wish their Chinese peers could someday soon, if not today , take off their kid gloves in dealing with smoking . When people foolishly believe smoking is cool, it is of little use telling them to stop . What the French did , just like what has been done in our Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong , is a good way to drive home the message that smoking kills . When smokers risk a fine for lighting a cigarette in public , smoking is no longer cool . The forceful bans in both Hong Kong and France actually make smoking in public unacceptable . We cannot expect the same to happen here anytime soon . Not until our country no loner gains high profits from tobacco . It is embarrassing that while the central government swears to control tobacco , some local governments count on the health damaging leaves to fill their coffers (钱柜). This is a suicidal (自杀的) addiction that must be gotten rid of . National policy needs to focus not only on the government owned tobacco industrys profits . It must also deal with the effect of smoking on the nations health and the huge amount of medical expenses . If our government can help opium poppy (可制鸦片的罂粟)growers in the Golden Triangle with alternative crops , they can do the same to help our tobacco growers find practical alternatives . This does not appear to be urgent . But it must be done since we know beyond any doubt that smoking is a serious public health risk . 66. What is the “plain truth” mentioned in the beginning of the passage ?A. Smoking is cool . B. Smoking is harmful . C. China has failed to prevent its young people from smoking . D. France is successful in banning smoking in public places . 67. The underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably means “ ”. A. take tough measures against smoking B. get rid of their small gloves C. avoid burning gloves when smoking D. use bare hands to light a cigarette 68. Those who smoke in public places in France and Hong Kong . A. are not convinced that smoking may kill B. will be taken away by the police C. are informed that they have to drive home D. may get a fine as a punishment 69. Why cant China use forceful bans to stop people smoking in public places ?A. China holds the policy that developing economy is the first task . B. The central government feels embarrassed to make the decision . C. Some local governments depend on tobacco industry to make money . D. The SAR of Hong


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