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2019-2020年高考英语北师大版一轮复习课时作业:语言朋友(82)Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful.Some_1_are very useful to man, for example, bees, from which we get_2_and wax, and silkworms, which_3_us with silk.Other varieties, however, are extremely_4_, and do a great_5_of damage, especially to crops.Locusts are perhaps the most_6_of all,for they will eat almost any green_7_, and when millions of them_8_on cultivated land they soon leave it_9_.In some countries they are the farmers_10_enemy.Another nuisance is the mon _11_ , not only because it _12_ us indoors and outofdoors, but because it spreads diseases.Scientists have given much time and _13_ to the study of insects.It needs the most careful and _14_ observation. Thanks _15_ their discoveries we now know almost all _16_ is to be known about the habits of these hardworking insects, bees and ants, which live in _17_better planned in some ways than our _18_.But the most valuable work has been done in trying to give_19_ to men, animals and crops from the_20_which insects cause.解题导语:地球上的生物很多,昆虫是种类最丰富的,它们有的对人类有益,但大部分是对人类有害的。研究昆虫对人类与自然和谐相处具有非常重要的意义。1A.members BformsCqualities Dvarieties解析:根据下文的“other varieties are harmful”可知选D。答案:D2A.sweet BhoneyCinsect Dcandy解析:我们可以从蜜蜂身上得到蜂蜜。honey “蜂蜜”。答案:B3A.give BproduceCoffer Dsupply解析:supply sb.with sth.“给某人提供、供应某物”。答案:D4A.harmful BhelpfulCuseful Dhopeful解析:根据上文的“are very useful”可知选A。句意:但其他种类的昆虫,对人类是非常有害的。答案:A5A.majority BnumberCamount Dwhats more解析:a great amount of 后接不可数名词,表示“大量的”。答案:C6A.useful BdangerousCbeneficial Dhelpful 解析:上文指出许多昆虫对人类有害,此句指蝗虫也许是威胁最大的一种昆虫。答案:B7A.grass BfieldCfruit Dplant解析:green plant“绿色作物”。答案:D8A.settle BattackCpass Dcross解析:settle用作不及物动词时,表示“停留,安居”等。答案:A9A.bare BnothingCempty Duntouched解析:句意:当几百万的蝗虫停留在农耕地时,植物都会被吃光了。答案:A10A.hardest BgreatestCserious Dwildest解析:蝗虫的危害如此之大,所以有些国家把它们当作农民最大的敌人。故选B。答案:B11A.insect BcreatureCfly Denemy解析:根据下文提到屋里屋外都有,还传播疾病,所以这种昆虫可能是苍蝇。故选C。答案:C12A.dislikes BbitesCworries Dhates解析:根据常识可知,屋里屋外飞来飞去的苍蝇是令人很烦恼的。答案:C13A.understanding BideasCprehension Dthought解析:give thought to“关心,想到”。答案:D14A.serious BpatientCcurious Dlong解析:句意:研究昆虫需要最细致和最耐心的观察。答案:B15A.for BofCto Dwith解析:thanks to为固定搭配,意为“幸亏,多亏”。答案:C16A.that BwhichCthere Dwhat解析:本题是all (that) there is to be done句式,它是theres sth.to be done结构的变化形式。答案:C17A.societies BcrowdsCteams Dorganizations解析:根据常识可知,蜜蜂和蚂蚁等与人类一样都是群居性动物,故选society。答案:A18A.world BnationCselves Down解析:此处选 own指代society。句意:这些昆虫的群居行为在某种程度上比我们人类的社会形态都要计划得当。答案:D19A.help BprotectionCliving Ddefense解析:give sb.protection from “给以保护”。答案:B20A.injury BwoundCsickness Druin解析:此处指昆虫给我们造成的伤害。答案:A语法填空As a human being, you have the choice of three basic attitudes towards life.You may approach life with the philosophy of the vegetable, in which case 21._ life will consist in being born, eating, drinking, sleeping, mating, growing old, and dying.The 22._ (two) basic attitude is to look at life as if it 23._ a business.The great majority of human beings today think so.Their basic philosophy is one of petition and 24._ (efficient)If you believe that life is a business, your first question of life, naturally, is “What do I get out of it?” and your first reaction 25._ any new experience is, “How much is this worth to me?” In a world 26._ (base) on this attitude, happiness bees a matter of successful petition.The third attitude towards life is the approach of the artist.Here 27._ basic philosophy is “What can I put into it?”28._ the basic relation of the individual to his followmen is one of cooperation and mon sense.This point of view 29._ (prove) by history.The more we investigate, the more we learn about living and the more we bee convinced that the artistic attitude is the only one 30._ is consistent with human happiness.解题导语:不同的人对人生持有不同的态度,本文把这些态度分为3种:第一种把人生看成如同草木一样的自然生老病死;第二种把人生看成如同做生意;第三种把人生看成艺术家式的创造。21解析:本句主语为you,故此处用物主代词your。答案:your22解析:根据上下文可知,本段要说“第二种”态度。答案:second23解析:此处使用虚拟语气,对现在进行假设,故用were。答案:were24解析:根据前面的名词petition可知此处并列的也是一个名词。答案:efficiency25解析:reaction to sth.“对某物的反应”。答案:to26解析:过去分词短语作后置定语。答案:based27解析:特指第三种态度的人生观。答案:the28解析:前后是并列关系。答案:and29解析:根据上下文可知此处表示“这种观点已经被历史证明过了”,所以用现在完成时的被动语态。答案:has been proved30解析:先行词被the only修饰,只能用that引导限制性定语从句。答案:that

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